loquaciouslorna · 3 years
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Katerina Marchenko on Etsy
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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I’ve decided that the colors of the year are pink & dark jade!
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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“I have two sons with the same condition. But Connolly had the toughest road, because he’s the oldest. And he had to figure everything out himself. I think it was around 4th grade when kids started calling him ‘Baldy’ on the playground. Some days he’d come home crying and say things like: ‘‘I miss my hair.’ That’s when the mama bear would come out. I wanted to fix the problem so badly. I knew a couple of the kids who were responsible, so I wanted to go to his school and speak to them. Never in a punitive way, but just to give them some information. But every time I offered, Connolly would tell me that it wasn’t necessary. He’s always been so self-assured, so he’d promise me that he was OK. His mind changed on the day when he wasn’t picked for a team at recess. He’s one of the most athletic kids in his class, so he knew it was for other reasons.  And on the way home from school, he told me: ‘I’m ready for you to come in now.’ We worked together to make a presentation. There were four different classes in his fourth grade, and we gave a speech to each of them. We stood up there together. I spoke first because I wanted to get out a few key pieces of information: ‘Alopecia is an autoimmune disease where your body rejects your hair. It’s not cancer. And it’s not contagious.’ But after that we’d open it up to questions, and that’s when Connolly took over. He’s such an outgoing kid. He started calling on all his friends. And wouldn’t you know—the kids who had picked on him were the ones raising their hands the highest. After that day, all the negative comments stopped. He finished elementary school without an issue, and he’s moving on to middle school with a strong group of advocates. My main worry now is his younger brother Damon, who just started kindergarten. He’s a bit more reserved than Connolly. He’s so sensitive and tender in that little boy way. And one day he came home crying because one of the kids had called him ‘Baldy.’ Connolly walked over, put his arm around Damon, and said: ‘Don’t worry, you’re just dealing with people who don’t understand.’ Then he turned to me and said: ‘I think it’s time we all gave an alopecia talk to Damon’s class.’”
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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She had an election stolen from her due to suppression and instead of giving up or running for senate like many wanted her to, she organized a movement. Stacy Abrams is a major reason GA is so competitive right now. She deserves our collective praise and thanks.
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
glow is genuinely one of the best shows netflix ever made and doesn't deserve this
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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“One of my earliest memories is sitting in a sand box and watching the other kids play. I could see their mouths moving but couldn’t hear what they were talking about. They seemed so happy. And I desperately wanted to participate. But my deafness kept me in a glass cage. I was never able to verbally speak. And whenever I tried to reach out, I’d be forgotten quickly. During recess I’d sit alone and read my books, because it hurt too much to look at the other kids. In high school I had an interpreter who predicted I’d never marry. She said that disabled people were too much of a burden for abled people. It was a casual remark for her, but I never forgot it. And the few flings I had as a teenager only reinforced that belief. None of the guys I dated learned sign language. They didn’t even try. I think they viewed dating a deaf girl as more of a novelty than anything. And every time it didn’t work out, I was left feeling lonelier. I went to college two hours away. Which wasn’t far, but it was far for me. And I first met Stuart in my education class. He tried to say ‘hello’ that very first day, but I accidentally ignored him. I think he figured out the reason once my interpreter showed up. But he kept smiling at me, and a few days later he slid me a photo with a note on the back and his email address. I spent a lot of time looking at that photo, waffling back and forth about whether I should contact him. But finally I decided there was nothing to lose. We began spending time together outside of class. We’d communicate by writing back and forth in a notebook. I learned all about his life. And he learned about mine. After a few months of this, I started to have hope, maybe he was actually interested in my thoughts. Maybe he liked me for me. One night we were watching a scary movie in my dorm room. We were writing back and forth, laughing at the cheesy scenes, when suddenly Stuart’s face grew serious. He wrote that he needed to tell me something. My heart sank.  I thought: This is where he tells me that I’m a lot of fun, but my deafness is a dealbreaker. But he looked me in the eyes, took a deep breath, and haltingly began to sign: ‘Will. You. Be. My. Girlfriend?’”
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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Notorious RBG, may her memory be a blessing.
Vote in her honor. Make her proud.
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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Dark Berries 🌿 I drew this while we were in WA and snacking on blackberries. My Geanddad used to make the best jam from the blackberries growing in the woods in his yard. Ive collected a few things this trip too. Acorns from my fav tree my great grand dad planted, stones sticks and feathers we picked up from our family property in the woods. It always helps me going to Washington. Feels like a reset. 🌱 I’ll have some new prints in my shop later this month! Thank you for always showing me support and kindness. I hope you all are staying as safe as you can out there! 💚 #heathermahlerart
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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if i didn’t know about either of these characters and u asked me to pick which one is the vampire and which one is the rich playboy i don’t think i would answer correctly
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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It’s called fashion, twerp. Look it up
✦ᵗʷᶤᵗᵗᵉʳ ✦ᶤᶰˢᵗᵃᵍʳᵃᵐ ✦ʸᵒᵘᵗᵘᵇᵉ ✦ ᵏᵒᶠᶤ
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
RIP Chadwick Boseman. A video of him speaking about communicating with kids who had cancer. Unknown to the public, he was already battling his fight with cancer.
You were a rising star! This generations league of great Black Actors! You had so much ahead of you! And I appreciate all you have done for cinema! I hope your family finds peace and consolation. You will never be forgotten.
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loquaciouslorna · 4 years
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(November 29, 1976 – August 28, 2020)
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