losertomuk · 10 months
The captions on this photo are very suitable for me to read, but the photograph is much too generous - I can see far more of these girls' beautiful thighs than I should be allowed. I can't help myself imagining what it would feel like to touch them, to slide my hand up the inside of them, even to plunge between them with my cock to the paradise where they join at the crotch. Forbidden ideas it is unforgivable for someone like me to allow into my mind. This is why I must be denied, why I should not be permitted to see even non-porn images like this that would be totally unremarkable for any normal man. I am indeed a "weirdo" and I know I should have to suffer the penalty that brings - total denial of sexual arousal and pleasure.
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Hot girls can tell that you're a creepy weirdo.
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losertomuk · 10 months
How magnificent that such a petite young woman can effortlessly subjugate and control two "men" like this. I have always found an extra piquancy in being dominated by younger or more petite dommes, and I think that's the reason. It demonstrates that her power is not based on her physical power or the depth of her experience - just purely her innate superiority over me.
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losertomuk · 10 months
Wow! He means so little to her that she chooses to check her phone and not even look at him while she kicks away the stool and condemns him to a painful death right in front of her. Such cruelty, such callousness, such absolute disregard for him. If I were in his place, I would feel overwhelming admiration and even love for her at this - my final - moment.
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181 notes · View notes
losertomuk · 10 months
What a wonderful image. Just one thing - the slave holding the tray on his head is - correctly - looking downwards, but he still might catch a glimpse of his beautiful young mistress out of the corner of his eye. That is definitely something he doesn't deserve and - if it were me in his position - something that would cause him to have inappropriate thoughts about her. Better, I think, that he should have to wear the same mask as the slaves holding up the mistress' couch/bed, so that he can be fully denied that forbidden pleasure.
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losertomuk · 10 months
Yes, truly pathetic. And completely ridiculous. I find this young woman extremely attractive, and I would love to fuck her. God, just imagine - thrusting my hard cock into her sweet pussy, cumming bucketloads inside her and feeling that sweet sensation of deep satisfaction. But no - although I'd love it, that isn't what stimulates me most. What actually gets me hardest is the thought of her denying me, humiliating me, laughing at me and leaving me sexually frustrated while she fucks someone else. That is pathetic and literally ridiculous - I should be ridiculed for being this way. And then that ridicule just turns me on more ... a vicious cycle that has turned me into the sexual loser I am.
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losertomuk · 11 months
Yes - of course this is true. It's hard for me to accept this, and I find it very hard to stick to this principle. But I know it's true - I don't deserve orgasms, and when I do masturbate I find it very difficult to avoid having thoughts and fantasies about women that I know are inappropriate for me and disrespectful to them. Better for me to be permanently locked so that I cannot enjoy those thoughts and fantasies and the stolen pleasure I enjoy by having them.
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losertomuk · 11 months
This caption is excellent. Not sexy in any way, but just true. There's a lot of talk about "incels", but the true subs among us are fully accepting of our celibacy. We don't like it - absolutely not. We wish we were "real" men who were able to attract and have sex with women. But we know we're not and we can't. We are destined to live out sad lives denied the pleasures those real men enjoy freely. We understand that's just the way it is, and that the best thing we can do for the women we desire is to leave them alone - quietly and unobtrusively serving them in a way that means they don't need even to notice our existence.
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losertomuk · 1 year
"How do you have sex?" That's such a magnificently humiliating question to be asked. To anyone who remotely understands what a loser I am, of course they would never ask it - they would realise immediately that someone like me never has sex. But to any normal person - like the attractive young woman in this photo - the idea of never having sex is inconceivable. She has lots of sex, and all of her friends have lots of sex. She knows that having lots of sex is normal, and that all normal people do it. She cannot imagine someone being such a freak as me - someone so far from normal that he never has sex and understands it's inappropriate for himself even to see photographs of naked women, let alone actually see or touch them in real life. Her total inability even to imagine someone as sad and pathetic as me demonstrates - more than anything else could - just how sad and pathetic I truly am. Thank you, Miss, for that demonstration.
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Somebody actually asked me this once, while chatting on Tumblr.
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losertomuk · 2 years
This is an absolutely brilliant sequence of captions. Yes, this is my life. This is why being “pussy-free” isn’t a choice for me - it is my history, my present and my inevitable destiny.
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829 notes · View notes
losertomuk · 2 years
That’s not a problem - it’s a good thing. Betas like us should not look at women or talk to them unless spoken to - we know they don’t want us to. Try to see your fear as a positive thing - it is helping you to behave in a way that is appropriate for betas like you and me.
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losertomuk · 2 years
I think this is the most cruelly uncaring facial expression I’ve ever seen. What a magnificent young woman - I think I’m in love!
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129 notes · View notes
losertomuk · 2 years
Ha ha - great point! There’s definitely an alternative BDSM version of Cinderella waiting to be written. The twisted loser in me always felt rather let down and disappointed by the “happy ending” in the original story. Much better that Cinderella be allowed/forced to continue living her degrading and humiliating life of drudgery while her superiors enjoy their lives of luxury at her expense - that’s what perverts like me want!
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Sign me up for that.
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losertomuk · 2 years
I’ve not been able to avoid sometimes looking, but I have been able to train myself not to masturbate while looking at images of female nudity. I’ve done that for long enough now that if I accidentally see tit or pussy while I have an erection it feels wrong to me - I instinctively feel a sense of guilt that makes me stop. Do I miss cumming while looking at beautiful and sexy nudes? Yes, but I know it’s just not appropriate for me to steal selfish pleasure from women who would be disgusted by what I’m doing while looking at them. I don’t deserve that pleasure, and it’s right that I should be denied it. It’s sad, but that’s the way it is.
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losertomuk · 3 years
Why does this photo sting me more than other, more directly sexual, ones? Because it’s so ordinary, that’s why. This young woman is extremely beautiful, but she’s not trying to look sexy - she just naturally is. A beautiful young woman totally comfortable and confident in herself and her appearance, even when photographed in her underwear. Millions of women dress like this every day, and millions of men get to see them like this - for them it’s nothing out of the ordinary. But, to a pussy-denied loser like me, an image like this is dynamite: the bare thighs, the panties, the exposed midriff and the way the zip of her top is half-lowered - promising the tantalising possibility of a glimpse of her breasts. It’s the way I am ridiculously over-excited by a sight most men would find totally unremarkable that makes me realise just what a pathetic freak I am. It does me good to be reminded of that - it keeps me appropriately humble.
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losertomuk · 3 years
She is right, of course. I don’t deserve the dignity and respect I’m able to enjoy by concealing my beta nature from the people around me. If they knew what a loser and a pervert I really am, they would lose all respect for me and treat me like dirt ... which is all I really deserve. Sometimes I feel I should have to walk round with a sign hung around my neck (or even a tattoo on my forehead) saying “I’m a beta male loser - treat me like the shit I am”.
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Haliee Steinfeld
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losertomuk · 3 years
God, he looks so tough and mean - there’s more testosterone in his little finger than in my whole body.
I have a frightening masochistic desire to deliberately spill his pint or look at his girlfriend so that he would beat me up.
It’s not that I WANT that - I really don’t. But seeing him makes me feel I deserve to suffer at his hands.
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Fists of Fury… 😈😈😈
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losertomuk · 3 years
Another wonderful post.
Yes, it is truly pathetic how unreasonably excited “men” like me get by sights like this. To any normal person, this sight is totally unremarkable: a woman comfortably but still smartly dressed, revealing nothing remotely sexually provocative. But to a sex-starved pervert like me, every inch of the bare flesh on view is fantastically arousing: her bare arms and the little glimpse of bare shoulder, her feet, her taut, firm and tanned calves, and - most of all - the small slit at the back of her skirt through which we can catch just the slightest look at the lower part of the back of her left thigh ... forcing us to imagine the sight and feel of that thigh as it rises all the way up to the priceless treasure between her legs.
Real men just don’t think like that. They get to see a lot more than is on show here - any time they want. And, even then, they don’t obsess over it. They get on with the “main event” - fucking. It’s only because losers like me never even get to see women naked, let alone touch them or have sex with them, that we are reduced to dribbling wrecks even by everyday sights like this. Like I say, truly pathetic.
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