lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
Or on the other hand, I could just stay here making emo posts about how much I hate everyone into an empty void. That’s kind of tempting....but it’s probably too risky. I can’t guarantee that this void will remain empty for ever....
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
Hhhhhhho-kay. APPARENTLY, this is a terrible place to make an art blog because no-one cares about you. According to ZebraToast, who’s a very helpful guy. SO. I made it here because I don’t really feel comfortable using Instagram because of their privacy policies, buuuut….. I’m not achieving anything here. So I guess I have to sell my soul to the Instagram demons : /  I’ll repost all of this stuff on Instagram. HOWEVER! If I ever get even one follower, I’ll continue posting stuff on here, just for you <3 It’s no extra effort for me.
Sigh.... I just want things to go well. But shit always does what you don’t expect it to. I mean, I do have a life, it’s not like this is going to crush my dreams or anything, but...sigh.
I hope someone notices me.
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
Why do I have no followers!?!?!?!? Fuck you!!!!!!!
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
Damn, that joke about edge was really cringe-worthy and now I regret it. Well, guess it’s been immortalised forever on the internet XD XD X’D
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
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DAMN!!! It’s one AM, and I just finished this!!!! So much Uraraka!!!!
Ow!! I just cut myself on that EDGE!!!!!
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
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Me and my friend were talking, and they said “what if those shadows all over All Might are a side affect of One for All?” Because in the film he doesn’t have them, so where did they come from???
Midoriya woke up one morning covered in shadows XD
There’s a lot of things wrong with this artistically. I didn’t consider that adding all those shadows would have the affect of slimming down his silhouette, so he looks really skinny. And the pose is awkward. But it’s funny, so I posted it anyway : )
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
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More bird photos! I love birds. Probably obvious : P
From top down, they are:
A seagull getting cheeky, a greater black-backed gull, lots of seagulls, a wood pigeon having a sip, two collared doves, and another greater black-backed gull.
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
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Here’s a compilation of bird photos I’ve taken recently, because this is supposed to be my art blog, not a My Hero Academia fan blog. Right!?!? Photography counts as art btw.
From the top down, they are:
Seagull, skylark, seagull, seagull, juvenile jackdaw, wood pigeon, seagull, cormorant, juvenile song thrush.
Late August / early September is a good time to take photographs of birds, because the juveniles have just left the nest and haven’t learnt to fear people yet.
While we’re being opinionated about MHA, can I just say that seagulls are awesome and we need to stop bitching about them? Not only are they beautiful, graceful fliers, but they play an important scavenger role in the food chain, clearing up all the scraps that are left lying around. Some idiots want to cull them, but what happens if we remove the scavengers from the food chain? Another species will step in to fill the role. And what species will that be? RATS. Would you rather have graceful, elegant, relatively clean birds flying around? Or would you rather have the cities crawling with rats?
Oh, all this only applies to the UK, by the way. I don’t know what months birds leave the nest in other countries, or the position of other nations on seagulls.
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
Ok, look. I don’t want to start a fight about this or throw any shade. I just want to politely set down the objections I have to the Bakugou and Kirishima ship. If you ship them, please read this. I’m not here to insult you, I just want my favourite show to carry on being something awesome that everyone can enjoy.
First of all, I get why people want to ship them. They’re both incredibly attractive, and they’re also amazing people, and in fact they’re my two favourite characters and I love both of them. And if you ship them, I don’t hate you or think you’re an idiot. I totally get why people are into it. The problem I have with it is that people who ship them are being very vocal about it, so much so that Bones Studio is beginning to deviate from the manga in order to please people. Which is great for the people who ship it, but for the people who don’t, if Bones continues to deviate, it will ruin the enjoyment those people have of the wonderful friendship between the two characters. Because if they’re ‘just friends’ in the anime and manga, that doesn’t restrict the enjoyment of people who want to ship them on the internet, but on the other hand, if they canonically become ‘more than friends’ in the anime and manga, the people who enjoy them as ‘just friends’ can no longer enjoy them that way. So in other words, while everyone can enjoy them in whatever way they want if they’re canonically ‘just friends’, if they become canonically ‘more than friends’, only one side of the argument can enjoy them. So it just leads to less happy people all round.
Also, one of the aspects that I personally love about their friendship is how organic it is. In a lot of anime, people are friends because there’s loads of really deep shit going on, but Bakugou and Kirishima became friends just because there was no reason for them not to become friends. And that’s just how real friendships work. There’s no deep shit going on, people just become friends because they happen to be hanging around together a lot of the time. But if Bones continues to go along the path they’re heading down, they devalue that message, because by making the ship canon or at least hinted at, they’re effectively saying, “the only way people like Bakugou, who are awkward at interacting with people and making friends, can form connections with other people is if there’s something deeper going on.” And if they say that, what hope is there for people in real life who struggle to connect with people, and who don’t have the upside of being able to shoot explosions out of their hands? Are they doomed to never have normal friendships?
So I’m begging you, for the sake of everyone’s enjoyment of the show, please be less vocal about shipping them. It’s fine if people want to ship them, but it’s not fair if only one faction of the fandom can get enjoyment out of the show. Of course, this would be a much less contentious issue if Bones wasn’t stupid and just kept to the manga rather than thinking they could improve on Horikoshi’s genius, but alas. Please don’t put pressure on Bones or Horikoshi to make the ship canon. Just let Hori do his thing. Whatever he does in the end will be perfect, so let’s just leave him to it. Please.
Please share, reblog, and post on other social media platforms if possible.
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
Horikoshi’s art style is way more realistically proportioned than most manga. He’s so bold. Completely unafraid to do big curves and hard angles and big, expressive hands. The crazy thing is, the reason his style is like that is probably because he was inspired by Western superhero comics. So this guy was inspired by the West, and made something in the East, which then inspired people like me in the West, to make something that looks like things in the East, but which was in fact inspired by things in the West. It’s all a big circle.
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
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Just a little biro sketch of best girl being the best : 3
Yes, this is all biro. Being able to shade really well with a biro is my Quirk. Fight me you pencil-using degenerates.
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
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This is the thing I’m most proud of. I just picked up the pen and did it, and I have no idea how. There are some issues with the neck being proportioned wrong, but still. The way the light falls on this is just breathtaking. It’s so intense...I’m still amazed that I drew this.
I was inspired by that moment in the USJ attack when Kurogiri envelopes everyone in darkness. There was a shot of Bakugou and Kirishima shielding their faces from the wind, and I saw that Bakuguo’s hair is actually pretty long when the wind blows it. So I was like “hmmm”, and then this happened.
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
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I have way too many screenshots of Bakugou. WAY. TOO. FUCKING. MANY.
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lorddemonfort-blog · 6 years
I love how muscular Uraraka is! And she’s so tough and badass! She the only one in the class who’s as tough and badass as Katsuki! Uraraka is the only one tough enough to be a match for him. She’s not as powerful as Todoroki or something, but if you asked me to place bets on whether Todoroki or Uraraka could beat Bakugou, all my money would be on Uraraka, because she has the same raw toughness as he does.
That being said, I don’t ship them. I’m not weird.
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