This Blog Does NOT RP SMUT with MINORS.
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Lord Hugh smiled down at his daughter.  “Of course we can do this, my dear.  We’re both excellent dancers.  I don’t know why you’re so nervous about this particular ball!” 
He took her in his arms and began to hum as he led her in the steps of a Viennese walz.  “Could it be because this particular ball is the annual Tracy Foundation ball and a certain blonde haired somewhat, shall we say, acquatic, Tracy will be in attendance?”
👑 Dancing with them - from Papa
It was yet another social function, another chance to dress up, and the opportunity to have a handsome man on her arm. Adjusting the slightly restrictive corset, she nodded at her father and offered her hand. The ball itself wasn’t for another hour or so, so this gave them the chance to practice their favourite dance - the waltz.
After all, it was expected for the two of them to be ‘fashionably late.’
“Ready Papa?” she asked, smiling expectantly, “I know there isn’t any music, but we can do this.”
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"Well ... Hugh," Sylvia demanded, narrowing her eyes, "since your daughter Penelope, has been remarkably evasive to my line of questioning, I believe that you owe me some answers."
“Syliva... it’s lovely to see you too.   I’m doing just fine.  How are you,” Hugh said to the woman who had planted herself across from him.  “What’s this about Penelope?  I didn’t even know you had been to see her recently!”
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Reblog if you want your followers to send you asks.
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My muse has been missing for several years and presumably dead. However, they randomly show back up at your muses house one day, bloody and covered in bruises. Send me your muses reaction to seeing my muse
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OC RP Blog - father of Lady Penelope
Open to RP with OC’s and Canon characters and will also do crack and serious.
also please reblog this if you are a Thunderbirds rp blog and tag whether you’re a canon/oc blog! I want to make a directory for people to find each other easily, and please also state if you’re selective/open/crack only! also please reblog this if you want to be in the directory as well! I will not add people who have not reblogged this post as well as tagging the necessary requirements
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"Ready when you are father," she straightened out his bow tie and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "just ... try not to get too drunk this time. Remember, we're on 'duty'."
“I don’t get drunk when I’m working, Penny,” her father responded.  “Only when I’ve been roped into yet another godawful round of social emptyness with nothing to do.  It’s not my fault that the Peruvian embassy ball turned into business three quarters of the way through an evening of hellish socialising.”
He smiled at his daughter.  “More importantly, are you prepared to do what needs to be done?”
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"HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!" little Penny ran full pelt into the library, a box in her hands. She missed the edge of the rug and tripped, causing said box to go flying. Out popped a cake, thickly iced. It rolled across the floor and landed at her father's feet. Penny's bottom lip trembled as she'd spent a good couple of hours icing the words carefully on the top.
Hugh jumped up and quickly went to his daughter.  “Penny?  Are you okay darling?”   He saw the tears gather and took her hand.  “Come on, let’s pick this up.”  
The cake was only half destroyed, and he could still see some of the icing and words.  “Is this for me sweetheart?  That you made all yourself?”  Carefully he bent down and attempted to pick it up and put it back in the box.  Pulling out a crisp white linen handkerchief he carefully wiped all the sticky icing off his hands.  “How about we ring for tea and you tell me all about it!  I’m very proud of my girl!”
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My muse is getting married to the wrong person. Tell my muse what would your muse say in order to get them to change their minds?
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Penny curled up in her father's big leather chair and pulled the blanket around her. She always did this when she was troubled, even when she was a little girl. And something was really bothering her now, that she needed the comfort of her father around her.
Lord Hugh came into his study, his phone to his ear as he finished the conversation.  It meant he was at his chair before he noticed it was occupied.  “Penny, darling?  Have you been waiting for me, sweetheart?”
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Red wine? With fish?
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@semper-floreat I’m all sophisticated now.
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My Muse stumbles upon a torn-out page from your Muse's diary. Tell me what it says in my inbox.
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Though.... Gordon seems to have the 'Bird that is armed with Kabooms and has no hesitation in using them.
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On a scale of ‘Alan’ to ‘Scott’…
How Tracy are you when it comes to explosives?
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Grandma taught him in Unplugged the power of a good whack.
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Virgil the mechanic
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"That's my girl," Lord Hugh said proudly. "Isn't she beautiful!"
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Lady Penelope as a little girl. This is one memory that her father will treasure forever. An over-sized hat and a double string of fake pearls, and a lovely sunny smile.
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"M'lord, I 'ave the location ... h'and the h'instructions ... now what do I do?"
You got them from Penelope?   Then follow them, my good man!  To the letter!  You know what she can get like.
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Send my character a ★ and I’ll bold everything they feel toward your character.
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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