lottiefry13-blog · 7 years
Epson 2480 scanner Shiny side up if you have any water marks on your film and wipe with a micro fibre cloth. Glass cleaner on the glass screen to get rid of any grease marks. Only scan 3 negatives at a time. 3-4mins for each negative. Tab A goes into Tab A on the scanner. F is back to front on the film holder so on the negative make sure the F is back to front too. Emulsion side up. Epson scan. Mode > Professional mode. Original section: Document type > Film Film Type: B&W negative film Resolution: 300 Image Type: 16-bit Grayscale Adjustments: Don’t use any of the adjustments. Press review Crop the image Select the image > 35 megabytes Resolution > 3200 Non destructing > editing control + J Adjustment layer > Levels Adjustment layer > Curves Adjustment layer > Exposure
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lottiefry13-blog · 8 years
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Assignment week with John,World in motion 2.
In this task we went out with a tripod and tried to take some blurred action shots.We tired to get images of people moving and a still background of buildings.However this was not very successful because it was either to blurry or at an angle.On the other hand,some of our images turned out alright for example my second photo was blurred because i wanted the people to be but the buildings were in focus since they dont move.To improve my images i would try and keep my camera on the tripod in the center and maybe try somewhere different like a main road because cars will always be moving and the buildings will always be in focus. 
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lottiefry13-blog · 8 years
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Week 4 with Liam Photoshop.
In today’s lesson i focused on changing raw photos with the adjustment brush and general adjustments. I changed the temperature and the exposure to give the image a greater depth and made the image clear or more dramatic.
Image 1:I have made the image brighter by using the highlight option and made the darker clouds lighter.I made the building a brighter yellow to add more depth by using the saturation option.
Image 2:I made the building in the background a lot brighter to give the photo saturation and more colour.I didn't want to change a lot to this photo because i wanted it to be natural and not to over the top. 
Image 3:In this photo i made the brides eyes and teeth a lot brighter to make them stand out,I also changed the boldness of her ear rings and tiara to also make them stand out more and to show off how pretty they are.
What is a raw file?
A raw file is the image as seen by the camera's sensor. Rather than letting the camera process the image for you, turning it into a JPEG image, shooting in raw allows you to process the image to your liking.
Why do photographers shoot in raw? 
Photographers shoot in raw because the image has more detail and more detailed options to edit your photo.
Why is raw better than JPEG?
Raw is better than JPEG because even though it takes longer to create in raw you get more detail than the JPEG.However you still will get the same finish but it may take longer.
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lottiefry13-blog · 8 years
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lottiefry13-blog · 8 years
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Week 3 Liam
Photo 3
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lottiefry13-blog · 8 years
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Week 3 Liam
Photo 2
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lottiefry13-blog · 8 years
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Week 3 Liam
Photo 1
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lottiefry13-blog · 8 years
JPEG Compression
To keep the quality of the image high on photoshop,keep the size of the file of the image high whilst editing to prevent compression,resulting in degradation of quality.Only once you have finished editing should you compress it. 
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lottiefry13-blog · 8 years
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Capturing emotion with Mark
This photo was taken because we wanted to create a happy,loving photo.The meaning behind this photo was to show how we as human beings care and love one another.The theme of this photograph was emotion and this emotion was love and kindness.We took this photo in the town center in Nottingham and the time was 1:45pm.
We used a wide angle lens with the ISO at 100 and the shutter speed at 1/50 and the aperture at f/8.Our viewpoint was at eye level and composition was center frame and our lighting was natural.
This photography worked perfectly with our theme and the purpose.The strengths on this photo is that it had a clear meaning towards it however,it did have some weaknesses for example the photo looks a little but exposed.Next time we could improve on this photo by having a tripod to level the photo more.We could also make the photo more saturated to bring more colour out to make the image eye catching.
love and affection
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lottiefry13-blog · 8 years
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From looking at this photo it is clear that they have broken the conventions for example:this photo is meant to be meaning full,you cant see the bride and grooms faces because of an object that is in the way and there isn't a very nice scenery.This effects the meaning because a wedding is suppose to be in a nice garden or a room not a dull,boring shopping area.
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lottiefry13-blog · 8 years
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From looking at this bad wedding photo it is clear that some conventions have been broken for example:You cant see the bride and the grooms faces,how do we know its them?,what are their facial expressions?.This effects the photo because there is no meaning in this photograph and therefore it has no purpose.
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lottiefry13-blog · 8 years
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Florida had some pretty awful but cool thunderstorms 🌩
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lottiefry13-blog · 8 years
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