lokiaddict · 1 year
June of Doom
Ok so my June of Doom uploads were being stupid so instead here's the collection on AO3:) Hope you enjoy!!!
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lokiaddict · 1 year
Love After Loss
Also Interesting, but I think it's better than 'Valhalla". Also, after June of Doom is over, I am writing a sequel to this, which I'm quite excited about
The nightmares still haunted him, even after all this time. The Statesman under attack. The frightened looks. The mad titan. The fight that led to the loss of even more of his people. The pain. The sickening crunch of his brother’s neck. Then, darkness.
Thor would never forget the events of that horrible day, the day his brother had died, for real, this time. Of course, he still mourned for the loss of the rest of his people, for Heimdall, but Loki’s death hit differently. After the battle of Wakanda, after he had gone for the head, after the remaining survivors of the Statesman and the snap had arrived on earth, after Val had asked where Loki was, after what felt like a lifetime of mourning and grief, after they had completed their time heist, after the final battle on the avengers compound, after Tony’s death, after Gorr kidnapped the children, and after the battle that led to Gorr’s death in eternity, the heavy weight that accompanied grief was still there.
Thor tried to move on, he really did, but no amount of mourning would ever bring back his brother. When Love came along however, some of the weight was lifted. She reminded Thor of Loki, her stubbornness, her attitude, the way her eyes glinted when she had done something mischievous, her smirk, it all reminded him of the brother he lost all those years ago.
Thor was deep in thought, reclined on the sofa that was in the living room of the ship that he and Love called home. They were visiting New Asgard and Val for a few days, and while Thor was glad to see the remaining people of Asgard thriving, there was still a part of him that felt empty, that felt lost. That part of him had been lost ever since that blasted ship had shadowed over the Statesman before his Brother met his doom. Dammit Loki, Thor thought, it should have been me, not you. A stray tear made its way down Thor’s cheek, and then another, but he didn’t swipe them away. However, he did wonder why the sudden bout of melancholy had taken over him in such a way. It had been nine years, most people had moved on by now, why couldn’t he?
The click of a door and the sound of small feet padding along the floor roused Thor from his thoughts. 
“Uncle Thor?” A small voice said.
Thor quickly swiped the fallen tears away and sat up to turn and face his favourite little person.
“What’s the matter little one?” He inquired, with a soft smile on his face.
Love shrugged. “Nothing, I just got bored when I was reading so I wanted to make sure you weren’t bored.”
Thor chuckled. While Love was the vessel of Eternity, she was also just a child, and children tend to have very short attention spans when it comes to doing things, even after considering her high intellectual stature. 
“Well then, we mustn't have you getting bored, come over here.” Thor sat up more and leaned against the armrest. Love clambered onto him and together they sat, making up random jokes and conversations. Thor loved when they got to spend this time together, it felt like nothing else mattered. After a while, the conversation had turned into a comfortable silence. Love was playing with Thor’s hair, and Thor was happy sitting there and watching her. 
She was playing with his hair in her usual routine, running it through her fingers, then tracing them over the many scars adorning his scalp, asking about how he got each one of them in which he would regale her with tales of battle and victories, and then inspecting all of his many intricate braids. Thor was used to Love asking about his scars, he enjoyed passing on stories of the many glorious battle souvenirs, but what she did next completely caught him off guard. 
Love ran her fingers over all of his braids except one. One that she once touched and asked about and got no reply from Uncle Thor, but got told by Aunty Val that he didn’t like to talk about it. She also wasn’t allowed to ask him about when he was little, but being a kid herself, she wanted to hear all of Thor’s awesome stories, and she was feeling curious, so, she traced the strand of Black hair that was woven into his blonde ones from where it started down to where it ended. Uncle Thor went still. His eyes were staring at the adjacent wall and looked far away. His breaths were leaving in slow breaths, almost as if he were trying to calm himself. 
Once more curious, Love asked, “Uncle Thor, why do you have black hair in your braid?” 
His breath hitched, and she could see unshed tears in his eye. He blinked, and took his gaze off of the wall to meet hers. He looked at the young, innocent girl staring at him with curious eyes. Maybe this might not be so bad, he thought. She deserves to know.
But Thor couldn’t bring himself to talk about the brother he once had. 
He realised he had started staring off again, so he refocused his gaze and gave the girl another soft smile. 
“Love, for so long I have kept you in the dark in regards to most of my past. You deserve to know everything, but I cannot bring myself to speak about everything I have lost. I want to tell you about everything though, so I will call Aunt Val, I will tell her to bring some ice cream, and we will tell you everything you want to know.”
Love didn’t know why Uncle Thor needed Aunty Val, but she was happy leaving that be for now. 
Thor left Love to sit on the sofa while he went into another room to call Val, returning after a few minutes. About ten minutes later, she turned up at the door with a bag containing a few tubs of ice cream. The two greeted Val, Love noticing the small sympathetic glance she gave to Thor, and together the three made their way into the living room. Val walked over to the kitchen and put the ice cream into the freezer before she returned and pulled the armchair that usually faced a window off to the left and moved it over to where Thor had sat down again, with Love sitting next to him. 
“So,” Val began, “where should we start?”
Thor looked up from where he was studying the rug underneath him quite intensely, and cleared his throat. Love waited.
“Well, Love, uh, you wanted to know about my braid, and norns know you are quite curious about my childhood and past, save the many tales of battle I have already regaled you with, but in those battles, there is one person that I tend to leave out when talking about them, um, that person is the owner of the hair woven into my braid, and the owner of the strands of hair woven into my braid…is, was, …uhm, uh…my…” Thor started to stutter. Tears were starting to form in his eyes again. Val noticed, and placed a reassuring hand on his arm and gave him a reassuring squeeze. Thor gave Val a grateful smile, took a few calming breaths, and talked once more. 
“My brother, the God of Mischief.” He said, and seemed to deflate at the words. Love was listening intently, Uncle Thor has a brother! That was so cool, now Love had another uncle! But wait, he said was, does that mean…
Thor chuckled softly at the many expressions crossing over Love’s face. “You see Love, me and my brother, Loki was his name, were inseparable, the perfect brother duo, best friends. We fought together, played together, and lived in peace and happiness in our home, Asgard. We were the princes of that land, our parents being Odin, the King, and Frigga, the Queen. Everything was well, battles were victorious, because Loki was always there with me. He would use his magic to create illusions to draw the enemies off guard, and then we would fight ceremoniously and gloriously and lead our armies and friends to victory.”
“But, in these times, my friends, known as the warriors three, including Fandral the Dashing, Hogun the great, and Volstagg the adventurous, as well as a brave shieldmaiden named Lady Sif, plus myself, all ignored Loki’s potential and help, passing him off and teasing him to be weak, as he used magic that was thought to be a women’s craft. For years, Loki would be cast off into my shadow, I being known as the favoured prince, leading battles that resulted in victories, and Loki being known as the weakling prince, the one who would rather sit inside and study all day.”
“Loki was always smarter, why, by the age of five hundred, he had read all the books in the palace library and outsmarted every tutor in Asgard’s lands. But I never saw that, I only saw the weakness that I thought was his magic. A while later, after Loki had travelled all across Yggdrasil and studied almost everywhere possible, he was named one of the most powerful sorcerers in all the nine realms, even excelling in certain aspects of the art better than our mother. Then, a few years later, my coronation came. I was to be king of Asgard, as my father was stepping down and since I was older than Loki, the line of succession fell to me.”
“But, the coronation was interrupted, by a break-in in the palace vault, where beings called frost gia- Jotuns, were attempting to steal a relic that once belonged to them, the casket of ancient winters. ”
Thor paused, taking a steadying breath. He studied Love’s face, expecting to see boredom or the like, but all he saw was pure fascination and curiosity. This is why he loved her, she can be such a good listener, and patient as can be. Seeing that Thor might need a moment, Val clapped her hands and stood up. “Well, how about a little intermission to get some ice cream?” she said, and Love whooped. She got up and helped Val carry the three tubs of ice cream over to where Thor still sat and gave one to him. She and Val sat down with their ice cream too and Thor looked at Love’s tub of hulka-hulka burning fudge and chuckled. The girl was obsessed with the flavour, especially after meeting Bruce and proclaiming that he was her best friend now. She was so random, that was another thing Thor loved about her.
He took a few mouthfuls of his Stark raving Hazelnuts and prepared himself for more recounts. 
“So, as I was saying, Jotuns are giant frost people that live on a realm called Jotunheim, I believe you read about them in one of the books Lady Eir gifted you when we last came to visit, Love?” He received a nod from the girl, “yes, well, as I said, they tried to steal a casket that once belonged to them that helped them and their land thrive, but my father took it at the end of the war between the Jotuns and the Aesir, and the Jotuns didn’t like that. So, after all those years, they tried to take it back. A lot of people were confused, as they didn’t know how they got past Heimdall, the gatekeeper. Do you remember the time Haldor gave a tale of him?” 
He garnered another nod from the girl.
“Yes, well, because Heimdall had all seeing eyes, everyone did not know how they managed to sneak past our defences, but in the end, they were eliminated, and my coronation ruined. I got into an argument with my father, and from that, resulted in a quest consisting of me, Loki, Sif, and the Warriors Three to confront Laufey, King of the Jotuns, in Jotunheim. We were breaking the law you see, as Jotunheim is forbidden to travel to, but I needed answers as to how their people got into Asgard. So off we went, transported through the bifrost to Jotunheim, where I interrogated Laufey.”
“But, Loki saw the dangers, so once it looked like I was about to make things worse than they already were, he attempted to stop me, and I, of course, ignored him. Then, a battle broke out, and everything went to chaos. My father came and ended things, and we were then taken back to Asgard where I was banished onto here, on Midgard, where I met Miss Foster. I stayed with them and at that time, in Asgard, Loki had been crowned king as my father had fallen into the Odinsleep.”
“A series of events happened, in which I returned to Asgard with the Warriors Three and Sif to find that Loki had killed King Laufey and was about to go and destroy Jotunheim. I thought him mad. We fought on the bifrost, and I ended up destroying the end of the bridge, as it was what was destroying Jotunheim using the powerful beam. Then, Loki, uh, well, he��.”
Thor trailed off again. Even though he knew Loki didn’t die, he still didn’t like to recall those events. Fortunately, he had already told Val this story, so she took over after noticing the distress. 
“After Thor had destroyed the bifrost, he and Loki were left hanging off of the edge. Their father holding Thor by the ankles, Thor holding the spear that Loki was holding on to. Loki was trying to tell Odin that he did it for him, but Odin wouldn’t hear of it because he was a shit father and, uh, so he, um, he let go, and let himself fall into the void of space.”
Thor took a sharp intake of breath, and gave Val a thankful look. He wouldn’t have been able to finish that part. He picked up where she left off.
“So, after that, my Mother and I mourned so much for the loss of Loki. My father was unreadable at that time, but as Val said, he was a shit dad so I paid no mind. The kingdom mostly celebrated, as the loss of the weak excuse for a prince, or that was how they so rudely put it, was gone. But my mother and I never stopped grieving. Later on, my Mother revealed to me that Loki was adopted, and he was a Jotun, Laufey’s son, in fact. I then found out that Odin and Frigga had been lying to him his entire life about it, and I was quite upset about that new information, as we had been taught that Jotuns were vile and terrifying monsters, but of course Loki was the complete opposite.”
“Then, about a year later, I was sent here, as I had been told by Heimdall and Odin that Loki was alive and causing trouble. I was the protector of Midgard at that time so I went to investigate and found a shell of a brother. He was not the brother I had once known, no, he was a twisted, cruel version of Loki. He was looking for the Tesseract, to give to his master who had sent him, the mad titan who’s name we know not to say in this house.”
Love nodded at that statement. Everyone who knew Thor knew that they shouldn’t mention the name Thanos in front of him.
“He brang an army of Chitauri and Leviathans to New York, and we had a battle unlike any other. I fought alongside my original shield brothers and sister, whom you know as the Avengers from old photographs the Lady Pepper brought me. After Loki and his army were defeated, I took him back to Asgard where he was sentenced to life in the dungeons by our Father. Our Mother visited him, but I was so angry with him for what he had done that I only talked to him when I needed his help to escape Asgard without using the Bifrost.”
Love gave him a confused look.
“You see, Miss Foster had been infected with the Reality stone, or as we called it then, the Aether. She was growing very ill so I took her to Asgard where the Dark Elves sensed it and attacked. Our Mother was lost in that battle, and the whole kingdom mourned. But Loki, he had always had a special connection with her, so when he found out she died, he was heartbroken. He didn’t even get to go to her funeral.”
Thor once again stopped and took a few steadying deaths. Love didn’t like this Odin fella she decided, he was mean.
“After my Mothers death, Odin was so stricken with grief that we got into an argument and were forbidden from leaving Asgard, even though he was blind to see that the elves would once again attack soon. So, Loki helped Jane and I get off of Asgard, and we met the Dark Elves on their home planet, Svartalfheim. Then, our plan was in action. Malekith, the leader of the Dark Elves, removed the Aether from Jane, but before he could consume it himself, I destroyed it with my lightning.”
“But, I was wrong. An infinity stone cannot be destroyed by a force so weak as lightning, so Malekith consumed it and left us with a beast that was quite formidable and strong, and the same beast that had killed our mother. In the end, Loki stabbed it through its stomach with a large weapon left behind by one of the elves, but it stabbed him right through the heart in return. Loki had activated the contraption used by the elves to eliminate people by sucking them into a black hole type action,the beast was gone, and Loki had avenged Mother. Loki then died in my arms, his skin turning grey from the poison and his blood leaking onto my hands. 
“I killed Malekith, and I mourned once more for my brother. I returned to Asgard where I was thanked by my father. This was then when I first braided Loki’s hair into my own. I fought another battle with the Avengers, this time fighting a robot that wanted to take over the world. We won, and for the next four years I travelled through the cosmos looking for the Infinity stones, as I had quite a few visions and dreams about them. I didn’t find any, but then I was led back to Asgard where I found out that my brother was alive and posing as Odin and had been for the last four years. We came here, and stood on that cliff out there,” He paused and pointed to the cliff that was viewable from the large window in the living room. 
“And our father revealed to us that we had an older sister, Hela, the goddess of death. A few minutes later, after Odin had passed, Hela emerged from a portal and demanded that me and Loki kneel. I threw Mjolnir at her, but she shattered it.”
“Frightened, Loki summoned the Bifrost, but Hela followed us and threw us out of it. I landed on a planet called Sakaar, where I met Val,” he threw her a quick smile and she returned the favour, “and she took me to meet the Grandmaster. Then, I found Loki, who had become, uh, friends, in a manner of speaking,” He shot Val a look that Love couldn’t quite read, “and then I was made to fight in his game. That is where I met Bruce again, after he went missing during the battle with the robot, and so then I formed a team with Val, Bruce, and Loki, and we called ourselves the Revengers. Bruce, Val, and I escaped Sakaar and made it to Asgard, where Hela had taken over and was trying to find the Bifrost sword to be able to conquer other worlds.”
“We fought, The remaining Asgardians that Hela had not killed yet were ushered onto another ship that was brought at a later time by Loki. In the end, we had to unleash a huge fire demon named Surtur who destroyed Asgard and Hela. Then, the remaining people, plus us Revengers, floated in space for about a day before the Mad Titan attacked our ship. Aunty Val took as many people as she could on the escape pod and left, leaving the rest of the warriors, Hulk, Loki, Heimdall, and myself along with some other fighters and Sedir wielders. Everyone was defeated and killed, except for Heimdall, Hulk, Loki, and me. Heimdall sent Hulk here using the Bifrost sword and was… killed for it. And then, it was just the Titan, his minions, Loki, and Me. He only attacked because he could sense the tesseract, which housed the space stone. I told them we didn’t have it, but Loki had taken it from the vaults during Ragnarok. Loki gave up the tesseract to save me, and….” 
Thor couldn’t go on any longer, he couldn’t put the next part into words. He broke down in tears, sobbing and shaking. He felt two small hands wrap around his form, and realised Love was pulling him in for a hug. Val followed suit, hugging him too. How could they expect him to talk about the time his Brother died for real this time? It was too hard. Making sure his voice wouldn’t crack or waver, he looked up at Val with teary eyes. 
“Val,” He started.
She seemed to already know what he meant, for she straightened up and prepared herself.
“Love, after Loki gave up the Tesseract, he attempted to stab the titan, but we all knew he was too smart to do something like that, and then we realised he was doing it to sacrifice himself as he knew Tha- The Titan, wouldn’t let them both live. So, after he attempted to ‘stab him’, he was stopped with the space stone and then held up by his neck. Uncle Thor couldn’t stop him because he was being held down by some metal from one of his minions. Then, the purple bastard snapped Loki’s neck, which killed him, and then he disappeared alongside his minions in a cloud of blue and then blew up the ship that Thor and Loki were on.”
Thor had started sobbing again. He had pictured every single part of it, and he was now burdened once more with the reminders of that horrible day. Love’s arms had never once let go of him, still keeping him in a tight embrace. While she was only a child, she was also eternity, and she was able to handle things a lot better than other children. Thor grasped onto her arms and returned the embrace, and Val joined in. Together they sat, each in the warm embrace of the other two. 
“I want him back, I want him back, I want him back.” He kept repeating those three words, as if it were some type of mantra.
Thor knew he would always miss Loki. He would always feel the overwhelming loss of him, and for that, he felt terrible. He wanted his brother back, he wanted the happiness that he once felt. Val tightened her embrace, and so did Love. 
“This is heartwarming and all but honestly, it's a bit dramatic don’t you think brother?”
The three released their embraces and looked to the figure with ebony hair that was standing in the doorway. Thor’s heart stopped. Val looked a mix between relief and shock. Love had a proud smile on her face. After all, eternity did come with some benefits.
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