lostmemorias · 3 years
i  am  sorry  for  not  being  here.   i  just  don’t  feel  it  overall  and  everything  feels  pointless.  tumblr  rp  don’t  really  fulfills  my  hopes  and  imaginations  so  far  if  i  am  honest,   but  i  have  to  deal  with  me  being  picky  and  all. tumblr  rp   𝙞𝙨  fun,  but  yeah.   kinda  hard  to  explain.
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lostmemorias · 3 years
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lostmemorias · 3 years
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❝  . .  !  ❞   actually,  she   should   expect  this  reaction,  but  somehow  she  didn’t.   weird.   a  little  bit  embrassed,  but  also  really  nervous,  she  turned  away.  
❝  i  am  really  sorry,   lord  xemnas.  i  actually  don’t  know  what  got  into  me.  ❞
frisky - to 𝘅𝗲𝗺𝗻𝗮𝘀
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"What do you think you are doing?"
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lostmemorias · 3 years
YA’LL  i  need  your  help  . .  SOB SOB i  can’t  decide  if  i  wanna  make  a  sideblog  for  my  final  fantasy  7  oc.  should  i  do  it  or  nah  ?? 
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lostmemorias · 3 years
Send “Frisky” for my muses reaction to your muse getting handsy...
Forewarning muses may be subject to getting slapped or punched if the touching is not well received.
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lostmemorias · 3 years
Blindfold Meme
My muse is blindfolded and listening. Go on anon and whisper something into their ear. It can be anything you like, a confession, a secret, a memory – there are no limits.
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lostmemorias · 3 years
❝  what  is  lord  xemnas  trying  to  do  ?  ❞
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lostmemorias · 3 years
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@not-saixnaxel​    asked:     axel  giving  xion  a  cup  of  boba  after  coming back  from  a  recon  mission  from  san  fransokyo  ?
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today,  xion  was  actually  the  first  who  showed  up  at  the  top  of  the  clocktower.  she  looked  around,  no  one  was  here  yet.  that  was  unusual,  normally  atleast  roxas  or  axel  were  before  here  first.  but  guess  this  time  she  was  done  faster  with  her  mission.  her  shoulders  shrugged,  taking  place  on  her  spot,  her  eyes  gazing  the  sunset,  hoping  the  other  two  will  arrive  soon,  because  it  was  honestly  always  a  little  bit  boring  without  them.
it  took  some  time,  until  someone  came  finally  up  here,  and  when  her  head  turned  around,  her  eyes  going  up,  she  saw  axel  taking  place  right  next  to  her.  a  smile  escaped  the  lips  of  the  ravenette,  lifting  her  hand  a  little  bit  to  greet  him.    ❝  unusual  that  you’re  here  before  roxas,  but  guess  miracles  can  happen  always,  huh  ?  ❞    she  chuckled  a  little  bit,  of  course  she  was  only  teasing  her  best  friend. 
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curious  eyes  were  going  over  to  the  what  axel  did  hold  in  his  hands.  it  was  like  . .  a  cup  of  tea  ?   no,  it  was  something  different  than  tea,  or  maybe  something  similiar.  what  was  it,  and  where  did  he  pick  it  up  ?   before  she  could  ask,  he  held  the  cup  into  her  direction,  and  xion  blinked  confused  a  little  bit,  tilting  her  head.    ❝  oh,  for  me  ?  ❞    a  smile  formed  on  her  lips,  taking  the  cup  and  nooding  into  his  direction.    ❝  that’s  really  sweet  of  you,  axel.   thank  you  so  much.  ❞  
xion  took  a  sip  of  the  her  unknown  drink,  and  while  she  did  so,  her  eyes  wide  opened,  her  face  showed  something  surprised,  the  tea  had  a  taste  of  berries  and  it  tasted  really  delicious  !    ❝  woaaah . .  this  tastes  really  good  !  ❞    her  head  raised,  looking  back  to  axel.    ❝  where  did  you  get  it  ?   did  you  visit  a  new  world  today  ?  ❞
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lostmemorias · 3 years
i  am  getting  to  answers  and  replies  tomorrow.    i  hope  everyone  is  having  a  wonderful  day.  ♥
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lostmemorias · 3 years
Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets
🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret
🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist
❤️- For a secret crush
📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about
💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)
🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse
❓- Free Space! Ask them about a specific secret!
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lostmemorias · 3 years
anywaaayyy,   it’s  5am  and  i  should  ( try  to  )  sleep,   even  tho  i  am  wide  awake  thanks  to  an  little  nap  earlier.   see  ya’ll  tomorrow,  goodnight ! ♥
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lostmemorias · 3 years
Ask my muse anything you want on anon!
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lostmemorias · 3 years
everytime  i  think  about  my  final  fantasy  7  oc,   i  get  a  little  bit  sad  /  upset  because  i  miss  writing  her.   sigh.  </3
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lostmemorias · 3 years
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@herocarved​  asked  :   💫  for    sora    to    take    xion    stargazing
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here  and  there ,   xion  talked  about  sometimes  that  she  wanted  to  see  the  stars.   she  actually  never  did  before ,   and  it  would  be  something  that  would  make  her  really  happy !   and  somehow ,   sora  heard  about  that.
he  invited  her  for  to  watch  tonight’s  stargazing  at  the  beach  of  destiny  islands ,   and  of  course  xion  couldn’t  say  no.   when  it  was  dark ,   she  did  met  up  with  the  brunette  at  the  beach ,   he  already  sitting  there  and  waiting  for  her.   the  ravenette  places  herself  in  the  sand ,   giving  the  keyblade  wielder  a  little  smile.
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❝  thank  you  so  much  for  the  invite,   sora.   that  makes  me  really  happy.   i  never  got  the  chance  to  watch  stars ,   i  am  really  excited  to  see  them.  next  time ,   i’ll  take  you  to  twilight  town  and  we  watch  the  sunset  together  on  the  top  of  the  clocktower.  promise  !   but  say ,   how  did  you  find  out  i  wanna  see  the  stars  so  badly  ?   ❞
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lostmemorias · 3 years
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breaking free from a nightmare
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lostmemorias · 3 years
✧ — ⋆    𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓  𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 .
send one of the below symbols for your character  ( the sender )  to perform on mine  ( the receiver )    add  !!  to reverse the roles
💆‍♀️   for  your  character  to  tuck   a   strand   of   my    muse’s   hair    behind    their    ear
🤝   for   your   character   to   brush    their     hand    against    my    muse’s    hand 
🤚   for   your   character    to    guide    mine    by    touching    their     back
🛋   for   your   character   to    curl   up   with    mine  
☕️   for   your   character    to    bring    mine    a    beverage 
🍫   for   your   character   to    bring   mine   some    food
📺   for   your   character    to    watch   a    film  /  tv    show   with    my    muse
🎶   for   your   character    to    play    music    or    sing    to    mine  
🎧    for   your   music    to    listen    to    music    with    mine
💃   for   your   muse    to    offer    to    dance    with    my    muse
📚   for   your    muse    to    read    with     mine
🎨   for   your   muse   to    paint    with    mine
🪴   for   your    muse    to   take    mine    on   a   walk
💫  for    your    muse    to    take    mine    stargazing
🧺   for    your    muse    to    take    mine    on   a    picnic
✍️   for   your   muse    to    draw    mine
👔    for   your   muse    to    help    mine    get    dressed
💇‍♀️    for   your    muse    to    play    with    my    muse’s    hair
🌸    for   your    muse    to    give     mine     flowers
🎁    for    your    muse    to    give    mine    a    gift    (  please    specify !  )
🎀   for    your    muse    to    wrap     mine    in   a    blanket
🛀    for    your    muse    to     wash    my    muse’s    hair 
✨    for    your     muse    to    hold    my    muse’s    hand
🤗    for    your    muse   to    give    my    muse    a   hug
💋    to    kiss    my    muse    (  specify    where !  )
🍰     to    bake    something    with    my    muse
🥦    to    cook    something    with    my    muse
🤐    to    tell    my    muse    a    secret   (  please   specify ! )
🧶   for   your    muse     to    do    something    else   (  please   specify  !  )
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lostmemorias · 3 years
Acts of Affection
Send in a symbol from YOUR muse to see how MY muse will react to yours!  For the ones where YOUR muse gives or says something to mine: WILD CARD! Your muse can pick the item, sings a specific song, or says a specific thing!
✩  Grooming, brushing, or tending to their hair.
✪  Rubbing their back after a stressful day or disappointment.
★  Cooking them their favorite meal and feeding them.
✬  Making them their favorite hot beverage.
☼  Cuddling on the sofa next to each other.
☀  Singing them to sleep.
☆  Getting them something they need before they ask for it. 
☄ Leaning your head on their shoulder while they talk.
✥ Play fighting!
❃  Mussing their hair or tugging at their clothes (a hat, sleeve, etc.)
♥  Laying by their side and watching them while they sleep with a fond smile.
♡  Kissing the corner of their eyes.
❥  Running your hand over their arm and gently pulling them close.
❤  Whispering sweet nothings in their ear. 
❦  Holding hands and nuzzling somewhere ambient and low-lit.
❣  Staring deep into their eyes with adoration.
ღ  Rubbing your leg against theirs under the table.
ℒ  Pulling them into a hall/alley to kiss them passionately.
£ Brushing your hand over or gently squeezing their bum.
Ω Running a hand over their collar bone or décolleté.
✖  Soft nips at the neck and shoulder line.
✗  Bathing, washing, or soaking together quietly after sex.
♦  Body worshipping their naked form, slowly.
✚  Painting honey dust, edible paint, or other soft brush strokes on their body.
✦  Giving a sensual massage.
♢ Straddling their lap and holding their face to yours for a deep kiss.
▲ Dressing them up in lingerie (or gear) with gentle attention.
▽ Running your hand between their thighs, and splitting their legs apart.
► Unzipping their clothes free and kissing their neck.
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