love-karens-style · 5 days
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Song School
(source: © glitter purple heels/fanpop.com, image design credit: Karen Francis/A+ Signature)
"You got me feeling hella good, so let's just keep on dancing."
Lyrics from the song, ‘Hella Good,’ by No Doubt...
No Doubt - Hella Good (youtube.com)
Love, KF X
This post was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 20th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 5 days
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School of Style – Purple Polish: 3 Fast Facts
(source: © pinterest.com)
“Confidence in your teeth makes you smile more.” –Dr. Uchenna Okoye
1. Top Teeth – Ladies, allow me to begin this article, by discussing the model’s stunning smile. I think it’s safe to say, that having immaculate oral hygiene works wonders for your well-being, health and appearance. My words can be backed by brilliant beautician, Susie Galvez, who, in her book, Hello Beautiful: 365 Ways to Be Even More Beautiful smartly suggested, “Schedule a teeth-whitening session with your dentist. It is one of the most effective and affordable ways to brighten your face.” Ladies, I’d like to kindly add, that, should you wish to get your teeth whitened professionally, please remember to book an appointment with your helpful hygienist, for a ‘deep clean’ to remove stubborn stains (if any), to enhance the effectiveness of your teeth whitening treatment, for best results. As well ladies, I must also advise, that many years ago, (I think I was a teenager! I am now 36. Wow, how time flies) I read in a magazine, that the shade of white that you decide to choose for your teeth, should ideally be the same shade as the whites of your eyeballs.
2. Sophisticated Shirt – In next place ladies, I’d like to dedicate this paragraph, to the model’s stylish shirt. As you may have noticed ladies, the shirt completely complements her complexion, and makes her (fake) tan pop. Furthermore, ladies, I absolutely appreciate the fact that The White Shirt can be dressed up, as above, or dressed down with say, denim, making it a very versatile garment. In her book, Dress to Impress: How to Look Good and Feel Your Best Everyday, amazing author Brigitte Nioche, rightly reminded me that, “There is no cleaner, fresher feeling than putting on a nicely pressed pure cotton blouse or shirt.” Ladies, based on my fashion work experience, and based on my extensive reading, I don’t think I’ve seen or heard the words, “White shirts are out of style,” which makes them a sound investment, as I firmly believe that The Classic White Shirt will forever be in fashion.
3. Lower Look – Ladies, the final point that I’d like to share with you, is about the lower-half of the model’s overall outfit, i.e. The Stunning Skirt. As you may have noticed ladies, the model is not wearing a lot jewellery (with the exception of a couple of rings). No bangle, no bracelet, no necklace, no anklet, no fuss. Why? Well, if you ask me, I’d say it’s probably because her Sequinned Statement Skirt, is the main focal point of the outfit. And we wouldn’t want any accessories to be in competition with the model’s Statement Skirt. Because I’m sure you know by now, that “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance,” in the wise words of Coco Chanel.
Love, KF X                                                                                            
Happy to help: [email protected] or karens_style on X (Twitter)
This article was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 20th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 5 days
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Song School
(source: © image design credit: Karen Francis/Muzy)
“Got my Ray-Bans on, and I'm feelin' hella cool tonight.”
Lyrics from the song, 'Cheers (Drink To That),' by Rihanna…
Rihanna - Cheers (Drink To That) (youtube.com)
Love, KF X
This post was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 20th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 5 days
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School of Style – Purple Poise: 3 Fast Facts
(source: © Tom Ford Fall 2022 Menswear Fashion Show, as featured in Vogue online, via pinterest.com)
“Be well-dressed, behave like a gentleman, and keep your shoes shined.” –Joseph Abboud
1. Leather Loafers – In first place gentlemen, allow me to take your attention to the model’s fabulous footwear. Shoes gentlemen, as many fashion experts would agree, have the power to ‘make’ or ‘break’ an outfit. Gentlemen, did you notice the horsebit detailing on the model’s tassle loafers? This is a nod to the elegant equestrian style, rendering the shoe style totally timeless, as equestrian elegance will never go out of style. Gentlemen, I have previously advised you, not to be followers of fashion fads, as fashion fads will ultimately go out of style, which is why I am definitely delighted that the model is wearing a pair of clearly classic shoes. I also appreciate the fact that, the model’s footwear is perfectly polished. This is indeed important, because “A pair of clean, well-polished shoes… indicates orderliness and an appreciation of standards,” a significant style statement by Robert O’Byrne, in his book, The Perfectly Dressed Gentleman. Gentlemen, getting into the habit of carefully caring for your shoes, is crucial for making a fabulous first impression, when you meet someone new. The importance of properly presented shoes, has been ingrained into my head by my father, who, when I was growing up, and was getting ready for school, would constantly remind me, "Karen, polish your shoes, you have to look smart." I suppose that is why the model's shoes was one of the first things I noticed in this instance.
2. Statement Shades – Now gentlemen, as you’re probably aware, sunglasses are not just fun for fashion, but also serve as a shield from the sun. Gentlemen, it must be mentioned that the skin around the eye area is definitely delicate and is unfortunately prone to fine lines and wrinkles. I am therefore grateful, for the relevant reminder, by Lynn Roan, who, in her book, Skincare: A Guide for Men and Women of Color, marvellously mentioned that “The way to protect your eyes… apart from using sunscreen, could be to wear sunglasses.” Gentlemen, please be sure to invest in a pair of sunglasses, with lenses that provide 100 per cent UV (Ultra Violet) protection, (if you haven’t already) to help reduce the chances of developing fine lines and wrinkles, around your fragile eye area, and remember to treat your eye area with extra care, by using your ring finger (the lightest finger) to gently pat in products, such as eye cream.
3. Minimal Mess – Gentlemen, on a final note, it makes me habitually happy to see, a fuss-free finish, in any outfit. As you may have noticed, the model’s glamorous glasses are not the only obvious accessory, and it could be argued, that the model’s beautiful bow tie also serves as an accessory. This is because, it is an oversized statement piece, in vibrant velvet, which is a terrific twist on the traditional bow tie. I am therefore glad and grateful, that this fine and fun accessory, was not upstaged by abundant accessories, such as unnecessary rings or a bracelet, perhaps. Because as usual, gentlemen, “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” Coco Chanel.
Love, KF X                                                                                            
Happy to help: [email protected] or karens_style on X (Twitter)
This article was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 20th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 7 days
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Song School
(source: © glitter and hearts wallpaper/wallpapers.com, image design credit: Karen Francis/A+ Signature)
"Now I got a lesson, that I wanna teach."
Lyrics from the song, ‘Don't Mind,’ by Kent Jones...
Kent Jones - Don't Mind in the Live Lounge (youtube.com)
Love, KF X
This post was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 19th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 7 days
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Fuchsia Fashion Find
(the above photo, is of one of my most recent personal purchases, accompanied by a handwritten note, from myself)    
“Believe in yourself. How can you expect anyone to believe in you and your ideas if you don't believe in them yourself?” Kelly Hoppen CBE
“The most important day of a person's education is the first day of school, not graduation day.” Harry K. Wong
“Remember, it isn't selfish to pursue goals or needs that are important to you. It's actually selfish not to. If you aren't a partner in taking care of your needs, you'll unconsciously be resentful towards others for not meeting your needs.” From the book, 'The Power of Positive Self-Talk,' by Kim Fredrickson
Love, KF X
This post was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 19th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 11 days
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Song School
(source: © feminine wallpaper/pinterest.com, image design credit: Karen Francis/A+ Signature)
"Hair done, nails done, my lip gloss be shiny."
Lyrics from the song, ‘Barbie Girl,’ by Tori V...
Tori V - Barbie Girl (Official Music Video) (youtube.com)
Love, KF X
This post was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 15th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 11 days
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School of Style – Sexy Suit: 3 Fast Facts
(source: © pinterest.com)
“Nude nail polish wins hands down over intricate nail art.” –Ashley Madekwe
1. Neutral Nails – Ladies, I wish to begin today’s edition, by talking about the model’s nails, which, in my view, are clearly classy. As a general rule in the beauty business ladies, short nails look best with coloured nail polish, and long nails are complemented by nude or natural shades of nail polish. Nude nails, ladies, gives the impression of a clean and conservative image, making it ideal for business or boardroom meetings, as well as in the workplace. Ladies, I came across an infinitely important quote, in Carmen Electra’s brilliant book, How to Be Sexy, which is that you should “Never neglect your hygiene and grooming.” In my opinion ladies, there is no better feeling than having a fresh and feminine manicure, that will make you feel like you are ready to take on the world. I understand the positive impact that great grooming can have on your self-confidence, which is why I ventured into the beauty industry, in late 2009.
2. Belted Blazer – Secondly ladies, I’d like to move on to discuss the model’s brilliant belt. As you know, accessories rarely go out of style, making them a pretty much, safe investment, from my perspective. As you can see from the above image ladies, the belt pulls the model in at the waist, which creates the illusion of curves. I also believe that the belt adds a ‘fun factor’ to the outfit. Moreover, in her book, 365 Style, admirable author, Nicky Hilton rather rightly stated that, “By adding a few accessories to an outfit, you can transform, update or set apart from your look instantly.” Never underestimate the power of accessories, ladies. And the good news is, they needn’t necessarily cost you an arm and a leg.
3. Cleavage Clue – Lastly ladies, I’d like to close and conclude, by discussing the model’s décolleté area. Ladies, based on my fashion work experience, I can safely say that actually, cleavage acts as a subtle ‘accessory.’ Therefore, there is never really any need to over accessorise with say, a large statement necklace. Had the model’s stylist dressed her in a large necklace, this would likely have resulted in her décolleté being in competition with the larger necklace. So ladies, I’m definitely delighted to see that the necklace that the model is wearing, is dainty, and “fuss-free.” This is because, I’m almost certain that you’ll agree, that “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” Coco Chanel.
Love, KF X                                                                                            
Happy to help: [email protected] or karens_style on X (Twitter)
This article was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 15th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 11 days
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Song School
(source: © image design credit: Karen Francis/Muzy)
“I'm 'bout to make a scene, double up that sunscreen.”
Lyrics from the song, 'Made You Look (Again),' by Meghan Trainor…
Meghan Trainor - Made You Look (Again) (youtube.com)
Love, KF X
This post was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 15th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 11 days
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School of Style – Comfortable Clothing: 3 Fast Facts
(source: © pinterest.com)
“Wear the damn sunscreen.” –Dr. Shereene Idriss
1. Sunscreen Say – Gentlemen, why don’t we begin by discussing the importance of sunscreen, especially as the model appears to be tanned. Hopefully, it is a fake tan (the only ‘safe’ tan, as skincare experts would advise). Now gentlemen, I accept that the topic of sunscreen is a highly contentious and debatable topic. And as my amazing aesthetician recently told me, “Karen, there is so much skincare misinformation online.” The bottom line is gentlemen, I wear sunscreen for ‘insurance’ purposes. Why? Because, arguably, sunscreen is the best anti-ageing product on the market. According to London-based devoted dermatologist, Dr. Anjali Mahto (whom I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, twice! Sorry, I just love authors, and you know that I’m a bibliophile, so I think that it’s so cool when I get to meet authors so I can thank them for sharing their wisdom), in her book, The Skincare Bible: Your No-Nonsense Guide to Great Skin, “Fine lines, wrinkling, uneven skin tone, pigmentation and textural changes occur because of damage from sunlight.” Gentlemen, that is the reason I wear my sunscreen daily, and I hope you do too. Because as they say, “Prevention is better than a cure.”
2. Groomed Guy – Next up gentlemen, shall we move on, and talk a little about the model’s pink pullover, before we go on to discuss his ‘perfect’ presentation? I absolutely appreciate the fact that the hoodie isn’t too fitted, but rather on the large and slightly loose side. A word about the model’s great grooming gentlemen, if it is your day off, and you do decide to ‘dress down,’ please aim to have impeccable grooming. Being impeccably groomed, will work wonders for your confidence, and as Kamal Jahid said in his book, Style and Masculine Elegance: How to Dress Like a Real Gentleman, “If you don’t dress up, look neat.” It’s the least you can do, so that you feel good about yourself, even if it’s your day off. I like the quote, “When you feel good, you look even better,” and believe that it is absolutely accurate.
3. Absent Accessories – To close and conclude gentlemen, based on my experience, in the world of fashion, ‘sports style’ outfits, do not usually require you to wear any jewellery, except maybe a watch, as jewellery and sportswear tend to look out of place. I’m therefore grateful that, the model’s stylist refrained from adding a necklace to his look, which could have obstructed the logo on his pink pullover, if he had decided to leave it untucked. What a classy and careful finish! Because, remember what Coco Chanel once said? If not, here’s a polite reminder, “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”
Love, KF X                                                                                            
Happy to help: [email protected] or karens_style on X (Twitter)
This article was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 15th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 14 days
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Song School
(source: © glitter and hearts wallpaper/wallpapers.com, image design credit: Karen Francis/A+ Signature)
"I just can't stop."
Lyrics from the song, ‘Spicy Margarita,’ by Jason Derulo & Michael Bublé...
Jason Derulo & Michael Bublé - Spicy Margarita (Official Music Video) (youtube.com)
Love, KF X
This post was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 12th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 14 days
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Sophie's Style Secrets
(the above photo, is of one of my most recent personal purchases, accompanied by a handwritten note, from myself)    
“I always spent money on books, I never viewed it as an expense, that's an investment to me.” Naval Ravikant
“The point is not to pay back kindness, but to pass it on.” Julia Álvarez
“Focus on how you can rather than how you can't.” From the book, 'Be Obsessed or Be Average,' by Grant Cardone
Love, KF X
This post was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 12th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 18 days
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Song School
(source: © embellished heel/pinterest.com, image design credit: Karen Francis/A+ Signature)
"And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for while."
Lyrics from the song, ‘Just The Way You Are,’ by Bruno Mars...
Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Love, KF X
This post was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 8th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 18 days
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School of Style – Nice in Navy: 3 Fast Facts
(source: © stylecheat.com, via pinterest.com)
“If your hair is done properly and you have on good shoes, you can get away with anything.” –Iris Apfel
1. Hair Health – Ladies, I wish to open today’s article, by discussing the model’s stunningly sophisticated hairstyle. I absolutely appreciate the fact that her ‘beach waves’ hairstyle, shows off her earring, as you may have noticed. Now ladies, a word about healthy hair: I had the good fortune of meeting a customer whilst working at Selfridges, in 2009, if I may recall. I was working for the fine jewellery brand, Links of London at the time (which is sadly no longer trading), and my customer turned out to be a fantastic hairdresser, who was interested in purchasing a hairbrush charm for her charm bracelet. We began a discussion about haircare, and she told me something along the lines of, “hair straighteners (flat irons) are very bad for the hair. Imagine pressing all that high heat onto your hair.” Can you imagine the damage being done? The reason for sharing our conversation ladies, is that, if possible, aim to make hair care a priority, and try and limit the use of heated hair appliances, if it’s feasible of course, and save them for special occasions. Moreover, healthy hair will always be a confidence booster ladies, as according to Dr. Anna D. Guanche, in her book, Seven Days to Sexy: Insider Secrets from a Celebrity Beauty Doctor, “Bad hair can undermine your self-confidence.”
2. Easy Earring – The next point ladies, is about the model’s elegant earring. In her book, L is for Lady: Lessons in Life, Manners and Style, Sarah Tomczak rightfully reminded me to, “Choose either dangly earrings or a big necklace, but not both.” Less is usually more ladies, so I’m hugely grateful that the model’s stylist decided to limit the use of jewellery, by selecting earrings, as opposed to a necklace, which as a result, promotes a polished and pristine finish, as well as a “clean” and “clutter-free” look, in the words of amazing author, Coleen Rooney. Personally, I am forever encouraging my clients, to take a more ‘minimal’ approach, when it comes wearing jewellery, despite my work experience in the jewellery industry, as mentioned in the above paragraph.
3. Wondrous Wrap – Finally ladies, let us now proceed to talk about the model’s statement sequinned wrap dress, which takes “centre stage.” Ladies, if I was asked to select a clutch bag for the model to carry her belongings in, I would not hesitate to select something that is muted and minimal. Nothing too fancy, and nothing too fussy. Something in a simple colour, and material. Definitely, no sequins to match her dress, no polka dots, no leopard print, no zebra print, but rather something basic and boring. Otherwise, she might look like she is “trying too hard.” This is because, the dress is “doing all the talking.” As well, you and I both know that “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance,” as stated by Coco Chanel.
Love, KF X                                                                                            
Happy to help: [email protected] or karens_style on X (Twitter)
This article was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 8th September 2024
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love-karens-style · 18 days
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Song School
(source: © image design credit: Karen Francis/Muzy)
“I love your smile.”
Lyrics from the song, 'I Love Your Smile,' by Shanice…
Shanice - I Love Your Smile (youtube.com)
Love, KF X
This post was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 8th September 2024
0 notes
love-karens-style · 18 days
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School of Style – Nonchalant in Navy: 3 Fast Facts
(source: © pinterest.com)
“I realised I wanted to make clothing which was as universal as jeans and T-shirts.” –Issey Miyake
1. Dark Denim – Gentlemen, allow me to begin by discussing the model’s jeans. According to some denim connoisseurs, it isn’t always necessary to launder your jeans after every wear. Denim is indeed durable, but if it is due to be laundered, please do remember to turn your jeans inside out, to help prevent the colour from fading. Also kindly remember to wash your jeans with similar fabric colours, as the dye on newly purchased denim, can sometimes “run” and potentially transfer onto other clothing. Gentlemen, if I were married, and had to style my husband, I would steer him away from ‘light wash’ jeans. This is especially because, most good fashion experts would advise that this type of denim looks too casual. I also believe that dark denim, as pictured above on the model, is the way forward, as it is sophisticated, smart, and can take you from dates to dinner. A great investment, in my view, as it gives a more ‘formal feel’. Bearing in mind, that “It’s always better to be overdressed than under,” as marvellously mentioned by Jake Millar, in his book, The Modern Man Guide: A Guide to Being the Ultimate Gentleman – Without the Boring Bits.  
2. Teeth Talk – Secondly gentlemen, I’m sure that you’ll agree that it is infinitely important to keep your teeth in tip-top condition, by making regular visits to your dentist, and or hygienist. Here is what author Adam Kisiel had to say in his book, How to be an Attractive Man: 101 Simple Things You Should Do But Are Not Doing, “Make a habit of regularly visiting a dentist to have your teeth checked.” In between appointments of course, you must ensure that you are taking responsibility for your own oral hygiene by flossing religiously, in order to help keep gum disease at bay, and I hope that this serves as a reminder for you, as poor dental hygiene could potentially result in low self-confidence, whereas maintaining your mouth increases self-esteem, and is a great self-love practise, as I’m sure you’re probably aware.
3. Shirt Say – In third and final place gentlemen, I absolutely adore just how elegantly and effortlessly the model’s shirt perfectly pulls the whole outfit together. As you may have noticed, the burgundy beanie (hat), and the navy v-neck cardigan clearly complements the fabulous flannel shirt. As well, if you ask me, this outfit makes for a great ‘transeasonal’ look, as we approach the autumn (fall) season, which can be confusing to dress for, given the sometimes unpredictable weather conditions, here in the United Kingdom. I love how the model's overall look is also simple, and is a carefully and co-ordinated, casual outfit, where the colours work well together. Because, as Coco Chanel once said, “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”
Love, KF X                                                                                            
Happy to help: [email protected] or karens_style on X (Twitter)
This article was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 8th September 2024
0 notes
love-karens-style · 20 days
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Song School
(source: © glitter wallpaper/barbiesnortsglitter.tumblr.com, image design credit: Karen Francis/A+ Signature)
"But I continue learning."
Lyrics from the song, ‘The Reason,’ by Hoobastank...
Hoobastank - The Reason (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Love, KF X
This post was researched, written, edited, produced & published by Karen, on 6th September 2024
0 notes