lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
“I swear to god the only thing I loose more than my debit card is my self-worth.” Mavis chuckled to the person standing beside her as she dug through her purse to find her card. “I doubt I’ll ever find it.” 
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
“That’s good. I mean I’ve never been to the Isle so my opinion is definitely one sided, but I love Auradon.” She laughed. “Good coffee, I always head straight to The Grind. They make the best coffee in Auradon.” She told the girl as they drove. “You’ll get used to it eventually. There’s a decent amount of great places in here.”
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“It sucks. Trust me, you are better off never having been there.” She explained with a small smile. “The Grind. Got it. Is it right or left?” She questioned waiting for instructions as she contuined to drive. “I’m sure I will. I learn quick.” 
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
Buckling her seat belt as the other pulled the car out of the drive way. “I’m doing good. How are you enjoying Auradon?” She answered following with another question. Arabella was aware of the other blonde’s slight fear of her parents and why she hadn’t wanted to get out of there quickly. I could definitely go for some food and a good cup of coffee.” 
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“It’s not too bad. I like it a lot better than the isle.” She explained. “Sounds good to me. Where is the best place around here to get that? I don’t really know the area much yet.” Mavis explained as they drove. 
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
“yeah, i realized!” chad laughed referring to her not folding clothes and them being on the floor. “really? you like it? that actually makes me feel a lot better, i thought it was too much.” he admitted. chad took a deep breath and licked his lips. he didn’t really understand or know why he felt more nervous to tell her what he was going to but it was.. mavis. though they never admitted it, or at least he didn’t, they had this unspoken bond that felt unbreakable. he really cared for this girl and maybe that’s why the conversation soon to come was exciting yet nerve wrecking. “i met this girl a few weeks ago. and mav, she’s so great. like, oh my god she took my actual breath away when i first saw her.” he tried to express calmly. “have you ever met someone that has ever done that to you? she’s.. so nice? and down to earth. she gets me and i’ve never felt more comfortable with anyone so fast. she’s so funny too, i could go on about her but.. i don’t know. it’s probably stupid.” he stopped and thought to himself. “i know i just threw this all at you but i needed to get it out to you. you’re important to me, and so, this is just as important. and really, i wouldn’t be bringing this up if i didn’t think it was already getting serious. like, dude, i think i might love her.”
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"I do. Really." Mavis smiled, assuring him that she really liked it. The female looked over at Chad, noticing how nervous he appeared to be. She wondered what had been so serious that he was so anxious to tell her. They told each other pretty much anything so she wondered what it could be. Mavis listened carefully as he began talking about this girl that he had met. Mavis smiled softly at him as he had sounded so happy and all she ever wanted was her friends and people she cared about to be happy. However something inside of her felt a little sad, Mavis knew that she had always had a bit of a crush on Chad but it was her fault for never acting on it. Mj nodded. She had felt that way before.. about two different people she had met around the same time, however she just had never wanted to ruin her friendship. Mavis shook her head. "Chad it's not stupid. You're clearly very happy so your happiness is not stupid at all." She spoke finally. "You're important to me too and I'm glad you told me." Mavis explained trying to look the happiest she could, she was happy for him.. why did she have to think such selfish thoughts in a moment like that. "How serious?" She questioned wondering where they are at in their relationship. "Love? Wow. That's amazing Chad. I'm really really happy for you." And she was.
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
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the whale shark was taking her time getting ready. she was used to mavis and her lateness. if anything, bay benefited from it! that meant she could take her time with her make up, which surprisingly she was good at. hearing the text tone go off, she smiled and grabbed her things before going out the door. she walked down the stairs and to the front of her building, grinning. pushing her glasses up to her face, she stopped in front of mavis. “hey mj!” 
Mavis smiled seeing Bay. "Hey hot stuff." She winked at her friend. Mavis was always the type of person to flirt with others but since she did it so often it was hard to tell when she was actually flirting and when she was not. "Your makeup looks amazing!" She complimented looking at it up close. Mavis always thought Bay looked beautiful but really noticed how much effort she had put into her make up that day. "So where we going?"
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
Text ✉️ TRIP
Trip: Nice try
Trip: I'm 22, and have no kids
Trip: Why do you have my number?
Mavis: This isn't my dad?
Mavis: Shit nope. I reserved the 2 and the 3. You just have a very close number to him
Mavis: Sorry about that. I'm Mavis, and apparently I'm an idiot.
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
chad had swung her bedroom door open when mavis coincidentally told him not to go in. and there laid the mess. “oh,” he laughed. “i should’ve known.” he said shutting her door back. “with no distractions? psh, babygirl you are a distraction all together.” he half joked. “hey, hey i always shower and wear cologne, but i did buy new cologne. – you realized that?” he questioned with a smile as he made his way to her couch. “well speaking of distractions and new things, i wanna talk to you about something. kinda serious.” he explained taking a seat.
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“Chad!” She whined as he went in her room regardless of what she told him. “Yeah, I’m not a fold my clothes person, more a through them on the floor and never pick them up soo.” She trailed off with a shrug. “Well I mean..” Mavis slightly blushed but played it off by dramatically flipping her hair and putting her hand on her hip. “..I know.” She teased back as he had called her a distraction. “Yeah. It’s a different smell then what I’m used to on you. I like it.” The girl complimented. She took a seat on the couch next to him and looked at him. “Oh? Is everything okay?” Mavis questioned a little worried. 
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
Text ✉️ TRIP
Trip: Punch them and take it back.
Trip: Stand up for yourself and that cookie
Trip: Also, who the hell is this?
Mavis: I should have. But it all happened so fast I had no idea what was happening. LOL
Mavis: I'm just going to have to buy anther one
Mavis: Come on Dad, you don't know your own daughter's number?
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
chad had been glowing all day from his previous date with bay. he had never been so happy, so much more active and brighter, it was as if cupid himself shot him in the ass with an arrow. but as the male tried to compose himself, he made his way to mavis’ apartment. he and the villains child were such unlikely friends but for some reason, the two fit like a puzzle. they were such good friends. “hey pretty girl,” the brunette greeted with his usual smile as he closed the door behind him. “wow,” he said glancing around her living room. “did you actually clean in here? i can’t remember the last time i saw the floor,” he teased with a small laugh making his way to the kitchen. “uh, you better make the rest of those because i’m starving.” he told her as he threw an arm around her shoulder to bring her in for a hug.
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Mavis smiled as she saw her friend walk into the apartment. Blushing slightly as he called her pretty but she just figured it was the heat from the oven on her cheeks. They always teased each other so. “Well hello there handsome.” She winked a him playfully before rolling her eyes. “No. You know I didn’t actually clean. Just don’t go into the bedroom.” Mavis laughed softly. “I figured since we are doing homework we needed a clean space with no distractions so I shoved the mess into my spare room.” Mj explained. “Of course you came here to eat all my food.” The blonde teased tossing the rest of the bag into the oven. Mavis hugged him back tightly, one thing Mavis was known for was giving a great hug. She breathed in and could smell his cologne. “Did you shower? And put cologne on?” She questioned the male curiously, of course just messing him since she knew he did shower but the cologne smelt new.  
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
Mavis had texted Chad about twenty minutes before telling him to come over to work on some homework with her. Mavis was currently roomateless since the last one graduated and she was living just right off Uni campus. So needless to say Mavis’s apartment was a bit of a mess. She attempted to tidy up her clothes but decided on just throwing the mess into her room and making her the rest of her apartment look like a proper organized adult lived there. Mj heard the knock on the door. “Come in!” She yelled from the kitchen area as she threw frozen pizza bites into the oven. 
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
Hearing the tone from her phone as she received the text, Arabella turned to pick up her phone. Seeing the text, she quickly grabbed her jacket from the hook in her childhood bedroom. Racing out the door, she quickly called out to her parents telling them she had to go and that she’d be back to visit in a few days. It had been a chance that Mavis and herself had began their friendship. The letter she had sent to her parents, was the one that Arabella had intercepted and written back to. “Mavis! How are you?” She asked as she sat down in the passenger seat of the car.
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“Hey.” Mj smiled as the other blonde hoped into the car. “I’m great! How are you doing Arabella?” Mavis questioned before re-blucking up her seat belt, anxious to get out of the other girl’s driveway.  “How are you? How are things?” Mavis questioned looking over at her friend as she began to drive off. “You hungry?” 
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
Text : Anyone
Mavis: What the heck? Someone just stole my cookie right out of my hand???
Mavis: Who does that??
Mavis: I really wanted that cookie.
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
Mavis was in search for the perfect donut. Yes, a silly thing to be doing on a Wednesday afternoon but this is what Mavis had in mind to be doing that afternoon. She set out on campus and then began to wander into town. As she found herself getting lost she turned to the first person she saw. "Hey there. I'm Mavis, and I'm a little new here. Where's a good place to get a donut around here?" She questioned the stranger.
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
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this screams “man! i feel like a woman”
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
Walking around campus with her head down looking at her phone was often something Mavis did. She was so fascinated with technology ever since moving to Auradon. She watched a video of a cat meowing the abc’s as she walked, clearly not paying attention where she was going before bumping right into someone. “I am so sorry!” She apologized before bending down and grabbing the items she dropped including her phone which, incredibly, did not crack.  
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
Mavis texted Arabella stating that she was outside in the truck waiting for her. The girl rarely ever went into Arabella's house in fear of seeing Belle or the Beast. She was scared of seeing them and having to apologize face to face with them on what her mother did. Mavis waited patiently outside for her friend to join her in the car.
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lostinthexcrowd · 7 years
Mavis picked up her phone and keys before heading to the front door, knowing that she was running late and Bay was probably already waiting for her. Mj quickly got into her car and sped down the street to get to the meeting spot as quickly as she could. Since Mavis was nearly always late, this was pretty much what was expected of her so she figured Bay wouldn't be too worried. The blonde haired girl quickly parked and jumped out of the car before texting her best friend that she was there.
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