lme-blogs · 2 years
“The modern shopper is increasingly ethically, environmentally and community-minded. They will remember the retailers who helped them and their families and friends during the bad times”
- Retail chair
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lme-blogs · 2 years
Are we taking the best steps to a healthier planet and environment?
The European Commission is calling for an end to fast fashion by 2030, as it announced a vast expansion of eco-design rules that could in future apply to any product, starting with textiles.
The EU executive also wants large companies to disclose how much unsold stock they send to landfill, as part of a wide-ranging plan to crack down on throwaway culture.
The EU environment commissioner, Virginijus Sinkevičius, said the commission wanted fast fashion “to get out of fashion”, saying: “By 2030 textiles placed on the EU market should be long-lived and recyclable, made to a large extent of recycled fibres.”
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lme-blogs · 2 years
Are you unintentionally advocating fast fashion?
Despite numerous accusations of supply chain infractions, environmental damage, racially insensitive designs, and plagiarism, Shein is the most downloaded shopping app in the US and is now, the largest online-only fashion company in the world.
Sustainable Fashion Forum poses the question: If Gen-Z wants sustainability, why are fast fashion retailer’s like Shein still growing?
If younger generations are leading the charge in demanding sustainability and fair treatment of garment workers, why are retailers like Shein continuing to grow? Are the reports that Gen-Z values sustainability exaggerated, or when it comes down to it, does always having a new look for an #ootd on the 'gram outweigh accusations of design plagiarism, and protecting people and planet?
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lme-blogs · 2 years
EVRYTHNG X Ralph Lauren Born Digital 
The brand is the first of its kind in the apparel industry that uses data intelligence to enable real-time visibility for supply chain performance. The Born Digital program uses QR technologies and unique digital identities to engage consumers with product information. The technology is powered by digital software provider EVRYTHNG and enables users to track a product throughout its lifecycle.
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lme-blogs · 2 years
The ‘new’ tech world.
In a world where social media plays a significant role in people's lives, and there's a culture of people who #doitforthegram and buy clothes specifically to post on social media and discard them after, could digital fashion be a middle ground for consumerism and sustainability?
It’s human nature to be attracted to the novelty of ‘new’ but perhaps that ‘new’ can exist in a digital world. 
Take the digital-only retail platform DRESSX for example. DressX is an app that sells digital fashion that can be photoshopped onto pictures that customers can post on social media, showing them wearing an outfit that doesn't actually exist.
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lme-blogs · 2 years
Fashion Technologies promoting responsible supply chains in retail
A topic that resonates with me well. A recent study for my major project titled fashion Transparency in a New Digital Era investigated how new technologies promote responsible supply chains in retail.
  The subject is something I am passionate about, as I still enjoy reading articles on this topic.
  The 'made in' labels are no longer satisfactory to consumers. Shoppers want to know about each product's life cycle and journey. It is fascinating to watch the change in consumer demand and the new need for honest supply chain infrastructures.
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lme-blogs · 2 years
A post shared by Fashion Revolution emphasized a demand for worker welfare and equality within fashion supply chains.
Garment and textile workers across the globe earn poverty wages that are insufficient to meet their basic needs. Companies such as GoodForYou and Fashion Revolution are attempting to gain recognition for the mistreatment of garment workers in poor supply chain management.
It's time for equality for all garment workers.
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lme-blogs · 2 years
The start of a new chapter.
Welcome back to my blogs.
It’s been a minute, and admittedly, I forgot just how fun it is to share my creative thoughts.
  Soon to graduate in June, I am beyond excited to start my journey in the industry.  Here's to a new chapter filled full of creative potential. I want to use this blog as a space to share interesting articles, stories, and media, along with some of my work and creative portfolio.
  My blogs should hopefully inspire and entertain those users interested in fashion and business.
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lme-blogs · 5 years
Tree photoshoot, advertising the latest Jewellery collection.
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lme-blogs · 5 years
Editorial Photoshoot for magazine
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lme-blogs · 5 years
My Fianl Outcomes
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lme-blogs · 5 years
Evaluating This Module
Evaluating my experiences, outcomes and development across this 8 week module. A look back on my strengths, weaknesses, highs and improvements throughout this assignment.
This signature project has challenged me to develop on my creative skills and intellectual intelligence. Overall this project is something I can honestly say I am proud of as I consider my skill base has developed drastically since beginning this foundation course. By manifesting my time, efforts and dedication throughout this signature project I have produced several outcomes that I am pleased with and proud to showcase at the exibition.
This assignment has truly tested my CAD, Photoshop and INdesign skills to a high level as all of my outcomes have been created using these various computer softwares. Generally feeling most comfortable with hand drawn creations, I felt as though my outcomes challenged me at times, however I am happy with all of my final creations.
I am proud of myself for completing mulitple outcomes, in particular I enjoyed creating the magazine. Personally I thought this was my best and most impressive outcome due to its professional aesthetic. Throughout my promotional designs in this moduel I wanted to infuse an ongoing pattern and visual appeal, that being clean and concise. With a luxury target market in mind, I wanted to translate this into every aspect within my advertisement. I believe that this was clearly represented and modelled throughout my final outcomes.
Overall I can confidently say that I have gained mulitple skills, both physically through sampling and digitally using computer software. Gathering these skills not only from this moduel, but throughout my time on this foundation course.
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lme-blogs · 5 years
My Outcomes
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lme-blogs · 5 years
My final outcome
Crystal Directory
A book inspired by the famous ‘Sacred Crystals’ guide.
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Initially I wasn’t planning on producing a crystal Directory, until I came across a book by Hazel Raven called ‘Sacred Crystals’. I purchased this book as a primary resource, that supported me massively by enhancing my knowledge on healing crystals and their properties.
One aspect that I admired in particular about this book was the consistency and concise informative information. I loved how the Sacred Crystal had a structured layout that was clear to both read and understand, something I have manipulated into my own outcome.
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Happy with my outcome, my crystal Directory includes watercolour markings that change colour and opacity reflecting each stone.
I enjoy the fact that no page looks the same or identical, instead each page has its own individual design adding variation throughout my outcome, making my design more visually interactive.
Reflecting on my design and development processes, I would have added several more watercolour markings throughout this guide. By incorporating more paint I considered would enhance the books visual appeal, switching some of the negative space with a splash of colour.
Overall I was pleased with how this outcome turned out, infusing an informative crystal guide and watercolour markings in a creative muse.
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lme-blogs · 5 years
My final outcome
After experimenting with several layouts and structures for my Posters, I decided to choose a clear, professional and editorial design reminiscent of my magazine.
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Being a luxury brand I wanted all of my outcomes to be reflective to my target market and brand image, incorporating negative spacing and the rule of 3rds.
When designing these posters, I started to think about the rule of 3rds intersections and the grid like formation. With the freedom in photoshop I was able to manipulate the posters aesthetic using the move icon tool, positioning the focal points on the grid formation. I believe my using the rule of 3rds grid that my posters appear more eye catching and the main vital features are more prominent and distinctive.
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One aspect I enjoy about these outcomes are how I have matched the modelling stone with an under layer of a zoomed in stone replica. I feel like this added element showcases the stones texture and aesthetic, making the product stand out against the the crisp white background.
Furthermore I liked how I incorporated illustrations into my poster, infusing two mediums together in one outcome. By mixing digital and hand made graphics, I considered would add to the visual appeal of my posters, making my outcomes more interactive, innovative and creative. Following my aesthetics and brands image.
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lme-blogs · 5 years
My final outcomes
Illustration look book
Illustration look book
Overall this illustration booklet was one of my favourite, most creative and original outcomes from this assignment. Having a love for fashion illustration, I knew I would have a lot of fun creating each page and was enthusiastic to begin the development and design process.
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One aspect I considered to have worked well was the collection page. This double page spread is by far my favourite design, personally due to its visual appeal and use of negative spacing. When I was creating this double page spread on photoshop, I planned to include a variation of illustrations to hopefully add to its visual aesthetic and appeal. However the different face proportions neighbouring each other didn’t look as clean, concise or attractive as I had previously anticipated and therefore decided to duplicate the same illustration by mirroring it 6 times on Photoshop. Although the multiple illustrations didn’t appear as I had hoped I felt as though this was one of my strongest artist pages showcasing my skill base, growth and development throughout this assignment.
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An alternative element I thought worked well in this look book was how I kept to a general theme and flow throughout the booklet. Wanting to create multiple business fundamentals for a luxury brand and collection I knew that my outcomes should be clean, clear and have a flowing theme. With that in mind I was impressed with how each individual page partnered to make a fitting and fluid double page spread.
One component I could improve was to experiment the hue saturation levels and drop shadows surrounding the necklaces. I feel as though at times the jewellery appeared lost and blended behind my detailed illustrations. I consider that by altering these levels, the main focal point with be on the jewellery collection rather than the illustrations, making my look book more effective as a promotional outcome.
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I enjoy how each outcome I have created has its own individual aesthetic, however all pages have distinctive similarities, making my promotional aspects a family.
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lme-blogs · 5 years
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