Apple’s Green Energy in China
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Apple is spending $300 million for green energy in China. With China having a huge smog problems for years and now the phone company plans on making things right. They plan on making green energy for 1 million homes across China.
Apple also pushed for Washington and Beijing to calm down as they when at each other for trade goods using tariffs. The U.S also makes most of its money from products made in China that are then shipped everywhere. Apple makes most of their money from China and with local smartphones on the rise I think this was bit to help with that.
China has a priority to clean up its pollution problem.Country sides in China have had trouble with pollution because of the mines and bad farming practices. Some things that China are doing to improve the soil and the water are things like recycling more. So I think Apples contribution of solar panels with help a lot in the long run. Apple also says that everything they own will be Green energy in the near future.
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School Tech on a Budget
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Breaking news, Apple is giving away Beats by Dre like candy on Halloween. Okay that is taking it too far, but you are able get headphones with the purchase of a iMac laptop and iPad Pros from the back to school sale.
So while looking at this it got me thinking on what people need to get for school tech. I know personally being in animation I need a mountain of tech and it can get pricey. I had to get a iPad, drawing tablet, condenser microphone, Apple Pencil, and more. So all I have to say is I am a fan of Apple giving a little more when you buy school related items to support students.
Since I do not want to advertise websites I kind of just want to celebrate student deals and talk about it. I will talk about the apple sale in a bit more detail. Apple care is 20% off and some models of iMacs are discounted by over 200 dollars.
To end this I am going to give you tips that I have used in the past to get my gear. I know money is going to be tight but I do recommend picking a brand you recognized, if you pick a brand you have never heard of and it is only a few bucks cheaper it is not worth it. If you do insist on picking a brand you do not know then make sure you test it out or use a trail run, if you don’t like it make sure you are able to get a refund on it. For programs use free trails, this is the reason I have 5 emails. Most popular programs will have 1 month trails and I will abuse this system. Finally I like to use secondhand tech. I recommend using kijiji or ebay. I will leave sites at the bottom of this blog. Happy shopping.
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Bizarre Phone Tech
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It is no secret that Samsung has been working on the fold-able phone for a few years now. With leaks, patients and “photos” being shared online we are aware that they are working on this. Even with the weird idea of a phone that you fold like a wallet it got me thinking. What bizarre tech have I been missing on. I decided to go research phones and I found some bizarre thing.
Lets start with a similar idea to the fold-able phone with the Kyocera Echo. The idea of this phone is a portable phone with a tablet mode. It ended not working out cause most people don’t like the ling down the center and with now a days phones have more screen space and not as bulky as this phone folded up.
Now lets get a blast from the past with this abomination of a phone called Nokia 7600. This phone had what I can only call a drunk rhombus. The way it was designed was that the screen was in the center with the buttons around it almost like a rotary phone. You can probably guess that this failed due to people finding it hard to use. It was also one of the smallest on this list. It had a 128x160 screen.
We are not done with Nokia. If I were to say a phone that looks like a stick of lipstick you would say you are crazy. Well if you were to say that to Nokia they would say “ tell me more” cause the next phone is the Nokia 7280. It is like I said designed after lipstick, it has a small screen and like the last one, a bitch to use. I do not understand why people green light stuff like this. At least it was in a Pussycat Dolls music video.
So to end this I just wanted to give you a high note. If you have an idea that you want to sell just do it, if a phone in the shape of a teardrop and lipstick then I am sure you can sell whatever you want.
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Weed tech made to save America
We all are familiar with weed. Whether you smoked it in the past or have been told since you were a young lad that it is the worst thing that can happen to you. Nowadays we are more comfortable with it and now it is in talks that it can save America from opioid based drug overdose.
Perry Davidson plans to overtake the current use of opioid drug and replace them for marijuana. While selling weed for a few years he has noticed that a lot of buyers were buying it not for the THC but instead for the pain relieve of CBD. Once he realized the healing properties of marijuana he started and became the CEO of Syqe. With his company he created a weed inhaler that gives a small dose to the patient.
Perry now has his eyes set on selling to America. In 2016, roughly 42,400 people died to drug overdose from prescription opioid drugs. Perry thinks that if he replaces the pills with a little Mary Jane he can save people from over dose. He now moved to the U.S to fight for marijuana inhalers for people with cancer and PTSD. He also has given his tech to war vets, one even saying that he was glad not to get pills and instead get medical marijuana.
Even though he is a man of business he does want other tech companies to come into the weed field. He even says that “US technology is the best in the world...” and he wants them to get into the weed field. With it being legal for regular use now in several states and soon in Canada companies are now more focused on developing tech for it.
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