loup-garou-noir · 11 years
This Blog Is Closing It's Doors
If you wish to speak with me send a message because I'm moving on.
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
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My latest photo set design… Spiritual Nikki :)
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
If someday the moon calls you by your name don’t be surprised, Because every night I tell her about you.
Shahrazad al-Khalij (via travelingnymph)
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
“Mmmhmm, if you would please.” He countered in a polite way, minding his manners as best as he could in the presence of a lady - who was different than the usual that flocked around him. Dex was like her in more ways than she knew, he too was a hard worker and put his blood, sweat and tears into every project he took on. Owner of Déjà Vu, Check. Pack Master of the notorious Motley Pack, Check. He was a busy body and a motivated man who fought hard for what he got but he also knew how to play hard.
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Dex’s head tilted back slightly as he let a devilish cackle fly. “Now I may have to take the chance on that!” He rumbled, highly amused at the spectacle they no doubt would make, the both of them. The Wolf looked back over at the bartender and caught his attention; he made a gesture with his hand for ‘another round’ and mouthed the words until the bartender nodded in understanding. “Shhh, neither have I and my aim is probably atrocious!” He blurted out before finishing off his first drink in three, long gulps.
Night Life || Cordelia and Dex
"Dex, then…" Cordelia muttered, taking a sip of her beer. She had obviously touched a delicate spot saying that name. She decided to surpress her curiosity about why would he despise it, and listened to his words with interest. She envied his careless way of thinking and his laid back attitude. It was so hard for her to relax and let go of her responsibilities for just a second.
"Unless you want to send someone to the hospital, you should not play darts with me." Cordelia smiled, looking down to her drink and taking another gulp. "I haven’t played in years and, to be honest, my aim is probably still awful."
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
Dex looked back at Aleksander, “You got it gent!” He lifted his chin and pointed at the young man in a playful way. The Wolf was generous when he wanted to be, he liked living the life where finer things flocked to him by the dozen but he had not become so jaded he wouldn’t share a bit with others. Was he picky about with whom he decided to share it with? Of course, that was to be expected because Dex Royce worked hard for every God damn penny he owned.
“Thaaat is the nature of the beast, to always hunt. The thirst or hunger is never slaked m’boys.” Dex rumbled in a gravelly voice, before taking a long sip from his glass and sending a charming smirk to a pretty blonde who sat at the table of ladies across from them. As Aleksander slipped into wing-man mode and left Rowe and Dex standing there pondering whether their night was going to take a turn for the wild or not the Wolf could not help but break into a breathy chuckle. There was something so familiar about this situation, and Dex stared at Aleksander white he thought of only one word. Devil.  “He’s a bit of a devil. That one, but in a good way…” He shared with Rowe before following him over to the table of beauties vying for their attention.
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The one that caught Dex’s eye had hair the color of spun gold and he could not wait to trail his long fingers through the luxurious veil. The tall Wolf met her amber colored eyes and gave her a charming, and confidant smile as he circled the table coming up behind her. He leaned over and sat his drink on the table before he spoke in a low, gravelly whisper. “Hallo gorgeous, m’names Dex. May I be so bold as to ask a lady for her name?” 
A gentlemen's night out || Aleksander, Dexter and Rowe
Aleksander looked at Dex, fascinated, while  he was putting on the counter a generous amount of cash for the bartender. Dex was a gentleman, in every possible way, willing to offer his two buddies the fun of the night. “Next time is on me bro..” said Aleksander. He felt he was in debt with him, of course Dex wouldn’t mind for his friends, but Aleksander needed to offer him at least one unforgettable gentlemen’s night out. 
Brotherhood in arms code. Aleksander smirked hearing that sentence, but it was exact to establish the bond between those three devils: brothers, no man should be left behind by his brothers, no man left alone. And Aleksander knew that Dex needed that night out, everybody does from time to time. Game was on. “Wanna hunt, black wolf?” He asked, smirking at the table in front of him. “Fine by me, let’s  have some fun.” Said Aleksander taking the glass in his hand. 
He knew Dex had a certain charm on ladies, so did Rowe, but he was not less. He approached the table and smiling, his best smile, he asked politely: “Hello ladies.. Me and my friends there..” pointing at  Dex and Rowe “We would like to offer you a drink..for a beautiful night out.. Shall we?” He stared at one of them, curly brown hair and emerald eyes. Intriguing. “I guess so..” Said one of them, smiling. “Thank you..” Said Aleksander calling the waiter. “These ladies here, make them everything they want..” 
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
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Got bored.
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
Dex turned and looked back at her, a peculiar look across his dark and handsomely featured face. “Yes, I will hold you to it. Like, hold you to that promise.” He paused and then a devilish smile crept to his lips. “There is definitely a lot of ways to make sure something is held fast.” A sly twinkle in his lightly colored eyes gave away the undertones the man referred to before he broke into an infectious chuckle.
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The Wolf had felt her jump under his touch but he did not acknowledge it.  He felt it would make her even more uncomfortable, and he realized she probably had a fear of intimacy. Just being around people, and interacting was probably hard for her, but he knew she was tough she handled it every day she worked under the roof of Déjà Vu, did she not? Or perhaps, he really was thaaat intimidating. “You are one of those?” He teased, and then nodded gently. “As am I, and the full moon is only a couple weeks away.” Dex took a deep breath, anything could happen this time around. Last month he ran into a couple of strange lone wolves, the thought made him shake his head in confusion. But, it was better than crossing paths with a batch of hunters. “Do you have plans for the full moon? What do you usually do anyways Ahna?”
Thick Leather and Soft Fur || Ahna and Dex
Ahna shivered a little as he moved himself closer to her. She assumed it was out of nervousness, being that his body warmth was enough to satisfy her needs. She was tense for several moments until she told herself, You need to relax… and she rolled her shoulders in an attempt to seem less fragile and antsy to get away. It wasn’t often that she was in such close proximity to a woman — much less a man. How long had it been? Too long. “It’s good,” her voiced barely managed to pipe up. She really hadn’t drank much of her drink due to the anxiety and the butterflies in her stomach, but the few sips she had taken suited her well.
She rested her hands in her lap, removing her shield and suddenly feeling bare again. She fought back the urge to replace her arms. “Hold me to it?” she couldn’t help but laugh lightly. Hold you to it, her mind vanished to dark places that she was sure many woman had gone to whilst around him. “I’ll be glad if you do so…” she whispered, “and if I get to show you my collection.”
She jumped a little internally at the placement of his hand on her thigh. Once again, she hadn’t been touched in a very long time and it was invigorating. She followed the direction of his finger, glaring up at the dark blanket called the sky. “Oh, really? Mm, I’m one of those,” she said softly, admiring the stars but unable to see the constellation. She never was well at deciphering the star patterns; she only admired them as separate little babies of the night.
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
Keeping It Up To Date || Molly & Dex
Molly: It's like being a supernatural ninja, so it's definitely a career move. I have another job as well. Well you are a pervert, I know that at least. I'm not in for slutting around, I'm classier than that. Oh and I smile plenty just not around you.
So where exactly did you hear about the werewolf? Death is futile, it will happen one day.
I'm far from a square.
Dex: Thank you for that lovely visual now stuck in my head, supernatural ninja. I may have hot blood, but even I have standards about whom I chase. A classy dame that smiles often? We must be talking of two different people.
Where do you think? People drink, tongues wag, information drops like a bomb. And yes death will come, for us all.
I have to wonder what you'd be like drunk. Sleepy, and relaxed or all giggly and flirty? The world may never know! Because Mad Molly is a square chicken who won't go on one silly little date.
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
Keeping It Up To Date || Molly & Dex
Molly: Hunting is a career Dex. Being a stalker gets you on the known pedophile lists. Yes skin you. Oh fuck off Dex, you won't be so turned on when your missing that so called body part.
And I am supposed to believe that you actually heard something? Or are you just trying to lur me in to your flea invested trap? I'd rather drop dead then go out with you.
I don't want a chicken in first place. Hatching doesn't sound as much fun as smashing.
Dex: Oh is that what your calling the massacre of supernaturals, a career move? Pretty bleak, no room for promotions. I may be many things, but the last time I checked you were not a little girl. Get your fuck on Molly, maybe you'll have smile on that pretty face.
Believe what you want. Rather drop dead? Be careful what you wish for.
🐔 I hear what your saying but I still think you're a 🐔
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
Keeping It Up To Date || Molly & Dex
Dex: The Hunter becomes the hunted, found your digits I did. Now what about that date? Or are you too chicken? Bock, Bock, Bock!
Molly: What the hell wolfman? You taking your feral disease to another level and adding stalker to the list? I'd rather skin you alive then be seen with you. I'm no chicken and you know it.
Dex: Stalking, hunting -its all a fine line of which we all walk don't you think? Skin me? I like it when this kinky side of yours comes out, such a turn on~
Thought you may want to know about the rumor this Wolf's ears picked up on about a certain odd Wolf running around.
But....you gotta pay the price in order to get what you want.
The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it MadMolly. 🐔
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
Dex hardly paid attention to the table he suddenly bumped into as his gaze rested on the dancing figure before him; it’d been a while since someone on the dance floor had caught his attention. Made him do a double take. Most often times he’d become de-sensitized to it all. The tall, dark haired Wolf struggled for words. “Uhhh, huh.” He mumbled like a loon, before his light green eyes glanced away offering him a moment to collect himself as he slid his glasses back on. A discreet way to hide his eyes that would betray him in an instant. “Maybe…” He muttered in a low whisper and pushed a stool by the table, trying to cover up his bumble. “No one was. Yeah, you could say that m’dear.” Dex slipped into his usual cocky demeanor and swaggered on over to the dance floor. “I’d ask you the same but I can see yah have broken a sweat.” He rasped taking out a handkerchief and handing it to her with a charming smile.
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The Wolf chuckled at her tease as he stood in front of her, pulling out his cell phone and scrolling through it as a message beeped at him. “Yeah, unless you come up with something funner?” He teased with no shame, before lifting his chin and flashing her a flirtatious grin. “You better be ready to break that new dance out for the clientele that’s gonna be knockin’ on our day later this week. Gonna be a big group of people coming in!” He confided to her, as an unwavering smile made its way to his lips. Dex was a good businessman and he damn well knew it, but this arrangement was leaving him especially pumped.
She Needs Rock & Roll || Kat & Dex
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
Keeping It Up To Date || Molly & Dex
Dex: The Hunter becomes the hunted, found your digits I did. Now what about that date? Or are you too chicken? Bock, Bock, Bock!
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
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Design I did today to go into my next photo set: Spiritual Nikki
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
Would you sacrifice yourself for a loved one?
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Even as a Pack Master, with that added responsibility on my shoulders my answer will always be…
and shall remain… … …
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loup-garou-noir · 11 years
Dex’s cool green eyes looked up at her, she was the only one that ever called him that, ‘Wolf Daddy’ nicknames were terms of endearment and it never really bothered him. Usually he was quick to give a nickname to someone he was fond of. “I dunno guess he’s got more power behind those hips then most people know about.” Dex chuckled at the idea, the youthful man was blessed with energy that was for sure, and he worked the crowd into a mod of crazed lunatics a time or twice. The Wolf nodded politely as he listened to her speak of her evening, he had nothing to add for his was pretty low key after all the drama cleared up.
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The Wolf’s keen sense picked up on the slight dip in her voice; she was nervous, almost panicked -but about what? Something was awry, something was wrong. Dex mirrored her movements, leaning forward in his chair and slowly bringing his coffee cup to his lips. He paused, “Go ahead…” He whispered, as if this was a top secret matter. “I’m all ears m’dear.” The Wolf rasped before taking a long, leisurely sip of his black coffee while he waited for whatever it was that was so important to be shared. 
When It's Time || Rikki & Dex
Rikki sipped on her coffee, watching the tourists and locals alike walk to wherever they were going. It was a beautiful morning, and things were finally going into place for the tattooed werewolf. The only obstacle left was telling her dear Alpha what her plans were, and she didn’t know how well he was going to take the news that she was leaving Deja Vu for much bigger and better things. It was hard to do so, but she needed to. The man was doing fine on his own, and didn’t need her as much as he thought he did. Rikki wanted to start her own business, be successful in her own way and hopefully make her Alpha proud of her. She was tired of Deja Vu; she had so many ideas, especially in a fashion sense and she wanted to take a dab at it, hopefully being successful like Dex was in his strip club. 
The she-wolf looked at Dex with nothing but love in her eyes, smiling as she listened to him. It seemed he was having a horrible week, and that made her even more nervous about letting him know what her plans were, but she needed to be brave and say it once and for all. “I will make sure to call the proper people to have that fix Wolf Daddy, what the hell was Rowe doing in the fucking first place?” she asked. She frowned at his next statement, and continued to sip her coffee. “My night was alright, went home after the club closed and watched TV, played some guitar, you know, the usual..” she admitted. It had been a boring night, and after reading her contract for the millionth time, she finally settled in and watched mindless TV until she fell asleep. 
Rikki leaned forward in her seat, taking a deep breath then exhaling slowly as brown eyes looked at Dex. 
“I need to tell ya something, and it isn’t easy to do so…”
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