lonescion-archive · 4 years
I’ve thought about deleting this blog and remaking it. Everything is so cluttered to me and my tags either keep breaking or I forget them -because- they broke. Plus then I could reasonably consolidate all of the headcanons and crud I have for this character, maybe redo some things entirely/
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lonescion-archive · 4 years
If I do delete and you want me to follow you back for certain, my discord is Inky #0926. Just say who you are and which blog is yours and I’ll be certain to seek you. :3
I’ve thought about deleting this blog and remaking it. Everything is so cluttered to me and my tags either keep breaking or I forget them -because- they broke. Plus then I could reasonably consolidate all of the headcanons and crud I have for this character, maybe redo some things entirely/
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lonescion-archive · 4 years
I’ve thought about deleting this blog and remaking it. Everything is so cluttered to me and my tags either keep breaking or I forget them -because- they broke. Plus then I could reasonably consolidate all of the headcanons and crud I have for this character, maybe redo some things entirely/
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lonescion-archive · 4 years
i get the odd feeling posts are being swallowed. nom nom. 
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lonescion-archive · 4 years
Namine gives him a drawing. It's him and his funny orange armor. "Isn't it heavy?"
Argath blinks incredulously at Namine’s question-- and at the paper he is handed with a decent doodle of him and his armor. It is surely the nicest depiction Argath has seen of himself in some time. 
He does not speak often with ladies-- much less ladies that appeared to be his age. Even her question is so foreign to him that he has to consider it for a few seconds within a moment. 
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“This old breastplate? Hardly!” He knocks on it with gloved fingers, half expecting it to crumple under his fist. Not that Lady Namine needed to know that. “Copper alloy I believe, forged for squires such as myself. Enough protection without sacrificing mobility.” 
Argath puffs out his chest to impress-- though he’s not sure if he’s trying to impress Namine or someone unseen. “This plate in particular was commissioned by the Marquis Elmdore himself.” 
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lonescion-archive · 4 years
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lonescion-archive · 4 years
“I am sure they would, were they here now.” Argath nods, despite lying through his teeth.
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“I suppose though...” He steeples his fingers. “This means you are vastly not fond of one Lord Kuja then?” Machinations, perhaps, could start turning... 
Or maybe Argath was simply winding this poor, tormented soul up and around. Either was possible and neither had to be mutually exclusive. 
@lonescion​​ sent: 
“Tell me Magnus.” Argath steeples his fingers in front of his face. “Does nobility equate to ‘famous’ with you? Asking for someone’s interests.” Namely his own.
Magnus’ eyes narrowed.
“They’re one and the same, almost without fail. The title ‘noble’ is purely ironic,” he spat out, venom dripping from his tone. His head tilted to the side, then, expression as disagreeable as his sentiment.
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“Surely this someone would agree.”
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lonescion-archive · 4 years
“Shame for you then, that in Ivalice I am the appropriate drinking age. In fact, I would probably be mocked for abstaining as long as sixteen years of age there.” 
Argath sighs however and looks at the menu again.
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“I’ll have...” His eyes gaze back up at Tifa and her disapproving, motherly gaze. Dammit, he’s not strong enough to resist those...
“Oh, I.... I shall have orange juice.” Huff. You won this round, Lockhart. 
Argath squints at Tifa. "Are you going to tell me I am too young for drinking as well, hmm Miss Tifa?" Seems like someone's been having a very specific problem...
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      She doesn’t really get it, why would youngsters these day are trying so hard to get a taste of alcohol. She sighs deeply while glancing at the younger male with her palms placed upon her hips. “Well i’m not stopping you from ordering but if you really want to drink I’m serving it to you non alcohol besides alcohol is too bitter for you, young ones.”
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lonescion-archive · 4 years
“Perhaps if they endeavored to do better than carrying screaming, crying, defecating humans around all the day, they’d be less... sad.” Argath says with the tone of dissing a real humanoid person and not buses in general.
"What world bending shenanigans are we onto today, Chicken Man?" Argath sighs.
“I put googly eyes on a bus and now it won’t stop crying. Buses are sad, man.”
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lonescion-archive · 4 years
"Hey you! Argath! Armor or not let's run five laps around the town!"
He gets something of a wicked smile, just under the pleasant greeting. 
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“Is that a challenge, Soldier?”
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lonescion-archive · 5 years
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Some of you have already been in the first round–but to make it brief:  this account is a semi-automated question generator that asks random blogs random questions about their muses!
The point is:  reblog this post to get yourself added onto the list, to show me that you’re ok with receiving questions, and to get even more people aware of the process.  I’ll still seek out blogs on my own, but you can do this to expedite the process!
Multimuses, in the tags, you can list the muses you want questions directed to in the following format:  (muse1-muse2-muse3) and so on and so forth.  If not, it just won’t be directed to anyone!
Thanks and happy developing!
(In which I realize you can’t put commas in tags.)
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lonescion-archive · 5 years
Starter Call!
I have to be in town today, but when I get home it’ll be real posting hours ovo
You know the drill~ Like this post for a personalized bratty starter (u w u /)
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lonescion-archive · 5 years
brain: write argath stuff me: ok like what brain: brain: brain: me: like what though?! brain: argath stuff
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lonescion-archive · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME:  Leila (but I much prefer Inky here!) 
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF:  I don’t dream that often, actually. And no, it’s not a lack of sleep thing. I just don’t dream much. When I do though... I vividly remember it-- or most of it. 
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON:  The more dapper (and hygienic) you look, the more I’ll probably appreciate your sense of fashion. Ask my friends; I appreciate a certain aesthetic that could be described as... foppish.... 
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF:  oatmeal creme pies. apparently one time I bought a whole box of them and ate them non-stop when I was badly sick because I told my mom I couldn’t eat anything else. i never found out if I was wrong or not though...
5. A FOOD YOU HATE:  Something my mom made called ‘sweet rice’  It’s basically white rice cooked a certain way and made to be a bit... well... sweet... but it just makes me sick. I hate it. 
6. GUILTY PLEASURE:  Take your pick: AUs, crackships that become REAL ships to me because I can’t get them out of my head, or “I won’t make gen2 kids for this pairing. I will not. I refu-- dammit” 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN:  Shorts and a light shirt. I turn in my sleep, so loose clothing is essential. 
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS:  Serious relationship, but I’m not sure about that even. 
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON:  If you’re family or a friend, yes~ 
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN:  Probably the first Harry Potter movie. I admit, I’m soft for the young, childish adventures and wide-eyed learning Harry partakes in before it gets all serious and grim. Or Milo & Otis. God I love that movie; it’s so pure and sweet. 
12. FAVORITE BOOK:  Goblin Wood trilogy by Hillari Bell (technically three books I know but they’re all good MAKENNA IS A GREAT PROTAGONIST SO IS COGSWHALLOP! AND TOBIN IS TOBIN go rEAD IT) 
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE:  I’d just want my old cat Fluffy back, to be honest ;w;
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:  HOOOOOH BOYYYYYY first i need to set myself some rules; no oc/oc or canon/oc. That’ll narrow it down.... Numerical order does not imply that it’s more important to me btw 1) Tidus/Yuna (Which has the honor of being called Tuna) 2) Bartz/Faris (This one goes to @ask-captain-faris and the stellar way they write their muse) 3) King Albert/Meru (Eh, I can pass this for a purely platonic deal-- but it is cute to think about sometimes...) 4) Ovelia/Agrias (I always got the sense Agrias cared for Ovelia in more than a platonic sense, and I also have a feeling I am not the only one.)  5) Green/Red (Not Gary/Ash, though I don’t mind them either. The OG boys though ;w;)
15. PIE OR CAKE:  both, i can’t choose and this ink is hungry for sweets all the time
16. FAVORITE SCENT:  Lavender~ 
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH:  I never really got celebrity crushes. I can appreciate aesthetic and I can most certainly appreciate the voice of a celeb but I never... I was never all “mmm yes gimme them” 
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO:  Some place where the nature is still largely untouched, but isn’t too dangerous for me and my accident-prone ways. 
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT:  Introvert, but I can be very bouncy around friends. Their happiness energizes me!
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY:  ......yes.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID:  Android. 
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES:  Video games is what got me this blog, my dearies~ 
23. DREAM JOB:  full time independently wealthy writer
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS:  pay off debts and then buy myself a cozy place for myself and my cat..s... then save the rest for whatever other things I might want to buy later.
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE:  I know Argath is detestable for his actions of which he should be held accountable for, I get that-- but the snake that always got under my skin was Barrington. That guy in no uncertain terms acts loathsome towards Rapha and even Marach once you think about it. I won’t spoil the story if you’ve never played Tactics in either form but... ugh. Gross. Get him out of here. 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER:  that would have to be Harry Potter. I rode on the craze wave back in junior high/high school, but once I left high school and went to college my love... kind of dimmed. I can’t tell you if it’s because Rowling’s writing has fallen off majorly or because my interests simply changed.
TAGGED BY: borrowed from @xkuja
Tagging: @holey-soldier , @burmecianblackmage , @thetaintedemotion​ , @wingsdontsymbolizemonsters , @lovelysweetxhart , @theoldmenofdunwall , @white-bird-in-a-cage , @divine-identite​ , @sagittaxrose​ , @theamazingchickenman​ , @aubadexcantata​ , @treacherous-heretic​ ,and god my wrist hurts please take this meme and tag me if you wish ily guys but i can’t tag everyone xD
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lonescion-archive · 5 years
“The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.”
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lonescion-archive · 5 years
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Happy birthday u old man :3 Have lots of cake and fun! 
Well, it’s that time of year folks, it’s my birthday! And I decided I may as well age Shadow up this year too, so, he’s twenty now~
And I, on the other hand, am thirty, I’m old~
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lonescion-archive · 5 years
Argath runs a hand through that soft blonde hair Ramza likely also admires. “.....I don’t understand.” He sighs, not even bothering to read the letter anymore. He’s memorized it by the time that Ramza slips away to the plains. 
“He should detest me. They all did. Why not you as well, Ramza?” 
He decides the best course of action is to naturally take a walk. Walking was exercise and exercise was taking his mind off the bigger issues surrounding this letter. 
Most importantly, it’d clear his mind enough for him to think of responses. Solutions. Argath liked solutions-- especially tidy ones. 
He’s bundled up to the best of his ability and yet his breath fogs and he’s shaking again. “Dammit...” Argath detested his inability to withstand cold. It was a damn near miracle that the snowfall at Zeakden didn’t kill him. 
But the plains are cold and lonely. At least he would not-- or should not-- have to explain himself to anyone out here. 
Argath, I will admit that I miss you very dearly. Perhaps one day we could get dinner together, just as we did when we first met. However, I'm afraid to say that I am a bit nervous to admit who I am. Maybe one day I will let the curtain fall, but I don't think now is a good time. Unless you would rather guess who I am. (The letter is written in immaculate handwriting.)
Anemone eyes scan the letter over and over. He still cannot believe someone out there wrote this letter– and addressed it solely to him– even after the last time he read it again. 
Who had Argath met that he had made such a notable impact upon? Most of those he met were either deceased or held him in the highest contempt. It could not be Delita or Tietra. It was certainly not Wymond or Frances or– 
The name hit him like a pinstripe of lightning impacting upon the sullen, damp ground. 
Who else would Argath have moderately known in his sixteen years of life? His own mother? Elaisse Thadalfus would never shy away from identifying herself– especially not to her own son. It could not be her. 
It had to be Ramza. Right? Argath felt a pit developing in his stomach. Part of him wanted this to be a fluke. Part of him wanted it so badly to be truth though, too. 
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