lokioftheloch · 11 days
Going to go offline over here and disc for some time. Want to figure things out in peace, got enough info for a starting point - too much to be useful and now its time to apply, you know the drill.
I'll be back better, probably. I don't know what will happen but I'm excited to start. But yeah, I will be completely offline until I'm back.
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lokioftheloch · 11 days
It's also not really a victory at all as it seems to be more of a 'look I know this is weird but I was born this way' leading to be viewed with pity rather than respect.
“don’t be mean to us cuz we’re this way involuntarily” so people who are any way voluntarily are still okay to bully? furries are okay to bully? people in fandoms are okay to bully? someone choosing to express joy is okay to bully? stop it. people shouldn’t be shitty to others for reason of “their identity or personal joy is bad and weird to me”, because that’s fucked up and bad for everyone involved and only serves to cause pain.
involuntary and born with kind of rhetoric is not the argumentative victory that you think it is
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lokioftheloch · 12 days
Hear me out here *coughs*
What if
Just hypothetically speaking
Otherkin aren't delusional
Perhaps....MY OPINION...you're...small minded? JUST A THEORY
i don’t get when kinphobes are like “you’re delusional!!” because like……even if i was, how would that affect you at all. it’s not a big deal lol. just let me identify as an angel
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lokioftheloch · 12 days
listen to me nonhumans of all ages and experiences. you must not let your species dysphoria lead you to misanthropy. you cannot, must not let your personal pain lead you to hate. you must keep a tender love in your heart at all times. letting your species dysphoria warp into misanthropy will lead you to defining your life based on hating how you perceive yourself, rather than loving who you know yourself to be. you must learn to love humans, to love humanity as well. be happy for them having found joy in what brings us discomfort. treasure the varied experiences of this world, and in time, others will begin reciprocating the same feelings for us.
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lokioftheloch · 12 days
me!! :3 (if you even care)
Tumblr media
i am nervous to post this because i’ve never posted anything like this before, so any support is greatly appreciated! :D <3
(SFW interaction ONLY!! thank you!)
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lokioftheloch · 12 days
People (be it human or not) are drifting further and further from...reality Ahaha. Even with humans we have commercials blasting at us, unrealistic ads, photoshop, all sorts of drugs and 'diet plans' that promise to make you more of a concept than a person, which I find quite saddening. So much so that being just...a vessel, is seen as gross now. The only beings who don't do what we view as 'gross' are people who are ideas and concepts. Real people (inhuman or not) are real people. Real people do real people things.
You will never always be cool. Or aesthetic, or pleasing.
No matter what you are, be it a majestic dragon, a powerful wolf, the void itself, a bunny, or even a song, a concept or object. Anything.
We almost all are organisms or living, one way or another, and organisms do strange and gross things. A wolf still needs the bathroom, a "cutesy" bunny may still need sexual things or things that aren't "innocent", sometimes even a God or holy figure may want to mess around and play with their hands like puppets. An eldrich being may make a childish sound to stim.
Everyone is gross or weird or uncool sometimes. It's just our nature as individuals. Let yourself need and want these things, and accept the weirdness being individual brings.
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lokioftheloch · 14 days
Are there ones for other kintypes too? That sounds sick.
yk how some communities have like. subtle emoji combos for bios n all. do. hey do we (angelkin / divinekin) have that . we should have that. do we have that
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lokioftheloch · 14 days
Being both a god and an animal definitely gets a bit weird. If you're a deity you might find your therian identity a bit weird.
Part of being Loki means that my self kind of...manifests into that of a fox or a snake or a falcon. But I don't consider myself to be a therian of those animal/s anymore as its an extension of being deitykin.
Now being a kelpie is something I am right now. As in, the form I take to navigate this life. It may be a coping kin of some sort but I don't mind if it is.
So, although I feel my soul as Loki is quite fresh, not the stagnant old form plucked straight from centuries ago, as in its up to date with the times if you will, the snake and fox and falcon seem to be...ancient expressions. Kind of a side effect.
But being a kelpie is a Now expression. So...yeah. Murderous water horse. Hello.
As a kelpie I have an insatiable urge for raw flesh...but I'm also a vegetarian. Fun!
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lokioftheloch · 15 days
Being an incarnation of Loki and an everything repulsed aroace is a wild experience. Thing is, my soul feels fond and feels memories of attraction, but in this form, bodily and mentally my mind dosen't seem to catch up.
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lokioftheloch · 16 days
Dang man. Issok, we may have trauma but hey we also have bread. So...cancels out? *watery sniff*
Ye it's definitely a deep frustration that's to do with being Loki (that I used to misinterpret as being Fen. Haha I went through all the kids before accepting I'm Loki. Wild trip.)
Ah yes the plentiful virtual feast, let us partake 🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🍇🍇🍇🥑🥐🥐🧀🧀🥨🫘🥩🥩🫔🫔🧆🧆
Why have therapy when you can FEAST on the souls of the damned I mean bread
A fenrir kin! Nice to meet you. How did you discover that?
Asking because you are primarily a dragon (?) and it's quite hard for me to understand individuals who have more than 1 kintype unless they're related somewhat. To be honest it used to be I didn't understand at all but now I discovered I was a kelpie so...
It's directly related to being an incarnation of Loki for me. If it's not related I definitely have a hard time understanding so if you want to share I'd love to hear.
It’s a pleasure to meet you as well! Glad to talk to someone who’s an incarnation of Loki.
Being Fenrirkin is specifically a Copingkin I never really asked to have. Yes, I do love Norse mythology, but being a copingkin of Fenrir can be… well- a bit self destructive for me.
I had been reading a lot into the binding of Fenrir and other information on him. Parts of the story correlate uncannily. When I experience Fenrir shifts, the room felt too small and the intense desire to bite at my right hand was always prominent. I get a constant feeling of being suspicious of authority, sometimes this includes questioning and thinking I know better. But the hardest thing is the intense feeling of betrayal that comes during Fenrir shifts, especially of the ones who were treating you right.
The betrayal part comes from traumas I dealt with. The multitude of gods equating to my family always saying that each other are liars, and others who constantly betrayed my trust. Tyr can be substituted for three different people. My mother, my father or my ex. I tend to associate Tyr more with my ex due to closer similarities.
I wasn’t the best after the breakup and I did lash out viciously. The sword that is stated to hold Fenrir’s jaws open correlate to my need to scream or a need to explain to my ex how his betrayal hurt me, for how sorry I am for hurting him. The bindings are a creation of anger/rage and extreme guilt.
I have always felt a very close tie and extremely empathize with Fenrir’s story. It’s almost like a deeply rooted spiritual connection that isn’t easy to describe. My mental/perception shifts do not feel like that of a normal human. No, they’re intensified by a different sort of emotion that felt very nonhuman in nature.
As for explaining being a polykin with pretty different kintypes, it’s a bit confusing, but not impossible. My dragonself is much less destructive and almost guide like in how I behave. The pride I get when talking about strength are different levels. For my dragonself strength is something I take pride in, but I don’t feel like it’ll crumble at any moment. For my Fenrir self, if I have it questioned, I want to prove myself. This does end up that if someone I consider close to tells me that I am weak, I will break and will either shut down or lash out. Thankfully the lashing out is only internally, but it is destructive by nature.
There are specific behaviors that happen that do not correlate between my dragonself and Fenrir self. As my Fenrir self is much less shifty and is an involuntary identity that allows me to cope with betrayals.
Being a dragon comes with its own difficulties, but I tend to mentally know the difference between my Fenrir tendencies and my dragon tendencies. It all depends on how high, and how self destructive, my emotions get.
I do apologize if it’s a little incoherent. I tried my best to explain the best I could how I separated shifts and behaviors of my two animalistic kintypes. As well as explaining how I came to the conclusion.
I don’t consider myself as Fenrir Otherkin. Involuntarily identifying as and with Fenrir is purely a way of coping that I never asked for as stated above.
Hopefully this explains it enough for a general understanding
>Saiph 🐉
Edit: if you’d like further explanation or clarification, feel free to DM me or send another ask. I’m a very open person and I get good vibes from you
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lokioftheloch · 16 days
Ahhhh, I see.
So, you're dragonkin but fenrir is just a coping kin of yours? Being dragon is more of who you are authentically rather than the result of trauma?
The binding of Fenrir, yeah. I definitely have a deep connection, like a spiritual one, to it too. It's definitely a story I think especially queer people can relate to - the gods, authority figures, thinking you a puppy when you arrived, treating you like one, hoping that you'll integrate. But you kept getting bigger and bigger and the older you got the gods realized you were a WOLF, who was getting too intelligent and knowing too much for your own good. Your power terrified them, and your sheer strangeness and monstrous appearence made them, out of fear, bind you forever.
The authority figures you trusted betrayed you as soon as it suited them. Your best friend turned his back, biting off his hand was nothing compared to the utter heartbreak and fury you felt as the gods laughed and celebrated. Made to be bound for centuries, your only companion the thoughts of what you'd do to the gods when you were free some day.
The thing was, you weren't stupid. The only thing that made you accept to be bound was trust in the gods, but most of all in Tyr, even when you didn't trust them surely Tyr wouldn't be wrong? Its honestly heartbreaking.
The story makes me feel, among the visceral hatred and betrayal Fenrir must have felt, a profound sense of sadness. Its part of being Loki, I think, amongst relating to Fenrir's story. And I can definitely see why you are a Fenrir copingkin by your past.
Have some virtual food, 🍉🍑🍇🧇🍞
Best wishes to you. Hope things go well.
A fenrir kin! Nice to meet you. How did you discover that?
Asking because you are primarily a dragon (?) and it's quite hard for me to understand individuals who have more than 1 kintype unless they're related somewhat. To be honest it used to be I didn't understand at all but now I discovered I was a kelpie so...
It's directly related to being an incarnation of Loki for me. If it's not related I definitely have a hard time understanding so if you want to share I'd love to hear.
It’s a pleasure to meet you as well! Glad to talk to someone who’s an incarnation of Loki.
Being Fenrirkin is specifically a Copingkin I never really asked to have. Yes, I do love Norse mythology, but being a copingkin of Fenrir can be… well- a bit self destructive for me.
I had been reading a lot into the binding of Fenrir and other information on him. Parts of the story correlate uncannily. When I experience Fenrir shifts, the room felt too small and the intense desire to bite at my right hand was always prominent. I get a constant feeling of being suspicious of authority, sometimes this includes questioning and thinking I know better. But the hardest thing is the intense feeling of betrayal that comes during Fenrir shifts, especially of the ones who were treating you right.
The betrayal part comes from traumas I dealt with. The multitude of gods equating to my family always saying that each other are liars, and others who constantly betrayed my trust. Tyr can be substituted for three different people. My mother, my father or my ex. I tend to associate Tyr more with my ex due to closer similarities.
I wasn’t the best after the breakup and I did lash out viciously. The sword that is stated to hold Fenrir’s jaws open correlate to my need to scream or a need to explain to my ex how his betrayal hurt me, for how sorry I am for hurting him. The bindings are a creation of anger/rage and extreme guilt.
I have always felt a very close tie and extremely empathize with Fenrir’s story. It’s almost like a deeply rooted spiritual connection that isn’t easy to describe. My mental/perception shifts do not feel like that of a normal human. No, they’re intensified by a different sort of emotion that felt very nonhuman in nature.
As for explaining being a polykin with pretty different kintypes, it’s a bit confusing, but not impossible. My dragonself is much less destructive and almost guide like in how I behave. The pride I get when talking about strength are different levels. For my dragonself strength is something I take pride in, but I don’t feel like it’ll crumble at any moment. For my Fenrir self, if I have it questioned, I want to prove myself. This does end up that if someone I consider close to tells me that I am weak, I will break and will either shut down or lash out. Thankfully the lashing out is only internally, but it is destructive by nature.
There are specific behaviors that happen that do not correlate between my dragonself and Fenrir self. As my Fenrir self is much less shifty and is an involuntary identity that allows me to cope with betrayals.
Being a dragon comes with its own difficulties, but I tend to mentally know the difference between my Fenrir tendencies and my dragon tendencies. It all depends on how high, and how self destructive, my emotions get.
I do apologize if it’s a little incoherent. I tried my best to explain the best I could how I separated shifts and behaviors of my two animalistic kintypes. As well as explaining how I came to the conclusion.
I don’t consider myself as Fenrir Otherkin. Involuntarily identifying as and with Fenrir is purely a way of coping that I never asked for as stated above.
Hopefully this explains it enough for a general understanding
>Saiph 🐉
Edit: if you’d like further explanation or clarification, feel free to DM me or send another ask. I’m a very open person and I get good vibes from you
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lokioftheloch · 16 days
||I'm an incarnation of the Norse God Loki, as well as a kelpie otherkin.
||Call me Loki. Male,he/him. It/its OK too.
||Adult - I don't mind minors interacting but I prefer not to have sustained interactions like DMs.
||To learn about what it means to be godkin - anything under the sun about it, as well as being otherkin.
||To find other otherkins, especially interested in seeing what other godkins are up to, and talk to them! Love talking to other deitykins, do drop a dm or ask if you'd like to chat, or even a VC call.
||To document my own journey.
||Learning about otherkin and paganism (currently a big focus). Planning to learn about astral projection but that's for later.
||Drawing and reading - love books about animals or bugs or just a guide to any topic, utterly fascinating, they make me salivate thinking about it.
||Maths - honestly, the stories of the people whose names are known in the history of Maths I swear are sometimes much more interesting than whatever they found. Pythagoras' bean special interest is something else man.
||I am very new to this, please do not take my posts as reliable information, they are my recordings of my thoughts and journey.
||I'm a queer autist.
||If you've read my last intro - no you haven't. :) The first intro post was made in a time of severe mental distress and everything is very scattered but now that I'm better I want a more coherent intro! Keeping the old one for reference's sake.
Guys do you know what an incarnation is, stop assuming incarnations of gods claim to be the entire god spiritually power wise etc it's kind of in the NAME incarnation. We aren't claiming to be your god or trying to invalidate you.
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lokioftheloch · 16 days
hello , that above me -
do you have any suggestions for how to . feel like ourselves ? subtle things , or anything at all , really . i’m sort of grasping here
-a seraph
the trouble here is that all angels are different. angels preside over many different domains. i could tell one angel to watch the sun break over the horizon in the morning before starting her day and i could tell another to paint his lips with glitter lip gloss so it looks like gold and milk and honey are pouring from his mouth.
generally speaking, though - celestial makeup in metallics and soft pastels when you're missing heaven. keep yourself surrounded by beautiful things. grab life by the burning white-gold halo with one hand and save worms from drying up on the sidewalk with the other. scribble out all your prayers and light the paper on fire. listen to music that takes you elsewhere (i suggest "the grey ship" by EMA or "23" by Blonde Redhead or "How to Bring a Blush to the Snow" by Cocteau Twins).
take a deep breath and know it's all temporary. i wish i could help. too many broken angels out there and we gods have precious blood on our hands.
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lokioftheloch · 18 days
BTW to add : not saying you should ignore your source. I think your source can be a great help when figuring yourself out.
But the emphasis on YOURSELF. As the entity you may be (dare i say probably will be) similar to your source on some levels or some things, but make sure you're being you, not trying to be a version of you people think you should be, whatever the justification .
'You can't be a lion that dosent eat meat, lions eat meat'
Maybe you'll find out later in life you enjoy meat. Maybe you'll never eat meat. Whatever you decide to do the only thing you're ever is a lion who knows their preferences, not more or less of a lion.
By all means try stuff out from your source. But make sure you are finding what YOU are like. Not internalizing some arbitrary portrayal or opinions.
The purest and truest form of 'being/acting like X' is your authentic self. If you're an angel who hates wearing white and feels at home wearing black, the purest form of 'acting like an angel' for you is wearing black.
Being authentic and true to yourself is the only way you are 'supposed to be/act like' (insert entity). If anyone else disagrees it only tells you about them.
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lokioftheloch · 18 days
Yknow there's so many 'otherkin who are also neurodivergent' that im starting to think for us folks we may be diagnosed with being ND BECAUSE we are nonhuman, rather than 'being ND and also happening to identify as non human.'
when do psychological "differences" stop being classified as neurodivergent and start being signs of being another species? i know that this distinction is made by the individual, but it's fascinating from a scientific perspective. where's the line? when do you simply stop being human?
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lokioftheloch · 18 days
Being authentic and true to yourself is the only way you are 'supposed to be/act like' (insert entity). If anyone else disagrees it only tells you about them.
#going to start a small 'series' where I document stuff I learn that is otherkin specific. This is for myself as well as anyone who might#be struggling with things I used to/am working on(otherkin specific). hopefully this will reduce any mental pitfalls other otherkin may#fall into as they explore their identity and help out someone.#this 'rule' took a LONG time to fully understand and grasp. for the longest time I would consciously or subconsciously#think I was less Loki if I did or was something 'Loki would never do. until i realized I do exactly and experience exactly what Loki does#and experiences because...Im literally Loki. (talking about incarnations here). I felt pressured to be a certain way because 'Loki would#never (insert). being aroace is on of them. i tried to convince myself I wasn't aroace#and when I finally ran out of reasons i felt i was 'less Loki' because mythologically hes like the opposite. but Loki IS aroace. because#Im Loki. and Im aroace. so loki is SUPPOSED to be aroace because Im loki and im being exactly how loki is being. because im loki. being#myself. therefore being exactly like Loki. again - incarnation.#anyway....if anyone else struggles with this I hope this helps someone. its a really sucky place to be in honestly.#godkin#deitykin#alterhuman#otherkin#divinekin#nonhuman#alterbeing#therian#I think I will be learning a LOT more as I keep exploring and I will note down any 'rules' I learn - more like lessons but rules personally#sound more right for me. rules i will live by (yknow unless i find out im wrong but...im going to trust myself more and right now i feel#like this rule is true. so im using it as such unless i find out im wrong in future.
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lokioftheloch · 19 days
Would love to!
looking for angel & god & demon moots!!! reply or reblog if you want to be mutuals :))
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