lordofthelarks · 2 months
Where’s the would never pay for it out of spite button?
I'm honestly genuinely curious if anyone uses it lol
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lordofthelarks · 7 months
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lordofthelarks · 7 months
So I think many people are not aware about the current state of Julien Assange, the founder of Wikileaks since he‘s not getting a lot of media attention any more and the news cycle has long moved on.
Around 2 years ago the British courts already ruled that hell be extradited into the Usa where he will spend the rest of his life in jail under according to amnesty International: „a real risk of serious human rights violations including possible detention conditions that would amount to torture and other ill-treatment“. In the Usa he will face charges for his Journalistic practices such as leaking footage of Us soldiers committing war crimes.
Right now he‘s being held in Belmarsh high security prison in the east of London, England. He has been there since two years ago and is currently being held in solitary confinement. While the courts in the Uk already ruled about his extardidment to the Usa two years ago he is right at the moment in the process of making his last appeal. if it fails which it mostly likely will his last chance would be an appeal to the Un human rights comitee. The last appeal in front of the court in the Uk will be held on the 16th and 17th of February.
He is being charged for „being a risk to the national security of the United States of America“ under the 1917 Espionage act which was put in place during the Usa‘s Involvement in the first world war to fight german spy’s in Us Institutions and should have been abolished after the end of it. Instead it stayed in place up until today conveniently giving the Us-Government a reason to jail some of their stongest critics.
You just have to really think about the Implications that this whole case carries with it, if the Us Government can classify every document they don‘t want the public to know about because it would Inform them about their atrocities and crooked doings and everyone leaking them can get charged how can you still talk about a functioning Democracy? Not that I think that any representative democracy especially not the one in the Usa represents the true will of the people. But even taken this aside the rational of a democracy must be that information is somewhat available for voters to base their decision on. The thing is the Us-Government knows and this includes both parties that all of their little war adventures in the middle east and the all civilian casualties, displaced people and other atrocities commited would,even under the most ignorant Americans, raise some eyebrows. THEY FEAR THE TRUTH
And I think all of this is not only typical for the Us but for basically every liberal democracy. Nominally there is a right to free speech for everyone up until the point that you pose a real thread to the Government. And no, the constitution will not defend you because guess what even if there are no convenient laws like the Us espionage act that help to prosecute you, there are all sorts of secret services that don’t give a fuck about the constitution and their only purpose is to do what ever is best for the nation-state they are serving weather that is overthrowing government’s, bribing a court or assasinations doesn’t matter. And if the Usa can keep on silencing its sharpest critics without international condemnation or condemnation by their citizens, other western countries will follow this example and be more confident to prosecute their own critics openly, I do believe this is somewhat of a slippery slope.
There will be some last big demonstrations on the 20th and 21st of February outside of the royal court where the hearings will take place. Demonstrations starting as early as 8:30(GMT) so if you live in the area consider going. And even if you don’t live near london you can still get active, share Information, talk to friends and family, make solidarity graffitis, write an article for a local newspaper or zine, attend solidarity demonstrations or if there are none in your area organize one yourself. Anything really just don‘t look away
Please Reblog and share not only this post but all posts aiming to raise awareness about this topic.
This struggle is not merely about Julien Assange it‘s about press freedom as a whole. And not just in the Us but everywhere, so go and fight for free speech while you still can
amnesty International: https://www.amnesty.org/en/petition/julian-assange-usa-justice/
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lordofthelarks · 7 months
Lula concerned over Assange's extradition to the US
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Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva has voiced his concern over the imminent extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from Britain to the United States to stand trial for espionage. Lula insisted Assange's arrest was against freedom of the press and the defense of democracy.
 “I see with concern the imminent possibility of extradition of journalist Julian Assange. Assange did an important job denouncing the illegitimate actions of one state against another. His arrest goes against the defense of democracy and freedom of the press,” Lula said on Twitter. 'It is important that we all mobilize,' he added.
Assange has been imprisoned in the United Kingdom since April 2019 after being arrested following nearly seven years at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. He faces 18 criminal charges in the US for leaking 700,000 classified documents which contained information about wars, attacks, alleged abuses committed by the armed forces, and spying on heads of government.
Continue reading.
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lordofthelarks · 7 months
You'd think people would catch on to how fucked they really are when the US government chooses to arrest and imprison journalists for posting information regarding war crimes and outright genocide against innocent people rather than actually rollback funding for the DoD and prosecuting these people to the highest levels of office.
But Joe Biden is president and the GOP still has yet to provide an anti-war candidate so I dunno guess the masses don't care as long as the minorities getting butchered are dead over there and not dead over here.
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lordofthelarks · 7 months
Full reminder that Julian Assange is in prison despite commiting no crime and has received no trial or even seen a judge since he got there.
All he did was give people information and they kidnapped him for it.
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lordofthelarks · 9 months
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Gabbeh designs, Zollanvari carpets
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lordofthelarks · 9 months
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~ Helmingham herbal and bestiary.
Place oforigin/Published: Helmingham, Suffolk
Date: ca. 1500
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lordofthelarks · 11 months
He’s killed off his only source of communication. Gnome gone rouge 😳
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I think gnomes have their own versions of cell phones that they call Shell Phones and it's just a snail that they whisper a message to and then the snail delivers it. The only app is " enjoy sharing a berry with a snail"
Goblins have a fully functional version of the discord PC app that runs on bones.
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lordofthelarks · 1 year
Why does it take so long to make a quiz? Why did i have to add so many images? If i was at buzzfeed, they would pay me. I think.
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lordofthelarks · 1 year
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lordofthelarks · 1 year
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SUCCESSION (2018 – 2023) season finales + final shots
There sat down, once, a thing on Henry's heart só heavy, if he had a hundred years & more, & weeping, sleepless, in all them time Henry could not make good. Starts again always in Henry's ears the little cough somewhere, an odour, a chime. And there is another thing he has in mind like a grave Sienese face a thousand years would fail to blur the still profiled reproach of. Ghastly, with open eyes, he attends, blind. All the bells say: too late. This is not for tears; thinking. But never did Henry, as he thought he did, end anyone and hacks her body up and hide the pieces, where they may be found. He knows: he went over everyone, & nobody's missing. Often he reckons, in the dawn, them up. Nobody is ever missing. —Dream Song 29, John Berryman.
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lordofthelarks · 1 year
thinking about what Roman said about Logan viewing Ken's kids as just "randos," how looking back at the end of season 3 when Logan thought Kendall was trying to poison him, Logan called Iverson out to taste the food. Kendall called him on having such disregard for his grandson. But it's worse than that. Logan didn't see Iverson as his grandson. Just a "rando" who could test his food. It was a No Real Person Involved.
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lordofthelarks · 1 year
shiv sat at that table, looked at her brother loganifying, unjustly winning right before her eyes merely because he was the son and she was the daughter. so with the only slice of power she had ever been granted, knowing it would be the last time she would hold that power in her hands, knowing it would doom her to her gendered fate of being nothing but a womb wife mother....shiv robbed kendall of being his father's son because if she couldn't be, then no one can.
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lordofthelarks · 1 year
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I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died.
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lordofthelarks · 1 year
Why does this make sense omg
oh god re: the previous post, with the piece of paper in Logan's office that said 'Greg?' like this is fucking Downton Abbey and Logan didn't know Shiv was pregnant so Greg is literally the fucking second cousin who inherits the whole estate if there's no legitimate male heir, ugh jesus christ. (this is probably not the actual reason for Greg's name to be there and yet!)
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lordofthelarks · 1 year
Instagram Comments: Shiv bad
Twitter: Kendall should have won succession
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