lostcoldwater-blog · 6 years
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lostcoldwater-blog · 6 years
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                        IT’S THE TERROR OF KNOWING                           WHAT THE WORLD IS ABOUT.
                              watching some good friends______scream let me out.
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lostcoldwater-blog · 7 years
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hey so if you’d be interested in plotting something with this nerd, hit the heart and i’ll pop into your ims as i try to get drafts done across my blogs !
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lostcoldwater-blog · 7 years
JANE CHATWIN .   ╱    manichaeisms
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Jane’s breath catches for just a moment at the sound of that name. She aches for Rupert, her Rupert, but he isn’t here. He can’t come back to Fillory and Jane…well, she can’t leave. Not while Martin is still so lost. “Hm? Oh…” She remembers herself and looks to the tree with a fond sort of smile. “Beautiful, isn’t it? I made the first by accident. It’s a vicious looking thing, deep in the forests. It’s part natural magic and part horomancy. It’s a craft very few practice.” She turns to the man and smiles. “Are you a magician, Rupert?”
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a sympathetic smile is all rupert offers as he watches her face  ---  even without long-ago bedtime stories, his village had sung with the gossip about the royal family, how one by one they were being shut out, though from what he’d been told, this was the mildest form of ember and umber’s cruelty. his gaze brightens some, turning interested as he swallows down the inane urge to reach out and lay his palm against the bark.  “ yeah ---   well i’m still learning, anyway.  my uh, my dads taught me a lot.  are- are still teaching me, actually, whenever they’re not --- ”  his voice comes to a stilted stop as he realizes he’s rambling (and oversharing),  a nervous habit.  “ so you’re a horomancer? ”
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lostcoldwater-blog · 7 years
JANE CHATWIN .   ╱    manichaeisms
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Jane slows her magic down and the wildly thrashing clock tree calms itself again. She turns to look at him, a sad smile on her face. “My name is Jane,” she tells him. “My brother Martin is– was… the High King.” She still hasn’t been able to swallow what’s happened to him since despite the fact that she’s building her defenses against him. For whatever reason, he fears these trees, so the more of them there are, the better. “Who are you?”
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understanding crashes over rupert like a wave  ---  he can practically hear his father’s voice in his ear, abridged renditions of  fillory and further  recited to him long before the real chatwins had arrived to take their place at whitespire, those names are as familiar to him as his very own  ---  and his gaze softens even as his heart clenches in fear that the beginning of  ‘ the beast’s ’  reign may be upon fillory already.   “ my name’s rupert. ”  his head tilts, curiosity defeating wariness as his gaze flicks between the girl, jane, and the tree. “ i’ve never seen that kind of magic before. ”
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lostcoldwater-blog · 7 years
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“ who are you? ”   dark eyes narrow slowly, almost an afterthought as he regards the stranger before him  —   distrust on him is an unfamiliar garment and it shows in the uncertain twitch of his hands at his sides and the quaver in his tone before he wills his voice to harden, the handicap of one raised in peacetime.
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lostcoldwater-blog · 7 years
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lostcoldwater-blog · 7 years
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⋅   meme   ╱   it's trigger and effect - dominoes at their best .  ❜ ⋅   open   ╱   create the illusion for a moment that we're not alone .  ❜ ⋅   call   ╱   a speck of light can reignite the sun and swallow darkness whole .  ❜ ⋅   wishlist   ╱   add our question marks to periods .  ❜ ⋅   ooc   ╱   the human equivalent of a trainwreck .  ❜ ⋅   psa   ╱   as life replayed, we heard a voice proclaim . . .  ❜ ⋅   saved   ╱   warded away from the world .  ❜ ⋅   queue   ╱   thank queue for your time .  ❜ ⋅   promo   ╱   there's something so magic about you .  ❜ ⋅   self promo   ╱   . . . mistakes were made .  ❜
⋅   character study   ╱   the world is an outline of shapes I used to know .  ❜ ⋅   playlist   ╱   identical words against different time frames .  ❜ ⋅   likes   ╱   daring to sleep beside the dying fire .  ❜ ⋅   aesthetic   ╱   as though there had never been anybody .  ❜ ⋅   self   ╱   dissonance waiting to be swiftly pulled into tune .  ❜
⋅   v ;  arc i .   ╱   the race i never got to finish .  ❜ ⋅   v ;  arc ii .   ╱   every road I knew disappeared under my feet .  ❜
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