lotftober · 7 months
Day 31:
Trick or Treat! 🎃
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Can't believe it's done💔
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lotftober · 7 months
lotftober - day 31
‘trick or treat’
samneric dress up as kurt and ram from heathers
no questions asked
i had so much fun participating this month!!! :))
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lotftober · 7 months
Hello! We would like to give a huge thank you for all the people who’ve participated in LoTFtober this year! We really enjoyed all the artwork, fanfics, poems, etc. Even if you were unable to complete all the prompts, we appreciate your effort and commitment to the blog!
Happy Halloween folks! 🎃🦇
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lotftober · 7 months
Trick or Treat
(I don't know how to poem this, so I'm gonna give two batches of headcannons. So grab your popcorn, and buckle up.)
The boys when watching horror/scary movies
Ralph- Despite him talking big, and actually being fascinated by true crime and whatnot, he's watching the movie through his fingers. And cuddling whoever is closest to him with enough strength it'd take the jaws of life to pry him off.
Jack- He gets hella into the movie, and if a character makes a stupid dessison, he'll make sure you know. He'll even critique the antagonists methodology. And he won't tell anyone, but he gets goosebumps every time, even if he's watched it before.
Simon- Simon is that guy you all think is an innocent little cinnamon roll that's scared of everything. But he's really into horror type stuff, and is suprisingly good with gore. He is one of those people who put every FNAF game in chronological order, and has an entire three notebook thesis on the FNAF lore. And he's probably into the classics like Scream.
(I also hc that he was a cartoon network kid, cause CN had no chill.)
Roger- He is that person you think would handle horror movies pretty well, but while he does handle them better than most. He's really jumpy. He actually focuses all his attention on the movie, and loves movies that build up to the central plot through an elaborate backstory. He will very vocally express who he thinks should survive, and will critique the final girls.
Piggy- He provided the snacks for the little movie night. He's the one that managed to fall asleep in the middle of sombody getting murdered, and probably one of the people Ralph is cuddling with his death hug. (The other prolly being Jack) He somehow always wakes up with a cowlick, and gets up saying "It's over already?" While everyone still gathers their thoughts.
Maurice- He's that one that makes very accurate, well timed jokes that are actually decently funny. He's like, the only reason some of them can sit through the movie, and though nobody knows the reason, secretly the reason he makes the jokes is because he's terrified. He scares really easy, and copes by telling jokes.
Sam- Can only watch the movies because of Maurices jokes, and has to hold sombodys hand every time sombody dies. Usual picks his favorite character in the beginning of the movie, and it ends up either being a character that dies, or the character that's secretly the killer. Is phisicaly distressed when his favorite character dies.
Eric- He's the one sitting on the floor hogging the popcorn. He always makes a point of watching movies by himself before watching them with a group, so then he's less surprised in the more suspenseful parts. He makes sarcastic remarks the entire movie. And is usually wearing a shirt themed after the movie when watching it.
(probably showed up to the FNAF movie in full cosplay)
Bill- Absolutely has to watch the movie in his favorite pajamas, comfy slippers/socks, wrapped in his warm blanket. Gets hella anxious every time the suspenseful music starts playing. He actually enjoys the plots of most horror flicks, and can & will give you an in depth run through of the movie, along with an unhinged theory about what the plot will be if the movie gets a sequel.
Robert- He's one of the people you think would hold it together the best during the movie. But no, he is the one who lets out the most blood curdling scream known to man. He has to wear his comfort hoodie to even begin to comprehend the idea of watching a remotely scary movie. He gets anxious during the movie, and literally starts shaking.
Percival- They all told him he didn't have to watch it if he didn't want to, but he's watching it anyways because he didn't want to feel left out. He's hiding in his blankets, but hey. At least he's trying. He doesn't scream when the killers come to view, he cry's.
Millbury boy- Whilst Percival is the child everyone knows will get scared, Millbury is the one everyone think will get scared. While yes, he still gets scared. He handles scary movies really well for being one of the youngest in the group. And gives off the same vibe as that girl from sleepover movies that's great at braiding hair.
Wilfred- He's huddled up in the blanket with Percival. (Considering they are cousins or whatever, I think) He's absolutely mortified by the movie, does not handle horror well, and handles gore even worse. He's very tightly cuddling Percival, and practically shaking he's so scared. But he makes it all the way through the movie, and has to sleep with a little nightlight afterwards.
And woo woo!
More headcannons under the cut 😊
How I think the boys would line up in a horror movie scenario dealio ;)
Wilfred- I'm sorry to all the Wilfred lovers out there. But he's the first blood, he dies in the beginning credits and starts the story thus forward.
Ralph- He's the athletic guy that everyone thinks will be well put together, but once they all find Wilfred's body, he's the first to get emotional and start panicking. Is really paranoid the rest of the movie, and likely makes it to the end.
Jack- A semi-uptight preppy kid, about a third way into the movie he throws a massive house party. He goes down to the basement to get something, but narrowly escapes the killer. Pretty beat up though. That's when everyone believes Ralph and starts getting paranoid. Eventually the killer does finish what they started and actually kill him. (Sorry, I know)
Piggy- He sorta sticks with Ralph the entire time, and makes it through the majority of the movie. One of the people your really routing for. Then the killer discovers the group of finalists, and starts chasing them. And lets face it, bros blind and has asthma. He's getting killed. And Ralph has one of those dramatic moments where he looks back at Piggy getting killed, sheds a few years and keeps going.
Simon- During the first wave of killings he hides in one of those big ass wardrobe's, and is gone for a majority of the movie. Everyone thinks he's dead, but the wardrobe he was hidden in got tipped onto it's front so Simon couldn't get out. He makes it to the end of the movie, and was found when authorities were investigating the house.
Maurice and Sam- There's only one reason I'm including these two together, and that's for convenience. Maurice is the one that takes his SO into the woods to hide and make out in a secret treehouse or some shit. Maurice gets killed first, them the killer catches Sam as he tries to run away.
Eric- Distraught after Sam's death, he finds a weapon and tries to take on the killer. He puts up a pretty good fight, until the killer dishes out a cheap move and knocks Eric onto his back. The killer messes him up a bit before killing him.
Robert- He's the one that goes outside to try and start his car, but the killer messes with the engine. And while he's failing to start his car, the killer was waiting in the back seat that nabbed him.
Bill- Bill stuck with the main group, mostly with Ralph. Whenever it came to it, he was the one to throw things, and delay the killer. Narrowly making it out every time, each time with a new cut, scrape, scab etc. He makes it to the end out of shere luck.
Percival- He's Amoung one of the last to die. When the final group are trying to asses their odds, and band together, he disappears. The only reason they really know he's dead, is because his sniffling and shaking stopped. And it was sorta one of the situations where he was there until he wasn't.
Milberry- The very last person to die, he actually sacrificed himself to save all the others. The killer caught up to him while the group was traveling up a flight of stairs, and has this dramatic scene where he gives up so everyone else can survive.
Roger- Last but not least, Roger is the one who takes on the killer and wins. Securing his spot in the final group. He ends up getting the advantage on the killer right after they get milberry. Probably pushing the killer out a window or something.
All in all, the final four are Ralph, Simon, Bill, and Roger.
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lotftober · 7 months
@lotftober day 31: halloween!
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Happy halloween everyone!!! Really sad lotftober is ending, it was so nice seeing everyone’s art and talent. Today’s prompt was fun to think of but I’m not so proud of it, I blame the still visible thing I rubbed out on the page I drew this on. (Click on image to see full version)
Jack and Ralph dressed up as revolutionaries from Les Miserables (I’ve only watched the film I’m sorry)
Simon and Roger are Cesar Torres and Gabriel from the Mandela Catalogue (amazing analogue horror show)
Bill is Baby from Baby Driver
Sam is the iconic Scream serial killer (he found the costume at a supermarket the day before)
And Eric is Donnie Darko
Piggy couldn’t make it because he got sick and couldn’t show up :(
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lotftober · 7 months
@lotftober Final Day!!!
This isn't necessarily "trick or treat" but it's my thoughts of what the main LOTF boys would dress up as for Halloween + the backstories behind it (Modern!Au)
Ralph and Jack: Alice and the Mad Hatter (Yes, with the dress and heels and everything). Now, these two are the people who go above and beyond every year. Well, in their friend group, there was a bet- who ever got fired from their summer job had to wear a costume of the groups picking. So, Ralph got stuck with a cheap, blonde wig with a blue dress from his sister and Jack made his costume from scratch, even going all out with heeled boots and a top hat. Cute idea lol (could interpret as Jalph if wanted)
Piggy: Schrödinger's Cat (ily if you know what this is) Pretty self explanatory but I really think Piggy would love quantum mechanics and would do something silly like this. Plus I think one of his relatives or friends (idk maybe from school or smth) would go as Schrödinger!!
Simon and Roger : Moths!!!! (Hand made) Simon would make the costumes, either literal moths or costumes inspired by moths, and he and Roger would dress up together. The whole thing would be "Simon loves moths and they are attracted to light, so Roger is a moth because he's best friends with Simon" type deal. Idk thought it was cute! (Could be interpreted as Rogermon)
I'm sad that lotftober is ending but it was so so so fun and I'm excited to create more art on my own time (hence why there's no art today). Ily everyone who did art for this or was a mod! It was definitely super fun and can't wait to see what is (hopefully) done next year!!
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lotftober · 7 months
Day 30:
Dead Kids 👻
tw//blood and gore
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Long time ago, it was all for a show
Fill our wounds with a pound of salt
And your reason to justify scars
You can't quantify, lock us inside a vault
Now this is your fault
Everything is a problem
There was a poison in the air, despair is an eternal blight
You're losing it all
You've been blinded by stardom
You think that you're alone, but we are waiting for you every night
You're mine
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lotftober · 7 months
Dead kids
A group of boys,
Not shy of eight.
A group of three,
Face to face.
Some bloodied,
Some burnt.
Some full of gastly holes,
Three dead boys.
Shoulder to shoulder,
They will stand.
I gritty mix,
Of blood and sand.
The screams of one,
The cries of two.
And the other never knew,
A rock so brisk so grand.
Every so often I'll see,
These three boys staring at me.
Reminders of my past,
Regrets regrets I cannot pass.
If time gave me one more chance,
Those three lives I would change fast.
Never to be bloodied burned or bludgeoned,
Safely back home at last.
(this one was very last minute. But nevertheless, I'm proud. It's narrated by Jack. He's feeling a little guilty.)
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lotftober · 7 months
@lotftober Day 29!! Face Paint!!
It's not late this time omg!?!?
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I attempted slight more realism today :3
Idk if it's ever been obvious but his paint has always been crosses
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lotftober · 7 months
lotftober - day 29
‘face paint’
when jack was a little boy, a smaller one than he is now, he loved getting his face painted.
he loved the feeling of it. he felt exhilarated every time the colours streaked across his face and made him look like a different person. in a way, it stripped him of his identity. nobody - apart from those who knew him well - could tell that he was little jack merridew.
and that’s exactly how he feels now.
eight years later, sitting on the sand, rubbing colour across his face, he can’t help but feel a pang of…nostalgia, is it, maybe? guilt? sadness?
yes, sadness, that’s it.
sadness that something once so happy and innocent has no turned cruel and sadistic.
just like him.
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lotftober · 7 months
Happy ending
The Beastkeeper
As a small shadowed figure akin to one their age hobbled out of the forest, dimly lit by the fire. The tension arose. Ralph watched as all the boys surrounded the figure, stabbing at it, tearing at it. But as the fire began to burn brighter, Ralph saw the brightness of it's eyes. It was in that moment that Ralph knew, that was Simon.
Although it was a long shot, and he knew so. He still screamed at them, insisting them to stop. As they continued unfazed, Ralph knew what he must do. He saw a gap between two younger, scrawnier boys. He exploited that gap.
Ralph charged into that space in between the two boys, thus breaking the circle. He wedged himself between the hunters and Simon. The boys kept attacking, that is until Jack sliced at what he thought was a beast. But instead, was greeted by the fear in Ralph's eyes.
Jack ordered everyone to stop, it took most by suprise, but they stopped attacking nevertheless. The circle disbanded, revealing Ralph and Simon. Arms and torso's all bloodied. Scared and in pain. Jack stepped back, realizing the reality of the situation. They had almost killed two boys, under the guidance of Jack's leadership.
Jack stood there for a moment or two, then offered his hand to Ralph, helping him up. He soon helped Simon in the same way. The boys all stood still, frozen, knowing the beast they bit at, tore at, was Simon.
Jack tore a strip of cloth from his cloak to help bandage Ralph's arm. Ralph smiled shyly. A flame agitated between the two in that moment. It wasn't the bandaging that lit the spark, it was the fabric torn from Jack's cloak. Something Jack believed to command respect, torn to bandage someone Jack was meant to hate.
Ralph's left arm, and much of the left side of his torso was tightly bound with the black of Jack's cloak. The remaining of Ralph's shirt was used to bandage Simon. Simon was in much more pain than Ralph. Almost everyone helped bandage poor Simon, even Roger helped a bit. Ralph sat down next to Simon, using the last of the fabric from his shirt to bandage up Simon's wound. Ralph bound the shirt tightly around the wound, Simon looking away shyly.
Not much happened after those events, mostly everyone sat quietly by the fire. Still in shock. Roger started to storm off, purposefully knocking into Ralph's wounded side. As Roger bumped into Ralph, he mumbled "Beastkeeper." Ralph winced in pain, but holding Simon's hand, snapped back with "My pleasure."
Roger didn't like that his all so clever insult didn't offended Ralph. Roger toar off into the woods away from the fire
(I had fun with this one.)
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lotftober · 7 months
Day 28:
Happy Ending 🎉
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It could have happened💔
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lotftober · 7 months
@lotftober Day 28!! Happy Ending!
Or not
Ignore the capcut fire effect, I was not gonna attempt fire animation
I kinda rushed it towards the end, sorry 💔
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lotftober · 7 months
lotftober - day 28
‘happy ending’
what if…
what if jack had never let the fire out?
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lotftober · 7 months
@lotftober Day 27! Crossover!!!!
My 2 favorite gay 40s kids meet :D
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Also gonna repost this ig 😈
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I do have somewhat of a plot for them. Basically it's the 40s, the big 3 just made the pact and so they need to get rid of all the big 3 kids and other demigods who could pose as threats. So they take all these half bloods and send them on "quests" that'll result in their deaths. A bunch of demigods get a quest to the same country so they board the same flight. Zeus strikes down the plane in an attempt to kill them but they survive and end up on an island. Kronus sees this as an opportunity to try and seek revenge on the gods so he tries to communicate with the kids through the dead pigs. However it isn't easy to make out what he's saying until the pig head where he can fully communicate with Simon. And idk shit happens ig
(Also would like to mention that Simon doesn't know Persephone is his mom until Kronus tells him. He had always been told it was Demeter bc Persephone felt guilty and embarrassed about cheating. Hades and Persephone both don't like him and he had never been properly claimed)
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lotftober · 7 months
@lotftober day 27: crossover
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Didn’t want to do this at first but I wanted to draw jack as a mythic bitch
L to R: Simon, Jack, Maurice, Ralph, Roger and Piggy
Also this is a Chandler/Veronica version
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lotftober · 7 months
Day 27:
Crossover 🐻
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Daddy issues duo🙏🙏🙏
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