louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
I suppose it’s less light packing and more organized packing, which I indeed learned from traveling here and there. Sure, I’d love to. Especially when there are drinks involved.
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How can you move to a whole new place and pack light? Is that something you picked up from travelling a lot? Because honestly I can’t go away for the weekend without packing enough to last a year. You’d really help? Because I can offer drinks in exchange for making my apartment look less like I didn’t take out the trash for a year.
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
Right, I mean, we’ve been together for six years, so it’s hard to not stay close when you’ve been such friends with someone for so long, y’know? I am very grateful for them, that’s for sure.
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I have a feeling they’re not as rubbish as you try to make them seem. I’m glad to hear that despite the hiatus, you guys are still close. I’ve never been in a band, but I have a feeling something like that helps a lot.
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
Kind of taking a break professionally for now. Been trying to write some new things on my own in my free time, but I’m just rubbish at it, y’know? Usually don’t have to worry about that part. We’re on hiatus, but it really hasn’t been what I expected. We’re all so close that we’re in contact the majority of the time anyway, and we see each other pretty often. 
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Well, I’ve been all over the world too, but we’re talking about living space, right? So, what’s new with you? Any new music that you’re working on? Are you guys still all together or did hiatus start already?
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
I’ve been all around the world, and this place is special for sure. And as far as I’ve seen, the people are all lovely. I’m glad Harry-eh, my friend who we aren’t naming convinced me to come. 
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Oh, that’s definitely cheesy, but who says that cheesy is bad? I mean, I have tried the LA Life and all the other stuff… I’ve even been to New York for some time, but there’s no place like the Southern America for me. Nashville was where my music took off and now I’m in Texas, and that thought seems so big in my head, I don’t even know why.
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
Yeah, I’m definitely liking being closer to nature and all that. Sounds cheesy, but it’s true. London is lovely and it’ll always be home, but the city life - and smell - gets old sometimes. I’ve never taken in so much fresh air. It’s amazing.
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Well, first of all, it’s much warmer here, that’s always a plus for me. Then again… people seem to be much nicer here, or maybe it’s because I’m so biased about the South. I mean, Pennsylvania is home, of course, but my heart is in the South.
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
How’s it different from the South? Do you prefer one to the other? 
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Oh, I’ve heard about that from a few people already. Seemed like an interesting concept at the very least. Apparently it kicked off pretty quickly, too. And yeah, I am, originally. Moved to Tennessee when I was a teenager.
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
You’d be the hottest pregnant man this side of the Mississippi, that’s for sure, mate. I really am psyched for you. Yeah, wild child, bad boy, whatever you call it, that’s still me. Figured I’d see what trouble I could stir here. 
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I don’t really know how the birth part would go, but I think I’d look pretty cool with a baby bump. Thank you so much, mate. I’m y’know, thrilled. More than that but I’m trying not to go on about it too much. I have a couple of things in mind, but we haven’t really sat down to have that conversation yet. More of being the wild child of One Direction? And you had to bring that to my town? Just joking, kind of.
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
Well, not a movie so much as a series, but its called Stranger Things on Netflix. I’m sucked in. And I can see why, Texas is beautiful. You’re from up North, yeah?
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The movies always makes it better, unless there’s nothing good to watch. What did you pick? And I’ve been doing alright. Never knew how much I missed the South until I came here, really.
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
Well, I’m glad she’ll be having her, because you birthing a child would be a sight to see. That’s awesome, man. I’m so happy for you. Any names picked out yet? And I’ve been good, more of the same.
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So, so great. More than that really. Okay, brace yourself. I’m going to have a daughter. Soon-ish. And I mean I won’t be having her myself, but my girlfriend will be… And that’s pretty much the same. I’m rambling. Anyway. What’s going on with you?
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
Yep, the one and only. I’m in Monterey, so I won’t be far from the nightlife. What about you?
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It’s lovely to meet you too! Um… Louis, right? And yeah, it’s a place easy to get used to, really. Where did you settle in?
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
Yes, I watched a few, so that made it at least bearable. How’ve you been, getting used to things alright?
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Good, at this point, the less we talk about it the better. Oh, snoring flight-mates is the worst, but hopefully you have a fun film to watch? 
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
So great? Not just plain great? What’s been going on, man? 
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You’re being nice to me? Tommo, I’m disappointed. I am so great, mate. It’s so nice to have you in town, I have so much to catch you up on.
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
Light packer, love. But I’m open to help anytime. Lovely to meet you as well, not-so-familiar-face. 
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Did you seriously manage to move all of your stuff in that quickly? Because if you did, I might need to hire you to help me finished unpacking. Anyway, I’m Lily and I might not be the most familiar of faces, but it’s lovely to meet you all the same.
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
Never, I’d say. How are you, man? 
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Mate, when have I ever been wrong about anything?
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
Well, new faces are always fun, yeah? Lovely meeting you, Ksenia. I’m sure I’ll get used to things fairly quickly. 
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Well, I may not be a familiar face, but let me welcome you here! It’s definitely a lovely place and you’re probably going to enjoy the say. I’m Ksenia, welcome to Maple Lakes!
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
Ha, yes, I know. Hi, Taylor. Very excited to be here. Everything went well, other than my seatmate snoring for the entire flight, but at least I’m here, yeah?
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I would thank Harry for spreading the good feedback about this place, but – you know… It’s lovely to have you here, Louis! How was the trip to here? Everything’s alright?
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louiswilliamml-blog · 8 years
Yes, he was, but please don’t tell him that. Ha. Nice to meet you, Dianna. I sure hope so. 
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Harry was definitely right, isn’t this place beautiful?! Welcome to town Louis, I’m sure you’re going to fit right in.
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