locadreadybettyy · 4 years
red isn’t, dare i say, ~sonically cohesive~ because it perfectly encapsulates that being in your early 20s is a rollercoaster of highs and lows and an overall mess of emotions. you really do feel happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time.
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locadreadybettyy · 6 years
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(by David Marx)
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locadreadybettyy · 6 years
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locadreadybettyy · 6 years
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“Earth and spirit spheres.” Psycho-harmonial philosophy. 1910.
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locadreadybettyy · 6 years
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Colombian flora
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locadreadybettyy · 6 years
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locadreadybettyy · 6 years
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Edible and poisonous mushrooms of the forest 
by Julius Roth Mayr; with 88 groups of fungi from nature painted by artist Georg Troxler
Publication info Luzern: E. Haag, 1914. BHL Collections: New York Botanical Garden
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locadreadybettyy · 6 years
Love isn’t only love, sweetheart. It’s hard work, and trust, and tears, with even a few glimpses of devastation. But at the end of each day, if you can still look at the person at your side and can’t imagine anyone else you’d rather have there, the pain, the heartache and the ups and downs of love are worth it.
Nicole Williams (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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locadreadybettyy · 7 years
Moons n Holidays 2018
Been working on filling out my calendar this evening… Here are the important witchy dates for the coming year!
January 1st: Full Wolf Moon 17th: New Snow Moon 31st: Full Snow Moon (Blue Moon!)
February 1st: Imbolc 15th: New Worm Moon
March 1st: Full Worm Moon 17th: New Pink Moon 20th: Ostara 31st: Full Pink Moon (second Blue moon!!)
April 16th: New Flower Moon 29th: Full Flower Moon
May 1st: Beltane 15th: New Strawberry Moon 29th: Full Strawberry Moon
June 13th: New Buck Moon 21st: Litha 28th: Full Buck Moon
July 13th: New Sturgeon Moon 24th: Full Sturgeon Moon
August 1st: Lughnasadh 11th: New Corn Moon 26th: Full Corn Moon
September 9th: New Harvest Moon 23rd: Mabon 24th: Full Harvest Moon
October 9th: New Hunters Moon 24th: Full Hunters Moon
November 1st: Samhain 7th: New Beaver Moon 23rd: Full Beaver Moon
December 7th: New Cold Moon 21st: Yule 22nd: Full Cold Moon
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locadreadybettyy · 7 years
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locadreadybettyy · 7 years
I think there’s a big misconception about pagans from those new to the pagan path about what they’re supposed to do–that you need to have candles, crystals, and a huge garden full of magical plants that sing or something. Or that we have statues with gold leafing and an altar for every deity we worship (if a pagan chooses to worship/work with them), and dance in a forest at midnight under a full moon, or murmur a spell and bring a rushing of roiling dark clouds to usher in a massive rain storm. Or that every room in our house looks like that one witch with the freaking perfect ‘witchy home’ instagram account. You know what ones I mean.
But really honestly, magic is often super subtle. It’s the mini cactus on your windowsill that protects you from negative energies. It’s stirring your tea/coffee/hot beverage of choice clock wise to bring it positivity. It’s setting up wind chimes in your window to invite air elementals to come and blow away any negativity or bad dreams from your bed room. It’s feeling the energy of nature and those around you and knowing that not everyone takes the time to listen–but you do.  Because you took the time to listen. Because you learned how to. Because you were aware enough to question. And compassionate enough to WANT to learn.  Magic is often built by repetition, saying something over and over to motivate yourself is a spell. That’s your power. Your magic. YOURS.  Magic is subtle but it’s real. It’s not Harry potter. It’s not dazzling lights and jolts of glitter and neon streaks from a wand. It’s in everyday actions. Its in the vibrations of plants and rocks, and yes, even technology. It’s IN YOU.  YOU are magical. YOU are not just a shaper of magic, you are also made of it.  You don’t need rocks, candles, crystals, plants, statues, goblets, wands, swords, expensive incense, or bath salts blessed by a high priestess. You just need you, and nature, and learning. That’s it. The gods (if you believe in higher powers) will come because you have noticed them and raised your thoughts to them. You don’t need to light a candle to get their notice. You just need to be aware. And to have an open heart and an open mind. That’s it guys. If you’re new to the pagan path, PLEASE feel free to reach out to me with questions. I was where you were (and I still learn everyday–I’m by no means all knowing!) and I had people to answer my questions and give me their time. I give you mine in return. You’re not alone.  )O( Blessed Be )O(
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locadreadybettyy · 7 years
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so I made a sigil, and i went outside in the cold to burn it🔥
feel free to use and remember to ground yourself sometime today 🔮✨✨
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locadreadybettyy · 7 years
Witch tip#1
Enchant a lip balm so whenever you put it on it makes your speech more persuasive.
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locadreadybettyy · 7 years
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There’s adventure just over the next hill.
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locadreadybettyy · 7 years
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One of the most beautifully unique kyanite cluster I have ever seen.
Color: Blue to blue-black, sometimes streaked; also white, green or gray
Luster: Mother of pearl, vitreous
Hardness: 4-7 (Depending on directional stress)
System: Triclinic
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locadreadybettyy · 7 years
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This is basically how I view planets in my head. Love @rachelmpost’s Planetary series: Pietersite, Agate, Crazy Lace Agate, Petrified Wood, Shattuckite, Ocean Jasper, Jasper ////// 
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locadreadybettyy · 7 years
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