lone-space-drifter · 1 year
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Time to get feral
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
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pencil / render - Deadlock
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
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average night in the dead end
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
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Rhythmic Gymnastics
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
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The gutter and the stars.
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
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He'd be fine to go to the other's universe, though he would need to stock up. But he figured a young one like this Bumblebee would love it, and his teammates would be surprised by the skills he'd gained.
"It's fine, you made an honest mistake, but I did change for the best. But if he is, he'd be upset that I'm even harping on him for so long. But my Ratchet was the same; guess certain things don't change between universes." Drift responded, smiling.
"I wouldn't mind listening; it would certainly be interesting. You should call it a vacation, but it took a long time to finally slow down, and we want to avoid another war so soon after the last one. You caught Decepticons; in this universe, it was less catching; Megatron gave himself up due to the situation. It appears that all of you still have a long road ahead. If he has anything else planned." He stated; he sounded a little nervous; being an ex-con, it was hard to listen to at times.
Drift was sure his home was exactly as he wanted it, the berthroom was a mess at times, but it was good he had a guest berthroom. He could tell the other was curious; and looked at him when he spoke of the swords. "Oh! An old friend and his group, the Circle of Light, taught me how to use swords. And because I was considered a part of them, I gave up blasters; after all, swords were the only thing they were allowed to use. But in the past, I used to use blasters before I met that old friend." Drift admitted, smiling at the thought of his old friend, Wing, such a shame he was gone; he could have really used his support about now...
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Drift looked worried when he heard the other say that. The little yellow bot looked young. He could tell the other was an adult; after all, he hadn't seen a super young member of his own kind in his whole life. He was surprised to have found the other lost so close to his home; he was back to take a break and refuel between journies.
"Well, don't worry, I can help you. What's your name? I'm Drift, and you are close to my home, so if you need anything, I can help you with that." He asked, the concern apparent on his face.
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
The swordsmech would say something about someone being threatened on a normal day...
But it looked like it was under control, so he figured it was for the best he just stay put. And with who it was, he didn't think much help was needed...
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
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I thought about using the broken glass resource again but I don’t like being so repetitive, so I used other resources like flowers and shadows. I think everything fits well with Drift.
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
relaxation: what does my muse do to relax? do they find it easy to carve out time to relax? 
Drift had quite a few choices when it comes to relaxing. Usually, it's meditating, drinking a nice relaxing cup of energon while also reading a datapad, or taking a drive through a quiet area. These days it is easier for him to carve out time to relax, but he tries his best to not relax too much.
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
misc action memes
the one sending in the prompt is the one comitting the action . [ add * for role reversal ! ]
🤚 - to offer your muse a hand in dance . 🤕 - to dress your muse’s wound . 🎀 - to braid / brush your muse’s hair . 🗡️ - to point a weapon at your muse . 👑 - to bow down before your muse . ☀️ - to kiss your muse’s hand . 🧋 - to offer your muse a drink . 💎 - to try to steal something from your muse . 🚬 - to light your muse’s cigarette . 🙄 - for my muse to roll their eyes at yours . 💐- to gift a bouquet of flowers . 😴 - to fall asleep on your muse . 🧥 - to warm your muse by wrapping them in a coat / blanket . 🌻 - for my muse to suddenly hold your muse’s hand . ❗️ - for my muse to hold your muse’s chin as a way of getting attention . 🔔  - for my muse to wake yours from a nightmare . 🎁 - for my muse to cup your muse’s face with their hands . ⭐️ - for my muse to stargaze with yours . 💍 - for my muse to tie a piece of jewelry around your muse’s neck or wrist . ❤️ - for my muse to kiss yours on the forehead . 👋 - for my muse to tug at your muse’s sleeve for attention . 🥱 - for my muse to yawn loudly . 🌸 - to place a flower crown on your muse’s head . 🦁 - to snarl / growl at your muse . 🤝 - for my muse to reach out their hand for a handshake . 💥 - to push your muse aside . 🖕 - for my muse to flash their middle finger at your muse . 🌹 - for my muse to blush . 🌼 - to give your muse a piggyback . 🌾 - for my muse to catch yours from falling / fainting . 🟠 - for my muse to pace back and forth . 🤺 - to challenge your muse to a sparring match . 🩹 - to trace your muse’s scars . 👁 - to glare at your muse . ✨ - for your muse to catch mine shirtless . 🎵 - for my muse to catch yours singing in secret . 💧 - for my muse to wipe away your muse’s tears . 🧽 - to wipe / clean blood off your muse . 😢 - for my muse to be caught crying . 💪 - for my muse to flex their muscles . ✊ - for my muse to hit yours . 😶‍🌫️ - to be caught hiding from something . 🧍 - to block your muse’s path . 🌡 - to check your muse’s temperature . 🪦 - to see yours by a grave . 🚶 - to go on a long walk together . ⚡ - to take shelter from a storm together . 👀 - to be caught staring at your muse . 🪴 - for your muse to lean on my muse for support . 🧨 - to pin your muse against the wall . ⚔️ - to fight against enemies together . 🪞 - to catch my muse trying to compose themselves in front of a mirror . 🤫 - for my muse to place a finger to their lips, shushing your muse . 👞 - for my muse to help yours get dressed . 🤗 - to hug your muse . 🩸 - to approach your muse soaked in blood . 🛡️ - for my muse to protect yours from harm . ☃️ - to build a snowman together .
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
all about health
send one ( or more ) in to learn all about… 
scars:  how many scars does my muse have? where are they located on my muse’s body? how did they get them? what do they look like? 
sleep: how many hours a night does my muse sleep? do they take naps? how restful is their sleep? do they experience nightmare? if so, how often? 
meals: how many meals does my muse eat a day? what do they generally consist of? 
routine: does my muse have a consistent routine in their lives? do they find it difficult to stick to a routine? 
chronic: does my muse have any chronic health conditions / illnesses? how do these affect them from day-to-day? 
doctor: how often does my muse visit the doctor? do they tend to go routinely, or only when something is wrong? 
relaxation: what does my muse do to relax? do they find it easy to carve out time to relax? 
aches: does my muse have any frequent aches? ie, muscle aches, joint aches? how do these affect them from day-to-day? 
stress: does my muse handle stress well? what is a surefire sign for others to tell that they’ve become stressed? how does stress affect them mentally / physically? 
mind: does my muse have any mental conditions that affect their lives? what are they? how do they handle them? what coping methods do they use most? 
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
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He always did bless his clarity of mind these days; the past was rough for him. But others being thankful always made him feel better. And he could help him learn quite a few things; it would be fun to hear about how his teammates reacted.
"Oh, it started before the war, but I am confident that; I have changed now. It's okay; you didn't know. Ratchet probably does feel better in the all spark and when I meet him again. I'm sure that I'll feel better." Drift assured, shaking his head; it was better to avoid being upset; he had already had time to grieve.
Perhaps they could. "It makes me wonder what else is different... But you probably will get spoiled. Oh, we've had quite a few messed up things happen; it's just; due to the war being over, they've become rarer. It's nice to hear of a supposedly more friendly universe." He returned, nodding at what the other said; he was right about his name.
His home was beautiful; it was clear he stayed here a lot. The place was decorated with cybertronian plants, the latest technology, and plenty of datapads. Notably, there were no blasters, and the weapons most present in the house were swords; it was clear that Drift was trained to not use blasters.
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Drift looked worried when he heard the other say that. The little yellow bot looked young. He could tell the other was an adult; after all, he hadn't seen a super young member of his own kind in his whole life. He was surprised to have found the other lost so close to his home; he was back to take a break and refuel between journies.
"Well, don't worry, I can help you. What's your name? I'm Drift, and you are close to my home, so if you need anything, I can help you with that." He asked, the concern apparent on his face.
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
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speedrunning this one bc i have so much stuff to do but this song has been stuck in my head all day😭
ROAR - Christmas Kids
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
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It was just what he thought was best, and he wouldn't mind at all being called cool. But he wanted to help the other Cybertronian in this universe; perhaps he could help him learn a few things. He wouldn't mind helping the other more.
"I figured it would, but my past was harsher than you would think. I don't want you to worry about it though, because I have changed. But that name; does ring a bell. My Ratchet's not around anymore; he passed due to old age. He was my conjunx, and we were conjunxs for many years before his passing." Drift admitted, shaking his head.
He should talk to Brainstorm about it. The weirdness would bring him in. "I know it would be helpful. We don't use oil for much; we just refuel with energon; your universe sounds a bit strange compared to this one." He told him, letting the other into the house before he went in and closed the door.
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Drift looked worried when he heard the other say that. The little yellow bot looked young. He could tell the other was an adult; after all, he hadn't seen a super young member of his own kind in his whole life. He was surprised to have found the other lost so close to his home; he was back to take a break and refuel between journies.
"Well, don't worry, I can help you. What's your name? I'm Drift, and you are close to my home, so if you need anything, I can help you with that." He asked, the concern apparent on his face.
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
[ 🧭 ] does your muse consider themselves a good person? why or why not?
🧭: Drift considers himself a good person now or at least a better person. When he was Deadlock, he didn't quite realize what he was doing wrong due to his rough past. And Wing helped him, helped him realize that he had a problem, that the movement he was supporting wasn't what he wanted. He is a better person because of that realization and the help that was given to him.
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lone-space-drifter · 1 year
[ 🏛 | 👓 | 💥 ]
🏛 : Drift does have an interest that might be strange or messed up to others that he hides. He is still really interested in drugs; he never uses them due to his past. But he is curious about their effects on others; he's never drugged anyone. He mostly looks up videos; to stay as far away from the action as possible.
👓: He tries to be open-minded, but his personal beliefs can make it extremely hard for him. This is mainly towards irreligious Cybertronians, and he struggles not to get into arguments over the issue, but it sometimes leads to him pulling his sword on others. He has gotten better after his relationship with Rachet, but it can still be hard for him.
💥: Already answered in a prior ask.
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