lostinlodge · 3 years
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chapter forty-five:
Archie lets out a breathy laugh, and he would feel embarrassed by his own starry-eyed ways, if he weren’t suddenly hyper aware of so, so many things about them, like their bare legs tangled together under the duvet, her right knee resting on the side of his torso, their hips loosely aligned. Or how she’s wearing his white sweater from last night and how the softness of the fabric is mixed with the softness of her skin, warm under his palm that’s resting on her collarbone, right in the middle of the three little moles, his thumb close to one of them.
(read on ao3)
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lostinlodge · 4 years
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archie & veronica + evermore.
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lostinlodge · 4 years
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Archie and Veronica + school dances.
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lostinlodge · 4 years
sending you all the love and support ❤️
🥺🥺thank you, nonnie❤️
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lostinlodge · 4 years
Varchie: September Updates!
hey varchie nation! we’ve gathered all the fanfic updates from this month and have linked them down below to make it easier for anyone who wants to, to find and get caught up with all of your favorite fics ;)
the 70′s on across the stars by @monicaposh  (!!!! most important update of the year)
chapter 5 of baby mine by @monicasposh 
chapter 4 of your love (i’m lost in) by @lostinlodge 
letters by @archiercnnies and @andsmile 
love is like water by @softvxrchie
free falling by @missanonima 
chapter 4 of fire meets gasoline by @monicasposh
talk to me (tell me what you want) by @monicasposh 
chapter 43 of lake michigan by @andsmile​
operation varchie by @monicaposh​, @tuesdayschildd​ and @theeternalblue​ 
a shortcut home on hard things break by @andsmile​
moments, seconds and everything in between by @missanonima
part 5 of where life begins (and love never ends) by @softvxrchie​
we have a new varchie writer (!!! in this economy) who has blessed us with many amazing prompts throughout the month, and you should follow her right now and go through all of them: @missanonima​.
we have a new blog for updates on varchie, cami and kj, and it’s amazing! follow @mendesapasource​
don’t forget to follow the varchie!centric tag on Ao3 to fulfill your varchie needs! we’ll see each other in varchie-tober! mwah!
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lostinlodge · 4 years
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chapter forty-three:
In the background, he can hear muffled sounds around him, like he’s underwater: steps, people talking, Reggie Mantle’s stupid laughter. That fucking asshole.
He slams the door closed.
“Someone piss in your Cheerios, Andrews?”
(read on AO3)
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lostinlodge · 4 years
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Your first ever source blog for actors Camila Mendes and KJ Apa from the hit CW series Riverdale.
This blog will focus on the daily updates of the lives of Camila and KJ as well as projects that follow in their careers. We will also post/reblog gifs & edits of the pair as well as their onscreen relationship known as Varchie!
We track the tags:
kjapaedit, camilamendesedit, kjapadaily, camilamendesdaily, cmendesedit and varchieedit.
We love both KJ and Camila as well as their entourage which includes the rest of the cast. This blog is to focus on daily updates in their lives and projects… NOT about their personal lives and we will keep any discussion or speculation about that to a minimum in order to respect KJ and Camila’s privacy.
We hope this blog does a good service to them.
Please reblog to help signal boost!!
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lostinlodge · 4 years
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your love (i'm lost in)
chapter four: unfortunate sense of deja vu
After the unforgettable graduation that caused many heartbreaks, Archie and Veronica go back to Riverdale after six years because of the unknown notes. The new mystery might bring past lovers a little closer.
(read chapter four here or start from the beginning)
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lostinlodge · 4 years
Sooo, as a last minute decision that was never made, @andsmile and I collabed and wrote a post season 4-pre season 5 Varchie!AU where they communicate through letters after a while, and I’m posting the results here because we thought it was worth sharing. Hope you like it! <3
P.S.: recommend song is The Mess I Made by Parachute!
Do people still call you that? Or does it bring you bad memories because of me?
My dear Veronica,
My love,
Am I still allowed to call you that? I know, I know. . . Probably not. But addressing you as anything else at this point in my life would make even less sense, considering my feelings for you never went away.
I’m sorry to disturb you by writing this letter, that I’m still not sure I’ll even send, but I needed to let all my feelings out somehow, and I can’t do it through songs anymore. . .
I haven’t written a song since the day you left me.
Which is only what I deserve, I know, but I decided to try this. Even if you never get to read these words, at least I’ll know they’re out here, and hopefully my heart can find some peace. I’m sorry if I sound selfish, but believe me when I tell you there hasn’t been a single year in my life when you haven’t crossed my mind more times than it is considered healthy to remember your ex.
I miss you. Ronnie, I miss you so fucking much, and I know I don’t have any right to, not after what I did, but it’s stronger than me. Even after all these years, my heart is so full of you, I can hardly call it my own. Which is why I didn’t know how to begin this letter — still don’t —, but I knew I needed to write it. I need you to know how sorry I am, more than you can imagine. I’ve made a lot of bad decisions in my life, all of which I regret, but our relationship was never one of them, and I’m sorry if I ever made you believe otherwise.
There’s no explanation to what I did, and I’m not trying to justify my mistakes. I know I did wrong by you and I’d spend the rest of my life trying to fix that mistake and earn your love and trust back, if you’d let me. But don’t worry, that’s not why I’m writing. I just need you to know how sorry I am. I think I needed to write this in order to say goodbye, something we never got to do since you left without talking to me, which I understand. But it didn’t hurt any less.
I wish I could tell you I’m doing better in life nowadays than I did before. That I’m a better man. . . But I don’t think I can ever achieve that without you in my life. It’s something I think I’ve decided to deal with. But you, I hope you’re doing well. I hope you managed to get everything you wanted in life. I hope you’re happy, I hope whoever you found worthy of your love this time, makes you happy. Please, don’t let my mistake close the doors of your heart to love again, Veronica.
As much as it pains me to think you’ve found somebody else, it would hurt me even more to know I’ve broken you to the point of no return. I want you to find love again, and I want you to live a good life. Even if it’s one without me.
I don’t think I’ve said everything there was to say, but I can’t think of anything else to add that you probably don’t already know. I’m sorry if this doesn’t make much sense, I just wanted you to know that I love you.
I’ll never stop loving you, Veronica.
Yours, Archie.
I can't forgive you yet.
Dear Veronica,
Thank you for answering. I genuinely didn’t expect you to, but I’m glad you did. I’m sorry if I sounded too bold, but as I didn’t expect us to communicate again, I figured I’d say whatever I felt like saying, at least so I’d make my feelings known. I understand and respect your decision, but. . .
Maybe one day you can?
It's been one year since your last message.
Weirdly enough, today of all days I woke up and thought about you. I don't know why. It's been a while that I avoid thinking about you. But today, it didn't hurt. I decided to reply.
Maybe one day I can.
Dear Ronnie,
Am I being too bold calling you this? Let me know if I am, I'll take a step back. But I'm not going to lie: the idea that you think that maybe one day it could happen has filled me with bravery and hope.
I am happy today for I know you haven't hurt while thinking about me.
Dear Archie,
It's been a couple of months for me to be brave too.
I've played with a dog today. It made me think about you with fondness again, because I remember how I never got near dogs before you introduced me to Vegas. How is he?
How's your mom?
Dear Ronnie,
The smile on my face is probably embarrassing.
Vegas is an old man, now. He takes a lot of naps, but he's still the best fella ever.
My mom is good. Her and Brooke are living in Chicago now. They have a cat who they called Cat, like that movie you liked so much.
How are you? What can you tell me?
Always thinking about you.
Dear Archie,
I’m sure it isn’t. . . You know I always found that endearing about you.
Glad to hear it about Vegas! Take care of him, he deserves all the naps in the world.
I can’t believe you still remember what my favorite movie is. . .
I’m doing good, New York is New York and it always lights up my mood. I’m in my last semester in College, majoring in law school, in case you don’t already know.
I had to give up certain luxuries after my father disowned me, but I’m happy to say I got in with a full scholarship! It’s not Harvard, but it will do. . .
What about you? Still in Riverdale?
Dear Ronnie,
I am not in Riverdale. I also live in Chicago closer to my mom, now. Moms, I guess. I work with Brooke recruiting some lost kids for the naval academy. God knows it helped me.
I don't know if I'm someone in position to say this, but I'm proud of you. Proud that you made it. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm proud that you managed to get out of your father's life. You were always way too good for him. But I'm not surprised that you got a scholarship. You've always been amazing.
And of course I remember.
I remember everything about you. About us. Your smile, the sound of your laugh and your singing voice, the smell of your hair. I could go on and on talking about all the things I remember. How you take your coffee. What's your favorite shampoo.
I miss you.
Dear Archie,
I've always thought you were meant for more than that town. Chicago sounds awesome. Hope your skin isn't hurt with the all the wind.
It's hard for me to answer your last letter. I don't really know what to say.
I remember everything too.
You did break my heart Archie Andrews. I know you know that. I guess, somehow, by leaving without saying goodbye to you, I broke yours too. For that, I'm sorry.
I'm gonna spend sometime without getting in touch, though. Hope you understand. I'll reach out when I'm ready.
It's been a little while. If you're still around. . .
I forgive you.
I know it's quite sudden, but...
I'm getting into a plane for New York today.
I hope that by when you get this letter, I am already at your door. And I hope you'll let me in.
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lostinlodge · 4 years
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your love (i'm lost in)
chapter four: unfortunate sense of deja vu
After the unforgettable graduation that caused many heartbreaks, Archie and Veronica go back to Riverdale after six years because of the unknown notes. The new mystery might bring past lovers a little closer.
(read chapter four here or start from the beginning)
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lostinlodge · 4 years
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what we do is secret
archie and veronica haven't been dating for long, when they get caught out hiding their relationship from their friends.
read here
for @lostinlodge
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lostinlodge · 4 years
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Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge + locations they’ve had sex.
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lostinlodge · 4 years
Last Airbender: *shows Azula having a severe mental breakdown after finally tasting defeat after a lifetime of her dictator father manipulating her into becoming the perfect model for a throne responsible for centuries of genocide
8-year-olds watching Nickelodeon that day:
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lostinlodge · 4 years
hi, just a reminder that i love you
aww izzie, love you❤️🥰
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lostinlodge · 4 years
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appreciating fanfic writers → vik aka @andsmile (you can find a masterlist of vik’s works, including all these fics and more, here)
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lostinlodge · 4 years
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chapter forty-one:
Veronica didn’t know how it would feel to actually face him, but, now that they’re here, she understands that what she feels is anger. She wants to slap the shit out of him, punch his chest and ask how could he do this to her — to them — without realizing that she’d have to go after him and pick up all the fucking pieces of what he left scattered on the floor.
(read on AO3)
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lostinlodge · 4 years
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Archie Andrews & Veronica Lodge - Riverdale + Comics
for @monicaposh <3 ( @varchiecomics )
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