lostlowlander · 5 days
This too shall pass but like holy fuck
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lostlowlander · 23 days
something genuinely insane about going somewhere and getting to feel “i had some of the worst years of my life here” and “i was loved here, once” simultaneously.
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lostlowlander · 1 month
Happy Fingers In His Ass Sunday!
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lostlowlander · 1 month
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lostlowlander · 1 month
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It is calming to see something familiar in another
inspo x x
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lostlowlander · 1 month
Hey, no homo, but I am sitting on the broken swing set out back in the still, quiet, 2:00am blackness and picturing the softness of your voice and the darkness of your eyes with such perfect and terrible clarity that it feels like I'm choking on my own heartbeat.
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lostlowlander · 1 month
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they are going this drink after me when i die
the horsepussy
2 parts apple martini flavored crystal lite
1 part methadone
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lostlowlander · 2 months
currently in the middle of the deep roads in origins and got scared shitless because out of the blue there's this weird guttural growl but no darkspawn showed up and i'm like christ, what the hell is that but it turns out i just accidentally clicked on oghren
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lostlowlander · 2 months
POV: you wake up from a mouse bite induced coma
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lostlowlander · 2 months
"I can fix him" "I can make him worse" fuck if I know what I'm doing to him but he's barking now
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lostlowlander · 2 months
“Is it okay if I draw fanart of your fanfic?👉🏼👈🏼”
My brother in Christ we shall have a spring wedding
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lostlowlander · 2 months
god this scene i haven’t written would be so emotional if it came with 50k words of context i also haven’t written
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lostlowlander · 2 months
what's your "if I won the lottery I wouldn't tell anyone but there would be signs" thing? mine is getting a fully green kitchen
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lostlowlander · 2 months
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lostlowlander · 3 months
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Ohh, so I was looking at my storage and found these! I originally shared them on twitter before yeeting the platform. Anyway, feel free to use! Art memes for your oc :D
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lostlowlander · 3 months
found one at Goodwill. super fun!
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lostlowlander · 3 months
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how on earth do you arrive at this conclusion?? "society needs to be inclusive which means we need to get rid of minority languages".
why are we, as minority cultures, supposed to give up our languages and cultures so that people who refuse to care about us can feel "included"?? it's like those absolutely ridiculous takes that scotland/wales/etc having minority languages and wanting independence "only serves to divide us" and "we need to focus on our similarities and not our differences". differences are good and should be celebrated, not squashed out in order to create some sort of sanitised "inclusivity".
why should we need to make members of majority cultures feel included when they say things like this about us?? we are obviously going to purposely exclude you when you're acting so mean and vile like this. why can't you learn about our languages and cultures and take part in them and be included in them?? i think most speakers of minority languages in britain would be happy to hear you're learning our languages. why don't you broaden your horizons and include yourselves into more languages, instead of deciding that an "inclusive society" means that we need to give up everything so we can all be like *you*. different cultures/languages/etc are good. i don't understand how people will say they want an inclusive society, and then it turns out they mean cultural genocide. how are we as minority cultures meant to feel included??
also "it's almost like a different language".... uh yeah, because it IS a different language.. what on earth am i supposed to say to that..
and "gaelic is only as much use to those who understand it" yeah i feel like english is also only of use to people who understand it?? couldn't you say that about every language??
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