lordalfaberg · 4 months
just wauw
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lordalfaberg · 5 months
In general, men shut stop interrupt woman and others in meetings. Wait till its your turn, but yes - we should also ask the interrupted person to continue.
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lordalfaberg · 1 year
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lordalfaberg · 1 year
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lordalfaberg · 2 years
reblog if i’m allowed to submit nudes to ur inbox 😉😉
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lordalfaberg · 2 years
Liz Perrachio, an AFSCME retiree from Mesa, told People’s World the troopers also made sure the participants got the full force of the gas. Her colleague, convention delegate Susan Kusar of Sedona, attended a later protest, on July 4, in Flagstaff in Arizona’s northwest.
That protest, Kusar added, drew everyone from teenagers chanting “Abort the court!” to participants in walkers and wheelchairs, including older men. “Why should our grandchildren have to go through what their grandmothers did?” she quoted the men as asking. The women discussed the protests in a July 12 interview during the union’s convention in Philadelphia.
The State Police not only fired tear gas projectiles at the Phoenix crowd but sent canisters far enough to block the one available street exit from Capitol Square, the demonstration site. The state Capitol itself and adjacent legislative offices flank that plaza.
“There was no police presence and no media” when Perrachio and a friend, Luisa Pedraza, arrived around 8 pm, she said. That made the police’s fusillade a surprise.
“All of a sudden, the Department of Public Safety” troopers “started shooting tear gas from the roof. There was no warning whatsoever. It landed behind us and we were inundated.”
An Internet check showed several local TV stations—even including Fox’s Channel 10—later reported the tear gas attack. Fox, infamous for commentators’ rightist slants, paired its coverage with video of anti-abortionists. The New York Times and the British paper The Guardian included Phoenix in their roundups of pro-abortion demonstrations in the U.S.
The Phoenix demonstration lasted all day on June 25, the day after the justices outlawed abortion. The effects of the tear gas—stinging eyes and throat and skin that “felt like it was burning”—lingered for 18-24 hours, Perrachio reported. “Even the next morning, my eyes were still blurry.”
She feared Pedraza, who suffers from asthma and was recovering from surgery, would need to be hospitalized. She didn’t. “But Luisa had trouble breathing.”
Demonstrators “ran to the memorial plaza across the street,” which was “the one way out. But they (the troopers) were shooting tear gas to block it.”
Like other demonstrators from coast to coast, the Phoenix and Flagstaff groups denounced the court’s 5-4 ruling upholding Mississippi’s draconian anti-abortion law. The deep red state’s last abortion clinic challenged the Republican-dominated state government’s diktat. The majority justices seized the case to invalidate the 1973 pro-abortion ruling, Roe v Wade.
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lordalfaberg · 2 years
Offering a little bit more of themed variety for your viewing pleasures. Feel free to view, save, share, and especially follow!
Now it’s time to see everything else!
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lordalfaberg · 2 years
The Zodiac Signs in Their Base and Mature Manifestations
Which one are you?
Base: Irritable, conceited, selfish. Orders their friends around. Emasculates or undermines their romantic and business partners. Aggressive towards strangers. Prone to road rage.
Mature: Courageous, leader-like, driven. Kind to their inferiors. Expresses their anger in a dignified, alpha-male/female manner instead of exploding randomly on other people.
Base: Lazy, obstinate, boaster. Does not care how anybody else feels as long as they are happy, such as hoping the pandemic lasts, so they can keep working from home.
Mature: Joyful, polite, luxurious. Enjoys sharing their wealth – material or experiential – with loved ones. Buys fine things for their own happiness, not just to serve as status symbols.
Base: Deceptive, treacherous, loud. Acts nice to people they normally ignore right before asking them for a favor. Always talking behind someone’s back. Constantly scheming.
Mature: Intelligent, versatile, sociable. Brings lightheartedness to any gathering. Has a great sense of humor. Knows how to manipulate the system to benefit self and others.
Base: Passive-aggressive, irrational, moody. Does good to others, but always with the expectation of being repaid. Has victim mentality. Gets offended extremely easily.
Mature: Nurturing, kind, loving. Is good to people simply because it is the right thing to be. Inspires others to admit, face and accept the difficult truths in their lives.
Base: Controlling, disloyal, insecure. Constantly needs to be complimented; otherwise, they would feel worthless. Always in search of “fans” instead of a real partner or true friends.
Mature: Brave, devoted, charismatic. Exudes a warm, welcoming, confident energy that makes people adore them. Thinks they are greater than any problem life can throw at them.
Base: Critical, judgmental, negative. Acts disgusted in environments and around people whom they believe to be beneath them. Thinks they are far superior to everyone else.
Mature: Reliable, rational, organized. Never misses a deadline. Always looks presentable no matter how stressful their personal life is, because dignity is important to them.
Base: Shallow, fickle, simple-minded. Easily changes their principles because they just adopt whatever values are trending on Twitter. Chronic cheater and eternal pushover.
Mature: Elegant, harmonious, balanced. Never judgmental because they strive to understand where others are coming from. Always acts in a polished, graceful manner.
Base: Paranoid, jealous, unstable. Always chases men/women like they have no self respect. Full of unreleased angst, so they just act like they are angry at the whole world.
Mature: Self-loving, passionate, proud. Releases, instead of stores, their anger. Never possessive because they do not care for anyone who would not die for them anyway.
Base: Obnoxious, unreliable, a nuisance. Like that secondary fictional character who serves no purpose except to make snarky remarks. Optimistic to the point of being foolish.
Mature: Exciting, accepting, enthusiastic. Hopes for the best but prepares for the worst instead of just blindly wishing. Has an infectious charm that lightens the atmosphere.
Base: Superior, cynical, miserable. Mentally unstable because of their chronic pessimism. Opportunistic and selfish even towards those who are very kind to them.
Mature: Smart, strategic, patient. Realistic instead of pessimistic. Highly ambitious and determined but not at the expense of others. Avoids sprints, but great at marathons.
Base: Cold, detached, lost. Unable to master their emotions. Tries too hard to be different. Antisocial and needy at the same time. Acts superior but is secretly insecure.
Mature: Philanthropic, selfless, confident. Recognizes, accepts and embraces their uniqueness. Is not emotionally hot-and-cold. Genuinely cares about humanity.
Base: Deluded, escapist, dependent. Emotionally childish, unrealistic and illogical. Very submissive to other people. In need of an authority figure to give them direction.
Mature: Creative, intuitive, childlike (vs. childish). Sees the world as a golden meadow, but knows that there are snakes hiding in the grass. A fountain of joy and cheerfulness.
Note that for all of us… ego, pride and confidence are leading signs of maturity. They are symptoms of someone’s self-esteem being healthy. The opposites of which are arrogance, superiority and conceitedness — symptoms of baseness, and tumors of insecurity. Try not to confuse the two categories.
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lordalfaberg · 2 years
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Easiest way to turn your Dreams into Reality.
Every person has such a dream in life, for which he is living. He thinks that he will become so happy when the dream will come true. Whatever be that dream, small or big, it is always big for that person. And because of this, the first thing that comes to his mind is – it is very difficult to fulfill my dream. And 50% of people give up that dream right there.
Here are five tips for you to turn your dreams into reality.
Table of Contents
First Step:
Second Step:
So how can we focus on a single thing despite having so many distractions?
Third Step:
Fourth Step: Clarify why.
Fifth Step – how to focus.
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lordalfaberg · 2 years
The difference between asteroids, meteorites and meteors. Enjoy!
In simplest terms here are the definitions:
Asteroid: a large rocky body in space, in orbit around the Sun.
Meteoroid: much smaller rocks or particles in orbit around the Sun.
Meteor: If a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere and vaporizes, it becomes a meteor, which is often called a shooting star.
Meteorite: If a small asteroid or large meteoroid survives its fiery passage through the Earth's atmosphere and lands on Earth's surface, it is then called a meteorite.
Most asteroids in our solar system are found in the main asteroid belt, a region between Mars and Jupiter. But they can also hang out in other locations around the solar system. For example, some asteroids orbit the Sun in a path that takes them near Earth.
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Space debris smaller than an asteroid are called meteoroids. A meteoroid is a piece of interplanetary matter that is smaller than an asteroid and frequently are only millimeters in size. Most meteoroids that enter the Earth's atmosphere are so small that they vaporize completely and never reach the planet's surface. When they burn up during their descent, they create a beautiful trail of light known as a meteor, sometimes called a shooting star.
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If any part of a meteoroid survives the fall through the atmosphere and lands on Earth, it is called a meteorite. Although the vast majority of meteorites are very small, their size can range from about a fraction of a gram (the size of a pebble) to 100 kilograms (220 lbs) or more
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In short, the difference between asteroids and meteors all comes down to a question of location. Asteroids are always found in space. Once it enters an atmosphere, it becomes a meteor, and then a meteorite after it hits the ground. Each are made of the same basic materials – minerals and rock – and each originated in space. The main difference is where they are when they are being observed.
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