louie-dat-duck · 4 years
The theif and the princess
Webbys POV 
People are always talking about how they want to be a princess well it kinda sucks i can't do anything im stuck in a castle all day and when i leave im forced to be happy but tonight i'm gonna sneak out im gonna go outside I'm going to ditch my princess outfit im gonna eat normally and-
webbigail time for lunch my grandmother said i ran down stairs to get my lunch and ran back to my room to people watch i always this green boy and his brothers go on crazy adventures and taking things living on the edge im living on the safe side until my alarm went of normally saying bedtime my grandma came and said goodnight
Then i snuck out i was outside in without my mom's old princess outfit in random clothes (normal clothes) it was amazing i loved it then the green boy bumped in to me. Shoot sorry i didn't mean to he said its ok i said what's your name partner he asked im uhh webby and you i said
He took off his hoodie and said im louie duck im the worlds trixter he said and tripped on a stick
I chuckled at him and he was blushing hey how about we exchange numbers he said okay but i don't have a phone he gave me one
Don't you need a phone i asked confused please i stole this he gave me his number and said text me. Louie come on we have to go before the police come the red duck sayed okay okay jeez later he winked
Ok im not gonna lie he was cute and i think i was blushing whatever im going home i sneak back into my room and i noticed something stuck to my hand and read it it said go to funzos fun zone
The next day
I woke up and went to the dining room to see cold breakfast and a note from granny saying i went out on a trip I'll be back next weekend i went outside to funzos fun zone and saw a green jacket
Well geez took you long enough he said
All i saw after that was red
Louies pov
I look up and saw officer glomgold holding a gun bahahaha he laughed
And i punched his face and held webby bridal style and took her to the hospital is it possible to like someone you just met oh man im probably blushing hard but i don't care she woke up 1 day later and sayed louie duck i like you and im actually the princess she said uhh yeah i kinda knew you look exactly the same and have the same name kinda and i like you too i said and we kissed the door opened and it was the doctor oh shoot sorry he said naw it's all good can we go now i said yup i just checked you out ok
We walked out holding hands and louie came on we have to go home dewey said fine bye webbs i said
Ok this has gone on long enough blah blah blah we got married blah blah blah we had kids and lived happily ever after
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louie-dat-duck · 4 years
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