loners-only · 3 years
maybe this should be my "thing"- sharing my writing process and what tips and tricks helped me. that actually seems very helpful hmm... i think i might start sharing my process on here fully as it could help me get over writers block somehow.
i obviously wont be posting my actual writing transcript of the novel as i write it but i will certainly update the nobody-who-reads-this about how far im getting and other methods to build and cultivate a funky little writing world of your own ^-^
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loners-only · 3 years
how to build a character
these are a series of questions that you should consider when creating a character for storyboarding:
1 - name? gender? age? (i'm assuming you've already thought of these roughly)
2 - physical appearance? (hair, eyes, height, figure, posture, any strong features, skin tone, acne/freckles/glasses etc, detail is important to the reader)
3 - whats one of their typical outfits?
4 - how do they sound? (shy and reserved, loud and obnoxious, confident and headstrong, witty and snarky etc)
5 - what do they like to do in their free-time? (hobbies, exercise, clubs, other interests)
6 - whats something that your character hates?
7 - favourite food / place to eat?
8 - what would their bedroom look like? (are they messy and disorganised or neat and tidy)
9 - whats a phrase that they like to use often?
10 - who's their favourite person or their best friend?
11 - any pets?
12 - bad habits? (smoking, biting nails, chewing pens, sleeping in late, anything mundane like that?)
13 - what kind of voice do they have? (the voice inside their head- is it confident and self-assured or hesitant and mousy, how would they personally describe an event compared to others- what little details would they notice and pick up on)
14 - open or closed? (are they an open person who shares small details about them and their feelings to their friends or are they cold and more distant, preferring to keep their life and thoughts private from public audiences)
15 - whats their taste in music?
16 - where would they go if they needed to escape from life? wheres their 'safe place'?
17 - what they want to do in the future?
18 - have they travelled a lot? if so where to?
19 - who do they look up to?
20 - do they work somewhere?
21 - whats their biggest fear?
22 - would they ride a rollercoaster?
23 - are they a night time person or a day time person?
24 - any guilty pleasures..?
25 - religious in any way?
26 - introvert or extrovert? (social butterfly or an inside caterpillar)
27 - hows their mental health?
28 - secret talents?
29 - their past? (what made them what they are today, any significant events/trauma, any memories which they reminisce over)
30 - whats their relationship status? (single or taken, if so by whom and any previous relationships/marriages?)
ok i cant think of any more dang
you could also start to think of their immediate family and friends and start building profiles for them but that would take up a lot of questions 😘
hope this helped, see ya loner
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loners-only · 3 years
so now whats on the agenda for this story?
well we need to think about the characters and their personalities (likes, dislikes, hobbies, mental state, sensitive topics etc), setting (hot or cold, the season, interesting land marks, the terrain, their town/village/city, the population of that etc), narrative (whether its from the boys perspective or from the girls and how would this sound tone-wise), secondary characters (their friends and family- build profiles for all of these), school life (where they sit on the popular scale, their school habits and clubs, talents and favourite subjects).
wow thats a lot to think about.
*gasp* should i write a huge long list of questions that i should consider when building a character that you and i can refer to for later use?! now that seems like a good idea...
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loners-only · 3 years
ok so what im thinking is its gonna be a sappy but realistic romance novel- lots of cutesy moments between the two main characters,, just how we like it 😏
the two of them aren't exactly the most popular people in their college which they both attend which is gonna be named something like-... aCtually i know what imma do
i want this novel to be based on an actual place, like somewhere that i've never been before so that i get to research and discover new things about an actual place that, u never know, i might travel to one day.
this is good as i can use actual places, sights, landmarks, scenery, google maps and other interesting facts to build a setting rather than think of a world from memory. oooo im excited eheheeueue
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loners-only · 3 years
hey loners i think i'm gonna try get into the habit of writing again. im reading a really good book at the moment and its inspired me to pick up writing again because it was that good.
i might draft some ideas on this page just so i can access them quickly whenever i need to but i might make another blog where i post solely my writing. i've wanted to write a novel for the longest time but i only ever get as far as short stories. the plot never seems to be interesting enough to continue but i'll definitely let you know if i have any major revelations haha
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loners-only · 3 years
Ok so usually I wouldnt share about my unbelievably dry love life but- I am bc I need to vent out my feeling bc ARGH hes so confusing idek anymore.
I'll explain from the beginning then I guess- we met on omegle thru pure coincidence. Hes my age, from texas and sooo pretty oh my lord (he totally doesnt see what I see but his personality is so much better than his face, it's like having a best friend that I'm in love with).
I know we're literally a thousand miles away but I cant help but wish we were in each others arms right now.
Hes confusing in that when we first began talking there was quick responses and long messages about how much we already like each other and now? It's the complete opposite.
Short replies, dry responses, left on delivered for hours.
Ok I know I know~ we're not married or anything but the least he could do after making me fall so hard was pick me up with just an ily. That's all I would need. We've said it before, why is it different now? Unless-
I will not go there. I cant.
Its quite sad how much I depend on a man who I've never even laid my eyes on. He really does control me. How awful. How did I let it get this far. Why did I let anybody in.
It hurts.
It hurts so much knowing that I would give my life for someone who wouldnt do the same for me. It hurts knowing that there are plenty of prettier and funnier and closer girls that could easily rip his heart from mine- theres SO many.
I mean let's face it, hes probably talking to handfuls of girls along side me. Giving cute nicknames- my nickname- to other girls. Spending his every waking moment talking to them. Charming them. Just like me. He must be.
It literally gives me physical pain. Nobody ever tells u it hurts like this- hurts this hard. To love someone u know u cant and never will have. To know they never have done and never will like u to the same degree.
Dont even get me started on the time difference-
Ok I could talk about him years but I have to sleep. To be continued~
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loners-only · 3 years
sup guys i have had a revelation about what i want to do with my life. i don't know where to start because theres so much i've found out recently and don't know how to put it into words eeeeeeyyy!
i had a careers meeting with a lovely lady from my college and she basically sorted my life out 😀
she ran me through all the ways i could join the police service which are: normal applications, graduate schemes, apprenticeship programmes, volunteering or police cadets. she explained all of those routes in depth and i favour the graduate scheme and apprenticeship programmes as i wasn't sure whether i wanted to go to university or go straight into the police force. i explained how i kind of wanted to go study an english course at uni but also didn't want to go back into the education system as i generally do really bad in exams and an english course would be examination based.
she was really nice and knew how i felt about the stress and panic of exams. she suggested that the best route for me to go down was the apprenticeship scheme as i get the benefit of an equal qualification but also get to learn all the skills and experience on the job. this method of getting into a physical and applied job early AND EARNING MONEY is the best option for me.
another ick of university that puts me off the thought of uni is the HUGE DEBT. i'm not exactly the most mathematically intelligent person so the thought of dealing with complex finances as well as all the complicated benefits i receive from social services... ew- i know it will just stress me out more than life itself.
this is the best benefit of apprenticeships because instead of drowning in expenses and debt, you actually earn money. i know its only minimum wage but if i have a 2 year probation period then the wages will definitely add up. i be raking in that cAsh. it just appeals to me so much better than university, theres so many perks!!!
i cant wait to expand my big brain and be a swaggy dude wow
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loners-only · 3 years
Um this is random but yknow those people who have like one topic that they know literally EVERYTHING about? Like ask them any question about any time period and they know the answer off the bat? Yep. I wanna be one of those people and have "my thing" that I can chat endlessly on and bore the death out of people with 😌
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loners-only · 3 years
Ok so I found out today that you can go to university and do a random ass course and THEN go into the police force through something my dad described as a graduate scheme where you join the force AFTER you've done your degree. This means I can go to university and study english and then see if I want to join the force!!
This definitely puts my mind at ease a little but we'll have to see what the careers officer has to say whether this is actually a realistic plan of action :/
I feel like I've been asked so many times "what do you want to do after college" and to be honest, most times I say police officer just to get people off my back. But now after realising that I've used this idea as an excuse and a crutch to lean on, it's made me feel like I have to pursue this as so many have said how I "would suit that role so well!" And that they can "totally see me going down that path" which isn't exactly what I want to hear.
So for now my plan is to go to the best university I can and study an english based course of some kind and THEN see if I want to actually pursue the force- I may have changed my mind by then🤷‍♀️
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loners-only · 3 years
Ok so my problem is- I dont know what I want to do with my life. I've wanted to be a police officer for so long now that I feel guilty abandoning that idea and pursuing something entirely different.
I know everyone says "do what you like~" and "do what makes you most happy~" but that's the problem. HOW AM I MEANT TO KNOW WHAT I WANT TO DO UNLESS IVE DONE IT BEFORE.
sorry 😅 didnt mean to get violent that was just passionate shouting haha
At the moment I like the idea of becoming an editor of some sort for a publishing company where I can review articles and novels and spell check to my hearts content.. which is extremely sad but I realised that I am quite good at it. Apparently I have an "eye for detail"~
I really do enjoy reading and writing and all things wordy so i can actually see myself in a role like this in the future. This feels like the most realistic route to go down seeing as police officer doesnt give me much wiggle-room when it comes to exact path choices.
((..this idea may have been born from me watching 50 shades of grey for the first time..))
But there is no doubt that I have a passion for crime and becoming a police officer of some sort (not sure what kind yet because there are many distinguished roles). I'll have to take this matter to the web and research how to actually attain these jobs as I imagine becoming a police officer isn't exactly the most easy process.
I have a careers meeting on Thursday next week so that might be able to calm my mind a little. I'm hoping that she wont be as boring as she was on email because I'm not sure I can handle sitting for an hour with a bore.
I'll obviously explain to her my desire to both write novels and poems until my hands fall off but also to become an amazing detective/genius. Let's pray she understands what I'm trying to say 🙏
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loners-only · 3 years
I'm officially making this my lowkey, chill blog. I'll post random thoughts and other deep shit ;) expect some vast contrast haha. I'll post some shower thoughts and then BOOM u have a 400 word rant on the meaning of life :D I cant wait lmao
When I look back on this is like 20 years imma be cringing SO hard oh my lord-
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