loadingteagan · 6 years
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loadingteagan · 6 years
god, imagine sharing a bed with the person you love. chatting about dumb things! just sleeping! it’s like a sleepover but every night how sweet is that!!!!
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loadingteagan · 6 years
no ‘i love you’ will ever be enough to fully convey the feeling you give me.
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loadingteagan · 6 years
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Hey shapeshifters,
As it happens, our store has a listing that serves as a virtual fund-a-giveaway bucket. Whenever the amount in the bucket clears a new multiple of $50, we hold an extra-special giveaway on top of our regulars.
Over the past year and a half, folks here and there have put in a dollar, a fiver, a ten. Some just arrive mysteriously in the middle of the night and drop a fifty and vanish like some kind of benevolent binder fairy. It’s amazing.
Hey, folks? People who’ve put in money here and there to the point that we’re now holding our fifteenth donor-funded giveaway? You did this. Thank you, thank you always. You rock.
The two randomly-selected winners of this giveaway will each receive one $55 Shapeshifters crop top custom-print binder. (That’s a binder with any four-way stretch fabric under $16 from here!)
Thank you always for spreading the word, telling your friends, reblogging, posting about it, writing fanfic (!!), and, of course, for your amazing direct support — of us and of each other. We couldn’t do this without you.
Enter here!
The fine print:
Entries from all countries are welcome.
There are three possible ways to enter. Doing any one of the listed actions will get you one entry. You do not have to do all three!
Two winners will be randomly selected on *August 31, 2018*. We will send emails to notify both winners!
If any winner does not get back to us within three days, a new winner will be selected in their place.
Should any winner like to pay the difference, we’re happy to upgrade to any length and add any add-on.
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loadingteagan · 6 years
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I’ve been wanting to draw Ralph n Vanellope for a while now;; I’m glad i finally got to do it!
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loadingteagan · 6 years
maybe someday i’ll be able to find the words to properly express how much you mean to me.
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loadingteagan · 6 years
the distance between us will never be as wide as the love i have for you
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loadingteagan · 6 years
Letting people of any gender cis or trans be gnc isn't a radical thought, its called decency. Gross ass TERFs treating gnc people existing as why trans people are fake is total bullshit.
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I long for the day where a guy can be gnc without being assumed gay or trans or trying to make a statement. The day a guy wearing a skirt and makeup is on the same level as a girl having a pixie cut or wearing pants will be the day I can die happy. Oh, sidenote: TERFS are trash and can all die without making me feel any hint of sadness. - @loadingteagan
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loadingteagan · 6 years
Thank god the stars aligned and brought you into my life. I’m so lucky to have you.
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loadingteagan · 6 years
god, imagine sharing a bed with the person you love. chatting about dumb things! just sleeping! it’s like a sleepover but every night how sweet is that!!!!
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loadingteagan · 6 years
Little Things that help in long distance relationships
- setting boundaries - making sure your partner is feeling okay multiple times a day (bc you can’t always see if they’re happy or sad) - honesty 24/7 365 - always tell them how you feel. They can’t fix it if they don’t know you’re upset or uncomfy. - presents (for Christmas and birthdays if you can. Some people are in the closet and valentine’s day gifts are too shady.) - skyping - phone calls - texting daily - talking out your fights and not storming off - no cheating (but like my dudes that’s a given in every relationship) - movie dates where you skype and watch the same movie - picking a tv show you two watch at the same time and text about - respecting boundaries (every relationship tho guys cmon.) - making each other a Playlist - giving each other a tag - posting about each other - sending them something of yours like a shirt or a stuffed animal - telling them how you wanna cuddle them - and kiss them - planning out how you two will meet or what you would do when you two are living together - send them a post and just simply say “this reminded me of you.” - SENDING EACH OTHER LETTERS BC ITS OLD FASHIONED AF BUT ITS SUPER NICE TO HAVE SOMETHING IN THE OTHER PERSONS WRITING - maybe tell them that you talk to your friends about them. (It’s always super nice to hear your partner brags about you.) - reminding them that you love them and only them - sending them random cheesy paragraphs
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loadingteagan · 6 years
Date a boy who sends you all of his art
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loadingteagan · 6 years
Y'all I’m telling you, love someone. Love them unconditionally, love them no strings attached. Love them not because you want to date them but love them because if there wasn’t a romantic relationship involved you’d still want them around. Love them the way you dream of being loved. Love is a really great thing.
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loadingteagan · 7 years
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Finally a Tumblr ad that UNDERSTANDS ME
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loadingteagan · 7 years
👀👀👀 (it me)
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This is how gay my best friend and I are @loadingteagan
BTW which one of us looks the most gay? (He/him and they/them)
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loadingteagan · 7 years
I was already gonna get high when I got home, but now I'm gonna get even more high. Thanks ingtarwolf!
remember how malia obama never tweeted incriminating emails of herself colluding with foreign powers. i miss that.
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loadingteagan · 7 years
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@wildly-basic-daydreamer tagged me in the 7 selfie new years thing so here's mine! I tag anyone who wants to do this and follows me
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