Hey everyone following me! Just a heads up, I got a new device! But due to my absolute stupidity and lack of patience, destiny has made it so that I can't get on this account with the new device.
So, this account will not be active anymore. You will not see any updates/new reblogs on this account.
If you still want to hang out and share content with me, you can look up my new account!!
Look up calminggoat4u and we can continue to exist together!!
Until then, it was absolutely amazing to experience everything with you guys, and I'm gonna miss this blog.
- Bye guys!!!
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Resources for Depicting Trans Women!
This is one of my most frequent asks (followed by how to depict trans men, but that merits its own post.) As such, I wanted to hand pass the mic to trans women with a masterpost! 
A disclaimer: many of the resources included below apply to trans people of all genders, but all are from trans women, and apply primarily to trans women. 
Happy writing, everybody! 
How to write trans characters
How hormones (HRT) change a trans woman’s body
Do trans people need to “pass?”
Transploitation: The Reality of Being a Black Trans Woman
My Trans Body And Dysphoria
Voice Training 101
What It’s Like To Be a TRANS Woman (this one’s funny)
Trans Lady Youtubers:
Kat Blaque
Becky Boulton
Riley J. Dennis
Stef Sanjati
Chauncey Jadore
Older Transgender Women Tell Their Coming Out Stories
Living as a Transgender Woman: Surgeries, Stigma, and Struggle
Gender Affirmation: Do I Need Surgery?
What Trans Women Aren’t Told About Bottom Surger
Whipping Girl: A Transexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity
Transgender History
Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us
She’s Not There: A Life in Two Genders
The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard
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homophobes are not allowed to use computers because the inventor of the computer was gay
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there are really people who just don’t listen to black people’s music
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Listen up!
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You see a post like this? Where OP might hurt/kill themselves? You hit that button that I circled
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Hit that.
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Click Suicide or Self-harm Concern
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Fill in the rest of it, and hit submit. The "content you reported" will fill itself in
Tumblr will follow up and help them.
Warning: this is only for mobile. If anyone knows how to do this for desktop, please add it!
And yes, REBLOG. Liking does no shit at all. This isn't ig.
You reblog, people see it. You don't, people don't see it. This shit's that simple.
This could save someone's life. It's not a joke.
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I don’t know what to fucking say anymore.
I’m tired. I’m hurt. I’m sad. And angry, like, really FUCKING angry.
They were children, they were only kids. And they found 215 of their corpses buried near those goddamn schools. It shouldn’t even be called a school.
As an indigenous person, this is fucking heartbreaking. But it’s not like it’s new. Shit like this has been happening and will continue happen unless we do something about it.
Sign a petition
Support indigenous artists/creators/actors
Educate yourself on residential schools and the generational trauma that we endure
Just PLEASE for the love of god talk about this.
We can’t keep letting shit like this slide. That was only one school where they found those kids. Imagine how many more have mass graves on the premises. This isn’t just “a dark chapter in our country’s history” this was and still is the whole fucking book. There are people in my community who have lived through the horrors of residential schools and many more that live with the trauma it brought.
The link below me is a petition to call for a national day of mourning for the kids who didn’t make it home to their families.
Please sign and share it. Remember these kids and the horrors they went through because we should NEVER forget this atrocity.
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Hello please reblog this if you're okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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I’m just super fucking bitter that once the flint water crisis got it’s 15 minutes of fame people stopped giving a shit. The water is still poisoned, people! Donations have plummeted and people have been forced back into drinking and bathing with the water! The medical effects of this are astounding, cases of legionnaires disease have skyrocketed, people are having seizures, people are having weird rashes break out over their body, people (including me!) are having their blood poisoned, and it’s not just lead! it’s coliform bacteria! it’s THMs! it’s all in the water and it gets into the bloodstream and breaks down blood vessels, causing bruising and petechiae and internal bleeding and no one gives a shit anymore and it’s only gotten worse like how many people are going to have to die until people realize this is still a problem
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Here we go! The Qian Qiu/Thousand Autumns finale and the extras!
Like I said before, I set out to edit the mtl for the last chunk of Qian Qiu/Thousand Autumns, and then was overcome with excitement and went on to do all the extras too. I have no Chinese of my own, so I really, truly cannot guarantee any accuracy or consistency with the other translators, because there are like twenty of them. But hey, it’s better than raw mtl. And this content… tastey. I don’t care what anyone does with this material, just please don’t go saying that you were the one who went to beat your own head against a brick mtl wall. I do like to receive credit for my own stupid decisions.
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Successful trans men
I wish I knew about men like these growing up, I wish I knew that trans men could be successful after a lifetime of never seeing anyone ‘like me’ excelling in life. So here are some trans men - some that you may have heard of, some that you may not - that are successful in a range of careers. Never let being trans hold you back, never think you can’t do something, never think there is not a place for you.
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Ben Barres American neurobiologist for Stanford University and advocate for women in science. Barre’s research on the interactions between glial cells and neurons changed the way that we understand the brain and opened up a whole new field of research.
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Stephen Whittle Professor of equalities law. Founder of FTM Network in 1989 and Press for Change in 1992. Whittle has been heavily involved in trans activism since joining the Self Help Association for Transsexuals in 1979. His research and activism has been instrumental in ensuring the rights of trans people in the UK.
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Michael D Cohen Actor, teacher and coach. Making his break in award-winning Nickelodeon sitcoms Harvey Danger and Danger Force he was the first series regular actor to publicly come out as transgender. Cohen has a BSc in cell biology and a masters degree in adult education, teaching at his own acting studio and providing workshops.
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Chris Mosier American triathlete and award-winning coach. Six time member of Team USA in both duathlon and triathlon, Mosier also won two national championships in racewalking and was the first transgender athlete to qualify for the Olympic trials to compete against other members of his gender.
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Yance Ford African-American film producer and director. Ford received an Emmy for Exceptional Merit in Documentary Filmmaking and was nominated for an Oscar for his part in producing and directing the documentary Strong Island which follows the death of his brother.
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Kael McKenzie Canadian judge. Serving in the Canadian Armed Forces for several years, McKenzie later attended law school and and worked as a lawyer before being appointed as a judge to the Provincial Court of Manitoba in 2015. 
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Shane Ortega Native American former flight engineer in the US army, former marine and professional bodybuilder. Throughout his career Ortega has served in Iraq and Afghanistan in over 400 combat missions. He has a long history of advocating for the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and the recent banning on transgender service members in the US army. 
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Drago Renteria Chicano photojournalist and deaf and LGBT activist. Renteria founded the Deaf Queer Resource and is CEO of DeafVision - a webhosting and development company run by deaf people and the founder of the National Deaf LGBTQ Archives. Renteria has been instrumental in both creating and hosting many online deaf/queer spaces online along with being heavily involved in real-world activism for decades.
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Phillipe Cunningham Elected city councillor for ward 4 Minneapolis and previous special education teacher, Cunningham holds a masters degrees in Organizational Leadership & Civic Engagement and in Police Administration and is passionate about tacking inequalities in his community. 
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But institutional racism is imaginary, right?
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The War Chest Review, Australia, February 1919
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Gay Panic of the Bisexual
One time a girl complimented my hair, and I complimented her eyebrow.
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being a brown girl and growing up w white friends was so painful, when i have a daughter im going to do everything i can to make sure she grows up with other brown girls 
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