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I don't know!!!
Do you ever think when you go out with someone and everything was going good then they dump you.. then a few weeks go by and then you find out that they have someone else.. all that time you have been with that person told them how you feel, told them you love them. I feel cheated I feel robbed of my time. Has that person been their all this time.... What if they break up then that person says to you they still feel the same... What goes through your mind I'm second best was I am I still 💔... I don't know am I just a number am I nothing 0 ... I'm not a number I'm not a nothing I am a human with feelings. A human that has feelings and is not letting anyone else have my heart I'm closed I'm not a number I'm human
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Sometimes when I close my eyes to sleep, i wake up and look at the time it's always the same time every night. Then I go back to sleep and it's time to get up, I think to my self why, what is the point, why do I have to get up I wish I just stay in my own in my bed just not facing anyone. Sometimes I don't know how to feel about things, it's like I'm programmed to get up go to work and same all the time we never live, we are always not feeling, we are just surviving in this world that's hard and it beats you down all the time if you let it. Like k said I don't know how to feel I'm lost I'm gone I'm done ....
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I love you more than you’ll ever know, but I have to let you go.. because while you have grown to become my everything, I’m beginning to see how I’ve fallen to be just a convenience for you in return. I can’t allow you to play with my head anymore as you leave me on reading when I ask you how your day is.. but then respond a few days later when you need a favor. I can’t allow you to play with my heart anymore when on a day that you do reply, you make it seem like you can’t live without me.. & if I just so happen to get lucky enough to be graced with your presence, your actions of what I mean to you never reflect the words spoken just a few hours before. So I have to love me more, especially with you.. because if I allow this to continue you’ll turn me into the villain.. & somewhere, someone out there still needs me to be their hero.
salgoud-sniog,  writing prompt #17: Write about moving on (via wnq-writers)
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at 17 or even 32, nobody is worth stressing over, like move on, leave people behind, go find yourself, the world is yours, life goes on.
(via bled)
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I’m so confused in what the hell is going on you say you want me back you kiss even when i told you i can’t
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Got an amazing girlfriend I’m so bloody happy rite now
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The message I never sent.
I held onto every memory of you I had inside my hands so that if you ever came back, I’d show them to you. I’d show you what I remember, all of the places we went, the emotions we felt, about your eyes and your laugh and the mundane conversations we’d have that had us in fits of laughter (sheeps, anemones etc). I’ll show you the times when you held me through my fears and the times I stood strong beside you when you reached for your dreams. I’ll show you, us. I kept everything, everything you told me to get rid of because I can’t. I just can’t do it. I can’t get rid of the most important times in my life. The most important person.
Every song whispers your name, every lovely thought feels like falling asleep in your arms and every/any new relationship will remind me of all the ways that they could never be you. You won’t be my past. You’ll be my present and future and all the darkness in between. I’m never going to stop wondering if you’re looking at the same sky, I never stop wondering where you’re waking up, and who you’re waking up beside.
I don’t think you’ll ever stop being the main character in my story.
You tell me you can’t get over me… so don’t.
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Hmm you say you miss me then play me off. Then you get up set cuz I'm talking to another girl 😒. You either want me darlin or don't. Stop playing games I'm tired
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Thinks that some people should leave other people alone if they are not interested they are not interested you have to get over your self. You can't force someone to love you back. So words of advice get over your self and stop it
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4 hour conversation wow 😳 and you said you liked me back 😳. That made me smile 😘
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I feel so much better thank you for making me laugh and smile and for just being you 😘😍 I can't get the other night out of my head wow 😳. I really like you but don't known how to say it.
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Thinks people should leave people alone if they are in a relationship get over it
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Wow what a night 😜😳 can't wait till next time I see you xxxx
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Just breaking down
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