lost-neighbor · 1 year
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These are just three characters from Howdy Neighbor! From what we understand Albert Cutty was the manager at a shop that he owned called 'Al's place' he would sell various items going from Toys to food and drinks.
Ricky Foxly, he was a milkman, and the son of Rosanna Foxly, and since they show no resemblance it is thought that he might have been adopted by Rosanna.
Rosanna Foxly the mother of two, one being Ricky Foxly and the other being Fiona Foxly, she is a single mother, who lives in a quiet and docile house at the end of the town.
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lost-neighbor · 1 year
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Howdy Neighbor! Was a show that was released in the late 60s to early 70s. The show followed 15 characters by the names of Richard Dallas, Thomas Buckley, Rebecca Raccoonington, Fiona Foxly, Rosanna Foxly, Ricky Foxly, Luna Skylar, Sam Wilkes, Albert Cutty, Howard Wilson, Jerry and Rory Costa, Logan Taylor, Jessie Hudson, and Michael Anderson. Each of the characters had their own quirky and unique personality.
It is unsure as to why the show went off the air November 6th 1974 unexpectedly, but myself and others who remember the show Believe the reason to be, the 'incidental' air of 'Happy Place' episode 10, season 6.
Episode 10 season 6 of Howdy Neighbor! Or better known as 'Happy Place' was aired at 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m, around the usual time the show would normally air. The children who watch this show, and some adults, who would watch along with their children, claimed that they felt 'uneasy or sickly' watching the first few seconds of the episode. Quickly the answer to why they felt so uneasy was answered.
The show started off normally a brightly colored intro, and a catchy little theme song that was paired with it, but unlike most or even all of the episodes the main character, Richard Dallas, did not greet the viewer, he would usually say "Howdy Neighbor! How are you?" While painting on a canvas, many adults would say that Richard Dallas reminded them much of Bob Ross, a calm and cool demeanor, while he painted.
But no, not this time, Richard Dallas was turned away from the viewer, hunched over, some children that may have watched it, perhaps would have said that 'he might have been leaning over to get a paintbrush from the ground' but no, Richard did not move.
Adults who have watched the show thought that this might have been a late airing of a Halloween episode, maybe Richard was trying to play a trick on the viewers. The camera panned away from Richard as it would for most episodes, the camera stopped on the usually bright and happy town known as 'Happy Place' the town did not fit its name anymore, it was dull and dark looking. At a bright bakery that the character, Howard Wilson, owned it was now run down, dirty, broken windows glass on the ground in front and inside of the bakery.
The viewers said that the episode would glitch, from Bright and happy, to dull and dark, and even sometimes gorey and monstrous. This is the part where most children and supervising adults turn the TV off, but there was still some, like myself who decided to stay view it.
The episode continued on, flashes of dark and disturbing content mixed with Happy laughs, I would have to look very deep into the world wide Web but I believe that if I tried I could find the video. At the end of the episode the camera panned back to Richard, he was now on the ground, without a face, skull showing, one eyeball still in its socket, by the looks of it he had been decomposing, flies and maggots already started to come for his dead body. Then static, just static nothing else after that, I stayed to see if it would continue on, no, it just resumed its regular schedule.
The show was never seen after then, everyone I come across I ask have you heard of the show 'Howdy Neighbor!' ? Everyone says no, I even went on other social media platforms to see if people have ever heard of it, for a long time I believe that I was crazy, but a few people came forward and said that they were around in the 70s that had actually was that episode, and shared the disturbing story that came after it.
Some people described that after they viewed the episode, with their parents especially, their family life sort of fell apart. Parents started arguing, not over something that actually mattered, but over nothing, when asked what were they fighting about, the parents would say "we don't remember, or over nothing" which would usually be the typical response, but some that I've talked to swear up and down that their parents were never lie to them under any circumstances. But other than parents fighting, pets would randomly die, they would die with no health complications, at a young age, one said they took their new puppy to the doctor, and within an hour of it being there it died, just because, the death was ruled as 'unknown' they had no idea what was killing pets.
The worst one I heard was about someone's grandmother, their grandmother was a painter, and one day tragically died, though she was healthy, did not smoke, did not drink, and still was able to take care of herself very well, they came to visit on the weekends and when they got in the house they saw her there slouched over in front of a canvas, she had died like that. The paramedics were soon called and when the mother of the person, had to identify the body, she saw, much like Richard Dallas, she was in that house decomposing, with pieces of skin from her face scratched off, possibly by her cat.
Unfortunately at the moment that's all of the information I have gathered about Howdy Neighbor! I will post here, or on my twitter (@Lost_neighbor) if I find any other information thank you for reading.
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