love-elijah · 1 year
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Rebirth BATMAN and X-Treme X-Men STORM
Digital Commission
🦇 ⚡️
#Batman #Storm #XMen
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love-elijah · 1 year
It had felt like a fairly productive day, so Elijah was feeling pretty good about things. Though she hadn't gotten the third chair filled in her shop like she'd hoped (which was disappointing), business was surprisingly steady, and considering she had done better than breaking even the last 6 months, how could she complain? She was wrapping up for the day and sterilizing her instruments when she heard the bell above the door sound. Elijah hurried to the front, beaming smile, eyes bright. "Hey!" Elijah bounced on her toes and waved. "First, Welcome to Love Ink, hopefully future patron. I am happy to tell you all about my work, and I have a ton of awesome visuals. Ooo... " She ran over to the front desk and pulled her book filled with photos of her work, both tattoos and paintings. "I'm Elijah by the way." She dashed back over so that she was standing in front of the potential customer. "Here you go." She handed him her book, dazzling smile still dancing across her lips. "I actually dabble in a few different styles personally: traditional, neo traditional, watercolor, black and grey, Japanese, abstract, ooo and we have micro-Mondays if you're interested in testing the waters with something small. Its a very collaborative process. It's forever and I always want my clients to leave feeling happy they came to see me.... Have any questions? Want to sit down?" She gestured to the couch in the waiting area. "Water? Ooo I have this really wild cran-pineapple juice that's pretty good."
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where: Love Ink who: Elijah Love @love-elijah
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Leon had walked past Love Ink more times than he cared to admit, stopping just outside the door a few times before he would continue to walk farther, turn around and trek back towards the tattoo parlor. He knew he probably looked a little silly pacing back and forth like that, but, getting the courage to go into the shop was something he just hadn't quite gotten yet. Though, as he made his last loop, he tugged on the handle of the door, letting himself walk inside, sighing as he looked around. Despite his record with the crew he used to hang out with back a few years ago, Leon didn't have a single tattoo or piercing and he wanted to see about changing that. He ran his hand nervously through his hair and he offered the other a small smile, but primarily as a reason to calm himself. "I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about what your tattoo style preference is? I'm thinking of maybe getting something on my arm.."
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love-elijah · 1 year
Elijah sort of half sat half kneeled behind the front desk straightening up the display case when she heard someone come inside her shop. She popped her head up and smiled, but just as she was fully standing and about to greet the man in front of her, he began to speak. As he talked about the woes of raising a teenager, a.k.a. a big toddler, the word "No" was very difficult for both groups to handle, E walked around to stand beside him. "hmm..." She tilted her head thoughtfully, giving everything he'd said careful consideration, noting the designs he'd looked over and storing that in the back of her mind. "Well I have not officially raised a teenager before, but I know that telling them they cant have or do something just makes it oh so much more enticing." A small chuckle escaped from her lips. "Do you think you could barter? Make him feel like he has some control and autonomy. Maybe get him something like these..." she grabbed a couple faux nose rings off a shelf and held them up. "He could try these out for a while ... until he's older, then you both could maybe come back and get... something together" Elijah giggled and gave a scrunched nose smile. "I've had this septum piercing since I was like 16, rebellion and all that jazz. 17 isn't so bad. They also close really quickly, and the process itself is pretty quick." She walked slowly over to the piercing station gesturing to be followed. "We are very serious about our sterilization AND we give out stickers and Lolli's." Another soft giggle fell from Elijah's lips. "We prefer piercing needles over piercing guns for a number of reasons, including speed of healing and less damage to the tissue. Last but not least, we don't do anything here to 17 year olds without parental consent, so if he's sneaking off to get it done, it won't be here."
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who: Elijah Love @love-elijah where: Love Ink
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"So tell me, how can I convince my 17 year old foster son that he can't get his nose pierced until he turns 18?" Kyler started, looking at all of the tattoo designs that were on the wall of the parlor. "Or preferably never, but, at least for another few months." he sighed again, looking at the other. Being the father figure or a kid going through a rebellious stage wasn't for the faint of heart, and even though Kyler wouldn't trade being Greyson's 'dad' for anything, but raising a teenager was not for the faint of heart. "He doesn't seem to take the word no for an answer, so, if you don't have any advice to help me tell him no, can you at least show me the procedure you would do so I can be prepared for whenever it does happen?" he sighed. "How do nose piercings work?"
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love-elijah · 1 year
Art was Elijah's favorite form of expression. She loved feeling like she could create things that could move people, that could free people, that could give people peace... and 'people' included herself. Because she knew how much art had given her, Elijah knew she needed to give it back to others. Thats why being a tattoo artist called to her, as did volunteering to teach art at Las Rio's community center. She loved the look in someone's eyes when they finally made a break through. Hearing all about new ideas and future creations made her excited. And it was usually just a fun time all around. There were times when guidance beyond the right technique was needed, and she didn't mind that at all.
It was a pretty quiet day at the shop so instead of spending most of it creating meaning on people's skin, Elijah was stuck doing inventory and paying bills. Business ownership wasn't always the most fun thing in the world, but because of that she was more excited than usual for that day's class. She set up a clean stretch of white construction paper, canvases were costly and for the students, and began sketching out Orishas, Iya Nla and Moremi Ajasoro, in chalk as she greeted the incoming students. Once everyone was in and settled, Elijah went over the intention for the day, and once that was done she floated through the room offering assistance when absolutely necessary but mostly helped people talk through ideas and provided words of encouragement.
Elijah heard a soft sigh next to her. She took a step back to look at what seemed to cause the disappointment. "Well Ro, I think that this could change the direction of the painting maybe this was the universe telling you this flower has a broken petal. Her brow furrowed slightly as she tilted her head in slight consideration. "This can definitely be salvaged, and there are lots of ways to go with this. A flower can be a simple flower but if you're feeling something more complex... there is a lot that can be done here. And don't forget perfect art is whatever feels good to you. She bounced on her heals and nodded matter-of-factly. "I want this to be fun for you too, so tell me, how do you see this going? Or do you want me to throw some specific ideas at you?"
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Closed Starter: @love-elijah
Rosemary was the type of person who liked to be good at everything she did. Which of course made it annoying to her when she wasn't instantly good at something. While she wasn't a quitter, it was always hard for her to struggle. She had thought art was going to be something she was naturally good at, but that was proving not to be the case.
Rosemary had been doing lessons with Elijah at the community center, and while she thought she was getting a little bit better, there was still improvement to do. She had just messed up a petal she'd been painting and let out a sigh. The painting had been going really well too, so it was a bit of a shame. "Do you think it is a lost cause or can I fix it?"
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love-elijah · 1 year
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Vitiligo Plants –  (Yuumei) Wenqing Yan
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love-elijah · 1 year
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Haru Udu
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love-elijah · 1 year
He had to work today and it wasn’t too bad pretty basic day with normal appointments for the pets that came in. He liked when that happened that it wasn’t anything that caused a pet a lot of harm. The day’s something bad happened or an emergency came in was the worst. That was the hard part of being a vet that didn’t always even out to the good. That he got to see all sorts of animals all day long and loved to see them. But the hard side as you saw the sad stuff, the scary stuff too. Days, when that happened, was the worst, and the part he did not like.
Michah loved to take his dog to the park, his dog loved it they both did really. He just liked to keep his dog happy and this place did that for his dog. Fresh was one he had in the office with him a lot, so a lot of the people that came in with their pets knew his dog. Who was so sweet was pretty much the office mascot.
He looked over to see a face he knew since he cared for her cat over the past few years. He smirked a moment as Fresh was excited wagging their tail and licking at her face. “I was going to say that would hurt if you only said hello to my boy” he chucked as he saw Fresh trying to give Elijah his toy to play with.
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Elijah, smirked slightly, finally standing upright in front of Micah. “Of course fresh is my guy, so he gets the first hello, but I could never forget my favorite animal doc!” She bounced on her toes and she swiped Fresh’s toy and started tossing it from hand to hand behind her back. Elijah was really considering getting a dog, and the cute dog happily hopping around trying to retrieve his toy definitely made the desire grow deeper.
“How goes it, friend? Save any cute animals today?” Elijah wrested the toy away from Fresh before tossing it in the air and catching it. “I need to get Selena in to see you. Her allergies are going crazy again. My poor miserable baby.” A small pout formed as she thought about the sneezing runny nosed cat. But she bounced back quickly with another little bounce on her heals. “Oh, ooo, I did a  blue and white parakeet tattoo on a guy who was very tall and muscle-y and definitely didn’t look like a parakeet lover … but that’s not the point. He has a new feather baby and I told him about you so, does this mean we’re partner vets now? Can we have a veterinarian firm called Smirnov and Love?”
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She giggled softly as finally lost hold of the toy and fresh did a victory hop dance around her.
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love-elijah · 1 year
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Irina Sadykova
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love-elijah · 1 year
what does love mean to you?
Love means warmth and passion and safety and beauty and overcoming and forgiveness and frustration and empathy and fantastic sex
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love-elijah · 1 year
Elijah’d had a stressful day. A young woman had booked an appointment for a medium sized simple lilac lily... but it turned into a large full bouquet tattoo at the clients demand. This put her behind for her entire day, plus being yelled at was no bueno, for Elijah. She needed to decompress after that day and nothing helped her release her stress like a long run. Elijah looked down at the green eyed black cat and smiled. “I would take you with me, Selena, but you’re a butthead and don’t know how to act on a leash.”  She stuck her tongue out at the feline and giggled. After putting food in the kitty’s bowl, spreading a few well placed treats out, and gulping the last of her freshly brewed coffee, Elijah grabbed her water bottle and headed out of her teeny apartment.
Elijah liked to move her runs around town at a variety of spots, but running through the park made for some of her favorite views, great people watching and an excuse to search for more crystals and cool rocks... the park won for that day hands down. She started at a relaxed pace slowly bringing up her heart rate. Popping in her earbuds, Elijah began to play her 80s Rap and Rock playlist before picking up her speed. She sang softly along to ‘Bust A Move’ by Young MC. Just as she felt her breathing pick up from the added running arm dances, Elijah saw a familiar fluff ball. A large smile spread across her face as she darted in the direction of the not-so-puppy puppy.
Elijah knelt down in front of the canine, smiling even more brightly, and scratched behind his ears. “Fresh! Did you miss me so bad? I missed you, silly.” Elijah attempted to calm the pup as she pressed her forehead against the top of Fresh’s head. And though calm came it quickly dissipated as they parted slightly. Elijah looked from the dog to the man and back again, before speaking and this time not to Fresh. “Don’t worry, I’m going to say hi to you too.” A soft chuckle escaped as she gave the dog one more head scratch, before she stood and actually gave Micah her undivided attention. “Hey friend, How are you and this handsome fella doing?”
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Michah was out after work and was enjoying taking a lap around the park with his own dog. That was a white pit bull that he took in a few years ago after it got left at his vet's office. He was a good dog, sweet and funny, and wouldn't hurt a fly. Even though he was left at the vet, more like dumped for being a mean dog. When it was the past owners just never did anything with him so he was hyper. He was just walking today and letting his dog Fresh run around on his long lead since no one was that close by to him.
He smiled as his dog ran around with this toy a stuffed pig that he clearly loved very much. He was happy to see the dog all happy and crazy with the stuffed pig. "Silly dog" he muttered with a smile as the dog was tossing the to around and playing.
He smiled as he did scan the area to see if other people or dogs were coming. His dog was friendly but who knew what the other person or dog was like so he liked to keep his eyes out for someone that he soon saw coming. "Idite syuda" (come here) he said asking his dog to come in Russian. Even his dog knew Russian did mean business really. He quickly picked up his dog and moved to stand by Michah's side. "sidet"(sit) he said asking the dog to sit.
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love-elijah · 1 year
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love-elijah · 1 year
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love-elijah · 2 years
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Alexandra Timchenko
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love-elijah · 2 years
Send “🧐“ for a CURIOUS text. (Elijah)
Text: Are tattoos on legs still sleeves or are they pant legs?
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love-elijah · 2 years
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Jennifer Paxton Parker  – Through the Flowers
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love-elijah · 2 years
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love-elijah · 2 years
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Jurassic World: Dominion (2022)
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