logan178 ¡ 52 minutes
I'm rewatching a TLOU game playthrough and Ellie is so polite????
She made a sarcastic comment and then said "sorry, just saying," and then later she thanked Joel and Tess for bringing her, prefacing it with "I know you guys are getting paid for this, but..."
Her vibe is way more gentle than I remember. Also, she bumped into something and said sorry like 3 times for making noise.
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Alternatively, HBO Ellie was eating her juicy chicken sandwich in front of them saying "Marlene got the chicken from smugglers, guess not you guys" while they had to eat shitty FEDRA rations.
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logan178 ¡ 2 hours
Chomp! You've been Infected! Yeah sorry it's irreversible. Yeah you'll hear the mycelium chatting to you now. Yeah if it helps fungi are super cool though.
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logan178 ¡ 2 hours
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(For more information the infected game, check out @jacksonscouts!)
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logan178 ¡ 21 hours
I love how TLOU HBO uses colors…
Before Sarah dies the colors are a lot warmer, a lot “kinder”, almost
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But when she dies, and it transitions to present day, the colors get colder. More stark.
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But Ellie’s colors are warm
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And you see that contrast…
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…then you see their color schemes come together
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logan178 ¡ 5 days
im never gonna stop thinking abt joel knowing how ellie was feeling in ep9 bcus he had spent 20 years feeling like that, so he steps clumsily into her shoes to do for her what she had done for him over their months together. reversing their positions. chatting away even tho she’s not rlly responsive, finding a game she could beat him at cus who doesn’t like beating their dad at a game especially when they’re a better shooter than you, asking questions, prompting terrible jokes. brandishing her favourite food at her, offering guitar lessons in a promise for a future where they’re still together cus oh!!! it is we now! showing her that you can feed a giraffe cus she wouldn’t know she’s never seen one. gunning down a hospital to save her life. telling her sarah would have rlly liked her and making sure she knows that whilst they’re different neither is better than the other. girldad things u know. her relentless enthusiasm and joy is what healed him she never stopped trying with him but it took 20 years for him to find that and he’s not gonna let ellie go 5 minutes feeling the same way he did, not if he can help it cus he knows now it’s not time you need it’s people she taught him that!! she was that for him!!! and now he’s gonna be that for her.
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logan178 ¡ 8 days
self promo but this fic is in ellie's pov for the ellie badge !!
(it's about her coming out if anyone wants to check it out 4 pride month !)
Badges of the Week:
Hey, Scouts! My hope was for 10 people to join, but there are 30 of you! Thanks so much for being here. The badges are right below the cut! ❤️
How do I collect a badge?
Follow the steps under the badge you want.
DM @jacksonscouts the picture/name of the badge(s) you earn.
Example of collecting a badge:
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Character Badge: Ellie Williams
Create or reblog a work that strongly features Ellie. Works can be headcanons, gifsets, art, fics, snippets, etc.
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Social Badge: Recruit a Friend
Ask a mutual or two if they'd like to join our ranks! Once they add their thumbs up to the Pledge Post, collect your badge!
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Fanfic Badge: Sick Fic
Have you ever created or promoted on a fanfic where the main plot features a sick/hurt character being taken care of? Grab a badge if you have! If you haven’t, you still can!
Attention writers! If you have a fic that applies, add your promo to a reblog so fellow Scouts can find your sick fic.
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Challenge Badge🔥: Better Fucking Match
"Point to where she is on this map. And then you. It better fucking match up." - Ellie
Send 2 Scouts the same TLOU trivia ask! It can be as simple as, "Hi, Scout! What's Joel's last name?"
Our list of Scouts are in the comments of the Pledge Post.
Earn by sending 2 asks. No need to get matching answers, but their answers better match or else you go in The Hole. 😆
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The first scout to collect all four will get a ✨️Scout Spotlight✨️ where they can introduce themselves and promote whatever works they'd like!
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If you have any questions or want to share thoughts, send it through our mailbox!
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logan178 ¡ 8 days
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logan178 ¡ 10 days
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AI art and humanity
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logan178 ¡ 10 days
Fandoms aren't for absent consumption or for drama. Fandoms are communities for connecting with others who share a love for what you love.
Fandoms are about fun. To encourage fun, I've made enrichment:
Jackson Scouts
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What is "Jackson Scouts"? A community made for TLOU fans. We'll have polls, games, writing prompts, badges, and more! If you want a drama-free space to build community, play games, and grab collectibles, this is the place for you!
To Join:
Comment a "👍" on this post to add yourself to our list of Scouts
Follow @jacksonscouts for updates
Thanks again, @pedroscouts, for helping and for your blessing.
FAQ and other links below.
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Scout Ranks
List of Badges
How does Jackson Scouts work? Every week, you can collect several badges for participating in fandom activities. Some badges are earned by reblogging art, some by playing games, others by spreading the Cordyceps infection to other Scouts' blogs. Don't worry—we'll have a cure on Week 3!
We have plenty of other badge types as well. As you collect badges, you'll move up ranks. More about ranks here.
How do I collect badges? Under every badge, there will be steps to follow. For example: "A Fucking Dino" is a scavenger hunt badge where you must find and reblog a TLOU post from 2014 or earlier.
When does this start? June 6th! Until then, sign-ups are in the comments of this post. Add a "👍" and you’ll be added to the list.
Can I invite mutuals? Please do! Reblog this post so they can join.
If you added your thumbs up, collect your "I Took the Pledge" Badge here!
Signing off, Scouts! – Troop Leader, @adhdprincess
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Thanks to @saradika-graphics for the divider!
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logan178 ¡ 10 days
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logan178 ¡ 12 days
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she is up to No Good
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logan178 ¡ 13 days
thinking of how marlene promised anna to take care of her newborn child because they were best friends and had known each other their entire lives, and then marlene dumped ellie in an orphanage, never reached out to her in her 14 years of living in the same city, chained her to a radiator for three weeks after she just lost her best friend and took her future from her whether she wanted to live it or not, tossed her to joel and tess who cared as little about her as marlene did, and then when she reunited with ellie again on the other side of the country after both of them had been through a horribly grueling journey, she didn't even really hesitate before agreeing to let her die without certainty that it would actually lead to a cure
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logan178 ¡ 13 days
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1.08 | 1.09
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logan178 ¡ 14 days
“bella ramsey isn’t hot enough to play ellie-“
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logan178 ¡ 14 days
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source 1
source 2
source 3
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logan178 ¡ 14 days
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Let’s see what I go tell the others now.
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logan178 ¡ 14 days
REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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