@asktheghosthost me wh me when m we me weh mme when
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Monster Aficionado Crow
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Here he goes.
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cant be stopped
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The News Journal, Wilmington, Delaware, September 2, 1950
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bowtie birds
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you've liked 27 of my posts when does the kissing begin
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not a crow
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not real not real
(look-at-that-stupid-raven) i donf have a flock to go back to eulie did u know that???
"Oh," she cooed and clucked her tongue sympathetically. "You poor dear." As she stroked the top of his head with one hand, she crumbled up a small butter cookie with the other, making a peckable pile on her saucer. Then she rotated the dish, putting the treat in front of him. "I know it's probably not as good as carrion."
He hopped forward a few steps to reach it, and then eagerly plucked up one of the bigger pieces to swallow down. "There's not much that beats rotting flesh. Corn chips come close."
"I'll take your word for it." She resumed a knitting project she'd put down earlier. "So the other ravens that come by here, they're not your family?"
He put his beak into her teacup, paused, rolled his black eyes up to look at her, and waited to be yelled at. When she didn't scold him, he took it as permission to have a drink. "Nah. Buncha assholes." He flapped his wings and puffed up his feathers. "No one's as cool as Duke. 'Cept Waddle. She's hot." He went back to the crumb pile.
Eulalie didn't comment, but stole a glance at him. It must have been lonely, being an animal that didn't--couldn't--blend in with others of his kind. She had some sense of what it was like to be considered bizarre by your peers. Granted, she liked her self- imposed isolation... Most of the time.
After a bit, she stopped her knitting. "Maybe this will help you woo your Waddle." She held up a tiny royal blue vest. "A handsome vest for a handsome raven."
He dropped his current cookie piece, and timidly hopped over. Tilting his head from side to side, he inspected the garment, felt it with his beak, and gently pecked at the tight knitting. Then he bobbed down and ducked into the vest, wiggling his head through and pushing out with his wings.
She got up and went to her boudoir, and got a hand mirror to show him how he looked.
He took a few moments to gaze at himself, fluffing up his feathers proudly. When he turned back to her, his eyes were shining. "Eulie, I look like a nerd!" He flapped over to her shoulder and nuzzled against her cheek.
"Good. She likes smart boys." She scratched under his throat, prompting a happy little croak. "And if you need some spare string for a nest, you let me know."
He got another cookie chunk before jumping down to the floor. There was an extra swagger to his walk as he went out to the hall.
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oh no
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the only reason ur not seeing more of me is because ur too busy looking at my good posts
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thats a dog and you know it
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When it’s Fat Bear Friday but you still havin an existential crisis
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Greegings, fellow Quens. , Queet Esplisabrth here, dead.
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i am queen now
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It’s really hot…
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Im Blue Daba Dee Daba Dye
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kiss your homies!!!
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jerma fans talk about jerma like he’s a little science experiment
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Send me a character and I’ll give you some of my thoughts on them!
edit: none of you in the replies know how asks work. stop fucking sending me shit.
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frank is homophobic
are you still a bird hater
No, I think I can handle birds in small quantities as long as they don’t fly into my face
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