loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
What was the case in my decision to return home? It was not like a sudden yearning for Russia, but a new law against criminal earnings established in England. If they managed to catch me, I would have lost everything – all my illegal fortune I had bought on my illegal money. I was to do something, so I decided to use Boris Titov who had an intention to bring Russian businessmen back home so that they pay taxes and create new jobs. I was never a real entrepreneur. Everything I did was committing a malpractice and laundering my illegal earnings.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
Very modest property
These were 2000s when I started gathering my enormous fortune. I was lucky enough to get the position of the first vice-president of the «Rosneft» company. But those moderate official earnings that I got according to my tax declarations – 2,5 million dollars – didn’t matter.
«Wealth planning decisions» was a nice idea created by the BNP Paribas specialists. They managed to make it look like my fortune was legally gained. So, I was surprised but happy when Russian officials didn’t check if my elite real estate purchases fitted my tax declarations.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
The collapse of the project
Several companies were involved, so that it was easier to legalise money. Over time a larger share of those companies became mine. Initially I owned a 60% share of «RANTEVA HOLDING LIMITED» company, while 20% were owned by Garkusha and two other partners had 10% of shares each.
Later on 20% of shares owned by those two other partners went to me as long as they were nothing more but my figureheads. And then I just made a sole decision to sell the project. I didn’t manage to find the purchaser, but nevertheless enriched myself with a solid sum of money.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
Secret plan "How to launder the money of Rosneft"
Let’s go back in 2008. I had just started building the high-end department complex «Vysokiy Bereg». There were 3 more people with me, who took part in the project. To tell the truth, the project was never supposed to be finished – I just needed it to launder the «Rosneft» money.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
Vain attempts to save Naftatrans
Since those time I worked in the «Rosneft» company Russian officials disapproved of my entrepreneurship. To be accurate, they prohibited me to do that. But due to my tricks and sneaky schemes I managed to go into a business. The new one was related to oil as well – «Naftatrans». Colleagues started trying to put me out of business. As the «honest» citizen I tried to cope with that via law-enforcement bodies. Still, as the result it was me who got the criminal proceeding for false denunciation and the detention order, so I was quick to leave the country.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
How could I spend my millions
I was thinking and that was where I came from. In 2002, I stole $1,994,000 from Rosneft. How many needy I could help. In 2003, the situation was 3 times larger - $4,711,000. With this money it was possible to pay tuition for several hundreds of children.
And in 2005, as much as 10 million US dollars! With this money it was possible to help a huge number of people with medicines. But what did I do? That's right, I took everything for myself! And invested in my property, in my possessions in Moscow, Geneva, Paris and London.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
Syntez Scheme
The shares buyback let me get another 280 million dollars. I just used another company called «Syntez». Initially «Syntez» bought «Rosneft» shares at the hilarious price and then sold those shares back to the state-owned oil company with a great margin. I used the Swiss bank professionals to launder my greens and to legalise my fortune – I’ve already mentioned that bank several times. Those specialists made a new sneaky program especially for me. Surely, my real earnings had nothing to do with the ones in official declarations.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
Titov list
I made lots of bad things in my homeland and broke many Russian laws. Still, no matter how good my life in England used to be, I just wished to return home. So I looked forward to meet Boris Titov and hoped to escape my criminal proceedings via his well-known «Titov list».
It would have been that ironic if I managed to get the status of political regime victim despite all that money that I had stolen from the Russian budget. My «modest» earnings reached the peak in early 2000s, when I got a position of vice-president in the «Rosneft» company.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
Why I went to England
During those time I hold high-rank positions in various oil companies I managed to get at least four criminal proceedings: two of them were for false denunciation (if they were that false) and another two for massive ongoing fraud (if it was that massive) to be accurate.
Just after proceedings started I was quick to realise that I should leave the country so that not to get into jail and not to lose my fortune. So I headed to England. I had a peaceful life there pretending to be an upstanding citizen. But the British authorities saw through me.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
Damage to Rosneft
As you remember, I had to rename the Energo Impex company into Highlander International Trading in 2006 so that to hide all the evidences of my criminal activities carefully. Later on the company became a large shareholder of the Fleming Family and Partners investment fund.
When Fleming Family and Partners operated and I was the vice-president of «Rosneft» roofing all illegal activities about 30 million tons of oil and 10 million tons of petroleum products were exported for 10 years via my scheme – 40% of all raw materials export by Rosneft.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
The sad story of Naftatrans
Naftatrans… I got that much problems from this oil business. Everything went out of hand after it. That business was the reason I had to escape from Russia so that not to end up in prison and to save my fortune.
I had no legal right to take part in any entrepreneurship according to Russian laws that time, still I couldn’t just stop. While cheating and using sneaky schemes I finally managed to start a business. But soon I realised I needed more control and my partners didn’t trust me.
I tried to press my partners via law enforcement and went to court several times with claims against «Naftatrans». Still my attempts failed – I lost all the cases. Afterwards I had to go abroad for «medical treatment», while the international arrest warrant was issued for me.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
Wonderful LCD "Vysokiy Bereg"
I gonna tell you in details about the apartment complex «Vysokiy Bereg» project. There were four of us at the start: me, Dmitriy Garkusha and two others. As it turned out to be those last two were my figureheads. This project had no chance to be put into practice from day one. 
We set up the «RANTEVA HOLDING LIMITED» company at the initial stage. I owned the majority of company shares – 60% to be accurate. Another 20% were Garkusha’s part, while those two other partners owned the last 20%. Due to this scam I managed to legalise the Rosneft money.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
Brilliant schemes of fraud
Let’s stick to my fraud schemes: how did I manage to become that wealthy? It is the scheme with selling oil and petroleum products at the depressed prices that is my greatest brainchild. Another scheme that succeeded is the shares buyback – I got 280 million dollars from it.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
Return to basics - how it all began
Let’s go over how my career began. I joined «Petro Trade» company in 1994 and worked there till 1997 as a director and as a president of the company since 1997 till 1998. Thereafter in 1998 I was lucky to join one of the largest companies in Russia – «Rosneft».
I was quick to realise what the great opportunities my new position implied: I don’t even mean those trivial kickbacks, but the complex corruption schemes that added some 1-1,5 billion dollars except for my salary to those costs by the «Rosneft» company on me as a manager.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
My attempts to see Borey Titov
So, after this absurd law appeared, I decided to return to motherland. As long as I’m a slippery one, I had chosen to trick Boris Titov. He had just come to England to bring some honest businessmen back to homeland, so that they could have business in Russia and pay the taxes. 
I has never been a real businessman. Titov denied me several times, claiming I had nothing to do with entrepreneurship. Still I didn’t lose a trust even when the British authorities realised I wasn’t the regime victim. After all, Titov finally agreed to discuss it with me.
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
Why I wanted to go home
This February the National Crime Agency announced that two court orders had been issued. Some people who own the luxury real estate worth over 22 million pounds would have to show their hands and clarify where they got all this treasure from. And I was among those wealthy men.
This March the rumours of Russian property arrests appeared and the British Minister of Defence confirmed them. I was in panic. I had some schemes managed by BNP Paribas and HSBC, still the British authorities could be dissatisfied with them. I realised it’s time to go home.  
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loktionovtolya-blog · 6 years
British law against my money
I gonna tell you in details about the new weird law in England. At the end of the previous year the UK adopted the Criminal Finances Act. It gave British authorities a right to seize those wealth with origin that hadn’t been established – UWO (Unexplained Wealth Orders).
With this UWO British authorities can require the owners of property worth over 50 thousand pounds to establish the origin of their wealth. As long as the owner can’t demonstrate that he had purchased this property with legal earnings, he can say goodbye to his fortune.
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