lorenplur · 11 years
December hurry up!
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lorenplur · 11 years
my son was born with gastroschisis,i found out when i was 17wks pregnant, my due date was also dec. 26th(: i had him on Dec.4th,2012 at 6:53am. He had 3 surgeries to correct the problem. He was in the NICU for almost 3 months,He's happy and healthy
Awh that's good, I'm glad he's happy and healthy :)
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lorenplur · 11 years
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Hey guys, my mom has been smoking since she was a teenager. Well now, she’s in her 40’s with diabetes. Her doctor says if she doesn’t quit smoking, she could go blind or lose her legs. My mom has always told me to never smoke & that’s its bad. But she doesn’t know how bad it is for her. My mom is my everything. I know it may seem a lot of reblogs, but it would really mean the world to me if you guys share this and reblog it!!
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lorenplur · 11 years
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14 weeks 2 days.
Found out baby has gastroschisis, you can see a tiny bit of the defect in it's stomach. Due date: 26th December, but will be induced 3 weeks before hand.
I love my little fathead. <3
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lorenplur · 11 years
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My sweet pea
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lorenplur · 11 years
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lorenplur · 11 years
wish everyone hadnt fucked my boyfriend
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lorenplur · 11 years
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11th June 2013.
11 weeks 5 days.
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lorenplur · 11 years
To my little blob inside of me..
Before you I used to drink, before you I used to smoke. Before you, I used to sniff lines and smoke joints. Before you, I used to do every drug you could possibly think of and have the most unhealthiest life-style. Before you I was a mess. But now you're here, I've got my shit together and started to sort myself out, I did that for you. I had the choice to give you up and carry on with my stupid life-style, but I chose to keep you and get my shit together. And now I cant wait to make you proud to be your mummy.
25th June, I get to see you for the first time... I love you already, my little blob. <3
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lorenplur · 11 years
Just like to make this clear; Yes, I am pregnant. No, I am not 14 and single, I'm 17 and in a happy relationship. Yes I used to take drugs, but haven't touched a single substance since I saw those little two lines... Fuck you and your judgements, I'll prove you all wrong. :)
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lorenplur · 12 years
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lorenplur · 12 years
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lorenplur · 12 years
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lorenplur · 12 years
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lorenplur · 12 years
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33K notes · View notes
lorenplur · 12 years
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270 notes · View notes
lorenplur · 12 years
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