loserbisexualclub · 9 hours
Do not give Missouri governor Mike Parson any peace. Make his life hell as long as he walks on earth
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loserbisexualclub · 14 hours
being a vampire is about penetrating someone but it's also about being filled up with their fluids. in this way vampirism confuses the top/bottom dichotomy
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loserbisexualclub · 14 hours
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Jennifer's body 🩸
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loserbisexualclub · 19 hours
get yourself a main character whos two primary emotions are "little cunt" and "catatonic with grief"
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loserbisexualclub · 19 hours
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I'm going to be anti-AI for art // only call yourself an artist if you are going to put in the work. lick this color. Look at this painting and stroke it. be flooded with real shit that people threw together in Procreate // You drew a picture? That is LIT! art! I can absolutely dig relentless art. stop ai
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loserbisexualclub · 19 hours
rip dean winchester, you would’ve heard owen from i saw the tv glow say “when i think about that stuff, it feels like someone took a shovel to my insides and there’s nothing in there” (referring to if he likes boys or girls) and had to leave the room immediately
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loserbisexualclub · 21 hours
they should invent a being in your twenties in which you do not feel your life is unsalvageable and ruined
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loserbisexualclub · 23 hours
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Richard Siken, Crush // “Two Guys” Sonic Drive-In commercial
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loserbisexualclub · 23 hours
it would be so cool if someone wrote a story about some teenage kafka obsessed girl bringing him back to life with a satanic ritual or something and they get to go on little adventures together and become friends
Love that idea!😂😂
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tweets like this are my pet peeve. just throwing silly words together in a way that’s supposed to sound hyperspecific but does not in fact evoke anything recognizable
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alert alert a trans man expressed enjoyment in being a man for a moment and didn’t feel sorry about it y’all gotta do something about it how dare he say “men are cool” without stating he knows oppression and patriarchy exists and he’s sorry before that
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Let them cook
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Most of you were either not born or old enough to remember the 2006 Israeli war on Lebanon and the scale of the terror Israel inflicted. In 2006, Israel killed about 1,200 in Lebanon in 34 days which was the whole duration of the aggression. Yet, today alone, Israel killed close to 300 in Lebanon. This intensification is the direct result of the way Israel faced absolutely no consequences for its unprecedented violence in Gaza for a whole year.
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first quote can be found in Landmark Speeches of National Socialism ed. Randall L. Bytwerk (including the next sentence of the speech not quoted in the tweet, which imo is relevant in the comparison to the specific argument from frum & other zionist propagandists). speech by Julius Streicher delivered on 10 November 1939, after Kristallnacht:
We could have killed all the Jews in Germany yesterday, but we did not do it. The demonstrations in Franconia were, in general, disciplined, clear, and farsighted. They proved to the world that the days when the Jew could take out his wrath on us, whether from within or without, are finally over.
second quote published in 1939 by the Nazi Party’s Central Propaganda Office, archived in the German Propaganda Archive (source materials also collected by Randall Bytwerk), plus additional surrounding text not included in the tweet:
The behavior of the Führer and the Reich in these days of continuous Polish and English provocations were remarkable. No other nation would have been as patient. It would have done what the Führer finally did on 1 September much earlier.
Our remarkable restraint was noted by all the neutrals. The Spanish newspaper Alcazar wrote on 2 September: "Hitler has exhibited extreme patience, until the Polish attack forced the German army to respond. Nothing is more consistent than the behavior of the Führer and the Reich government. While Poland was attacking Germany along the border, Hitler published his last appeal for peace. The responsibility is not only Poland’s, but also belongs to those statesmen who encouraged Polish insanity."
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loserbisexualclub · 2 days
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loserbisexualclub · 2 days
Four snapbacks. Zero girlfriends.
It doesn’t add up.
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loserbisexualclub · 2 days
Queer confession: i said grace before giving my friend some gay t4t head
is this a catholic school confessions?
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