losingtothejellybeans · 2 months
Why I think Goodbye my Lover by James Blunt is such a good song:
It feels raw and authentic. It’s not overproduced. It has for me the same sad reflective energy as some of my other favourites like ATW SGA.
It’s not about I want you back, it’s not you’ll be sorry, it’s not a list of faults. It doesn’t dwell on what went wrong, it’s not even mentioned why they are no longer together. It’s mournful of what was and what could have been in a different timeline. The past optimism has been replaced by a loneliness and a hollow feeling. The stage between acceptance that it’s truly over and the brighter days that will surely come.
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losingtothejellybeans · 8 months
I feel that this series is much better quality than the last two. Enjoying it a bit more and feel less like I’m loyalty watching. Unpopular opinion I may know.
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losingtothejellybeans · 8 months
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It's my 8 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
When I first set this up my bio line was a Adele reference and now it reads as Swift one!
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losingtothejellybeans · 9 months
Thoughts and predictions after watching the first episode:
*New student nurses are a welcome addition and are much better than the last time we had student nurses. Seems like there’s good plot opportunities….It’s fun to see young women having fun again too!
*Interesting to see Trixie to hear the younger nurses having fun, pause and not join them. I hope she finds something for her or a friend, even if it’s becoming closer with Sheleigh. It seems like her life could become very lonely in this new phase of life.
*Cyril is being used well/better than Peter was after Chummy left. As in another separate post wonder if there could be something with Rosalind and him. The moral dilemma it could throw up for him would be interesting and if long running, give a needed edge.
*Interested to see if they keep down the route of NH being an acknowledged unusual and slightly older/out of place. I hope they don’t just brush over Matthew/ownership.
*Glad to see age appropriate Cubs in uniform again rather than a group of random too young kids with red neckers on! (Just a personal bug bear!)
*Still think Nancys character should’ve moved on…
The series has changed since it first started but it still is enjoyable. I know some people who no longer watch because of the change in time. I just see it as a period soap rather than the gritty drama it once was.
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losingtothejellybeans · 9 months
Wondering if there will be something between Rosemary and Cyril? Would make for a very interesting plot line and just a bit daring for CTM!
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losingtothejellybeans · 11 months
Healing isn't when the pain is gone, it's when the pain is no longer in control.
Saw this online and loved it
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losingtothejellybeans · 11 months
It’s finally here today and he’s still haunting me. But at least I have solidarity.
Clean by Taylor Swift hits so differently after acknowledging to yourself that you need to end an unhealthy friendationship and taking the first steps to “clean” your life. Makes me want a TV version of Clean and 1989 even more right now, all in good time though.
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Oh dear, wonder how they’ll write him out. Whenever it’s an “unexpected exit” it never seems to be nice. Wonder what will happen as it would be difficult to just have him disappear if Trixie is still around. Just never show him on screen but refer to him for a while (like what happened with Chummy)?
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Calling it now, Trixie and Matthew decide not to get married but to stay as a couple…
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Wow this CTM has SO MUCH GOING ON…it’s like everything’s shifted up a couple of gears! And addressed so many comments I’ve seen people make!!
Turner children actually speaking (and arguing!). Shelagh talking about the delicate balance in her life.
Lucille doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to come home…I wonder if filling this episodes events Cyril might decide to join her.
Feel it would’ve made more of an impact if we’d met Mathews father a couple of times across the previous episodes.
Even if the delivery isn’t kind, it’s highlighted that there informal arrangements at Nonnatus House exist and are falling out of practice. However kind it is. They shouldn’t be relying on Matthew.
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Without being entitled and really randomly over a year after airing: was I the only one who was a little disappointed by the 10 year special for CTM?
I’d hoped for more behind the scenes, how it’s made, the early days of development (what was chosen from Worths books, initial casting), the research process, how they continued the process after they ran out of material from the books, costuming and props….Maybe even the impact it had for a number of years in rejuvenating interest in places for midwifery at uni in the UK (many unis became oversubscribed for the first time)
Just seemed a bit of a let down having what was more or less a clip show. It seemed more like a DVD featurette.
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If this is the end of Lucille’s story, I will be sad. It was nice to have a couple that were making their way in life, supporting each other through, and to have her interested in being a health visitor. The way her and Phyllis said a goodbye for now had a tinge of that they knew it could be a proper goodbye but didn’t want to say it.
I half wonder if she might arrive back later in the series potentially pregnant. However looking at the trend in how the writers write a character out I don’t have high hopes. The trend being that it suggests that they will return but they never do or are even mentioned again, even if realistically they’d get a passing mention. The only exemptions I can think of are when they were a few early brief mentions of Chummy at the mother and baby home, and Pasty and Delia sending a post card. I think the latter only occurred because of an awareness of that they were/are big fan favourites. Mature Jenny in the 2014 Christmas special might also count. Very few characters (Barbara, Jenny, Sgt Wolfe, Sister Evangelina) are conclusively written out.
I wish they’d tap into it more, just passing comments. Sisters knitting because of a request by Sister Winnifred for children. Sister Frances has sent something from the mother house. A report or letter from Val.
I’m assuming Cyril might move with her if she decided not to come back, not just because they would want to be together but due to the trend for partners not to stay around after the nurse leaves.
However, at least she will have had a touching leaving scene with the nod to the first date.
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I’d heard before that two fire signs can burn each other.
But we’re both water signs.
Separated by what feels like an ocean.
Maybe in the desperate and complex reaching for each other it’s like we’ve forgotten how to swim. And I refuse to drown.
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Call the Midwife S12 thoughts and predictions:
*Lucille strongly considers leaving nursing and leaving her plans to be a health visitor. Potentially she might go on a trip home? I think it’s good that she hasn’t magically bounced back but it would be nice to have something good happen to her
*The order is now noticeably smaller, by the sounds of it the additional nuns that we used to see in earlier series are definitely no longer around. If I remember correctly at the end of the Christmas special Sister Julienne said that an agency would be contacted to cover the nursing shortage (in the past would this have been the motherhouse?) and Sister Veronica is doing a health visitor role rather than a nursing one it seems. Even with Matthew as a benefactor how long can they keep such a large property?…
*I can see how as a character Sister Veronica might not be some people’s favourite, but I like what she brings. It’s different to cheery/helpful or has-her-own-ways-but-will-come-around-to-the-Poplar-ways like some of the characters who arrive.
*I’m guessing the series might finish with Trixie and Matthew getting married OR have it mid series. I think it would be interesting to have Trixie leave work as a nurse and instead focus on being an advocate/philanthropist. So far there hasn’t really been a regular wife character who has had to leave work and I think it would be interesting to see that represented. It’s great to see working wives shown, however in this era many women used to have to give up work. Show the internal conflict, the concern about loss of identity, missing work but finding other fulfilling adventures
*I’d really like to see Val reappear, what with them being short staffed and that. Or at least an offhand mention like Sister Julienne wrote and asked her but she’s not ready or taken a new role abroad. I don’t think either are likely though sadly.
*I don’t know why but I haven’t really warmed to Nancy as a character. There’s nothing wrong with the acting or anything, I wonder if it’s because her main character arc seems to have finished whereas other characters left when it seems they weren’t fully explored?
*I love Millicent and Phyllis. Please let their wonderful friendship and what their character bring continue!
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Getting ready for CTM and will do my annual predictions post after the first episode. I will say now though I have thoughts about what should happen to Trixie and I’m sad that likely Sister Frances won’t be back, already missing her. Yes she could come back but often the my write out characters in a way that suggests they may return but they never do unless it’s within the same series
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This winter I give up. My spare time shall be spent listening to Taylor Swift, watching Buffy, fun exercise, reading what I’ve meant to and not feeling guilty about any of it
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May you have relationships that do not make you sing passionately along with All Too Well
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