lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
Melody blushed gently solely from the fact she kept making herself look like a fool infront of this man. She was trying to make a good impression on this town and she sometimes was too awkward to do so. Including bumping into people and things.
“One day we’ll run into each other without running into each other.” Melody murmured with a small laugh. Pulling herself back just a little bit. Too close to the flowers as they started right back up on their whispers. “At least you’ll accept some of the blame though.” Melody added with a tease glancing down at the flowers for a moment before shaking her head. 
“I’ve been doing pretty good. Fully moved in which is nice. How about you?”
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Eric could still hear the harsh whispers of the flowers murmuring secrets that were all starting to basically mush together. Names were being spoken, some that Eric has come to learn, others he hasn’t heard of as of yet. He wasn’t paying much mind to it all. His name wasn’t being spoken of so it came of little consequence to the prince and at the same time, he was never one to care too thoroughly for rumors. 
Because whether or not what the flowers were speaking of was true was still out for the jury. It’s not everyday that someone should openly trust a speaking flower.
“Of course! Always willing to accept my faults whenever they appear.” No one was perfect after all. He shrugged a bit now, smiling. 
“I have been pretty well too. Started teaching my classes, have also gotten myself completely settled in. Thought I had gotten a better map of the area, but now with everything that is encroaching in.... I feel as though I’m learning it all over again.”  
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&& So It Continues {Eric & Melody}
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
Damn was the past month a mess. Admittedly Melody knew this place could get crazy but maybe she was foolish to assume that you know there was a break in between the chaos. No she went right from the chaos of the prom to the chaos of the flowers. To watching her phone blow up as the Triton’s fell into madness. Not that she could say anything because it wasn’t her place.
And yet it continued. As she held her tea thermos close to her chest walking by the flowers she cautiously approached shaking her head. How could something that looked so simple cause so much trouble. But she couldn’t approach she didn’t want to know. She didn’t want anyone to know about her. Before she even knew it she was backing up slowly not even paying attention to her surroundings. 
Big mistake as she walked straight into someone. Spinning around quickly she reached out to steady both herself and them.
“Wow I really need to stop walking into you. I promise I’m not normally this much of a klutz.”
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Eric was making his way to the campus. 
He did not have classes today, so as it was he was off, but he was interested in spending some time in the library. By now, he has got himself settled down, grown a routine with his teaching, and it was time for him to seek for the information he had come to Swynlake to begin with. 
Of course, the foliage was now encroaching the town and these odd flowers whispering off personal secrets had deterred his walk some. He wasn’t at all interested in what they have to say, in fact, he found unjust and wrong that they were speaking of things people would not want to be known. 
But, it was rather hard to not hear something whispering so close to you. 
Eric had, in his distraction from these miscreant flowers, bumped himself into a woman, his arms immediately reaching out to settle the woman’s balance (all out of instinct) very gently resting at her waist before he pulled back. The prince smiled when he noticed that he knew the woman after all. 
“Are you sure?” He teased lightly. “It appears as if this is starting to become a habit.” He laughed a little slipping his hands into his pockets. “But I myself wasn’t paying the most.... attention, so I’ll accept partial of the blame here. How have you been, Melody?”
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&& So It Continues {Eric & Melody}
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
Celia had honestly, surprise surprise, not been up to a whole lot these last few days. Though really what else was new with her? She had been keeping busy at InterPride which was nice. It got her out of the apartment during the week which is honestly what she needed because otherwise her mind would just swirl and stew. In some of her free time, Celia would find her way over to Maui’s or he’d wind up at her place, practicing lines with him before the show actually started.
Because Celia wanted him to do well. He was dramatic enough already though that she had no doubts that he’d perform wonderfully. 
And you can bet your ass that she’s going to get a front row seat to that performance.
Today though, she was completely free which was…a nice feeling. Because she felt like she could relax and do what she wanted. It had been a while since she had gone outside and sketched a bit. It always kept her so relaxed that she wanted to do so again. Not that her drawings were works of art by any means. She understood that it was mainly just a hobby of hers that she picked up though they were decent.
Celia had to at least get a little good since it was practically the only thing that she could do from the comfort of her own home while everything was going on those couple years ago.
She found herself sitting on one of the benches next to the lake. The forest felt like it had come much closer than what it had before which really made for a beautiful scene for her to draw. You know, if she didn’t think too hard on the fact that a forest closing in on a town wasn’t one of the most terrifying things in the world. 
Anyway, she had been mid-sketch when she heard a faint running sound, followed by the shout of a name which caused Celia’s face to shoot up in shock, her heart absolutely racing as she clutched the pencil in her hand tighter (thank any being that she was wearing her sunglasses), only to feel a sense of relief to find that the thing running towards her was a dog. 
A smile touched her face as she extended her hand out to the creature, always had been a fan of them since she was a kid. The dog gave it a few sniffs, Celia noticing the way it’s tail began to wag and taking it as a sign that it was alright to behind scratching the playful dog’s head. “Hi there,” She whispered out to the dog, completely unaware that the owner of said dog was quickly approaching. 
The voice though caused her head to snap up once more, the heart rate picking up for just a moment until she saw the familiar face. “Oh, Eric, hi.” She spoke, her attention now on him though her hands still on the dog. His dog. This was his dog apparently. “Oh. No, no. It’s um, it’s totally fine. Don’t worry about it.” She added shaking her head. “My uh, I had a dog when I was a lot younger so I don’t mind. He seems really sweet.” 
Max was completely over the moon the moment Celia’s hand started to scratch at the back of his ears. He panted excitedly, letting a few happy barks in between as he inched his rather large grey and white body closer to the woman. 
He loved attention they way his tailed swoosh ecstatically and his nose kept on sniffing was just an extra show of how much he did.  
Eric couldn’t help but to laugh softly at the scene, his own head shaking as he watched his dog lavish under all the playful attention. It didn’t matter who it may be as long as the person was nice to him, Max was instantly in love and his dog was generally a good judge of character, he knew when someone was genuine and when someone wasn’t. 
“He’s.... something alright, the sweetest dog I know of at least.” 
The prince did love his dog, Max was like his best friend and he was delighted to see that Celia appeared comfortable in his presence. Eric still remembered the last time he had been around the woman, knew that she preferred some boundaries around her space, even if that was more intuition on Eric’s part then anything she had actually spoken out loud. 
“I assure you he doesn’t bite, especially not when he’s receiving such lavish attention. He’s a.... hogger for it. You would think that I wasn’t paying him enough mind with the way he continuously looks for it.” 
Eric took a couple steps forward to gently pat at the back of his dog. He didn’t call him forward, but instead allowed the dog to remain by Celia’s side for as long as she would like him there. If he noticed any discomfort at any time he’ll make certain to pull him back. The last thing he wanted was to cause an form of distress. 
“I.... hope we didn’t end up intruding in anything? I know Max just sort of.... bombarded you there out of no where. Once again, I’m sorry for that...”  
A Walk With A Dog By The Lake || Stone Hunter
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
A Walk With A Dog By The Lake || Stone Hunter
Eric was out in town taking some time to give Max some fresh air and stretch out those legs of his. 
He had settled in by now, all thing in place as they should, work going smoothly (he actually had some pretty decent students), got use to the mapping of the town. Although, he certainly wasn’t blind by any means, he could see the fauna that had started to encroach the town, the tree lines, those flowers.... it was all looking like Enchantra itself. 
The prince has been around to many a places, but no town has yet to start growing a forest of it’s own in it’s main streets. This was certainly something new. 
Max, however, didn’t seem to mind it one bit, the Old English Sheep Dog excitingly sniffing at all the new exotic flowers that grew along the paths. Eric would bring him back to his side and could swear he heard them whisper things, information he was sure he was not suppose to know about the people here in town.
Although, all information was always a good thing. At least in his book.
His legs had carried him right to the lake, Eric finding that a body of water would do him good against all the foliage suddenly growing in burst. There was certainly some magic afoot here but those thoughts soon became distracted when Max had suddenly charged off in a run. 
Eric followed him in a run, calling his name when the big fur ball barked happily playfully sniffing at someone sitting by the lake edge. It didn’t take long for Eric to realize that he knew those long silky strands of dark brown hair, and warm tanned skin. 
“Celia.” He spoke, approaching with a sheepish smile and hands reaching behind his neck. “I am so terribly sorry.... he just sorta.... charged. Should have done a better job at catching him I admit... That is umm Max by the way... he means well.” 
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
“Obviously people have just found out about you and went for the whole stalk the new PrideU professor route.” Melody teased gently. “But yeah totally normal here. I’d say have some fun with it but you’re still a professor so who knows how much fun you can really have with it.”
“Not that I know. I’m sure there has to be some lead up but unless you’re looking for it.” Well then there was nothing for one to do. Nothing happened spontaneously it all had a lead-up. “Don’t let me scare you off or anything like that.”
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Eric laughed a soft sound slipping from his lips. 
“Ah right, see if they could win some high marks snooping about to find out what they can learn of the new professor. Although I am sure that I would only disappoint. Apart from my constant moving, I am probably very boring to most.” He teased as well at his own expense. 
But, appearing boring wouldn’t be a bad thing, at least not for Eric. The least people knew of his upbringing and the Order the easier things were. Besides, he hadn’t come to Sywnlake on an hunting expedition. He was actually taking a reprieve from such until he could get matters.... sorted out. 
“Oh no, not at all. In fact, I’m kind of interested now to see what this town will throw during my stay here.” He admitted. “It certainly is rather different from other places that I have been in. I never mind a change here or there.” 
And Eric has stayed in various magic-friendly towns/cities before, but none seemed to throw such loops like it was sounding that Swynlake did. The distraction could serve him well.
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Chance Encounters {Eric & Melody}
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
Once again, Celia found herself impressed. He couldn’t have been much older than she was. Maybe a few if she had to guess, but she’d only put him at his early thirties at the oldest. So to have been teaching already for six years and to also work on something else that he enjoyed on top of that was a lot.
If anything she was almost sort of…well…envious. It seemed like he had his entire life sorted and that he had been lucky enough to find something he had been passionate about and stick with it. 
At some point and time, Celia had thought she was in a similar situation. She had been working with the company back in Chicago for a few years, in a position that she absolutely loved and one that had promised a wonderful future for her if she continued on that same path. Her boss had even said it himself. That with her work ethic and the pattern that she had been falling into that she would be moving her way up further into the company than she would have imagined. Not to mention the fact that she had a solid relationship with someone that there was a future with. Celia had a wonderful life, one that she was very happy with.
All of which was thrown away over the course of two weeks with the help of an unidentified man and a sorcerer. 
It felt like her life had been on a downward ever since. Sure, Celia had been getting more comfortable with her powers and had certainly made much more progress in Swynlake than she was in Chicago, but it still felt like she was stuck. 
So yeah, call her a bit envious that he seemed to have his life in order and that he managed to find two things that he loved doing. Two hats that the man seemed to wear while Celia felt like she didn’t even have half of one. Don’t get her wrong, she was still happy to hear that he was able to still partake in both activities from time to time. Especially in a town as small as Swynlake. 
“I guess it’s safe to say then that you will be sticking with the professor hat while you are here. Not that the um, the water isn’t close by or anything. But uh, I guess it would take a bit longer to get there unless you’re planning on setting sail on the lake.” 
Eric placed his hands back into the folds of his pockets letting out a small breath of a laugh. His eyes still scoured around taking into view students that walked and bustled about with books and papers in their hands, others riding on skateboards and bikes as modes of transportation, some even simply sitting on campus ground to enjoy the warmth of the weather. 
It was the typical campus view life that Eric has grown use to among the years. One would hardly assume that it was a magic-friendly until you spot a student casually lifting books from the ground with their own mind. 
He allowed the blue of his eyes to focus back on the woman who had been kind enough to be his momentary guide, a polite shrug rolling off from his shoulders. 
“Focusing on one might be a good change for once.... but who knows maybe I might. I’m a fish out of water now... I’ll need it back pretty soon I bet.” He teased making fun of himself, a hand now reaching to the back of his neck. 
The ironic part was that Eric could see himself visiting the lake simply to bring himself closer to some form of body of water. It wasn’t a sea, or an ocean of course, but it was still a body of water. The Prince knew, however, that he probably shouldn’t, that he should keep his feet firmly planted on land for the time being. He would approach the lake and scour the surroundings. 
He would look for anything that shouldn’t be afoot, sea creatures of all sorts and it would all be a force of habit. It was what he was raised and bred to do, but he came to Swynlake in search of a pause, of research and gaining knowledge against all that had occurred to him. 
Not to hunt. 
“Have you been to lake here before?” 
Touring About || Stone Hunter
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
“it’s a good way to make friends that’s for sure. But also a good way to embarrass yourself without even knowing the other person.” admittedly she was always so thankful when she left Sywnlake and her phone returned to normal. Able to text people without worry of secrets getting out.
“Well sometimes things just sort of happen. I haven’t been here through a lot of them I can’t even remember how old I was when I was here and something happened. But it’s almost like a spell is cast over the town and anything can happen.” She had heard a bit the curfew because of the vampires but she wondered how true that was. Or how dangerous they were. People thought mermaids were dangerous didn’t they?
“I’m not looking forward to some of that craziness I must admit.”
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Eric found the texting situation to be quite amusing. It wasn’t so many towns in this world that had such a quirk as the one being described to him at the moment. With a shake of his head he simply chuckled softly. 
“Well, thank you for straightening out that matter for me. I was truly at a lost as to why my phone suddenly became so popular when once it hardly was. I guess while my time in this town by the end of it all everyone would somehow end up with my number.”
As Melody spoke of the events that befell the town, Eric listened attentively. It wasn’t so surprising for the Prince. He was use to his few share of magic-friendly towns, but any information given was certainly an advantage in his book. 
“And.... no one would be aware when something off would happen? Huh, I suppose that’s one way to constantly live on your toes.” 
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Chance Encounters {Eric & Melody}
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
Phoebus chuckled as well at the image of Olivia’s sharp tongue lashing Eric into submission. It reminded him of childhood. 
The women of the Order were strong. Not in the same way as the men, of course, they weren’t strategically minded, they didn’t know how to take down a beast, or protect a family with sword and fist. But, they fought their own battles, such as childbirth, and wrangling husbands and brothers and sons.
Not an easy task, Phoebus knew, he was one of those wayward sons.
When they’d been younger, all of them playing at knights and ladies, Olivia had been, more often than not, the one in control. Perhaps it came from being an older sibling (though Phoebus was one himself, he hardly felt like a big brother at times. Astrid mothered him more than he ever took care of her, outside of sorting through possible suitors for her.) 
The feeling bloomed warm, then sharp in his chest, the guilt like ash on his tongue–at the thought of Olivia, wearing black, her face shrouded in sorrow, her children left fatherless.
Because of him.
No matter how much he loathed Clemens for winning Olivia’s hand, he would had never have wished such grief on her.
“Aye, I appreciate the offer. I’ll be sure to take you up on it. Perhaps after the dragon is dealt with.” Best not to reveal his true motives right this moment. The Gates of Hell were his and his alone. 
Ah, right, the dragon. 
Eric, in all honesty, had almost forgotten about the dragon, which was hardly ever the case for the Prince. Monsters such as those always gave him an adrenaline rush. The bigger the better. Those, for the most part, required more skill, more tact and well fine tuned planning add in the environment of a chopped moving sea on a ship and it was a hook, line and sinker for Eric.
He had been excited when he had came face to face with the sea serpent back in the Ionian sea. 
However, his.... dilemma with his mermaid had his mind highly preoccupied as of late and left him doubting his system of judging who fell under the category of a monster and who didn’t. It was the true motive for his appearance to Swynlake, although Phoebus would beg to differ, but he was hoping the town would help shed some knowledge to his moral uncertainties. 
Didn’t mean, however, that it killed his desire for a good adventurous rush. Eric itched for one. 
More so on water than anything, but land can do for now he supposed. 
He finished his water, placing the glass cup down on the island’s counter top. Looking at Phoebus for a moment he easily straightened his stance to turn and place his glass into the sink behind him. 
“And do you have a plan on how to deal with this dragon?” He turned back around. “Or, is charging right into it going to be the method of choice?”
Red Sun in the Morning ... [Apollo x Poseidon]
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
“Oh wow. that’s pretty impressive.” Being able to work and travel and get teaching jobs while he did that. It spoke volumes about his skill as a teacher.  Or his boat working on ability or whatever it was called.
“Yeah if you like small towns it’s a lot of fun. There’s always people around if you need help and the community is brilliant. You know scratch for the weird text signals and magical events but it’s a nice place to be.”
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“Thank you.”
Eric replied politely with a sheepish smile touching his lips. He was never one who did great receiving compliments. He was great at giving them though, didn’t have a problem with that, but somehow always got self-conscious receiving. 
“The weird text signals now make sense. I have been receiving a wide variety of messages from numbers that I have never seen before upon moving here.” He shook his head, giving off a small air of a chuckle. 
“But I have had my share of experience living in small towns and always find the tightness of the community to be a comfort of sorts.” He shrugged kind of shyly, his head now tilting in a slight angle. “Magical events?”  
Of course, Eric wasn’t new to those either, he has lived in several magic-friendly towns before, but if he could glean more information about Swynlake in particular it wouldn’t hurt. 
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Chance Encounters {Eric & Melody}
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
Holy shit, six years?!? That was crazy. Like, obviously he probably was teaching for a while if he was teaching at the college level. Celia was pretty sure they didn’t just let people start off by teaching college classes, but then again what did she know of the British schooling system?
Not a whole lot that was for damn sure.
But still, six years knowing as much as he did to be able to teach marine biology was impressive. It meant that he had to be knowledgeable enough in the subject to be able to pass that information onto aspiring marine biologists….and students that were just required to take the course. 
All that being said, Celia was pleasantly surprised.
Especially if he was working on ships as well. That was some serious time management and showed just how passionate he was about teaching…or you know…ships too. That he didn’t really give up one or the other. 
All of this though just made Celia the more curious why he had ended up in Sywnlake in the first place. It seemed like the man like to travel with the amount he spoke of various countries and sailing, but Swynlake seemed like such an odd place to land. Then again, Celia didn’t really have any room to talk. She had heard of Swynlake because of how open they had been to Magicks, and figured it would be a safe spot for her to land while she tried to figure out her powers. It was random, but ultimately she had a reason she supposed.
That curiosity of how he docked here though began to swirl through her mind.
“That’s really impressive.” Celia voiced, turning up to him with the smallest of smiles. “I mean that like, you were able to find something that you enjoyed so much. Or that um, you were able to sort of combine your interests if that makes any sense.” 
Eric found himself smiling a little shyly. 
For this guy who was constantly on the move, always lifting masts webbing knots and braving chopped raging waters, hell killing sea monsters too the likes that people wouldn’t dare to look twice at for sheer jaw dropping fear.... he was awful at receiving compliments. 
It was something so simple, so minuscule and yet he was never one of those arrogant types that could paint that roguish crooked grin and feel a flicker of pride lighting up on his chest. 
No. Eric ducked his head. He dropped his gaze and scratched at the back of his neck when being given a compliment.  
He.... just wasn’t the type to feel the most comfortable in the center of everyone’s attention. Had always been the case since young and his father often chided him for it impressing in him that what he gain he could be proud of and so forth. Even so, it never really hit Eric as much of an importance. 
“Thank you.” He cleared his throat a little darting his eyes over Celia’s features. “I.... tend to often blame my father for a chunk of it all. He’s a lover of all things waters and boats and... kind of got me into it since young.” He shrugged.
“There.... probably wasn’t much of choice out there for me.” He teased. “Luckily for him, I came out interested in all of it as well. Did it to my sisters too.... they all have some form of fascination of something water related.”
Touring About || Stone Hunter
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
Yes, Phoebus should be married as well, but unlike Eric, the prospects were not as great for him. (Unlike Eric, his heart was set on the one person he could never have.) 
The Golden Boy could have his pick of the pretty maidens. Phoebus had heard enough from Astrid and Olivia gossiping that the girls keeled right over for his baby blues. They thought it was romantic that he wanted to marry for love (though just as many grew frustrated with him, which amused Phoebus to no end.) He was talented and handsome and kind–all the qualities that women looked for in a husband. He was the perfect prince.
Unlike Phoebus, who drank too much. Who was too loud. Who stepped out of line. Who didn’t follow the rules. Who set his own path to get things done. He wasn’t exactly husband material, though a few women had tried over the years. They had always found themselves disappointed.
He wondered if Olivia had chosen him, if he would be as good a husband to her as he thought. A better husband than Clemens. The only reason he would have ever left her behind is if he had been killed out in the wilderness, fighting to keep the world a safer place for their children.
“Aye, that doesn’t surprise me,” Phoebus said, smiling softly and fondly, thinking of that lost love of his. “She was always strong as those masts of Andersen ships. And the children too. Their father may’ve been a coward, but she’s worth ten men raising them.” 
He took another sip of his water with a little shake of his head.
“I’m glad they are well, though. And moved back home. I think it will be good for her to be back among her family, my parents are no good when it comes to comfort and my aunt and uncle are useless in their grief and shame.” 
Eric could hear the lace of warmth and gentle affection that coated Phoebus’s words when he spoke of Olivia. It hardly came as a surprise to the younger prince as he listened, the cool touch of his glass cup touching his lips. It brought back memories of hearing the older male boast in one day achieving Olivia’s hand in marriage.  
Except, it had been Clemens who had ended up married to his sister.
Of course, Eric had often wondered how the tides would have fallen if Phoebus’s had been able to accomplish such a boast. If he would have done right by his sister, not have taken his life regardless of who he was leaving behind: a family. A wife and children that were now left fatherless. It was cowardly. One’s family should be above all else no matter what the cost may be.
It was a bitter pill to swallow every time he had to think about it, and it showed in his features. 
Then there were the rumors, naturally, of Phoebus that has crossed Eric’s own ears. Of the throngs of women he had bedded and left so callously behind. He was glad that in the end, Olivia had returned home. 
Eric placed his glass down after having taken another sip, a brief chuckle falling from his lips. “And that hasn’t changed, except now that she’s home it’s been myself who has been receiving the tale end of that fire.” 
Heaven forbid he would be gone for some months and not leave a message of his whereabout and currents state to his family. It was a mouthful he would gain from Olivia, worried naturally, and there wasn’t much Eric could do about it. She was his older sister, he bit down and bared it. 
“You should visit some time, maybe once you’re through with this town. It would do the children well.”
Red Sun in the Morning ... [Apollo x Poseidon]
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
Just add a tally on the board labeled, “Celia completely ruins an interaction with a stranger because she no longer has any concept of how conversation actually works, and panics about every little thing thrown her way.” Because this was torture.
She could feel that Eric had began to pull back a bit, which you know, could be read two different ways. On one hand, Celia could be appreciative of it. Because it meant that he had been able to read the situation well enough to know what she was comfortable with, and knew not to really push her beyond her line. Which was a little silly considering it was just them talking about Italy….it’s not like it was anything major.
Which also brought to the second option. That Eric was pulling back a bit because he was beginning to realize what a psycho Celia was for freaking out on something so minimal, and was trying to just get to the office as fast as he could so he could get the hell away from her. 
Probably what was happening here.
Only reason for them to get to the building faster. That way Celia could bolt and never run into Eric and embarrass herself even more again!
By the way, Celia probably should have been doing a better job actually pointing out the different buildings that they were passing on the way to the Marine Bio building so that he knew what the hell else was on campus. Considering she imagined that he probably would be holed up in his office the entire time. 
“Yeah um, my friend, he uh, he seems to enjoy it.” For someone who doesn’t seem to enjoy school all that much though. Celia knew though that if she wanted to have any chance of actually making this conversation bearable again, that she was going to have to actually, you know, converse. “How um, have you been teaching long?”
For the record, throughout his conversation with Celia, Eric had been paying attention to his surroundings. He had taken note of every building they passed, their location, shape, name etc. He tucked all of that visual information safe in his head for when it will be needed, which would be pretty soon considering that this was his new work location. 
Of course, he had been very subtle in doing so, could hardly be noticeable by the normal eye. 
It was almost second nature, truly. It was something he had been trained since young in the Order to do, to take in every detail of his surroundings. The more information one had, the higher one advantage became. Although, this was purely for working purposes. 
At the question, Eric had to think a moment to calculate how many years he has been at teaching. It truly shouldn’t have been a hard question to answer, but the thing was that he had moved so much and has taught in so many different places that it was harder to count the years than say a person who has only been teaching in one university. At the same time, he often worked in ships as well when he wasn’t working as a teacher. 
If he thought about it long, Eric had a very blurring career history. 
“Sort of. I have been teaching....” He paused a moment doing one final mental count down in his head. “Six years give or take. I.... also work in ships from time to time as helmsman mostly.” Captain when running a sea monster hunt technically, but he didn’t go about mentioning such information. 
“I’m normally in between both.... if I’m not doing one, I’m doing the other.” He shrugged kinda smiling a little sheepishly now. “It’s an interesting mix.”
Touring About || Stone Hunter
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
“Do you really? For work then?” Melody questioned just trying to put herself back together at this point and she knew easy talking points so why not use them.  She would be able to at least gain back any semblance of courage and composure.
“I’m new to Sywnlake as well. Not fully but I haven’t visited the town for quite some time. I’m actually just from London.” Which wasn’t too far but they only really had family visits for her to come into town before. But still she sort of rambled/spoke taking his hand and shaking his.
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Technically, Eric could say yes that it was for work and it wouldn’t be an outright lie, more like.... a lie of omission. He couldn’t exactly say that he traveled to kill sea dwelling monsters because of an Order he grew up in and was raised in. He nodded his head, keeping a polite smile on his features. 
“Yes, partly.... I teach umm in universities, Marine Biology so it isn’t exactly a traveling sort of job.... but I enjoy different settings and so I often simply move... I also work on ships, that one does require more moving.” 
Eric now slipped his hands into the pockets of his jeans. 
“Do you like it here? From the times that you have visited before?  I have... been to London before, but I’m from Italy...” 
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Chance Encounters {Eric & Melody}
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
Phoebus “pah”ed at Eric’s courteous quip. He was plenty chivalrous, to the ladies anyway. Men didn’t need the same courtesies. That was what the Order taught them. Men were strong. They didn’t need help (unless it was to bring down a dragon.) The men were brothers in arms. They didn’t sit around braiding each other’s hair and swooning about who they would marry.
(They did swoon about who they’d marry. There had been a time, before any of them had been Princes, or even Knights, where Phoebus had boldly declared that he would marry Olivia. Of course, life had turned out much differently. He wondered if Eric remember that. He wondered if Eric knew that Olivia de Chateaupers (nee Andersen) was the only woman he’d ever loved.)
Enough of that, though.
“She’s well, aye. Expecting her first sometime soon with that ol’ Hightower she married. Her nephew, Florian–the one who killed the vampire for his first blood hunt?–he’s around town somewhere. Seems every family wants a stake in driving out this town’s serious magical issues.”
Phoebus shrugged and took a sip of water. He kind of regretted not asking for something stronger. Fuckin’ Andersens, tricking him into taking care of himself.
“And Olivia?” he asked, “I know I just saw her, but I am sure she tells you more than she would tell me.” 
He did his best not to sound bitter. (He did an excellent job.)
Eric was glad to hear that Astrid was faring well, had hardly blinked an eye when he had first found out that she was expecting. It was a normal custom within the Order. You married within their family lines.
Courted, married, and then had children.
It all felt so impersonal to Eric, perhaps was the reason he had remained unmarried within his generation of Princes. He was sure it was something often whispered about him amongs the other. It was unheard of for a man his age to not have found himself a suitable woman, saught her father’s hand and married at his age, especially when one was a well rounded and highly spoken of prince. He should technically, by the Orders standards, have children by now.
His father had even mentioned of such everytime the Prince would make a trip back home. Eric, however, hadn’t budged. It wasn’t his idea of how love should be sought out, but that was another topic for a another day.
“In the library I believe. I took a tour of the University and remembered spotting him there.”
Eric shrugged taking another sip of his water. The glass now began to twirl in his hand as he looked at Pheobus when his question was asked. He wasn’t a fool. He knew sooner or later in this conversation the topic of his sister would be brought up. If life had gone in the way Pheobus would’ve wanted it, Oliva would have been his and not Clemens.
“Olivia is doing as well as one could.” With her sitaution that was. Her ex-husband having comitted suicide leaving her children fatherless and an ill taste in every families mouth. It was the forbidden hush hush being the most whispered about in the Order.
“She has a stronger back bone than most as you know. The kids are doing well also. I had spent some time with them before coming here to Swynlake.”
Red Sun in the Morning ... [Apollo x Poseidon]
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
Melody’s smile never dropped from her face as he stumbled out exactly what he was thinking and why he had zoned ever so slightly out. At least until he mentioned that she looked like his sister and just for a moment. One brief little moment. She wondered if her brother would have grown up and looked like the man infront of her. They had the same baby blues and dark hair that was for sure.
“Well hopefully I’m not making you homesick. Unless your home is here…. And you’re a Sywnlake native and your sister is here.” And Melody was still just spewing out words. “Did I introduce myself?  I’m Melody. Nice to meet you.” just get a grip of yourself Melody and stop rambling.
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Eric was very glad to see that he had not offended the woman before him. It truly wasn’t his intention to stare as hard as he had, but looking at her had been like staring at Aileen’s phantom, or see Alessandra in front of him. It was horrible, one shouldn’t have favorites, but Alessandra had a special place for him because of the resemblance she shared with Aileen. 
And now he was looking at a woman that appeared as both. 
The prince laughed a little, shaking his head as he dropped his hand from the back of his neck. 
“I umm actually moved here just a week, or so ago. First time in Swynlake, so I am still getting my footing for the place... and it’s quite alright. I’m use to moving around often. Face time helps....” He laughed again clearing his throat this time around. “But, it’s nice to meet you as well, Melody.” He extended his hand. “I’m Eric. I don’t believe I introduced myself either.”
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Chance Encounters {Eric & Melody}
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
Sometimes, Celia really hated how much she got into her own head.
Actually, you know what, scratch that. Celia almost always hated how much she got into her own head.
Because it made situations like this that much more awkward because situations like this didn’t need to be awkward. Eric was just trying to be nice, repay Celia in a way for helping him out, and any sane, normal person would have just let him go.
Not Celia.
Celia was the type that overthought. That realized that every little thing that she did could be picked apart, and that would be picked apart by her own mind. She couldn’t just live with the fact that someone was trying to be polite and had offered to help her write down a few cities or even random places that she could visit, but no. 
Celia felt like she was being a burden, and she hated that this was constantly how she felt. 
Even the way that he seemed to say that he would still be willing to. She almost wished that she hadn’t even asked him to in the first place. Because then she wouldn’t have to live in this new, false reality that she’d ever make it to Italy. 
Regardless, Celia nodded her head, “Yeah, um, sure, thank you.” Though Celia doubted that she ever would take him up on that. It was pointless. His next question though, she could sort of feel that awkwardness build, her own damn fault for getting them to that point when the conversation had been going somewhat swimmingly. “Oh um, n-no. I uh, I went to school back home. I um, I only got here like, um, a year and a half ago. I have a uh, a friend though, that’s taking classes. That’s why I was here.” Information that Eric certainly didn’t need to know, but had somehow just poured out of her. 
Eric wasn’t exactly new to all of this, well to the whole conversations growing awkward after a moment part. It was something that tended to often follow the prince a lot. He knew that a great part of it was him. He was shy, in a quiet form of manner when around people he didn’t know. 
Which, if one thought about it, was rather ironic considering how his life was lived. 
He moved from place to place, only staying long enough to complete his mission in killing whatever monster he knew dwelt around where he lived. Then once that was finished he was off to the next place. Such a nomadic lifestyle called for speaking with strangers on a daily basis. The fact that he spend a majority of his time on ships as well, running crews, and such was only another factor that required him to speak with strangers. 
It didn’t, however, mean that some awkwardness never came into play once in a while. At this point in life, he simply learned how to navigate through it and so when it started to appear so now in this conversation, Eric hadn’t turned all frazzled and at a lost. 
He remained as pleasant as he appeared before, making sure to maintain a comfortable space in between Celia and himself as they continued to walk through the campus. He didn’t want for the woman to feel overwhelmed and he knew that a closure in space could certainly cause that for many people. 
Eric nodded his head then at the response to what he had asked deciding that he wouldn’t further add more questions. Instead, he simply smiled politely and gently. 
“Well, I.... have heard good things about this University. I’m hoping to enjoy it here.... It will certainly be different from previous ones that I have taught in.... but I guess.... change isn’t all that bad once in a while.”
Touring About || Stone Hunter
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