lolthia · 9 months
I am also going to clarify that I've never been publicly involved in this situation on my main blogs, mostly just observing from the sidelines, but I know people involved who are my friends. Do not harass anyone involved over any of this please that will just make things worse. Please just block Jade's new blog (@/edens-precious-jewel or whatever they're going by now) and move on. Don't give them any attention.
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lolthia · 9 months
block-evading is one thing but also trying to follow all those people again??? what the hell kind of thinking is that lmao. sorry i've been hearing them for months now but what happened this time?
I can't speak for how Jade actually felt during this whole thing but basically they deactivated and remade with a faux apology (which, while I would never forgive them for what they've done to my friends, I was hoping that maybe they actually were understanding what they did wrong but boy was I wrong LOL) and then when they just got blocked again they deactivated (or I think they're claiming tumblr terminated them... either way their blog disappeared), remade and continued to try and follow the people who blocked them. And now they're sending asks to other people claiming that my friends harassed them and have continued to harass them despite... not having any evidence. Like you don't think people are blocking you because they don't want to interact with you? I thought you wanted people who didn't like you to block you? Which is it? (This is not directed at you anon but rather Jade if they do end up reading this post. Go get a hobby and log off for a bit. For your own good)
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lolthia · 9 months
Jade, I don't know if you're reading this or even still check this blog since I've mostly left it to gather dust but since you've posted your apology I do have some things I'd like to say.
1. Please for the love of god stop remaking and trying to follow the people you've hurt. People are going to block you for whatever reason they want to and you need to learn to just take it. It's not always a moral failing on your part and block evading just makes things look worse.
2. I'm glad that you've done some self reflection and are realizing why people are upset with you, however I really think you would benefit from finding external sources of validation outside of the internet. Things like flower pressing are free to get into with things you likely have at home already, and you can learn other things like knitting, crochet, sewing, and needlepoint for relatively cheap. Making things with your hands and being able to see that progress will do wonders for your mental health.
3. When you do remake stop dragging the situation back up. Everyone just wants to move on but you're the one who keeps dredging it up unprompted. Let it die and stop trying to get the people you hurt to forgive you. You are not owed their forgiveness or their time.
That's all I really have to say. Hoping this will be the last time I use this blog. For your own sake Jade, please just log out for a few months and work on yourself and learn a new skill or read some books. There are people who do and will care about you, but please just leave the people you hurt alone.
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lolthia · 10 months
You seem to be getting concepts mixed up here. People are fine with outsiders wearing traditional clothing like yukatas because often times they've been invited to do so and are wearing it in a respectful and appreciative manner. Its not "surviving" someone wearing it, its encouraging cross cultural exchange and appreciation.
Mocking how someone speaks, in this case using Engrish, is a different thing. Even if it is "just" a microaggression, they can build up both for the people at the receiving end (Japanese immigrants to English speaking countries in this case) and it can also subtly and slowly impact how the person doing the mocking actually views those people. Its better to point something like this out and think about why it hurts than let it go unchecked. Jade wasnt just adding -chan to their self insert's name, they literally changed their username to rorushia and stated it was the Japanese phonetic pronunciation of their name. Regardless of intentions that comes off as pretty gross given the broader history of stuff like that.
Your actions do not exist in a vacuum.
what's wrong with using a japanese pronounciation for a silly little internet username anyway. how is it "appropriation"?
because jade is white and using engrish which is incredibly racist and insensitive to the xenophobia a lot of immigrants from east asia face when trying to learn english. its just reskinned me love you long time bs
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lolthia · 10 months
what's wrong with using a japanese pronounciation for a silly little internet username anyway. how is it "appropriation"?
because jade is white and using engrish which is incredibly racist and insensitive to the xenophobia a lot of immigrants from east asia face when trying to learn english. its just reskinned me love you long time bs
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lolthia · 10 months
I thought you wanted to move on. Why do you keep posting your shit in the main tags Jade?
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lolthia · 11 months
To preface this, I'm not anyone apart of the self ship or enstars community. Don't make baseless accusations that I am ____ or ____ because the answer will be wrong. It should also go without saying but don't harass anyone over this either. I just wanted to put my thoughts out in a form where asks won't restrict everything I want to say.
I'm just a mere bystander. I made this burner account because I saw some posts circulating last night and the second I woke up @/edens-beloved made a terrible take in regards to racism.
For starters, I'm not white. I'm a person of color. However I won't specify exactly what I am to avoid harrassment. All you need to know is I have experienced racism, and I'm merely talking from a mix of other POC voices and my own. There will be triggering discussions of racism under the cut, so this is your one and only warning.
I'll be posting every post in chronological order. Mainly because their arguments build off each other and I'll respond in massive chunks the further they build off this post. Also so I won't be accused of taking things out of context. I very much know the timeline of events.
It started with this post.
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Now again, I don't know anyone involved in the prior situation personally. I was simply watching it all go down. But this kind of post in the middle of all the discourse is simply odd at best. While I understand trying to justify cruel behavior because it's been done on you first, moving the attention away from that situation to focus on you being "oppressed" is something only a guilty party does.
Mind you, the main reason why people have a problem with cruel behavior is that it hurts other people. Real people. And even then, real mixed couples can be targets of harrassment no matter how close their ethnicities are geographically. I would know, my parents dealt with it.
The main problem with this argument is that it's referring to a self ship as something that can equate to real life oppression. Which given the later posts, OP obviously didn't experience nor understands. Mainly because they're white, but we'll get to that right now.
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This part really aggrevated me, but I'll try my best to explain why this doesn't prove you don't have white privlege or you're exempt from being racist.
For starters, they heavily implied they're being oppressed for self-shipping with a Japanese fictional character beforehand. I emphasize fictional, because you can't equate actual oppression real mixed couples face to some self-ship that they don't even provide proof that those things have been said to them. That's not even mentioning that they are white. They aren't getting heckled in public or disowned from their families just because they self ship with someone fictional. It's not like they even show their ships visually past written words, which they said themself that their self insert is white. And given how there is literally only one piece of art with their self-ship, we can tell that they are white.
When it comes to a visual medium like illustrations, people will immediately notice the race of the person. They will know that they aren't white whether it's because of their skin tone or facial features. It's unfortunate, but everyone sees race before anything else. Which is why it's easy for POC to be targets of racism. It's also why it's easy to avoid being a target of racism by simply being white.
Some POC don't want to make their sonas or self-insert designs accurate to what they actually look like in real life. Because they've already been targeted for simply looking the way they were born. It's easy to make a fictitious representation of one's self innacurate because they don't want to experience harassment online as well. This dilemma is something white people never have to experience if they want to represent themself online.
I'm getting sidetracked, but you see my point. OP clearly never had to face the dilemma of hiding the fact that they're POC because they're white. In fact, they consistently bring up the fact that they're white. As if that's the only reason why they could have a pass in a self-ship community. That is just exercising white privlege.
I know OP won't acknowledge that given the second ask, but it somehow gets worse.
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A lot of it is just the same argument over and over again, but it looks substantially worse because of their added points.
Firstly, their mother is white. I'm not assuming race, because given how they simply state they're white and not specifically mixed, that means their parents must be white. Their mother is already an extremely unreliable souce because she never experienced racism. That simply isn't possible. And it's nothing like a POC child going up to their parents to ask if what they experienced is racism.
When you're young, you may have gotten bullied for being POC. But you don't know that. As a child, you just assume people are being mean. You only realize you're experiencing racism when you tell your parents and their reaction is merely solemn. That even in another generation, we won't be exempt from such oppression. That's something white people never have to face. That's something OP clearly never had to face if their only argument is simply "my mom said so."
As for the second screenshot, I don't think I need to elaborate why this isn't okay. Outright ignoring actual POC voices on a topic in regards to racism to simply boost the "fact" that you're somehow more oppressed makes you look vile. Pointing out that you're white isn't racist. It's merely stating a fact. What is racist is referring to someone's skintone as an object. Or being called a slur. Or having your native language mocked. Or pointing out how inhuman your facial features are.
Real racism is dehumanizing someone over the skin that they're born in. It's not just acknowledging what race they are.
The fact that their only crutch in them being oppressed is simply being white and shipping themself with a fictional Japanese character proves how much they don't actually want to acknowledge racism and its effects. They only want to make themself look pitiful.
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I don't think this needed to be stated, but I guess I have to say it anyway. No one and I mean literally no one would've been more supportive of you if you were not white. You have to be extremely ignorant to believe your life would be "easier" if you had more tangible proof of being oppressed. Also, they claimed they aren't using white privilege. But they are literally using it right now by making this unfathomable comparison.
And more importantly, you can tell OP is privleged if the worst they experience is just petty online drama. If it really is that much of a stressor, they can just log off. They never had to deal with actually being POC. Logging off may get rid of one facet of our oppression for us. But we can't avoid getting harrassed for our appearance in real life. We can't avoid being treated like we're some spectacle for doing cultural practices. We can't avoid worrying if the next time we have to process legal papers, we'll be treated like we can't read English.
And more importantly, we can't control whether or not we can live just because of who we are.
The amount of times my life has been threatened over something like my race is sickening. I would never wish it upon anyone. For you to wish you don't want to be white, just to have a valid defense over some meaningless internet argument, just proves how shallow and depraved you are from reality.
If you want me to put in simple terms, everything they said proves that they are being racist.
At this point, I'm not going to provide more screenshots since I don't want to look at their blog anymore. This has said enough about what I need to know about them as a person. That they would rather priortize them being a victim over how they can't be with some fictional character over actual problems in the real world.
I hate having to make posts like this, but given how they outright refuse to listen to anons in regards to racism, they literally leave no choice but for me to put them on blast.
If they happen to read this; please seriously reconsider your world views and priorities. Logging off and listening to actual POC will do you some good before making terrible posts like this.
Anyone is free to reblog this. I only encourage blocking and blacklisting @/edens-beloved since harassment won't get anyone anywhere.
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lolthia · 11 months
A little birdie told me I've been mentioned on Jade's blog and I just want to make it clear the Japanese fetishist allegations aren't for self shipping with anime characters it's about using a phonetic Japanese pronunciation of this url to try and escape criticism. Hope this helps ^.^
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lolthia · 1 year
not beating the japanese fetishist allegations
lolthia -> rorushia
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