lotsofwitchythings · 11 months
Clean House Powder
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Intent: To cleanse a dwelling of negativity, “heaviness,” stale energy, bad atmosphere, etc.
Lemon Peel
Solomon’s Seal Root
Cayenne Pepper
 Arrow Root
Blue Vervain
White Oak
Sage (any color)
Salt (both black & white)
Mortar & Pestle (or spice grinder)
Mesh Strainer
Collection Dish
Note: Powdered versions of most herbs are available online. I recommend such sites as Starwest Botanicals and Penn Herbs for the quality products at reasonable prices. Also, if you can get your hands on a good spice grinder, you can make your own powder from dried herb products. Grind each ingredient separately to produce fine powder. Sieve the material through the mesh strainer into the collection dish; this removes the larger unground pieces and gives you cleaner powdered herb. (Pro-Tip: Putting a funnel under the mesh strainer reduces lost material and makes collection much easier.) Combine the component powders in the collection dish, mix well, and bottle immediately. For volume, go heavier on the less expensive or more easily available materials like Lemon Peel, Cayenne, and Salt. Otherwise, combine in more or less even amounts. Sprinkle a pinch in the corner of each room to dispel heaviness and clear the air, so to speak. Useful for spring cleaning and touch-up jobs throughout the year. Add to floor washes, incenses, or charms for general cleansing and purification of the home.
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lotsofwitchythings · 11 months
hate to say it but the key to having things solved by big company customer service is you just gotta stretch the truth with them. or straight up lie. actually. was on the phone for 3 hours because they sent something to the wrong address and spoke to 10 different departments trying to figure out if anyone could go fucking get it and they're like "uhhh but can you go get it" bitch I'm 8 hours away by car, I don't live in the house where you sent it.
took a moment to think, called back and was just like. Hi. My package was stolen off the porch!!! Saw the cunt steal it myself!! Anyway can you please send new things to this other address for free since that's your policy for stolen goods thank you~☆ ! and it was immediately solved.
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lotsofwitchythings · 11 months
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Day of the dead, Mexico City, Photos Instagram elchadsantos
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lotsofwitchythings · 2 years
Archangel oracle reading (or I tried something new and really want to talk to someone about it)
Seeing your post about doing a reading based on a reading you've read in a book, inspired me to create my own reading way. I probably would have brushed off the thought or put it off until I forgot, except I kept getting Tarot stuff on my dash so I decided to do it, and I'm really happy! It was fun!
So I had to decide what to do for my spread, and since it was my first time I tried to keep things simple, but it wasn't all the way simple. To be honest my spread by the end almost looked like a pillar. 
In the middle was the card that represented "me": Archangel Jophiel "Clear Your Space" (I took that as meaning I'm energy sensitive, and I need to be aware of  how physical, mental, and spiritual things effect me. If things are "crowded" I need to clear my space/my energy bubble.)
The card to the left is my past. Archangel Haniel "Moon Cycles" (I took this as I have gone through cycles. Healthy/unhealthy, active/inactive, tolerant/intolerant)
The card on the right is my future. Archangel Metatron "Chakra Clearing" (I took this as meaning I'm going to be cleaning/clearing my physical, mental, spiritual space. Taking steps to better my environment, and in turn my inner self will better as well.)
Above the three cards are Forces that Help Me (and this is where I broke the "keep it simple/one card rule").  I got for the Forces that Help Me: 
Archangel Michael "Remember Who You Are" was the strongest pull of the group. (I took this is remaining true to myself is my strongest helper. It has seen me through tough times.)
Archangel Ariel "Courage" (Being yourself takes courage, stand by your beliefs)
Archangel Uriel "You Know What to Do" (Have faith in yourself.)
Archangel Raguel "Divine Order" (Here I get a little fuzzy, but, I think it's : You're listening to your soul, and your soul is directing you. Everything is happening as it should.)
Archangel Jeremiel "Overcoming Difficulties" (Your resilience and persistence is a critical. You're healing for old pains, and rising to new heights.)
Then came the cards on the bottom. The Forces that Hinder Me. I was wondering how this would turn out because these cards are more about offering comforting words/advice, or at least the quotes on the cards are. But I kept an open mind.
The first card surprised me. It was Archangel Gabriel "Creative Writing" (I love writing. I'm trying to finish editing my first book, while writing my second, and writing fanfics for fun. Then the card made sense. Even when I step away from my writing, I'm thinking about it in some way. I suppose I'm a bit obsessive. It's basically all I do, and even when I'm watching movies/games/books/tv part of me is paying attention to the story as a writer/story teller instead of just enjoying it.)
The next card was Archangel Ariel "Prosperity" (I often resist doing things I want or getting things I want because I'm afraid of not having enough to pay for bills, but saving doesn't seems to help either because I still don't have enough. lmao)
The last card was Archangel Chamuel "Peace" (I tend to run from conflict seeing it as something useless because the other person won't change their mind. I get so frustrated when standing for my beliefs, and turn silent and disengage because I don't want to continue fighting if I even try to speak up in the first place. I'll stay silent when I have a question or an argument to try to maintain the peace until I explode. I'll also resist asking for things I want to do or try to maintain the peace. Main thing is I'd rather leave/stay silent to maintain the "peace")
I find it interesting how all these seem to relate, but I suppose it makes sense since I was doing a reading about myself. I usually only do the past/present/future spread or ask a question and pull the cards that tug at me.
So, yeah, I just wanted to share.
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lotsofwitchythings · 4 years
What your birth chart will teach you:
SUN: Why do I act and express myself the way I do
MOON: Why do I react and feel the way I do
ASCENDENT: Why do I see and meet the world the way I do
MERCURY: Why do I think and communicate the way I do
VENUS: Why do I express affection the way I do
MARS: Why do I express anger and passion the way I do
JUPITER: Where do I feel most confident and where do I push my luck
SATURN: Where do I feel most anxious and where do I need to realize authority
URANUS: Where do I rebel and innovate
NEPTUNE: Where do I lose touch with reality and how do I escape it
PLUTO: Where do I feel most powerless and how do I need to let go of ego to transform
MIDHEAVEN: What do I want to achieve and who do I want to become
DESCENDENT: What do I project on other people
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lotsofwitchythings · 5 years
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If you got roses on this day of love, why not use them for divination?
Phyllorhodomancy is divination via roses 🌹
The Ancient Greeks would slap rose petals against the hand and judge the success of their desires on the loudness of the noise.
This method was dedicated to Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of love, but it has since become much more than smacking roses.
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In England in the 18th and 19th century, young ladies began using it to see who their future spouse would be.
Usually on a Midsummer's Eve, the diviner would pluck a rose and place it in white paper, then storing it in a secret place. The first man to discover it was said to be who they would marry.
It was also used to test faithfulness when the rose was taken from the paper. The brighter the colour, the more faithful. A modern form of divination with roses (or daisies, or any flower) is the little old rhyme 'He loves me, he loves me not.'
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lotsofwitchythings · 5 years
Different Types of Wood for Wands
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Alder - Support, foundation, magical beginnings, fire and water magic 
Apple - An apple wand is used for love magic, for rituals designed to establish contact with the Otherworld, for initiation, and for fertility rituals 
Ash - The ash is a great conductor of magical force, traditionally used for witches’ broomsticks, druids’ wands, and cunning men’s staffs; the use of the ash wand connects the magician to all three realms, and when using an ash wand he or she acts within all three 
Aspen - The aspen is used to invoke magical shields, for protection, and for healing 
Bay - The bay tree is associated with the sun god and his powers of protection, healing, and divination; a bay wand may be used in all these rituals 
Beech - The beech tree is associated with written knowledge; use a beech wand for spells and rituals concerning such knowledge, and in the consecration of written talismans 
Birch - The birch is a tree of fertility, but is also a powerful magical force in rituals of purification and the banishment of negativity
Blackthorn - A blackthorn wand can be used for great good or great ill; it is a powerful magical protection, but also an instrument of cursing, used anciently to invoke the Wild Hunt to carry off the soul of an enemy 
Bramble - Healing 
Buckthorn - Healing Cypress-Rites for the dead, crossing the gates of the underworld 
Elder - Rites of the crone goddess, rites of Samhain and winter, fairy contact, healing, and summoning spirits 
Elm - Rites of the Goddess, feminine magic 
Hawthorn - Protection, invoking a psychic shield, fairy contact, the rite of Beltane, and Goddess magic 
Hazel - A good general-purpose wand, some say this is the most efficacious of all wands; a hazel wand is sometimes called the wishing rod 
Holly - Rites of male magic, warrior magic, protection from negative forces Ivy-Binding magic, protection from psychic attack Juniper-For warding off the evil eye, exorcism 
Linden - Feminine power and rites of the Goddess 
Maple - Handfastings, rituals of celebration 
Mistletoe - Rites of healing, luck, and good fortune 
Oak - Rites of protection, general-purpose magic, Midsummer, divination, fairy contact, Otherworld magic 
Pine - Gaining knowledge, fire magic, illumination 
Poplar - Divination 
Rowan - Protection, divination Service 
Tree - Protection, or as an all-purpose wand
Spindle Tree - Spinning and weaving magic, creating magic, Goddess magic 
Whitebeam - Earth magic 
Willow - Bardic magic, healing, Goddess magic, feminine magic, rebirth, purification 
Yew - Initiation, funeral rites
*Credit to original author - If anyone knows who it is please let me know 
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lotsofwitchythings · 5 years
How to Pick a Date for Your Spells
The first advice of absolute importance is to avoid starting anything during the Moon’s Void of Course. Things like interviews, important business meetings, initiating projects, and especially Spells likely won’t turn out well or will remain unfinished.
When planning a date for your Spell, it’s important to take into consideration the following things:
Moon Phase
Moon Sign
Day of the Week
Retrograde Planets
Make sure the above bullets points align with the goals of your Spell.  We have a Moon Phase Planner for 2020 that has all the above information to help pick a date for your Spells!
For example, if we wanted to do a spell for Material Wealth: 
December 24, 2020 is an excellent day because:
the Moon is Waxing and is close to a Full Moon
the Moon is in Taurus, the sign of luxury and material possessions
it’s a Thursday which is ruled by Jupiter - the planet of wealth and expansion
Venus is NOT Retrograde
Now keep in mind that these are guidelines for timing your spells with the best natural energy available. You can do a money spell any time you like (avoid the Void of Course Moon) but it may not have as much supportive energy compared to the above example. This is because of the reasons given in the example. Taurus, the ruler of wealth, is a much better sign for getting money compared to Cancer for example.
The following information will help guide you in planning a date for your Spells.
Moon in the Signs
Aries: —————
-Aries deals with energy, independence, competition, taking risks, the Self, and leadership.
-Do Spells that help with healing the physical body, advancing by overcoming competition, increasing vitality, first impressions, and with how you view yourself.
-Aries is a quick starter sign so it is a good to start things where much energy is needed; however it is also an impulsive sign so be sure to follow through with anything initiated during this time.
Taurus: —————
-Taurus deals with sensuality, material wealth, self-worth, and permanence. 
-Do Spells for money, wealth, acquiring material things, improving your self-worth or self-esteem, and sensual love. 
-Taurus is a steadfast and sometimes stubborn sign so it is good for initiating anything that you want to last.
Gemini: —————
-Gemini deals with communication (all forms), details, correspondence, short distance travel, people close to you such as siblings relatives and neighbors.
-Do Spells for helping communication go smoothly in case of a difficult conversation, improved relations with those close to you, help in all forms of writing activities such as emails, letters, calls, or professional writing.
- Gemini is a communicative sign so it is a good sign to support any form of communication.
Cancer: ————— -Cancer deals with the family, home, nurturing, personal roots, emotional foundations, land, and property.
-Do Spells to help with improving family life, finding a good home to buy, cleansing/banishing/protecting the home, real estate transactions, and healing from childhood trauma.
-Cancer is a nurturing sign with motherly energy so it is a good sign for Self-love activities.
Leo: ————— -Leo deals with romance, creativity, leadership, confidence, and children. 
-Do Spells to help with romance, love affairs, improving creativity, leadership ability, confidence, success in the limelight, and career advancement in creative fields such as art, music, or acting.
-Leo is a proud sign that enjoys attention so it is a good sign for being “center-stage”.
Virgo: ————— -Virgo deals with health, service, routines, details, and diet.
-Do Spells to help with improving health, starting daily routines, or in performing your work duties.
-Virgo is a meticulous sign so it is a good sign for tasks requiring attention to detail.
Libra: ————— -Libra deals with relationships, partnerships, balance, legally binding contracts, and the law.
-Do Spells to help with improving interpersonal interactions, attracting a marriage partner or business partner, making cooperative relationships go smoothly, or getting a divorce.
-Libra is a diplomatic sign so it is a good sign for making or breaking contracts.
Scorpio: ————— -Scorpio deals with the occult, secrets, the subconscious, research, sex, power, and transformations.
-Do Spells to help with concealing or revealing secrets, increasing psychic powers, any form of divination, personal transformations, attaining power, starting research projects, and attracting sexual partners.
-Scorpio is a transformative sign so it is a good sign for doing shadow work.
Sagittarius: ————— -Sagittarius deals with the law, religion, philosophy, higher education, learning, foreign places, and long distance travel.
-Do Spells to help with getting into college, studies, acquiring books and educational material, and traveling long distance safely.
-Sagittarius is a scholarly sign so it is a good sign to aid any kind of learning.
Capricorn: ————— -Capricorn deals with the career, profession, honor, authority, business, the public image, and structure.
-Do Spells for success in career, professional advancement, gaining authority, starting a business, getting organized, and building something through hard work.
-Capricorn is a results oriented sign so it is a good sign to promote perseverance and self-discipline in achieving some desired outcome.
Aquarius: ————— -Aquarius deals with friends, communities, organizations, social activities, goals, group goals, freedom, and technology.
-Do Spells for help with attracting friendships, success in group activities and community events, creating and achieving goals, and attaining freedom.
-Aquarius is a unique sign so it is a good sign to help in becoming more creative and unique.
Pisces: ————— -Pisces deals with art, intuition, the spiritual, psychic ability, secrets, and the unconscious.
-Do Spells for help with revealing and dealing with psychological problems, increasing psychic abilities and intuition, divination, dream work, and improving artistic talents.
-Pisces is a psychic sign so it is a good sign to help develop psychic abilities.
Moon Phases
Full Moon - the highest point in the moon’s cycle where its energies are at its peak. This is an excellent time for divination.
Note: when a Full Moon occurs twice in a month (October 31 2020) it is considered a Blue Moon. This is similar to a Full Moon but has more power
Waning Moon - the moon here is decreasing to a New Moon so its energies are that of degeneration. Use this time for banishing, cleansing, destruction or bringing anything to an end such as a relationship or bad habits.
New Moon - on the waning side of the New Moon, it has an ending type of energy as the moon is “disappearing”. On the waxing side it has the energy of potential, ready for new beginnings.
Waxing Moon - a time of growth as the light of the moon increases to its peak at the Full Moon. Use this time to do Spells for building something up in your life such as health, new friendships.
Note: it is better to do the Spell closer to the Full/New Moon depending on the goal. Unless you want to do the Spells for multiple days, such as cleansing/banishing, you can start right after the Full Moon and end on the New Moon. This supports the goal of removing bad energy.
Days of the Week
Monday: —————
Monday is the day of the Moon. The moon carries feminine psychic energy and is a great day to start developing psychic abilities, perform divination, cleanse the home, or banishing rituals.
Tuesday: ————— Tuesday is the day of Mars. Mars carries the masculine warrior energy and is a great day for doing Spells where much energy is needed. It is also a good day for black magick where the result is quick and active. Think of the moment when two swords clash.
Wednesday: ————— Wednesday is the day of Mercury. Mercury rules all forms of communication, documents, short-distance travel, and health. This is a great day for doing Spells related to health, improving communication ability, difficult conversations, and safe travels.
Thursday ————— Thursday is the day of Jupiter. Jupiter is the greater benefic and rules luck, opportunities, expansion, higher education, philosophy, foreign places, religion, and the law. Use this day for Spells that deal with expansion and opportunities, safe long-distance travels, and educational study.
Friday ————— Friday is the day of Venus. Venus rules love, beauty, cosmetics, money, luxury, jewelry, and material possessions. Use this day for Spells to bring you money, acquire material possessions, and for successful cosmetic procedures.
Saturday ————— Saturday is the day of Saturn. Saturn authority, structure, work ethic, endurance, delays, restrictions, boundaries, limitations, and decay. This is a great day for black magick that acts slowly or for binding or restricting another. Also great for Spells requiring discipline such as breaking habits.
Sunday ————— Sunday is the day of the Sun. The Sun rules vitality, charisma, money, fame creativity, leadership, the identity, and the Self. This is a great day for doing Spells that deal with us personally, such as our character or personality for example.
Our Moon Phase Planner for 2020 has all of this information along with the times for the Void of Course Moon, the Lunar Ingresses, and Retrograde Planets. So get your copy to let the Moon support your Spells!
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lotsofwitchythings · 5 years
Recoil-operated’s $12 traditional mead:
So one of the most common things I see on my Mead posts is “I’d love to do that, but I don’t have the stuff”
We’ll sit down and buckle up. Because I’m about to show you how to make a $12.56 traditional mead.
Here’s the recipe:
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1 gallon Deer Park/spring water. You don’t want distilled.
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3 lb or 32 fluid ounces honey.
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One package of yeast.
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a party balloon.
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The cost total is $13.49, but you only need one pack of yeast. So -$0.90.
Let’s begin:
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Everything together on a clean work surface, you will need a clean glass. And while not entirely necessary, a measuring cup will be handy.
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Pour a cup of water for yourself and drink it. Hydration is important. Also this will allow you headspace.
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Remove about ehhhhh, a quart or so of water to drink later.
Trust me. You’re going to want it
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Wash your drinking cup and mixing about a teaspoon of honey.
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lotsofwitchythings · 5 years
Mongolians are cool because they’ve merged their traditional and modern ways of life so rather than having poverty due to losing all their important skills they just live in their yurts with their cows and 827474874mbs internet
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lotsofwitchythings · 5 years
LHP Blogs Beware
(sorry this is long)
So, I've never made a "Watch Out" post but I was messaged today by a blog named james-cecil-rotk. He asked me if I was interested in joining his group for followers of the LHP and Satanists. I heard him out and it quickly became suspect and apparent this was more like a cult. He was the leader and all of his followers were required to do his tasks or become guests that could be kicked for no reason.
Some of his tasks he told me were fasting (if you were medically able to), drinking a certain amount of water, writing pages, and even sexual acts I'll get into later. He does say all of his tasks are voluntary but again, if you don't do them, you could be kicked without a say or word.
(nsfw) The sexual acts he asks for are self pleasure to direct energy into a ritual, sending sexual photos, videos, and audio clips. That's all i can remember. This wouldn't be so bad if there wasnt a minor in the group. He says they aren't allowed to partake in those tasks but I still feel as if sending elicit media to a group with minors in it is disgusting.
He also believes you HAVE to discipline yourself to progress on your path. Not the typical discipline yourself but things such as fasting and answering invasive and possibly emotionally damaging questions. Again, if you don't do these, you can be kicked without a word.
Allowing minors to be around all of this is extremely toxic, manipulating, and abusive and can seriously damage them. Also this seems to be a very damaging environment to those with certain mental disorders or past trauma.
(he also emphasised the "follow my tasks or be kicked" rule even after i specifically told him I'm an independent witch)
Do what you will but I ask, block and report them. Or at least ignore them if they message you.
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lotsofwitchythings · 5 years
Interested in learning Scots Gaelic?
Or Gàidhlig
Here’s some resources:
(I am a beginner myself so feel free to add some other resources if you know any)
Songs are a great way to first get acquainted with a language. They introduce you to common sounds, pronunciations and intonations; as well as give you an idea of the culture and heritage tied to the language.
Here’s a playlist of traditional songs from YouTube
Julie Fowlis! Here’s her most recent album
Tobar and Dualchais Oral Recordings an archive of audio recordings from Scotland from the 1930s, including many Gaelic songs and poems.
BBC Alba - Learning Our Language this is a series from the early 90s so it is rather dated but there are over 30 half an hour videos on youtube, and they are really helpful. You need to wear headphones otherwise the audio doesn’t work
Apps and Websites:
Fluent in 3 months their tips and resources for learning Scots Gaelic
Mango you can download the Mango app on your phone, it is similar to Duolingo but with less features. There is a Scots Gaelic course on there for free which has 10 chapters of beginner level Gaelic. It’s a great introduction to vocabulary.
LearnGaelic Net this is a fabulous resource, it has loads of free courses for absolute beginners all the way up to advanced speakers. The courses really help with grammar and understanding the structure of the language (something I’m shit at). They also have a dictionary. They also list Gaelic courses in Scotland, distance learning courses, and some international ones.
Beag a Bheag this is from BBC Alba and has 35 units on beginner Gaelic. I didn’t find the formatting of this website helpful, so I haven’t used it yet.
Duolingo is planning on releasing a Scots Gaelic course in Summer 2020
@sgribhisg is a great blog about Gaelic and is a great way to find other Gaelic speakers/learners on tumblr
Tips from one beginner to another:
Don’t overload yourself with all of the resources at the start. Chose one learning platform (such as Mango) and check out some audio or video.
Make notes as you go - so you can revise your spelling, grammar and vocabulary along the way. I prefer to always make my notes on paper and use colours to help section off parts of sentences.
Get talking straight away. Repeat and sound out everything that you hear. Gaelic pronunciation is completely different to English and can be difficult to get your head around. Sing along to songs, phonetically sound out words that you hear, even if you don’t know the spelling or structure yet.
Be consistent, carve off time each day or week to practise, even if it’s for 10 minutes.
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lotsofwitchythings · 5 years
I think there are many things in folklore that would only be scary bc you wouldn’t be expecting it. if you didn’t KNOW about the dullahan and u just saw a dude with no head riding a horse, yeah that’d be a bad night. but if you’re privy and you spot him on a hill over yonder it’s like. oh yeah that’s the dude with no head everyone’s been takin about. mainly he minds his own business. just turn around and keep walking.
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lotsofwitchythings · 5 years
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lotsofwitchythings · 5 years
Cowboys are witches and horses are their familiars
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lotsofwitchythings · 5 years
the thing folks living in Christian dominant cultures gotta realize is that even if you’re not Christian, your basic understanding of religion and spirituality and morality is still being filtered through a Christian lens. your very concept of what religion is and does is filtered through that lens.
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lotsofwitchythings · 5 years
honestly missionaries are evil. the idea of traveling the world to tell people Who Didnt Fucking Ask that their beliefs are wrong in the hopes that theyll adopt your beliefs seems sinister
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