lottiesbouff · 4 years
-`д´-  :·゚as the event was in full swing now, flynn found himself incredibly excited. he adored anything fun, especially those things with a full bar of mexican food. the alcohol on the other hand, he’d be drinking virgin, pouring nothing but the mix in his glass with a little bit of tonic to give it a small bubble. at the moment, thanks to the s h a k e up, he was flying solo for the night, which meant it gave him a little more of a chance to wander around and assure that everyone else was doing fine. flynn made himself a margarita tonic, which would sound gross to anyone else, especially those drinking alcohol, but he found them rather interesting. as someone else walked up to the bar, he grinned. “i may not drink, but i do make a good cocktail. i’ll make you a margarita if you tell me how you’re doing. i genuinely want to know.”
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。·:✧:· SEARCHING FOR FLYNN, Lottie practically skipped around the pool deck before finding him by the bar. She knew he didn’t drink, but she wasn’t going to object to him making her a drink. But she wanted to surprise him and be a little playful. Sneaking around, Lottie barrel rolled, probably suspecting that he had seen her. But she was incredibly amused. In her cute pink ruffle swimsuit, she finally found the right angle and snuck up behind him. Bouncing up behind him, she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him before sliding her head underneath his to look up at him. But he’d seen her and had already asked her a question and she couldn’t help but laugh. “I was trying to surprise you, but you’re a ninja. I like strawberries! Can you do that, then maybe can I sneak a kiss? Is that allowed?”
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
-`д´-  :·゚a loud laugh slipped from his lips as he threw his hands up in his hair before power posing. “you know it, sweets. i practically invented glowing.” plopping down next to her, he looked her up and down before chuckling. she was this tiny petite girl with an accent he’d never heard of before. quite honestly, she was very intriguing. “i should hope there isn’t, but i’m pretty good at sorting through everyone’s problems. perks of being the gay best friend,” phillip explained laughing yet again. resting his chin in his hands, he looked at her. “what’s going on with you? anything i should know about? who are the hotties here?”
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。·:✧:· WITH A LOUD giggled, Lottie was highly amused by him already. She could tell that he was most likely gay, which really wasn’t ever an issue. In fact, the blonde thought it would be rather fun! “I think it’s that smile, but I could be wron’.” Clapping excitedly, she placed her hands in her lap, ready to practically spill everything out. “Well, I got kissed by Flynn, I don’t know if you’ve met him, but oh my goodness, he’s mighty fine! And there’s this guy, Sebastian. We have a past, and I’m afraid he’s gonna mess things up, ya know? There’s lot of feelin’s there and I ain’t got a clue how to deal with it. ‘cause I like Flynn, but I’m drawn to Sebastian, ya know?” Lottie tended to talk quite a bit, something that she probably should stop, as to not create drama, but in that moment, all she’d wanted was a friend.
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
“I think it was just a matter of miscommunication, but I think I’ve seen them happier since then,” she told her truthfully as she swirled her toes around in the water a bit more. The cool touch felt incredibly relaxing against her legs, and if she sat here too long, she was probably going to get completely in. “Oh…” she replied, her cheeks flushing as she fumbled for words. “I’m not really sure, to be honest,” she confessed. There were several attractive guys, but the only one making her thing about anything romantic wasn’t one she could quite figure out.
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。·:✧:· NODDING WITH A bright smile, Lottie was glad nothing too awful had happened yet. She wasn’t entirely sure that she wanted to be around lots of drama, at least not like this. “I sure hope so, ‘cause I was gonna be mighty sad if there was!” Watching the girl, Lottie hoped she’d learn something about some of the men here. As the brunette’s cheeks flushed, the blonde couldn’t help the giggle that slipped out of her mouth. “Oooh! You’ve got some gossip! Is everythin’ okay? I’m a good listener, promise!”
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
“Well my mother is no queen even though I’d like her to be, and I believe dey monarchy was abolished a long time ago in greece. So I am no princess, but thank you. You look like a pretty fairy the gods gifted with beauty and the ability to grant wishes.” She said as if she had known for a fact what those had looked like. Gliding into position next to the girl Aphrodite smiled as she spoke. “No one for you yet? That’s because someone better must be waiting to join.” Aphrodite held her pinky out, having seen it in an american movie. “I have the feeling you won’t be needing much of my help.”
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。·:✧:· HER EYES WIDENED at the girl’s response. Lottie hadn’t been expecting this at all and quite honestly, couldn’t stop blushing. “Well you’re just as sweet as a Magnolia in May,” she explained, giggling lightly. It was always a lot of fun to both get compliments and give them out to deserving people. “Do you dress like this all the time? Sometimes I get a little lazy with my outfits, especially with the fact that I’m wearin’ a swimsuit most of the time but my hair’s always on point.” Shrugging her shoulders, she hoped that she could find someone good here, someone that she could actually fall in love with. “I don’t know, I’m good at gettin’ the attention, but I can be a little obnoxious, loud and well, irritatin’. It’s a problem.”
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦  UPON REALIZING THAT IT WAS LOTTIE THAT HE SAT NEXT TO, SEBASTIAN COULDN’T HELP THE SMIRK ON HIS FACE. the two of them had quite a history, one that was full of quite a bit of darkness, sex and desire. he hadn’t ever expected it, but he adored the blonde, because well, that body was legendary and he loved how much he could throw her around during sex, something that was quite a bit of a turn on for him. “you’re not flirting now, but we know you can’t resist me for long. you’ve tried. has it ever really worked out in your favor, my sweet cherry blossom?” sebastian knew lottie had a thing for nicknames, especially ones that made her sound even more beautiful than she believed herself to be.
he couldn’t help the chuckle that left his lips, one that she’d probably be amused by, after all, it showed that playful side that he knew she liked. “same as everyone else, i came to find love. do you have a problem with that?” sebastian asked, leaning closer to her. at this point, he was probably about an inch for her face. his eyes met hers and he smirked, the one that always made her weak in the knees, the one that he was incredibly curious to see if she could actually handle. most of the time, there was no way that she could control herself. but who’s to say that she hadn’t found someone she had her eye on already. sebastian was intrigued to hear what lottie had to say next. “don’t think you can resist me?” he asked, his voice all sultry and sexy. 
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。·:✧:· HER JAW DROPPED as he smirked. Lottie whimpered softly, hating that he had this hold over her. When he told her he was leaving for a couple months, she took it as a chance to get over him, to push him out of her life and start fresh. But seeing him here, feeling her body warm up with just the simple smirk, the small blonde knew she was in trouble. It was damn near impossible to resist him. If she was going to, it would take everything in her to do so. That nickname really didn’t help, at all. Shifting in her spot, she looked down, trying to keep her gaze away form him, refusing to fall back down that rabbit hole. Lottie had Flynn now. She really liked him and she didn’t want anything to jeopardize that. Breathing deeply, she fiddled with her hands, trying to stay as calm as possible. “Stop it, Sebastian.” Shifting backwards, Lottie tried to move away from him, hoping the distance would help. That nickname wasn’t helping in the slightest. She adored all of these nicknames, especially the ones that he knew she liked, the ones that made her feel more beautiful than she could ever imagine. 
Shaking her head, she wondered how she could explain how upset she was, how frustrated she felt seeing him like this. Here he sat, all exposed, practically begging her to come back to him. A couple months ago, anything he’d said would’ve made her jump him, just climb him like a tree and wrap her legs around him and kiss him deeply. But now, she had to physically restrain herself from doing such a thing. With each breath, Lottie had to remind herself over and over again that talking to him, looking at him and allowing him to manipulate her like this was a terrible idea. “No, I just don’t want you to ruin what I’ve found,” she explained, her thick southern accent only making her voice sound more playful than it should. For once in her life, she hated it, hated what her accent made her sound like, hated that she couldn’t get mad without him finding it attractive. Why did she let it get this bad?
His last question made everything worse. She had to resist him. At this point, there was no option. She didn’t want the drama and the stress that came with being with Sebastian. Without even trying, he could turn her into a puddle. But Flynn made her happier emotionally than Sebastian ever did. But the problem was that physically, she could barely contain herself. She’d spent so much of the last few months curled up with him, thrown around the house in compromising positions, finding herself pleasured in ways she never thought possible. While she had no arguments that Flynn couldn’t do the same, Lottie was still nervous, still afraid that somehow Sebastian could take her from Flynn. “I’m going to. I’m not letting you get to me again. Not this time.” Standing up, Lottie put her hand out, to try and keep him a distance away from her. 
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
Baxter was eager to kick his shoes off and get in the water. Throwing his shirt to the side, he shook his limbs out before noticing the blonde sitting just underneath him. “Oh yeah?” he asked, smiling rather widely at her compliment. Bax continued to wiggle around as he looked down at her, trying to make out where on earth she was possibly from with a voice like that. “So far, so good,” he grinned brightly before jumping full speed into the pool. He was sure that he had made a rather large splash, so when he came back up for air and saw that she was soaked, he couldn’t help but let out a hardy laugh. “You are gonna get in, aren’t ya?” he grinned mischievously.
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��·:✧:· LOTTIE KNEW THAT look. He was trying to figure out her accent, but didn’t seem to actually comment on it which was really strange for her. Part of her wanted to ask, but there was no reason she really should. “Yeah! Really!” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him get into full on jump mode. It was safe to say that the blonde was not prepared. As he jumped into the pool, splashing her, Lottie screamed, an incredibly playful scream, nonetheless. When he came back up, she gasped, looking down at herself, completely soaked and then back up at him in shock that he’d done such a thing. “I’m gonna get you for that!” Standing up, Lottie pulled off her cover up, glad she’d actually put on her swimsuit that morning, took a running start and cannon-balled into the pool. Her splash was small, mostly due to her size, but it was bigger than she’d anticipated. “No one’s gotten me in yet. Thank ya for that. You’re a kind of really playful guy aren’t ya?”
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
-`д´-  :·゚running his hands, through her hair, he slowly pulled away from the kiss, almost regretting it. resting his forehead against hers, flynn couldn’t help the smile across his face. that kiss was everything he’d needed. he couldn’t figure out what happened, or why he was so captivated by the small blonde. perhaps it was the way she looked at him, but either way, flynn wanted to know more about lottie la bouff. “thank you for kissing me back. i was hoping it’d be incredible, and well, my dear, you’ve s u r p a s s e d my expectations,” he explained, his voice soft. his thumb moved down to rub her cheek. “i want to get to know you, for real. i’d like to have dinner, just the two of us. i want to know e v e r y t h i n g about you.” flynn was completely mesmerized by her, a feeling he’d been waiting for for quite some time. he was alway a firm believer in the idea that a kiss could tell you everything about a relationship and this one, had flynn flipped upside down on his head. all he hoped was that she  a c t u a l l y was as beautiful inside as she was on the outside.
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。·:✧:· BLUSHING, LOTTIE PUT her hands over her face, almost unable to believe how incredibly nice he was being to her. He was everything she’d ever wanted and she barely knew anything about him. How was this even possible? “You’re just gonna make me blush all the time, aren’t you? I’m gonna be a mess around you.” Her blonde hair fell in front of her face as she giggled and blushed. Gosh, she was already crushing on him so hard. What in the world was happening? Reaching up, she put her hand on his, holding onto a few of his fingers, just looking at him for a moment. “I’d love that. I want to know everythin’ about you too.” Leaning close, Lottie rubbed her nose against Flynn’s and giggled. “Can we make a promise though? We have to be completely honest with each other. I ain’t gonna deal with lies again. It... hurt too much,” she whispered, her voice softening with each word she said. She’d dealt with liars, players and all of the awful kind of men in the past and she didn’t want that with Flynn. Lottie wanted this one to be right.
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
Jessica couldn’t help but smile wider and wider as the blonde chattered away next to her. Her energy was infectious, her smile even more so. Jessica could even feel herself relax as Lottie talked of New Orleans, the redhead herself sighing at the memories. “Oh my goodness, what I wouldn’t give for a meal at Cafe Du Monde right about now. I’ve had the privilege of coming through New Orleans on tours before. The people, the food, the atmosphere…It’s stunning, truly. I’ve always wanted to come back during Mardi Gras.” she reminisced with a dreamy sigh, giggling at Lottie’s remark about the mint juleps. “Don’t worry, they’ve got stuff in the kitchen to make some good ones. We’ll have to make some at some point, teach these kids how Southern ladies drink.” she suggested with a playful wink.
Jessica took note of her association with Sebastian. He’d been one of the first to catch her eye, his dark charisma apparent no matter what the situation was. “Oh? How do you two know each other?” Her smile grew even fonder when she mentioned Flynn, her cheeks burning a little despite herself. “Well…I have gotten to know Flynn a little since this whole thing got started. I can honestly say that he is a sweet, honest, tender young man. If you’d like, I’d be more than happy to put in a good word for you with him.” While Jessica was still processing her own feelings about Flynn, she knew far better than to hoard him for herself. If he and Lottie were to hit it off, bless them both. If nothing else, it gave her more time to figure out what exactly she was feeling herself.
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。·:✧:· MOANING SOFTLY, LOTTIE let her head fall back as she thought about the beauty of beignets. “Oh gosh, you’re makin’ me hungry. I really wish my best friend was here, ‘cause I’d have her make us some. I ain’t any good at cookin’. I make a right mess of everythin’.” She’d tried to cook before and somehow managed to almost set the entire kitchen on fire. It really was a terrible day, one that she’d very much like to not think about at the present moment. Gasping, she clapped excitedly, almost jumping up and down. “You must come! You can stay with me and I’ll show you around and if you want, you can even ride on the float with us!” A smirk formed across her face as Jessica commented on how to show the rest of these contestants to drink. It was true. They really did need to, after all, a bunch of these drinks weren’t exactly up to her level. “That’s the one thin’ I can do. We might could do it sooner rather than later. You got me cravin’ one now!” 
Lottie liked Jessica. She could definitely see her being a good friend, especially if this conversation continued the way it was going. Watching as the redhead’s smile grew, Lottie hoped that nothing had happened between the two. She really didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes, at all. As she spoke, Lottie shifted, fiddling with her hands. “I thought he was mighty beautiful from the first moment I saw him, so I picked him. We started talkin’ and gosh, Jessica, you’re right. He’s so sweet and I just... I think I have feelin’s for him, but I don’t wanna do anythin’ if you like him, ‘cause you’re smilin’ awfully big. He kissed me, but I don’t wanna step on your toes!” The blonde had no idea what the relationship between them was, and really didn’t want to hurt anyone. This was the problem with this sort of situation. Naturally, there would be girls that liked the same guys.
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
CLOSED STARTER FOR @lottiesbouff​
She couldn’t sleep, maybe there was perhaps a lot on her mind or perhaps it was just one of those nights where sleep wasn’t becoming of her, and it was on those nights that she decided to head down towards the ocean, there was something so serene and calming about the water crashing along the shore, it was the perfect solution for the fact that she couldn’t her 40 winks for a night; “Oh-… Hi-…. can’t sleep either?” she didn’t expect anyone else to be out here especially not at this time but she was not at all complaining, she definitely didn’t mind having a friend or too to have a conversation with.
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。·:✧:· SHE’D WOKEN UP to head to the bathroom and couldn’t fall back asleep. Lottie wanted to climb back in bed with Flynn, but he looked so cosy and she couldn’t bear the thought of waking him. Because for some reason, she was worried, far more worried than she should be. The blonde liked him so much already and falling asleep with her head on his shoulder was almost everything she’d dreamed of, but she couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling. It was entirely possible that it was all Sebastian’s fault. Somehow, she’d found herself at the beach, trying to find all of her thoughts, all of them that would help her figure out what she wanted. Seeing someone else, Lottie smiled, walking towards her. She sat down, pulling her knees up to her chest, and rested her arms on the top of her knees. “No, and it’s drivin’ me insane. I’m sharin’ a bed with a beautiful man and yet, I’m sittin’ out here. It ain’t supposed to be like this.”
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
-`д´-  :·゚flynn watched as she moved closer to him. they were almost centimeters apart and he wanted nothing more than to close the distance between the two of them. that accent was throwing him over the edge, and that face, well, he was hooked, he’d tell you that. but flynn was worried. he’d already crushed on jessica so fast, and now, here lottie was throwing butterflies in his stomach. but she kept moving closer to him. perhaps she w a n t e d it more. he had no idea, but flynn knew he wouldn’t last much longer. those plush pink lips were torturing him. she had a desire to get to know him, a desire to look into his soul. lottie r e a l l y was torturing him. “you have time, beautiful. i’ll give you all the time in the world.” with that, flynn couldn’t help it. he took her face in his hands and k i s s e d her, the kind of kiss he knew would make her toes curl. his hands were in her hair and his whole body c a l m e d. wow!
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。·:✧:· STARING INTO HIS eyes, Lottie almost couldn’t believe how beautiful his eyes were or how beautiful everything he said was. He was smooth and he seemed to know it, but there was something about him that she couldn’t get enough of. The more she looked at him, the more she wanted him. What was this hold he had over her? It’d been a while since she’d really crushed on someone and that last one was Sebastian. But that wasn’t a place she really wanted to go to again, not right now. There were more opportunities, ones that might actually benefit her rather than hurt her. And Flynn, well, he’d captured the small blonde’s attention and she didn’t want any of it to disappear. But when he kissed her, her entire body sank into his. She took hold of his sides and almost pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. His lips were soft, gentle and even better than what she’d ever thought they would be. Her hands moved around to his back, resting there. 
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
“Nor have I, but it’s the most apt description I could think of.” Jessica admitted with a shrug and a smile. “Lottie? I’m assuming that’s short for Charlotte, yes?” she asked the blonde with a warm smile, “I’d know that accent anywhere. New Orleans, right? I’m from Atlanta myself, so it’s nice to have another Southern Girl to complain about the mint juleps with.” Her feet sank into the water, giving Jessica cause to sigh in contentment. “It really is lovely, isn’t it? You picked as good a place as any to find love. I’ve been here for a couple weeks now and all the men I’ve met have been wonderful.” Some more so than others, she thought to herself. “Anybody caught your eye yet, dear?”
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。·:✧:· NODDING, LOTTIE ALMOST cringed at the mention of her full name. She’d never really been a fan of it, even though it almost made her sound even more like a princess. For some reason, something about it still felt weird, even after all these years. “Yeah, it is. I like Lottie a lot better. It’s more fun!” Giggling, she practically clapped, overly excited that someone actually understood her accent, that perhaps, someone here would actually know what she was saying half the time. “Oh gosh! I might could jump up and down right now. Yeah, born and bred in Nawlin’s. It’s my favorite city in all of America.” Lottie couldn’t help but laugh at her comment. “Mint Juleps, wow, no one ever knows what I’m talking about with that.” A bright blush formed across her face as she looked down at her hands. How was it that Lottie had already crushed on someone? Nodding, she looked back up at the redhead. “Yeah, actually. I knew Sebastian from before, so part of me is still attracted to him, but Flynn. He’s so beautiful and sweet and he just turns me into a puddle of goo,” Lottie explained, trying not to lose herself with the amount of giggling she was doing.
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
-`д´-  :·゚upon seeing the blonde, flynn couldn’t help the smirk on his face. he had a thing for blondes and he recognized that hair, from when she’d picked him. flashing his best smirk as she spoke, he sat down next to her. “i’m glowing in the sunlight, well aren’t you just adorable?” flynn already liked this girl. the accent was p l e a s i n g him greatly. he could definitely get used to this. shaking his head, he put kicked the water in front of the two of them. “it’s pretty good. i’m definitely having fun, but i do know i’ll have even more fun. after all, i get to spend time with you a n d share a bed with you. i’m the luckiest man in the world.”
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。·:✧:· HER ENTIRE FACE turned bright red at his words. She hadn’t been expecting his words to actually be charming and kind. It was almost as if he knew exactly what he was doing. Lottie turned to face him, taking a deep breath. He was ridiculously beautiful and she adored the idea of sharing a bed with him. Leaning a little closer, Lottie wanted to see if she could figure something out about him, if she could figure out something in his eyes that would tell her anything about him. At this point, they were really very close. Her chest moved up and down as she took deep breaths. They’d have time to get to know each other but as she sat there, Lottie wanted him to move closer. “You’re... lucky? I’m lucky. Have you seen you? I think my heart’s beatin’ a little faster that it’s ever really done before.” She felt her toes curl and quite honestly, had no idea what to do. “I ain’t really had the chance to know you, but I... I don’t even care. I can’t stop starin’ at you.”
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
Niall had to blink, she was obviously from the south Untied States. But he didn’t have a clue what she said because that she was nervous? Maybe? He wasn’t entirely sure. “Uh, sorry love. I didn’t understand a word you just said.” He had to be honest playing cool would only get him more confused then he already was. “I spent most of my life England and then California…so I’ve never heard English spoken like that before.”
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。·:✧:· THE SMALL BLONDE couldn’t help but be amused. She knew her accent was hard to understand sometimes, not to mention, all the idioms she used as a result of growing up in the South. “Sorry, sometimes I forget that not every’ne is from the South.” Her eyes widened as he explained where he was from and Lottie couldn’t believe it. She absolutely adored those that traveled around the world, not to mention, London. Oh gosh, Lottie was beyond thrilled. “That sounds wonderful.” Giggling, she figured she should explain, “You can blame my daddy for the accent. He got me sayin all sorts of odd thin’s. I grew up in New Orleans. It’s about as Southern as I can get.” Lottie struggled not to say Nawlin’s. He wouldn’t have understood that if she did.
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
Anabelle wanted to do her best to get to know the new islanders as much as she could. After all, it was better to get to know them now as opposed to later. Therefore, she was relieved when Lottie began to speak to her as she walked up anyway. “Thanks,” she said with a small smile, trying to figure out if the girl meant she looked pretty or if she was much more sunburnt than she had realized. Sitting down next to her, the brunette relaxed at the cool touch of the water around her legs. “It’s okay,” she replied with a small shrug. “I haven’t had too much trouble with anyone yet. There was some drama with the new recoupling, though, but it seems to have calmed down for now.”
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。·:✧:· LOOKING UP AT the girl in front of her, Lottie couldn’t help but smile, wondering if she would get along with this girl. From this moment, she honestly didn’t think she would. Lottie was very different, very excitable and in fact, a little bit loony, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. The blonde knew she needed more friends. “You’re very welcome, sugar cube!” As she watched the girl sit down, she moved her feet underneath the water a little bit. Nodding, Lottie was glad nothing awful had happened, but she didn’t want to be the cause of anything either and seriously hoped that she wouldn’t cause drama. She’d never meant to hurt anyone if she ever had. “Drama? Nothin’ too awful, I hope? Is there any’ne you have your eye on?” she asked, really rather curious.
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦ AT THE SIGHT OF THE BLONDE, A SNEAKY SMIRK GREW ACROSS HIS FACE. sebastian liked when they were small and petite and this one, she was exactly that. sauntering over to her, he couldn’t help the grin on his face. “i’m glowing? that’s a mighty fine compliment, sweetheart. i’m feeling luckier already in your presence,” sebastian responded, sitting down next to her, his eyes moving up and down her small body. shrugging his shoulders, he placed his hands in his lap. “fun? absolutely. would you expect much less from a man who’s got the world at his feet.” chuckling softly, he pursed his lips, trying to rack his brain for anything that she might need to worry about. “be careful who you flirt with, honey. that’s all i can say,” sebastian responded, his eyes on her. “not everyone here is necessarily nice, sweetheart.”
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。·:✧:· TURNING TO FACE the man next to her, Lottie’s eyes widened. “Sebastian!” It took her a moment for her body to react after she saw him. There was something there before they’d both arrived, something that Lottie wasn’t sure she’d really gotten over just yet. He just sat there, looking at her, his eyes meeting hers, those beautiful chocolate brown eyes, the kind that you could just get lost in. “I ain’t flirtin’ with you,” she stated, looking down at her hands now. This wasn’t going to be easy. If she accidentally flirted with him again, she worried that she’d develop feelings for him again. Lottie was still attracted to him and that was the problem. Chuckling awkwardly, she shifted away from him slightly, as if to give herself some more air.
“What are you doin’ here?” the blonde asked, looking up at him, not really sure what kind of answer she was looking for. It wasn’t going to be easy with him here. The last time she’d seen him was a couple months ago, after their impromptu breakfast date, following a night full of passion that neither of them had planned. Would she be alright with him here? She was worried now. This had to be okay, because Lottie, she wanted someone that wouldn’t just use her as a booty call in the middle of the night.
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
-`д´-  :·゚upon seeing the blonde, flynn couldn’t help the smirk on his face. he had a thing for blondes and he recognized that hair, from when she’d picked him. flashing his best smirk as she spoke, he sat down next to her. “i’m glowing in the sunlight, well aren’t you just adorable?” flynn already liked this girl. the accent was p l e a s i n g him greatly. he could definitely get used to this. shaking his head, he put kicked the water in front of the two of them. “it’s pretty good. i’m definitely having fun, but i do know i’ll have even more fun. after all, i get to spend time with you a n d share a bed with you. i’m the luckiest man in the world.”
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。·:✧:· AS HE SPOKE, her cheeks turned as red as a strawberry. Her hands went over her mouth as she giggled, not at all prepared to be flirted with like that. “Oh good heavens! That smile’s makin’ me weak in the knees. I’m done for, I really am.” Lottie had no idea how to respond to him. If he was going to continue talking to her like this, she quite honestly wasn’t sure what would happen. “Well, ya gotta tell me all the things about you. ‘cause I ain’t gonna be that easy,” she stated, knowing full well that it was a lie. Lottie was easy, that much she knew, but she didn’t want to appear so. If a guy could impress her and remind her that she was beautiful, she’d fall really easily. This girl fell for guys within an instant and it would be a problem at a place like this. “I’m Lottie, though. What’s your name, handsome?”
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lottiesbouff · 4 years
Beaux hadn’t been to such a place before, the island just radiated luxuriousness and in all honesty, part of it felt like a dream, she had come from a place of such tragedy that the fact that the sun was shining and something good was happening was almost surreal; “Oh my-… thank you so much” the southern accent quite prominent in her speech; “I am actually, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to actually sit back and relax and not have any cares or worries in the world” turning to face the other.
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。·:✧:· ALLOWING A SOFT giggle to slip through her lips, Lottie was glad she’d managed to make the girl smile. At this point, she hadn’t thought too much about what kind of people were around, but she knew she needed a few friends in case anything happened. “You’re most welcome, sugar cube!” Lottie responded, a bright grin growing across her face. The small blonde grinned way too much, that she knew, but perhaps it would be a good thing around here? “Oh gosh, I’m so happy for ya! Have ya had the chance to meet any of the guys yet? I’m fixin’ to stake them out later and see who catches my eye, I just ain’t got a clue where to start.”
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