loislane1982 8 years
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It's like she smelled the fuzzy scarf and came running. I had pulled it out of the box to wrap it and she was on it in under 30 seconds. All of them had left me alone to wrap until this point. 12/20/15 #Juliet #Jules #SoWiddleSoCute #OhSoSweet #JulietOHara #LittleShit
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loislane1982 8 years
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Dark Christmas thoughts. 馃樄馃樄馃樄馃樄
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loislane1982 8 years
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Sunday Funday! Star Wars take 2! Going to get my kiddo and stand in line. Woo-hoo! 12/20/15
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loislane1982 8 years
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Gus 12/20/15 #Gus #Gusterson #BurtonGuster #GusGus
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loislane1982 8 years
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Totally feeling the purple vibe today! After 3 days of killer pain, I think it about time I made myself look good! 12/19/15
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loislane1982 9 years
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It was so cute. I walked into the bedroom and she was all, "meeeeeeow!" And I looked at her and giggle and pulled the phone out and she got all flustered and started moving towards me like, "no! Seriously! Fix it!!!" 12/17/15 #Juliet #Jules #SoWiddleSoCute #OhSoSweet #JulietOHara
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loislane1982 9 years
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Cute toes! In bubble bath. I love #Jamberry and #PerfectlyPosh! That's an exclusive on my toes (one of my favorites!) and I'm using Aaaamazing bath bombs and bubble up bath salts. All sulfate free!
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loislane1982 9 years
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Finally found a star I really liked for my tree. I think I'm gonna find blue bulbs and change them out though. 12/13/15
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loislane1982 9 years
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Gave Danny an Apple ID so I can text him on the iPad instead of screaming up the stairs. He is having far too much fun with this... 12/12/15
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loislane1982 9 years
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Cats! 12/09/15 #Juliet #Jules #SoWiddleSoCute #OhSoSweet #JulietOHara
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loislane1982 9 years
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Adult grilled cheese w/2 types of cheese, tomato slices, & turkey bacon. Of course tomato soup with a little cheese in it. Wifey material right here! lol 12/09/15
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loislane1982 9 years
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Pore cleansing with minty scent. Time to soak in a bath while it dries! #PerfectlyPosh #Zone #ItsPoshToMeetYou
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loislane1982 9 years
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loislane1982 9 years
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The joys of parenthood! 12/7/15
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loislane1982 9 years
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Bring home 4 kittens, I said. It will be fun, I said. 12/07/15 #Abigail #Abby #AbbyAbbyAbby #PenguinNose #AbigailLytar
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loislane1982 9 years
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Birthday boy with his birthday Sunday. Danny joke came with the Sunday. Danny asks, "It's a birthday Sunday?" I respond, "yes." Then he pops off with, "But my birthday isn't on Sunday." GROAN! 12/03/15
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loislane1982 9 years
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Birthday boy with his birthday dinner. Steak, medium rare, shrimp, and lobster. 12/03/15
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