lotuseaterlight · 6 years
I spent what I thought was an inordinate amount of time in the garden as a child.  My mother loved gardens, with a major passion, and if I was ever foolish enough to say I was bored, in 2 seconds flat she had me on some form of garden job.  I figured that by the time I was 14, I was ‘gardened out’.  So visiting gardens has never been on the top of my to-do list.  The odd botanical garden visit in new cities, or walking around a friend’s garden as she has shown me her new Amorphophallus titanum (exactly!). Now that I’m getting involved in veggies, and native food plants, I’ve started having a sneaking interest in plants,  for their pragmatic qualities.
However, a friend took me to a couple of her favourite gardens in the Dandenong Ranges just outside Melbourne, and we had a lovely wander though a very formal garden, a wild garden and possibly the most formal of gardens, a bonsai nursery.  The beauty of these places, the serenity and relaxation they bring, the appreciation of the work that has gone into them, and gentle refreshing of the soul has made me consider that maybe I should be on the lookout for more open gardens to wander in.
(But please don’t ask me to work in them…)
Summer house in the autumn
Hiding from the world
Lacy lady
Walled adventure
Every farden has a potting shed spirit.
Transitioning to the wild
Autumn trees
Winter has come
Delicacy is important
Hidden forest
All beautifully balanced
      Dandenong Delight I spent what I thought was an inordinate amount of time in the garden as a child. 
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lotuseaterlight · 6 years
Dark MOFO is a fantastic time.  Established by David Walsh from MONA, Dark MOFO brings people from all over to Hobart, in the dead of winter for two weeks of art, concerts, performances and great food.  The city joins in, covering garden lights in red, adding flags and crosses (upside-down ones this year) in various locations. Bars, and underground theatres have performances of pretty much anything from doom metal to movies of crabs and prawns crawling on underwater cliffs.
The Winter Feast is a long table feast (actually three long tables) inside and small tables clustered around fire pits outside. Pretty much everything you could possibly want to eat and drink available.  Let’s eat!
Part of the Art Walk around the city
Warmth is internal
Winter feast hall theme
How many people feating?
Elegant entertainment
Another drink, dear?
All ages, all styles
Barbeques from around the world
The stars sparkle brighter at Dark MOFO
Kitten like entertainment
Inside the Pleasure Temple
Night’s end.
Winter Feast – Dark MOFO Dark MOFO is a fantastic time.  Established by David Walsh from MONA, Dark MOFO brings people from all over to Hobart, in the dead of winter for two weeks of art, concerts, performances and great food. 
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lotuseaterlight · 6 years
Hobart is at the bottom end of the world – not so far from the Antarctic – with that potential of Roaring 40s weather, and snow.  It was settled originally by the Palawa people, and later by the British when setting up convict colonies, and outposts to stop the French from further colonisation. It’s Australia’s second oldest city, with plenty of convict remnants about.  Not only that, it is has the steep, rocky Mt Wellington guarding it.
But those facts are all very well, but is it a good city to visit?  Oh yeah!  It’s an energetic vibrant city, and has one of the best private museums I’ve ever been to. MONA is on a must visit list every time I head Hobart way.  Twice a year Hobart also holds the MOFO celebrations, with Dark MOFO the winter celebration – but more about that next post. This one focuses on a short weekend enjoying MONA and the Farm Gate markets.
Modern stelae
I haven’t told Sami that there are cat sarcophagi
No diving into the blue
Silver grotto of comfort
Optical illusions – where is reality?
The writings of the wind
Bullets in road signs, anyone?
Mobile music
A smashing time was had by all
Coffee shop half way up kunanyi/Mt Wellington
kunanyi /Mt Wellington
Snow on the slopes
Love the idea of a fireplace in the bathroom
Art in public spaces
Barista at the Farm Gate markets
Red and gold beetroot to inspire
Run-away weekend – Hobart Hobart is at the bottom end of the world - not so far from the Antarctic - with that potential of Roaring 40s weather, and snow. 
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lotuseaterlight · 6 years
Living in a small regional town is fun, but every now and again hitting the big smoke is a ball. When an invite comes from a friend to play for the weekend, I’m always happy to take it up.  Melbourne is one of the nicest cities to play in. The Economist Intelligence Unit has rated Melbourne as the world’s most livable city for 7 years in a row, and it’s pretty easy to see why.  True, as a visitor, I never have to worry about traffic or parking, but the wonderful places I’m taken to and the great food I can eat, and the exhibitions I can head to… so lovely.
So last weekend, I had another lovely play.
National Gallery of Victoria, autumn.
How many Swarovski crystals did they break to cover this (slightly dead) reindeer?
Modern Chinese exhibition, the all purpose vehicle
Ai WeiWei and his Lego creation. Nothing self-referential…
Evolution from human to duck?
Why did I throw out these plates when I had them?
Oh the food….
Monash Gallery of Art, Cameraless photography exhibition.
Taking the ‘bum on the photocopier’ art to a new level
Dandenong Ranges – did Agatha Christie ever visit?
Australia’s most musical birds having breakfast.
Magic Melbourne Living in a small regional town is fun, but every now and again hitting the big smoke is a ball.
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lotuseaterlight · 6 years
Agfest comes but once a year… but is planned for over months.  Agfest is the biggest rural show, run by all of the local Rural Youth groups who put in massive hours in planning and organising, as well as staying on site for the 3 day duration of the festival.  (I’ve heard the parties at night are pretty spectacular…) Anything to do with agriculture is on show – massive machinery, the sweetest lambs you ever saw, clothing for farmers (and wannabes), food, crafts from wool, wood, whatever.  It’s all there.
Agfest as traditions as well.  The main tradition is that it always rains.  Always.  So, the flow on tradition – new gumboots (or wellies).  I didn’t own a pair of these delightful feet covers, so had to skip off to buy a very fancy pair in a leopard skin print.  Hats, and beanies are necessary too, but I had a lovely stripey, pink number so was set – until I saw the serious head gear everyone else had, so slipped mine into my backpack. Better to be wet that weird, right?
By skipping the machinery that wouldn’t fit into my veggie patch, we managed to cover the rest of the festival in one day of pretty solid walking.  Let me take you to Agfest – without the need to buy new gumboots.
Biggest money maker of the year for the Rural Youth groups
“One of those looks just right”
A feathered concoction
Tasmanians and their second head.
Pretty gumboots
The longhorns are acomin’
These boots are made for walkin’
For Ray – Akubra alley. I looked like a mushroom.
Men in feathery hats
Just right for dancing (on toes)
“It’s OK baby, I’m here”
That keeps everything sorted
Uhoh, someone didn’t read the sign!
Boots and Hats Agfest comes but once a year... but is planned for over months.  Agfest is the biggest rural show, run by all of the local Rural Youth groups who put in massive hours in planning and organising, as well as staying on site for the 3 day duration of the festival. 
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lotuseaterlight · 6 years
Probably most towns and cities have a fair or show or festival of some kind, and Tasmania is no exception. There are specialist fairs – Penny farthing Festival, Tomato and Garlic festival, Craft Fair etc etc.  Each town has its local show (complete with show holiday!) where local businesses show off their wares, and the adventurous head for side show alley for rides and to try their luck on the various competitions for furry animals.  Then, there is Agfest.  Agfest is run over 3 days by the local Rural Youth groups, and attracts thousands of people every year.
There are traditions around Agfest – it will always rain is one of the most important, and it in turn creates another one – wear your fanciest gumboots (or wellies).  So, not being an owner of such foot apparel I bought myself a very fancy leopard skin design pair, and was happy I could fit in.  Hats (and beanies) are necessary, and I did have my squashy pink striped hat, but when I looked at the serious hats on heads and on display, I quietly retired mine into my bag.
Almost everything possible for a farm can be bought at Agfest, and so much from a farm as well. By skipping the majority of the farm machinery, (way too big to fit into my veggie patch) we were able to see most of the rest of the show by walking all day.  Let me take you to Agfest… without the need for your gumboots.
Biggest money maker of the year for the Rural Youth groups
“One of those looks just right”
A feathered concoction
The longhorns are acomin’
Just right for dancing (on toes)
Tasmanians and their second head.
“It’s OK baby, I’m here”
These boots are made for walkin’
For Ray – Akubra alley. I looked like a mushroom.
Pretty gumboots
Men in feathery hats
That keeps everything sorted
Uhoh, someone didn’t read the sign!
  Boots and hats Probably most towns and cities have a fair or show or festival of some kind, and Tasmania is no exception.
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lotuseaterlight · 6 years
Living is Tasmania means I’m never too far from a vineyard, which I assure you, is a really good thing.  I enjoy my wine, and being able to be part of the whole experience – not just an end user – is interesting.  I helped pick grapes last year, and again this year, but was also lucky enough to go to the winemakers’ to see the next steps in moving those little globes of juice to the final destination of glass and mouth.
Hand harvesting is tiring, but you know that the wine quality will be better.
There are always those wanting to help
Devastation – wasp attack on the bunches.
Mike running the grapes through the de-stemmer
The leaves and stems make great silage – after they’ve been checked for fruit fly.
The magic of fermentation begins
Sniff to identify some of the developing aromas
Vats with some of ‘my’ pick from last years harvest.
Vine to vat Living is Tasmania means I'm never too far from a vineyard, which I assure you, is a really good thing. 
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lotuseaterlight · 6 years
I was one of those horse crazy girls – to the extent that if I saw a stray horse, I’d have my school tights off in a flash to make a bridle, and bring the horse home to protect it from being run over. Must have driven my parents nuts.  However, older, wiser and living on a small house block in the middle of town really prevents my horse dreams… but is there another way??
Ohhh, maybe….  Seahorse World in Beauty Point has thousands (millions?) of (sea) horses, and has created a fabulous industry in exporting these black and white, dappled and grey beauties of the underwater world to the world. Small industries like this fascinate me.  A beautiful niche market, but with such reach, and open to the public to wander through.
The company has a breeding program for the Tasmanian seahorses, as well as a program to breed specific colours.  Seahorses can change colour, but apparently not as camouflage (maybe it’s just a yellow kind of day?).  They are found all over the world, but the majority live below the equator, and around Tasmania, a careful check of the kelp beds can help you find your very own horse.
Every child is taught that seahorse dads (stallions?) are the responsible parent, carrying the babies after fertilisation until birth.  Mum specifically looks for a dad with the biggest pot-belly as a partner, and very quickly hands over all of the fertilised eggs and swims off to graze another day.  Around a thousand ‘foals’ can be born, looking like wee, little wriggly specks in the water.  Out in the ocean, this is a dangerous time.  They grow very quickly, and in specially designed tanks to mimic their home environments (warm for the tropical types, a touch on the chilly side for the tougher Tasmanian breeds), they can live for up to four years.
Watching these fascinating creatures prance about, attempt to strangle each other, and feed was amazing.   Patting a seahorse is not quite the same, but without the risk of a solid kick, or a squashed foot.
Which one will you choose?
Foals in the corral.
Count the fins, divide by…
Information on the care and feeding of your horses
Seahorses can fly
Feeding time – dads have pot bellies, mums have vogue like ribs
A beautiful sea dragon
Will it turn into a princess?
If Wishes were (Sea) Horses I was one of those horse crazy girls - to the extent that if I saw a stray horse, I'd have my school tights off in a flash to make a bridle, and bring the horse home to protect it from being run over.
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lotuseaterlight · 6 years
Bruny Island is a lovely little island off the south coast of Tasmania, not far from the Huon Valley.  Access is via a car ferry, and sailings are regular.  A very easy place to spend some time, checking out the winery, the whisky and gin distiller, the oyster shack, cheese factory and all sorts of other food places.
But, being an island, it’s also surrounded by ocean, and if you kept going south you’d hit the Antarctic.  I didn’t plan on going that far, but instead opted for an adventure, travelling on a combination of a boat and rubber duckie, down the east coast.  The brochures promised rocky outcrops, sea animals and birds, and lovely seascapes.  A brilliant morning and a reasonably calm sea (for the Roaring 40s) made the start of our adventure lovely.
Later the winds rose, and the sea became very choppy, so we were very glad we hadn’t booked in for the afternoon adventure – it could have been a little too adventurous, and we’d have missed out on entering some of the little rocky inlets or getting up close and personal with sea caves.
Were there animals and birds – yes… by the boat load. A large Australian fur seal haul out (ie hangout for seals when they aren’t breeding), albatross, sea gulls, Pacific gulls, cormorants…
A lovely day out, followed by chatting to a local, and eating as many oysters as we could fit in at a local oyster shack.
  Yellow Boat flashing through the water
The Sentinel
Locals checking us out.
Bruny Island sea monster
Eyes on the ocean
Heading into the storm.
One day in Bruny (Island that is..) Bruny Island is a lovely little island off the south coast of Tasmania, not far from the Huon Valley. 
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lotuseaterlight · 7 years
Recently I had a sister-in-law come over from the mainland to spend one day with me (OK, she was travelling further on, but it still sounds cool 🙂 ), and we hit quite a few highlights – good food, culture, whisky tasting, market visiting, platypus hunting.  Tasmania has a wonderful variety of things to do in a small space – nothing we did was more than 5kms from my front door. Had we been energetic we could have ridden or jogged to most places – although after the whisky tasting, I’m not sure how well we’d have done on the way home.
So ladies and gentlemen, I present – Adventures in a Day.
Art Gallery visit – 50 Great Nat Geo photographs
The amazing smell of a whisky distillery
Pure Tas water, local ingredients, Scottish peat, American oak – ummm…
I’ll have a bottle too!
Safe – for now.
Bush green
  Why Tasmania? Just one day… Recently I had a sister-in-law come over from the mainland to spend one day with me (OK, she was travelling further on, but it still sounds cool 🙂 ), and we hit quite a few highlights - good food, culture, whisky tasting, market visiting, platypus hunting. 
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lotuseaterlight · 7 years
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Past present 2 Sunset over Bass Strait.  Some days just take your breath away. 19/1/2018
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lotuseaterlight · 7 years
An Oz Christmas is a little different.  It may start like yours, with flight bookings, present buying and wrapping, Christmas tree decorating, and an early morning visit from Santa, but after that it takes a different direction.
Presents are reflective of the season – new bathers for swimming, paddle boards for creek and ocean fun, new bikes for growing bodies, lovely raincoats for summer storms…
Christmas lunch/dinner is cold – plates piled high with prawns and salads, cold hams and chicken drumsticks. Dessert – berry filled pavlova and ice-cream.  After Christmas lunch is similar – chat, watch the children have fun with their new things, drink a little (or maybe more), and prepare a ‘picky dinner’ of the leftovers. Boxing Day – out to the parks and creeks to cool off, swim, ride bikes and test the new presents.
A lovely family time. But then – it’s the pack up for family members to return home, ready for the coming year.
Leaving on a jet plane…
The first signs of Christmas
Santa’s bag – no more stockings!
Summer Christmas leads to different gifts
Christmas lunch prep – no hot roasts in temps of 36 degrees.
Testing the Christmas presents
Heading to the parks and creeks
Semi-rain forest walk
Presents being taken for an outing
Swimming prep
I’ve found Nemo!!
Oz Christmas (for friends in the Northern Hemisphere) An Oz Christmas is a little different.  It may start like yours, with flight bookings, present buying and wrapping, Christmas tree decorating, and an early morning visit from Santa, but after that it takes a different direction.
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lotuseaterlight · 7 years
Past Present
MONA – exhibit 20:50 This is another ad hoc collection, not of memories of past adventures and events, but of current adventures and events that will become those memories. I took my family to visit MONA in Hobart, and this is one of their new experiential exhibits.  What is it?  🙂 A room partially filled with sump oil that reflects the room itself, and from other angles sky, people, clouds –…
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lotuseaterlight · 7 years
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lotuseaterlight · 7 years
Facebook pops up every few days with a ‘on this day’ reminder of what I was doing on that day however many years ago. This can be fun (or depressing, depending on if the same concerns keep coming up), but doesn’t always chronicle the things I want to remember.  So, here is my ad hoc series of memories – not necessarily on the exact day, but somewhere around it.  This has the benefit of making me go through the 100,000+ images I have to find something I want to enjoy again.
Christmas time, Xi’an.
Remembrancer Facebook pops up every few days with a 'on this day' reminder of what I was doing on that day however many years ago.
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lotuseaterlight · 7 years
Noise reduction
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lotuseaterlight · 7 years
Night photos are not easy to take, but I was challenged… A port city makes it a little easier, and what is more beautiful than ocean and cloud?
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Goodbye sun
Christmas boat
Moonlight over the port
Darkness my old friend Night photos are not easy to take, but I was challenged... A port city makes it a little easier, and what is more beautiful than ocean and cloud?
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