"hey why are all the barrier garments like linen shirts or chemises or combinations going away?"
"oh we have more washable fabrics now! you don't need to worry about sweat reaching your outer clothing when you can just chuck it in the washing machine!"
[100 years later]
"so uh all of those new washable fabrics are leaching microplastics into our water, and the constant machine-washing wears garments out faster. they're also not really sturdy enough to be mended, so we keep having to throw them out and now the planet is covered in plastic fabric waste that will never break down. also it turns out that the new washable fabrics hold odor-causing bacteria VERY well. so could we get those barrier garments back please?"
"sorry babe linen now costs $100000/yard and since it's been so long without them, nobody knows how to adapt barrier garments to the current styles anyway"
"maybe try this new $50 undershirt made of Special Sweat-Wicking Plastic Fabric! :) :) :)"
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im going to fucking die
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loudsongofwonderland · 2 months
While we’re on the topic of the Olympics. I’m fuming about how Imane Khelif is being attacked. Imane is an Olympic boxer from Algeria. For context. Imane is intersex. Born with a female reproductive system with XY chromosomes. Imane found herself boxing an Italian boxer who forfeited the match and called it unjust. That she had never been hit that hard in her life. Now people are reporting on this event and the amount of transphobia in the comments is BAFFLING. J.K Rowling tweeted about it being transphobic(per usual). So many uninformed/uneducated people are upset about it screaming for Imane to be disqualified or for the next person to boycott. Imane is being misgendered constantly. It’s so upsetting to see. Yall are so proud of Michael Phelps for literally being an anomaly. He has a lung capacity 150% larger than the average swimmer, lactic acid does not cause him soreness or stiffness, and has double jointed ankles!!!! He’s praised for his biological differences that have allowed him to dominate swimming at the Olympics. People aren’t mad that Shaquille O’Neal is 7’1 and at a genetic advantage over other men in the NBA. He’s praised. Meanwhile Caster Semenya(another intersex athlete) was barred from the Olympics because of her natural hormones!! In order for her to race against she will have to medically reduce those natural hormones to make it “fair” for other athletes.
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loudsongofwonderland · 2 months
reblog this if your account is a safe space for polyamorous and non-monag people or is owned by someone who is polyamorous or non-monogamous
op is a monogamous person who felt they haven't seen enough posts acknowledging this part of the queer community outside of non-monogamous circles and blogs
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loudsongofwonderland · 2 months
also if we're being real for a second, some of the men (and people in general) you need to keep the closest eye on in your life are ones who vocally attempt to distance themselves from their capacity for violence by identifying it as a function of porn or any other ~cultural degeneracy~ which they so righteously and graciously choose to abstain from
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loudsongofwonderland · 3 months
i think the normalization of laying out your own sexual trauma as a pre-amble to a (typically anti-kink) argument is a really dangerous discussion format that we should not be legitimizing. even beyond the fact that experiencing trauma in no way makes you a kinder, smarter, or better person, the demand that we re-open wounds and bare our vulnerabilities as "victim credentials" to (usually hostile) strangers is a bad bad bad fucking expectation to legitimize. i understand the desire to elevate survivors' voices and this absolutely has a place re: conversations about remedial justice and survivor resources. but the idea that one's understanding of systems of sexual violence can only be confirmed by falling victim to them and later willingly offering that trauma to others is equal parts fallacious and dangerous, and it further insults those of us whose advocacy and understanding come from years of study, research, and work, not from our victimization at the hands of another person. i understand it's the impulse to fire back when reactionaries open and end cap every argument with a gratuitous statement of trauma qualifications but you Cannot be ceding ground on this -- not just for reasons of intellectual integrity, but also because your fellow survivors deserve the right to advocate for our lives and communities without being expected to first divulge voyeuristic personal trauma narratives
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loudsongofwonderland · 3 months
Reblog this is your weight fluctuates. You've been big and small and in between. And you want others to see that it's more common than they think. It's normal, it's human.
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loudsongofwonderland · 4 months
I think I've made it very clear in every other thing I've written on the subject, but to me, it is exactly "wholesome" portrayals of heterosexual married life, fairy-tale romances, heterosexual love stories and love songs, that have the most insidious and warping effect on the development of children and their capacity to conceptualize sexuality in a healthy way. Indoctrinating boys and girls into the idea that a life that proceeds to heterosexual marriage and childbirth as a default is infinitely more harmful to that child than seeing a man in assless chaps in public
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loudsongofwonderland · 4 months
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the actual core reason why people will hand-wring and fearmonger over kink, and to a lesser extent body modification, and to a lesser extent than that extreme sports, then contact sports, etc. is because capitalism preserves the christian ideal of external ownership of the body (i.e. being "made in his image" and an extension of god) but offloads the divine onto labor and the production of capital, which is why you'll never see these people putting 1/100th the effort into spreading awareness about the fatality rates in logging, oil rigging, garbage collection, or any other inherently dangerous field. the sin isn't the destruction of one's own body, but instead the leisurely and "senseless" destruction of property and potential labor rightfully owned by capital. it's only self-destruction if you do it in your freetime. sorry i went off theme, boyhole girlspit dying bird motif etc
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Matilda (movie) remake where Trunchbull looks like one of those hyper feminine bleach blonde Republican women you see on talk shows as the token girl/eye candy. And then Miss Honey is a soft-hearted, handy, tie-wearing Butch.
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Reposting this because I need to materialize it somewhere.
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wait people sleep with their doors closed????
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pick your fighter
the ‘$1000 to go to Hawaii’ bride, the ‘I bought a $99 polygraph on amazon’ lady, or the ‘why was $200 so huge’ birthday girl
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As a European I have a question. Does anyone still doubt that the USA is a third world country with a couple of billionaires?
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