lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
im remaking !! because i have no impulse, control... like this post or send me an ask (not an instant message) for my new url thank
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
I can't ?? handle friends or anyone outside of my family rn??? bc they expect u to be there and talking and engaging which mm I'm not capable of... youtube and music is the only thing I can do rn because its always there even if you disappear for hours it doesnt care
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
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The answer is love
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
what's the best url: hornzey or hackny
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
I got referred to CAMS
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
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chemical x theme
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i made this theme for me to use on my own blog, but now that i’m done with it i thought i’d release it if anyone wants to use it! there aren’t many fancy features since it was originally intended for personal use, but there are still lot of ways you can customize it!
400px posts
3 custom links
3 different font choices
search bar w/ customizable color
bordered/unbordered posts/sidebar
please like/reblog if you use, and feel free to message me if you have any questions!
(edited 12/17/15: fixed pagination margins)
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
im at the gp for depression im so fycking scared
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
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eighties pop theme by bipan & newleaf
me and bipan decided to do a collab theme!!! this is what came of it!! pretty cool right??
prev. 1 / prev. 2 / the code
features/notes below
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
when i say i love lesbians and the wlw community i hope you know i absolutely mean to include trans wlw & woman aligned nb wlw and exclude twefs. i dont stand with transphobes and never will, lesbians or not im not interested in solidarity with them at all. fuck the lot of you.
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
like when you have grown up as a person of color consuming racist media and internalizing those thoughts and then spend the better part of your life unpacking that internalized bullshit and striving to combat these prejudices to have like some white people basically publish a whole bunch of really fucked up shit that is identical to the very things you internalized as a child and that you’re fighting against but like as a ~joke~ its not like funny???? humour that marginalizes already ostracized groups isnt humour is propaganda lollllll 
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
Whenever I try n like. Tell my mum she's being fucked up/abusive she starts saying how she's the only one who REALLY loves me. how everyone else doesn't really like me...
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
Don't you think it is problematic to sexualize Gillian Anderson when she herself is not a lesbian?
I didn’t realize I was only allowed to be attracted to lesbians??? Plus, she’s bisexual??? She has openly said that gender is irrelavent to her when it comes to relationships so idk what your beef here is, my friend.
I mean are you suggesting that I should feel guilty when feeling attraction to straight women? I’m honestly confused about what your point is here.
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
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lonelyfrisk-blog · 9 years
i walk a lonely road
This song makes me cry
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