lorettadelong-blog · 7 years
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Sorry I haven't posted any updates, but I have been very busy with work. Anyway a couple of things happened last weekend which I think you guys will find was worth the wait. And and by the way I am including their names (just the first names since I can still be vague about it). After work I went to the market to pick up some stuff, headed over to their place and started to make dinner. GFS (Erin) was not going to be joining us.
45 minutes later Erica walks in, throws me something and gives me a kiss. Last week GF (Erica) had to go out of town and was driving back Friday afternoon. She asked if dinner would be ready soon and I told her it would be another 15-20 minutes.
I smiled and she lifted her skirt to show me that she was wearing nothing underneath. She asked if I can meet her at their place and if I can go ahead and make dinner. She sees me and Erica and gave us a scowl. You know we have rules. " Erica stops and looks at her. "I thought you weren't going to be home.
I very young hairy pussy videos hairy pussy videos knew enough that it was going to lead to a fight between the sisters so I intervened by apologizing to Erin and letting her know dinner will be ready soon. After a little bit of foreplay (just enough to get me hard) she was on top of me. That seemed to calm Erin down as she headed to her room.
" "That's beside the point. A few minutes in, the door opens and Erin walks in. I pulled her to me gave her a kiss and told her will finish up later tonight. She smiled, took my hand and pulled me to the couch. After dinner, Erica jumped in the shower and Erin helped me clean up. I served dinner and noticed that Erin was still visibly upset.
"What a buzzkill" said Erica. I looked at what she threw and it was a pair of panties. I opened one hairy bush porn movies and handed it to her. Something was bothering Erin so I asked her what's wrong and she told me again that she just had a long day. Then she turned to Erica and asked her about her trip and things started to calm down. She goes to her room and comes back a few minutes later naked.
Erin asked me if I can take a look at her computer since she thinks it's been running slow. She hands me her computer and Erica also naked comes in to join us. She looked at me and said "Happy Friday". I replied likewise and we clinked our beers and drank. A few minutes later she joins Erica in the living room. She finds a catalog she likes and lays on the couch and starts reading it. Erica goes to the living room and sorts through the mail.
I went to the fridge and got me and her some beers. More on Valerie later. Erin stood by me as I booted up her computer and then tells me what she thinks is wrong with it. She sits on the other couch and grabs her kindle from the side table and starts reading.
She runs her hand in my hair and says "Baby, you need a hair cut. About an half an hour later, Erica gets up goes to the fridge to a get a beer and asks if I wanted one. I could always go to my barber to get it fixed if she chops it too bad. I apologized again and she said not to worry about it she just had a very long day. " I said I was planning to get it done that weekend and she asked if she could do it.
Erica came out of the bathroom with scissors, a comb and a handheld mirror. I said yes and she brings it to me and then she hovers to watch what I was doing. I was still wearing the clothes I had on when I went to the market (this will play into the story). They start talking about Erica's trip and Erin's day when Erin goes "By the way, Valerie is coming to town next weekend".
I thought sure why not. I finished up what I was doing with Erin's computer, told her so and she thanked me. I said "sure why not". She proceeds to cut my hair and knowing that Erin was looking away from us I would tease her by sticking my lips or my tongue out every time her breast would come close. And with her hand running through my hair.
Erica starts running her hand in my hair and her breasts were 3 inches away from my face. She would smile, poke her breast a little bit closer and then pull it back. She pulled one of the dining room chairs and asked me to sit. A few minutes later she was walking around looking at her work and I had a big smile on my face. I was getting turned on.
My smile went away and my heart dropped realizing what's going to happen and sure enough it did. It does not seem even". I could smell her, see the tiny little peach fuzz hairs on her body. Then she calls out to her sister "Erin can you look at this? Erin turns around, looks and hairy pussy gets fuck up.
She looks at both sides of my head and she goes "yeah it's a little uneven, here give me the scissors". Then Erica leaned over and at that point I have two sets of beautiful breast right in front of my face. I was really hard and I knew it would not take much for me to blow my load.
And then she reached over, ran her hand in my hair and her right breast was so close to me that her nipple could have poked me in the eye. After what seemed like a glorious eternity I was done. Erin's breasts were literally 3 inches away from my face. After I took off my clothes my suspicions where confirmed, I did ejaculate in my pants.
I breath her in, her scent was just delicious. I looked down hoping a puddle wouldn't be visible and so far it wasn't. I was ready to give Erica the fucking of the century. I took some TP and wiped my mess off my underwear. As I was showering, I could not take the image of having two sets of breasts in my face. because I shot a load right there. After 10 minutes I heard somebody say good night and Erica walks into our room.
I came out of the bathroom expecting Erica to be in bed waiting for me, instead I see her holding Erin as she cries on Erica's shoulders. Erica told me to get in the shower as she and Erin cleaned up. I asked her what's wrong and she said that Erin felt lonely. Apparently she was suppose to go out on a date with this one guy and he cancelled at the last minute.
Good thing I was wearing pants. It was not the bone jarring fuck fest that I hoped for but it was good. Erica kissed me and asked if I wanted to finish what we started early that evening but we have to keep it down. The next day Erica and I went to the farmer's market, had lunch and went shopping for a new grill for my apartment. She walks in on us having sex looking happy and then she thought the naked haircut was very sexy and it might be something she can do for her man someday and that's when she lost it.
Erica sees me and signals me to go into the bedroom. When we got back to her apartment Erin was not home and Erica asked if I wanted to have sex and then take a nap. I did not think she was on a fishing expedition but I still had to play it safe. After we were done Erica asked me if I got turned on by the haircut thing.
Then Erica said Erin asked if we can stay in my apartment next weekend since Valerie is coming to visit. We went to her bedroom and this time the sex was louder and more vigorous. Having your breasts that close to my face was just awesome.
"She said the naked hair cut thing. I had to tread lightly because I know I might say the wrong thing. Erica laid next to me on the bed and quite sadly the mood was gone. Aside from you and me teasing each other, I didn't think anything of it. It was just me cutting your hair. the act she thought is was very sexy.
I 've never had a naked haircut before. " Then she asked the question I was dreading " Did you like having Erin's chest in your face too? Then she said "Remember, you can look but no touching. Any guy, any two sets". "Honey any guy in the world and I don't care if he is the pope or the Dalai Lama will get turned on by having two sets of breasts three inches away from his face. " I knew if I said "no" it would be an obvious lie and I already gave it some thought when we started the conversation.
" Erin came home a few hours later and asked if we had any plans. Erica said she was tired and wanted to stay in and watch a movie. Erin thought that sounded good. Amazingly both sisters agreed to watch Star Wars Episode VII with me. hairy pussy xxx That seemed to satisfy her. I ordered a pizza, Erin opened up a bottle of wine and Erica fixed a salad.
Erin came out of the bathroom in her panties and Erica asked her "Are you on your period already? " "I don't know what's going on, but better safe than sorry". We had dinner and then Erin excused herself to get comfortable while Erica was cleaning up and I looked for a movie to watch.
I woke up a couple of hours later to go to the bathroom and Erin was finishing up in there when I walked in. And believe me I have no intention to. The next morning, Erica was making breakfast when I woke up. I was too tired, drunk and sleepy to care. I kissed Erica good morning and poured myself some coffee.
The lights were pretty dim but I could swear she had no pubic hair. I heard the front door close and I assumed it was Erin going on her morning run. Like she actually though something we were doing was sexy and not disgusting?
" "Erin thought it was hot. She then asked me "Do you think Erin is acting weird? " She looked at me quizzically. " Erin laughed and then said "kinda yeah and then she's starting her period this early. Erica's eyes grew wide open. Something's going on with her. I apologized as she stood up.
" Then I asked Erica "does she shave down there when she's about to start her period? She's going to fuck Valerie! " I told her I saw her coming out of the bathroom and she looked like she was shaved down there. We watch the movie, go through three bottles of wine and when it was done we were already for bed.
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lorettadelong-blog · 7 years
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It was, for the most part, a year of isolation and angst. I moved to NYC for work. I was hoping to love it. Last year was one of my most challenging years ever, both personally and career-wise. I don’t even know where to start. Somehow, though, it brought me here. I should probably start by thanking you.
The one bright spot was you. I "discovered" reddit last year. It wasn’t a happy year. You may have seen me post here before. In fact, it made my life hell. I started posting when I started exploring group sex. I came across an article about it that piqued my interest; Im certain I’ve come across that same article before, but for some reason this time was different. Sometimes, when I wondered if this was so so wrong of me to even think about doing (let hairy pussy vids alone dive into sex clubs and have fun with 8 strangers in a given night), you reminded me that it’s not a bad thing to explore.
celebrity hairy pussy I thought it only fitting to go back to my favorite sex club (Le Trapeze) my last night in the area. I asked you for suggestions so you could "join" me in some way. It was liberating and I’m a better person for it. I put onthis slinky black dress. In doing so, I discovered a community, and a forum in which I could be open and explore.
As you’ve read, I took that learning and applied it I had so much fun exploring my sexuality in NYC, and your support encouraged me. I read your stories of group sex, learned of the culture and norms, and even etiquette. I was building courage to approach the shy couple in the corner (there always is a couple like this), as/u/undercoverR had suggested.
The high halter neckline was reminiscent of someone’s hand around my neck. At the last minute, right as I was putting on my shoes to head out the door, everything changed. Last night, I went to a bon voyage dinner with hairy pregnant pussy friends. I thought about a suggestion from/u/StrictSir11 to fill all 3 holes. I had a couple glasses of wine, and when I returned to my hotel, I wasn’t ready to turn in.
It was going to be a good night! For reasons out of my control, I couldn’t go. I expected him to blonde hairy pussy blow me off as he seemed focused on whatever football game was on TV. To my surprise, he turned to me with a huge smile on his face. I saddled up at the bar, and saw a very handsome man was seated at my right.
We chatted and chatted, and drank some more. I open my eyes and I’m in a pitch black room. I sit up and feel my hand on someone else’s arm. He wasn’t even glancing in my direction. The idea was tantalizing and I was very much up to the challenge to recruit for it, understanding not all guys (or the women they came with) would be into it.
It sent me on a google deep dive on the topic of swinging, which eventually brought me here. He was even more handsome when smiling, as all men are IMO. Don’t move- pretend to be asleep while you figure out your next move. Had I done something embarrassing? I definitely blacked out.
I remained super still in the way that you do when you’re deciding whether you want to bolt, or hope your companion is up for some fun. Eventually I said something to strike up conversation. It took me a couple minutes, but it was starting to come back to me. The sheets were tucked in and prevented me from doing so.
Wow, hot guy and I came back to his room. I slid my hand across his warm , soft skin. He inhaled through his nose and stretched a little as I closed my grasp around his cock. He moved the sheets to give me access to his warm body. I turned to my size and slid my arm towards him under the covers, expecting to run my hand gently over his skin…and downwards.
Size has never been important to me; it’s all about how a guy uses it. I assumed we had because we were both naked, so I said "ready for another round? I decided to take my chances. Despite being naked in his bed, I was still fearing rejection. " I giggled and, with disbelief that he didn’t understand my intentions, asked "Of what?
I bit my lower lip and lowerd my hand to see if he was hard. I usually get very good feedback when I give BJs. His skin was soft and smooth, but he was definitely ready to go. " gripped him a little hairy pregnant pussy tighter then went under the covers to show him what I meant. I was positioned perpendicular to he; perhaps that was affecting my game. What was I doing wrong/differently.
I scooched closer to get a better top-down angle, less sideways. In fact, almost every time I’m hear moans like this is the first real BJ they’ve gotten in a while/ever. I was trying to access memories of us having sex, but was coming up blank. I successfully swallowed him, but got little feedback.
I came up for air and laid on my back, hoping he’d come over me. He turned over and propped himself on top of me. That was a little deflating. I spread my knees as he kissed me. It has become a source of pride for me  However, this time I only got the usual moans. He had no idea how much I wanted this.
I let out a huge sigh. Due to the wine intake the night before, I wasn’t suuuuper wet. After not being able to go to Le Trapeze on Saturday, I really wanted this. There’s that handsome face! I’d have much preferred their company at that time As my handsome hotel buddy was in me, I stayed in the moment.
Also, it had been months. "Here," he said as he placed my gold earring on my chest between my boobs. Yep, the last time I had sex was New Years Eve with a very inexperienced partner, so I had to take the lead (I prefer the guy does, so this wasn’t ideal for me). While my NYE partner and I fucked, I was thinking of a couple I had met on reddit. "don’t forget your earring. I grasped the headboard, or tried to at least.
I tried to stretch them out but he was clutching me close to him as he pounded me. My eyes were closed, but had they been open I am sure they would have been rolled back; I was in pure ecstasy. It was hard to see in the dark, and when my face was buried in his balls. " I smiled- what a time to say that!
But he got inside me quickly. Finally I was able to stretch my legs, and separate them wider to give me better access to myself. Just as I was starting to feel the all-over pleasure that comes right before you do (and, for me, is better than any other feeling in the world). My knees were bent and up by my face.
There was only one thing that could heighten this. He stayed in as long as he could, by my request. He withdrew and laid back. My fingernails scratched the cushioned headboard. That always gives me the BEST orgasm. I slid my hand down my body, attempting to rub myself while he fucked me.
I was hoping to try to sleep long enough to get another round out of him. How non-gentlemanly We both laid back. I tried, but he was still recovering. I love the feeling of dick inside me and wanted it to last as long as possible. I got up and turned the bathroom light on. I waited for what seemed liked forever but in actuality was probably 10-20 minutes.
He didn’t seem to be expecting me to, and he didn’t wait for me to. I went to the other side of the bed where my bra was on top of a pile of his clothes. This gave me enough light to find my things, but not jarring overhead light. He moaned a little, and smiled as I stood up again.
I picked up his left hand, not knowing what I’d find. There was a ring on it. I was bummed I didn’t cum. He gave one last hard pump and moaned as he came inside me. I meant it more for him; I didn’t care. I put my pants on and black hairy pussies crawled over the bed to kiss him. His marriage is his business, and I certainly didn’t make him do anything he wasn’t 100% willing to do.
No, he was leaving today. We said goodbye and I left. It had fallen off my chest while we were in action, and I didn’t see it in the sheets. I wrote my name, room number, and phone number on a pad next to the bed. I set my alarm to call him at 7:30, when he said he was getting up. I put on abrand new set of lingerie I had just bought a couple days ago.
I realized almost immediately upon getting back to my room that I had forgot the earring he so strategically placed upon me. When he knocked, I opened the door and his eyes widened, looking right down at my chest. "Are you around tonight? I pleaded with him, but he had to go work, he said.
I finished dressing and kissed him again. He had it and was going to bring me it. I laid back in bed, and read a/r/gonewildstories to finish what he had started. Still handsome, especially dressed up in a suit and tie. As I sit here and type this, my mouth still tastes vaguely of dick and I'm still sticky from his cum. I fly out tomorrow, and will really miss all my NYC adventures.
I hope to be back again very, very soon. I think his ring was weighing more heavily upon him than punctuality was. Please oh please, I thought. In the light of day I could see more grey in his hair than I had previously noticed.
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lorettadelong-blog · 7 years
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For weeks we would go to events and then return free hairy pussy video home and talk about the different people we had met in our respective groups. We were at a Champagne-and-Shackles mixer between our groups, and for some reason he did not approve of my pairing. With a few drinks already hairy pussy pics black pussy videos in our systems, he didn’t think twice — he grabbed a pencil and quickly made some revisions, and the writing that now stood across from my own read Maria.
A champagne and shackles mixer, for those unaware, is when two people are handcuffed or tethered together, and in their free hand both have a women with hairy pussies bottle of champagne. In college my roommate Josh and I were inducted into rival social groups that were filled with interesting and attractive people. Maria was around 5’4", with dark eyes and hair, a broad smile, and a slim but curvaceous body.
Josh, you legend, I thought. As time wore on and we developed friendships within the groups, Josh kept telling me I needed to meet, and then hookup with, his Puerto Rican friend Maria, whom he described as beautiful — but crazy. " Her accent was incredibly sexy. I suppose it is really a race between all the pairings to see who will finish their bottles first, but when you’ve already been drinking women with hairy pussies and you end up attached to a beautiful Latina, it’s easy to lose focus hairy pussy and ass on the competition.
Not her," Josh said as he looked at the list of pairs, devised by some of the leaders of both groups. "So you’re Josh’s friend, huh? She smiled and continued to push the bull-shit, and I gave it right back, and we drank the champagne. Our bottles were nearly finished when she said "Psh, I’m getting out of here," and began walking away, despite the fact that we were still shackled together at the wrist.
Her eyes burned as she glared up at me as I held her. I pulled my arm back and she spun back to me and settled against my chest. "Let’s go see the rest of the house," I said. Fully single since the first time I started college, that sounded like the perfect combination. She started giving me shit right away.
We backed against a counter top and our lips met and we kissed deeply and intensely, almost savagely. But we were interrupted by a friend of mine banging on the door who needed to pee. It was a blur of passionate kissing and grabbing and feeling as we rolled on the floor. I opened it and Maria and I went out.
When I returned, Maria was gone. " I said, as I leaned away and jokingly-but-not checked her out. But she had given me her number earlier, so I texted her. And you’re Maria, then? We untethered so that I could go and pee in the backyard. -I’ll text you tomorrow. I awoke the next day around noon and the sun was shining and the water I had drank the night before had worked valiantly against the day’s hangover, but I was still exhausted and ready to just chill for the day.
The party was going on all around but the degree of drunkenness enabled an anonymity that we embraced as we found ourself alone in the kitchen. She kissed well and within minutes we had moved to the bathroom next to the kitchen. I opened the door and she stood there a bit sheepishly, most of the fight of the night before gone out of her. I looked around the survivors and found Josh and we walked home to pass out.
I gave her my address and she was over within an hour. We sat in my bed against the wall next to the open window and smoked a bowl in the sun. I knew smoking a little weed would be the perfect remedy for the little hangover my water consumption couldn’t cure.
After a few passes we had had enough and it rested on the bed between us. Thinking of last night, I felt bold enough to move everything off the bed and onto my desk, and move myself next to her. But soon it was again deep and passionate and I was on top of her and my hands explored her body, rubbing up her bare sides under her shirt. I was down to just my underwear by the time I pulled hers off and rubbed my hands up an down her thighs before putting my mouth on her shaved vagina.
She wore sexy black lace panties and I could feel my dick grow. I loved every second of it as I moved my tongue from deep in her pussy up to her clit. I traced my fingers from her hand up to her shoulder and then to her chin and I brought it to mine and we kissed again, more gently than the night before. I unbuttoned them and began to slide them off and she arched her butt off the bed to help me.
She moaned louder and then louder again as I put the second finger in. I was fucking her slowly women With Hairy pussies my fingers, arching them up as I pushed them deep into her while my tongue continued on her clit. -Hey, do you want to come over and smoke? Judging from the moan I figured she liked it so I slowly pushed my finger into her ass until it was all the way in. Finding it, I reached down and began to finger her.
She tasted amazingly fresh and sweet. She moaned louder still as I moved a finger from my free hand, wet with her juices, down to rub her ass. She moaned louder still and soon was cumming on my mouth, my fingers holding as deep inside her as I could go as my tongue pressed firm against her clit.
Quickly I took off her shirt and bra and moved my tongue to her nipples, and then down her belly to her pants. Her moans escalated as I moaned back into her, tasting her beautiful pussy and feeling her tight asshole wrap around my finger, and hearing her moans react to how I moved it.
I then began to move it in and out very slowly, all the while licking her clit and fingering her pussy. She moaned as I searched for the perfect spot. I kept my fingers and tongue as they were until she came down, and then slowly took my fingers out of her ass and pussy and gently moved my tongue over her vagina until I sat up.
I wiped my mouth and put the juices on her chest and then licked them up again as I went up to cuddle her for a little. Despite being incredibly turned on, I had gotten soft at this point, focusing all my attention and energy on pleasing her. Her body and legs went tense as her orgasm took hold of her. I kissed down her butt cheeks and put my face between them and began to lick her asshole.
I rolled her over onto her stomach and kissed down her back until I came to her butt. She told me that was the first time she had ever orgasmed from oral sex alone, and I wanted to fuck her even more. I hesitated before putting it in, wondering if she wanted me to wear a condom, but she said nothing so I entered her until I was all the way inside.
I began to thrust slowly and deeply, but then began thinking of her attitude the night before and began fucking her hard, her ass bouncing back against me as I pounded her as hard as I could. My hands alternated between slapping her ass and holding her arms pinned to the bed, with at times my nails digging into her back as I held her down and pounded her pussy.
I took off my underwear and began to touch myself as she looked on. She looked so sexy laying there, exhausted, her back scratched and red from my hands and nails and covered in my cum, but to be polite I grabbed a paper towel and wiped her clean. Eventually Maria was cumming again and seeing her sexy ass bounce against me and hearing her moans pushed me over the edge and I pulled out and shot my cum all over her back and ass.
We cuddled after that for a while before fucking again. We both moaned with exhilaration from this primal fucking. I turned around and spit on my hand and rubbed it on my dick as I positioned behind her. She moaned in appreciation and had me instantly hard and after a minute of this I didn’t want to wait any longer.
More cuddling ensued before she left and I walked downstairs to Josh’s room to thank him for being a hero. When she wanted me to cum she laid on her back and I positioned myself over her mouth and jerked off while she licked my balls and my asshole until I released my orgasm all over her breasts and stomach.
Her skin tasted amazing, sweet from her shower and a little salty from the sweat of her orgasm. She rode me and we switched around a bit more, both fucking hard like before and more slowly with a focus on kissing.
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