loreleywrites · 2 days
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Dark Horse has announced new Magic: The Gathering comics coming in 2025!
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loreleywrites · 2 days
Do you want to learn about one of my favorite Planeswalkers from before the Mending? Please check out this excellent, hour-long video about Taysir!
And while you're at it, watch Alice's other videos about early-Magic characters like Dakkon Blackblade and Daria.
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loreleywrites · 2 days
Something that rustles my jimmies is that in the Novel Planeswalker, we get a history of rhe early life of Xantcha, the Phyrexian Sleeper Agent turned traitor and companion to a very insane Urza.
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And a scene early in her life is meeting another Sleeper Agent Identical to her. Now all the Sleeper Agents were based of a set amount of people and didnt really age (hence how mortals would eventually catch on). In order to tell each other apart, Xantcha changes her hair while the other Agent dyes hers Red. This act of rebellion sees both of them punished, but eventually the gate to Dominaria in Koilos reopens and a bunch of Sleeper Agents are sent out, including the red headed one. Years later as Xantcha is about to be sent out, the gate closes and the Dominarian Sleeper Agent program is abandoned. Gix, head of this plan and Praetor ruling over Xantcha is punished.
But in The Brother's War there is a red haired girl, with no morals that comes out of nowhere and is skilled in artifice. A girl who does not age no matter how long the war goes on.
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Ashnod. Who was not printed as a Phyrexian on either card. Is this a retcon, red herring, coincidence or oversight?
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loreleywrites · 3 days
legitimately do yourself a favor and unfollow anyone who keeps spreading the lie that "there were no Russian agents interfering with the 2016 election" like I cannot stress enough how susceptible you people are to propaganda. We have proof. We had full scale investigations into it. We have the data. And blackpilled leftists on this website are falling for it again. Be smart. Be rigid. Do not let them get inside your head.
You can literally read up on the IRA. Easily. All the information about it is readily available. There is a fucking Wikipedia page with tons of links to official documents. For the love of fucking God. You people cannot just believe whatever the nearest Tumblr funnyman tells you.
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loreleywrites · 3 days
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loreleywrites · 4 days
this is the only thing i will say about anything politics on here because this is not the place for that to me, but. i am BEGGING everyone to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get your information from sources outside of tumblr and twitter and instagram and fucking tiktok. PLEASE. social media is NEVER a good source. a lot of the stuff you see on social media is incredibly biased or is not fully accurate or is exaggerated or is purposefully omitting things — and i do mean this from BOTH sides. social media is a great way to share things, but if you see something on one of those sites or apps, before you go around spreading it, PLEASE, just do some actual real genuine research from journals and websites and experts that have reputable, reliable, verifiable, neutral information. that is SO SO SO important, now more than ever.
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loreleywrites · 5 days
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Farcille 💛💚
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loreleywrites · 7 days
Don't ask me what I did in 2018 you will not get an answer.
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loreleywrites · 10 days
If Trump wins in November, it won't be because of this weekend. It will be because his people will show up. They will not lose focus. They will vote.
I'm so tired of the defeatist talk. The anti-Trumpers outnumber the Trumpers by a lot. We could win in a landslide if people just showed at the polls and voted for Biden. The problem is that so many people let themselves decide that their vote won't matter or decide to divide the vote for short-sighted reasons. I can already imagine the sheer amount of people who see the events of this weekend, decide that Trump won, and decide that there's no point in voting. NO. Fucking VOTE.
Specifically, vote for Biden. Do not let psyops or idiots convince you to vote for a third party. Third parties do NOT win presidential elections. That is how Democrats have REPEATEDLY lost presidential elections. No, this time will not be different. You need to vote, and you need to vote for Biden. Otherwise, we get Trump in office and you can kiss your rights good bye.
This weekend didn't decide anything. All that matters is who shows up and votes. By the numbers, if people actually vote, the Democratic party will win. That simple.
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loreleywrites · 12 days
ttrpg player pro tip- just tell your GM when you have a plot in mind for your character. Ask for events to happen. Walk up and say "I want my evil brother to show up and be a huge fight and I try to save him from himself." Your GM will ADORE having a whole encounter outlined for her, you'll get to have an awesome scene play out, you'll be invested, your GM will be invested, it'll be memorable. Hopefully, just don't be foreceful.
The idea that you and your GM will be able to like, psychically intuit each other's ideas for character arcs is bullshit. This is a collaborative relationship; communicate!!
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loreleywrites · 13 days
I keep seeing posts that are like "now that Biden is supporting war crimes you aren't going to still say to vote for him, right?" and for fucks sake how have you people still not grasped the most basic point of the "you need to vote" thing?
It's not about Biden being good. He's awful. All US presidents are awful and have supported various war crimes. Yes, even that one you liked. This is not now nor has it ever been about praising Biden (for most of the people I see on Tumblr; obviously there are plenty of people out there in the world that do like Biden, but you know what I mean).
We have a two party system, and it sucks. Not voting or voting third party accomplishes nothing. Voting for the least-bad option DOES accomplish something, and does not prevent you from working to improve the system in other ways in the meantime. Why do I only hear people talking about trying to change things in terms of the presidential election?
Acting like you're remaining "pure" by not voting for someone horrible is ridiculous. This fantasy that lower voter turnout will bring about some sort of magical change in policy is completely unfounded in reality. Get involved in local politics where third parties or fringe candidates have a chance! You CAN influence politics, but the presidential election is not where change happens.
And remember, even if we do change things for the better it's still going to be about voting for the lesser evil when it comes to the president. They're all bastards, but there is a VERY real difference between them - there's a huge list of very positive things that have come out of Biden's presidency which doesn't make Biden himself less of a monster but does illustrate why this matters.
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loreleywrites · 13 days
Do U think that Exos say "thanks, Clovis" like Bethesda players go "thanks, Todd" when something goes wrong?
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loreleywrites · 15 days
all of the USamerican people going "bbut if i vote in the election, im culpable for the unjustifiable evils of the american imperial machine!" just love to paint people who realize that you still need to vote as like, too naïve to understand their oh-so-principled moral stand, when the reality is that if you live in america and you're of voting age and you're realizing for the first time just now that you live in an evil country that runs on the blood of millions and always has, and if you somehow think that you can live here and work here and earn & spend money here and somehow none of that makes you culpable for the horrors that are done on your behalf, but voting does, or would, then you are so stunningly naïve that you need to shut the whole fuck up.
like. yes, the united states is a machine that turns colonial vampirism and for-profit genocides into capital, thanks for noticing, and welcome to the conversation. the rest of us have already figured out that 1. this centuries-old machine that kills people is not gonna just go away, or collapse spectacularly all at once, it is gonna need to be dismantled, and 2. it is not gonna be dismantled by november, and 3. i don't fucking know who told you that if enough people don't vote, nobody becomes president, but that isn't fucking true.
somebody is gonna be the president, and the president is gonna keep doing war crimes like the president always has because that's the president's job, and it will remain that way until we break the whole machine down. now who would you rather be in charge of it while we're trying to break it down: a senile old man who thinks he still needs to behave in ways that are decorous and won't cause bad press, or an angry old man who thinks cops should be able to shoot protesters with live ammo?
you are being offered the chance to pick your opponent in the biggest hardest fight of all time, and you're bitching that you don't wanna because it would make you feel icky to act in a way that is strategic instead of emotional & performative. if you actually cared about the vulnerable people you claim you're doing this for, you'd be willing to suffer a moral injury to keep the evil destructive monster you live inside of from going extra-berserk mode, but no, you want to posture about how you can't taint yourself by "participating" in a process that you are already part of every single day. let us know when you're ready to join us at the grown-ups' table, shitheads. do not @ me idfc
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loreleywrites · 17 days
Will there be a Planeswalker's Guide to Bloomburrow?
Yes. It's going to be a three-part series of articles. The first goes up tomorrow.
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loreleywrites · 24 days
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loreleywrites · 25 days
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Since you guys liked Marcille as Kermit that much, it seems fitting to thank you for my 12k milestone with MORE Kercille. And this time, Miss Falin is also here.
Thank you so much again everybody! MWAH 💗
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loreleywrites · 29 days
Yeah cuz Arzakon is gonna return someday :3
"(add it to the “impending threats on Shandalar” list)" Who else is on that list? We got Slivers and the Amphin, is there anyone else?
Do you need more crises than Slivers, Onakke, and Amphin at the same time?
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