lorenzofanpage · 2 years
Yess!!!! Lorenzo is indeed, gay
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lorenzofanpage · 2 years
Gabi pachecco and Lolo spotted selling fossilized poop!
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lorenzofanpage · 2 years
:( dont bully us!!!! this blog is a safe space for all lorenzettes. If u r not one of us, just block our blog and find ur thing! Stop spreading hate
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lorenzofanpage · 2 years
The night was as magical as it could be. Despite the small amount of cars in the streets, their weary course maintained a sense of community: even when your house didnt't feel like home, there always would be those nameless faces, searching for an open store, gifts bought at last moment, but with all devotion.
The stars, ever so bright, being seen despite the blinding lights of Curitiba. A sea of dead stars, a vision of the past. Lorenzo felt like that. People looked at him and saw a new man, finally at home. But inside, he was dead, longing for a past he never thought he would miss.
Lorenzo couldn't handle it.
Every year they sat and pretended to be a happy family, ignoring all so many things that had happened in the past. Had they forgotten Lorenzo was homeless? No one to return to, no home to look foward to. His only companion had been Gabi, but as he slowly came back to his family, they parted.
His legs were moving, rapidly touching the floor, creating a monotonous beat that drove him insane, but he couldn't stop. He was being eaten alive by the weight of expectations. No one expected much of him, then how was it so crushing?
How could no one expect anything from you, and yet be disappointed when u become that nothing? How did the people around him learn to mourn all the things he did not become?
Brazilian summer was already bad enough, and with this wave of anxiety it was unbearable. His hands held each other, sweating and shaking, waiting for dinner to start. The edge of his bed felt much more like the end of the world.
"Lolo?" he heard his sister's voice through the door, as she gently knocked on it sliding it open. "Dinner is ready. Come when you're ready."
Christmas wasn't
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lorenzofanpage · 2 years
Updatess!!! •○•
Lorenzo accidentally killed our president :( but no worries! he is not going to jail bc jail is for losers :D
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lorenzofanpage · 3 years
"the game begings now"
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lorenzofanpage · 3 years
a wild lorenzo has been spotted!
Sitting on a bench in his homecity curitiba, lorenzo carefully enjoys a cup of ice cream while waiting for his one and true BFF Gabi to come back from the mall. ><
Thats it for today lovelies! Stay tuned for what our paparazzi will spot next! uwu
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lorenzofanpage · 3 years
hy welcome to my blog XD
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