lordvalorum · 2 years
Wilhelms Reich Europe In 1922, after naval invasion of Southern England, British Government signed an unconditional surrender in Versailles Palace 1922. Central Powers, under to leadership of German Kaiserreich has consolidated their might upon Europe. German Empire has installed Puppet Governments in France, Flanders-Wallonia (Belgium), Netherlands, Finland and Eastern Europe. In the face of defeat ItaLy collapsed with Revolution of Southern Italy 1924, where Communists established Southern Italian Commune. In Russia, White Tsarists with basically help of every European Monarchy defeated the Bolsheviks and installed Dmitry Romanov as new Tsar of Russia in 1924. Africa After the Treaty of Versailles 1922 Germany got basically all of the Continent and Sardinia and Corsica. After the British defeat Egypt declared independence from British Empire. With nothing they could do UK recognised Egyptian independence with German presure. In Africa Germany established "Deutscher Afrikanischer Konföderation" (German African Confederation) under leadership of Lion of Africa, Paul Von Letow-Vorbek as Viceroy of Africa. Oh and Morocco is puppet of Germany. In 1927 Ottoman Empire launched an invasion of Arabian Peninsula but the war dragged on till 1935 Ottomen armies finally supressed any resistance left. Asia After the Victory Germany got colonies in Indonesian Islands, Indochina, Burma and Hong Kong. Japanese Empire intervened in Russian Civil War 1919, taking Manchuria and Pacific Coast of Russia, installing Alexander Kerensky as President of Eastern Republic of Russia. In China, Jade Marshall Wu Peifu and the Smiling Tiger Su Chuangfang of Zhili Clique crushed KMT with help of Germany. Australia and New Zealand stayed under the Empire after Treaty of Versailles South America Germany got Panama Canal and Guineas. Thats it. What did you except? South America being interesting? HAHAHAHAHA! Imagine that XDDDDDDD North America In Carribian Germany secured a the Islands. In Mexico Communist Party of Mexico, influenced by Southern Italian Communards started a Revolution 1925. Firstly it was couple of skirmishes in North but quickly it blew out to full Civil War between the Communists, Republic and Monarchists. German Empire intervened in side of Monarchists and after the end of the war 1928 Germany just happened to very very accidentally installed German Prince Oskar as Emperor of Mexico (OOPS). In 1933 one of the most dramatic events happened when German Troops invaded Guantanamo Bay, going to war with the United States and Cuba. With superiority in the air and seas German Troops stormed trough the Caribbian Islands. In British Press this Lighting Warfare was called "Blitzkrieg". After the fall of Havanna United States gave up the war with internal unrest groving and signed Treaty of Miami in 1934 where Germany installed Colonial Government in Cuba. In shame President FDR resigned and was replaced by his VP John Nance Garner. The political theater of United States changed entirely. In December of 1935 Senator from Lousiana Huey Long was nominated as Democrat nominee against Alf Landon of the Republicans.
Little PS: I know the shit i just wrote is fricking unrealistic, except the part where South America isnt interesting, but i say "No matter how unrealistic your alternate history timeline is, if you have fun with it it's a guarenteed success!" So i hope you dont cry in comments how unrealistic this is. Thank You
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