lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
God damn it
Just so we're all on the same page
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Mobius is in Loki's spot.
He's in the place he stood when Mobius dragged him away and talked to him in this hall. He's in the spot Loki stood in ep5 where he fixed his hair and jacket before going to talk to 'Don'. He's taken off his jacket the same way Loki always does. He's trying to fill the void where he cannot and is instead missing not only Loki, but himself.
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
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Has this been done yet?
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
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No but look at them. Sylvie is worried and runs off but Mobius is frozen and horrified. Mobius is the Loki expert. He knows the last time Loki said those words was when he let go and fell from the Bifrost. Mobius knows then that Loki isn’t coming back and just look at him and look at his eyes. Loki knew those words had meaning to only two of them, and those are the ones he chose as his farewell.
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
So going over the last episode.
We have Mobius being the one to ask Loki if he’s okay. Everyone else noticed something is weird but he’s the one that asks. And then when Loki starts being extremely weird it’s Mobius that grabs him by the shirt and is like “what the fuck?” (Except is Disney so he can’t say it).
Then Mobius is with Sylvie in that one “For you” shot that has plausible deniability.
Then afterward it’s Mobius that looks absolutely miserable. Look at Mr. stress eater is just holding a cup of coffee listlessly. B-15 checks on him but she’s so gentle like she knows his heart is broken. It’s Mobius who is depressed on the timeline while Sylvie looks fine. (In fairness to her she is not as prone to show emotions but she’s definitely seemed more upset throughout the show.)
In the end it’s a Mobius who waits and a Loki who remains. Hopefully Deadpool 3 helps- since Mobius is supposed to show up.
I also just imagine Tom calling Feige and being like- how gay can are we allowed to make this? “Okay fine we can’t say it explicitly but can we have them obviously pining for one another?”
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
I don’t know what to say other than that was pining at the end.
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
My new eleventh hour conspiracy theory is that as the God of Stories future Loki made the realities for his friends.
I mean you have Casey use the “I’ll gut you like a fish line” that Loki said to him. Why is he a criminal? I don’t really know other than maybe it wasn’t a conscious decision and Loki remembered his whole drawer of infinity stones. Also Loki would find it hilarious.
B-15 I’m not sure in other than she’s been level-headed and damn good at dealing with shenanigans.
Now think about OB’s workshop thing that looks exactly like his room at the TVA. Why? Why would the TVA look like OB’s workshop in the timeline.
And then there’s Mobius. Mobius who has his jet skis and two sons that are very much like another pair of brothers. And who is also conveniently single. I mean fair enough that Mobius could have a type but even so why would he have kids that are just like Loki and Thor? (No I don’t buy that he’s an Odin variant- he’s just way too passive and calm for that).
Wouldn’t the TVA have pruned the timelines of all its workers just like the other variants of the goal was to prevent a nexus event?
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
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But what did he mean?????
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
I’m spiraling because right now the thing I want to see is Loki feeding Mobius grapes. No but seriously- Mobius is a food guy and has given Loki candy, pie, and Cracker Jacks (and tried to have drinks with him several times) so it’s Lokis turn.
Just imagine that they end up on Asgard in a different timeline and Loki sees some fruits and nuts and then immediately decides Mobius has to try them. And he keeps trying to pick out the best pieces and then gives them to Mobius. And Mobius is torn between dying of laughter because an actual god and prince is feeding him likes he’s a Roman emperor and is taking it incredibly seriously (Loki is getting very aggravated if the fruit he finds is not 100% perfect and starts going on about the color being off despite Mobius protesting that it’s fine) and also being extremely touched that Loki cares so much and is trying to show it with his own love language.
So yes grapes. Or other fruits and nuts. (These two are destroying me)
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
My new crackpot theory is that Mobius looked at his timeline.
He looked sometime around the start of season 2. Since the beginning of this season Mobius has been a bit less motivated, he’s kinda goofing off, and he’s always trying to get food or drinks. Not quite the sharp minded analyst he was (I mean really- Brad running should not have been a surprise). Which could easily be explained off as coping from the trauma of learning everything was a lie and they’ve been pruning innocent people for nothing.
We have a Don. Don who is a bit like Mobius but who doesn’t seem as in control. Who offers Loki drinks before knowing him. Who’s not as sharp because he hasn’t needed to be. He’s a single dad who sells jetskis not an analyst who’s been doing his job for a millenia or so. He doesn’t seem very happy either with his jet ski shop or his home life. He seems more stressed than anything.
It’s almost as though Don’s life is bleeding through to Mobius. Mobius said he didn’t care if it was bad but he didn’t want “something good rattling around in there” but what if it already was? What if it was a “good life” but not one he likes, not a life he wants. What if that’s the reason he got so upset with Brad, the reason he shut down with Sylvie. Because he already looked and he still wants to stay at the TVA. They say his life is not real but it feels real to him. Not just until the crisis has passed, but indefinitely. He likes what he does and doesn’t feel like Don but his memories are still there and he feels guilt over “abandoning” the kids by not returning. Kids he has only around 11 years of memories of compared to a thousand or so at the TVA.
On top of that everyone seems to think that the best thing to do is to go back to their timelines- they all want to back to where they came from. So Mobius feels worse and just claims he hasn’t looked at his. It’s why he got so aggravated with Loki too, because he wants to stay with Loki and he doesn’t want to go back, but Loki is trying to help and doesn’t realize that Mobius has already decided. And of course when Loki sees Don and his life he decides that Möbius is not coming back. The classic “If you idiots would just talk to one another” trope.
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
So my predictions before the finale tomorrow:
Loki doesn’t officially end up with either Sylvie or Mobius. I desperately want Lokius to happen but I don’t think it will- at least not explicitly. What I do think is that there is going to be a few scenes with both Mobius and Sylvie that people could interpret either way.
I think the TVA is fixed and OB and Casey for sure stay with it. B-15 is harder for me to tell and I feel could go either way but Loki is definitely going to take over running it with those who stay.
The question is Sylvie and Mobius- I don’t see Sylvie sticking around long term but the thing with the three time keepers could mean she does. There’s also the dark/light/balance thing between Sylvie, Mobius, and Loki respectively. If anything I think Sylvie will pop in on occasion to see how it’s going. And I kinda feel like the same thing is going to happen with Mobius- that he will go back to his old life but stil use a Tempad to pop in and check on things (Loki) from time to time.
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
Okay but the way Loki fixed his hair before talking to Mobius is killing me. That’s my big take away from the episode. That and how Mobius made sure Loki knew he was single.
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
My take on the Don situation:
Complete and utter hysteria and melodrama over the smallest scrap of information that’s been thrown around with no actual support other than (potentially) 3 letters.
I’m willing to eat crow if I’m wrong but consider:
Loki and Sylvie are very similar in personality despite growing up in different situations. And it’s only recently that Loki has started to change as he’s grown a lot. Sylvie is still very much like Loki was before the TVA.
Mobius is level-headed 99% of the time. Mobius is extremely patient even when Loki is annoying him. Mobius likes to take his time and plan whereas Loki is the one who’s a man of action! Mobius likes sitting back and waiting. He’s quiet and soft spoken even under extreme stress.
Thor is brash, reckless, loud, and the exact opposite of patient. He was the one rushing into situations recklessly all the time! Oh I get insulted? Let’s start a war with Jotunheim by attacking. Thors default plan is to go on he offensive time and time again. And you know what- What If? Thor who grew up without a Loki was worse not better.
About the only similar things I see are a love of food and bantering with Loki. Neither of which are exactly core personality traits.
So to me the idea that Mobius is a Thor variant is complete absurdity. He doesn’t act like a Thor. We saw a group of Lokis including an alligator and they shared similar traits. So why would Mobius be complete opposite of a Thor?
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
That’s where I’m at now. I mean I would be extremely excited, but I don’t expect it.
this is so real
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
Spoilers for this one!!!
I might be a bit weird but last nights episode was oddly calming for me. (That end where Loki and Mobius are standing alone in the shot).
But here’s what stuck out to me- Loki and his brown TVA suit and a pruning stick. No daggers/swords. I don’t even think we saw him use magic- only Sylvie. Further emphasizing that Loki is siding with his friends and distancing himself from what he was before.
The part where he prunes his past self- can’t get much more explicit than that.
Sylvie and the Pie scene. He defends Mobius. And emphasizes how he values his TVA friends. And then the matter of fact “We are gods”. He’s not using it to demean others or elevate himself. He also leaves first and doesn’t wait to see if Sylvie will follow.
And again at the end he’s standing closest to Mobius. We also see Mobius react oddly like he wants to run forward or fight or something. Everyone else including those who are more prone to fighting- Loki, Sylvie, B-15, they all stand and watch. Mobius acts like he wants to do something. The only person in front of him is Loki. To me it seems like he instinctively wants to pull Loki back away from the approaching destruction but he knows it’s pointless.
Loki’s position- he stands in the front in the center looking a lot like the Captain of a ship. Really driving toward the idea of Loki taking over the TVA.
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lokius-took-my-soul · 6 months
Some “non-spoilers spoiler” thoughts while watching on Episode 4:
“That bitch! How dare you?!”
“You little asshole don’t just stand there- Oh yes you tell her! Tell her how it is!”
“What the actual psychotic fuck.”
“You hurt one hair on Mobius’ head and I will end you.”
“It was always going to be you…”
“LMFAO bye bye”
“Holy Spaghetti!”
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lokius-took-my-soul · 7 months
So this is a “little” analysis of one of Loki’s big changes this season (there are a lot but I’m focusing on one)
2012 Loki was told he lacked conviction and all told that’s correct. He was wishy-washy, he changed sides. Sometimes he didn’t even seem to know where he was headed. Our TVA Loki was just the same- slacking off at the TVA, ditching the TVA for Sylvie, getting drunk on Lamentis, the whole fighting Alioth thing..? Wanting to spare He Who Remains. That man didn’t know what he was doing. “It varies from moment to moment.”
Loki now? This Loki is full of conviction and is very goal oriented. His first goal was to find Mobius and as soon as he succeeded he was ready to do whatever it took to stop He Who Remains and Mobius had to talk him into the detour of fixing his time slipping. After that his next goal was Sylvie- which I believe is related to his end goal to stop He Who Remains and save the TVA- he saw her in the future in the TVA and was hoping she knew more about what was happening.
And once that became his goal he didn’t hesitate- refused to get a drink, and stayed in total control, only stopping to comfort Mobius. And once they found Sylvie and that she didn’t know anything? Well after she left Loki gave up on her and focused on his goal of stopping the TVA from being destroyed and he stuck to that, went right back to Mobius. And onto his next goal of finding Miss Minutes.
He was all business at the Fair, more so than even Mobius. He wanted no distractions only getting momentarily startled by the Diorama and then he went right back to it. Look at how absolutely terrified he was when he first saw Victor. And the end when they found Victor and brought him back? He didn’t even hesitate with Sylvie until she spoke to them and then went right on through the time door without waiting for Mobius.
This is not a Loki who lacks conviction and changes sides. This is him drawing a line in the sand and picking his side. This is Loki becoming the character with the most conviction in the entire show? Mobius? His world was shattered, and he’s running with things as best he can but he’s cracking. Sylvie? She accomplished her goal and now seems a bit lost, she wants to be done with everything but keeps getting drawn in. Ravonna? Oh she has a goal but as we see it’s more nebulous. Rather like 2012 Loki. Miss Minutes? Same as Ravonna but creepier. B-15? She’s trying but she’s got a lot on her plate and is playing a balancing act.
Loki is absolutely focused and determined in a way we haven’t really seen before. I think there are a few reasons behind this:
1. TVA has become a home with people he cares about and who treat him as a person and not a God or a Prince or a monster
2. He is terrified of destroying the multiverse. He’s trying to change and doesn’t want to cause destruction anymore. He definitely holds himself partially responsible for what happened with He Who Remains and absolutely does not want to be responsible for the end of everything
This is a Loki who is not looking for a throne or power but might well end up in charge of the TVA
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lokius-took-my-soul · 7 months
Anyone else want a “spooky/horror/Halloween” episode where it’s a completely unhinged and glitching Miss Minutes vs the TVA gang where Loki is basically Scooby doo?
No seriously give me Loki absolutely losing it because he wants something physical that he he can actually fight and “I hate that damn clock! I told you right from the start that it was evil!” and Mobius is trying to calm him down from constant jump scares because Loki can not handle it at all and he keeps throwing his daggers and almost hitting them. And Casey tries to help too but he’s almost as bad and he and Loki just freak each other out more. I want to see the big Norse God trying to climb into Möbius’s arms because while he would fight anything physically to protect Mobius this is something mental. And Mobius just being like, “Loki, I cannot physically carry you! You are going to crush me!” And B-15 is just watching them and shaking her head at their antics.
Bonus points if OB accidentally scares everyone when he pops up out of nowhere to see what’s going on.
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