love-lol-jpop · 6 years
lol (エルオーエル) - trigger dope song, dope mv ♥
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love-lol-jpop · 6 years
srough trans: lol members introduce themselves; name, age, hometown Emcee said lol is an artist so they hardly had a chance to have direct interaction with fans, unlike youtuber where they mostly interact with viewers so questions get answers easily. Thus, the emcee will ask hot questions as fans’ representative. yusuke teased “Questions like favourite food?” and moca jokingly answers “Such as vegetables?” Q1: Who has a lover? yusuke, naotti, honoka: *bombing sounds* (tn: emcee is good!) yusuke: Haven’t had one for 5 to 6 years hibiki: Sounds like a liar naotti: I also don’t have any bc to the fans, I am their boyfriend ✨ honoka: Me too, I don’t have a lover (naosuke not buying it), but I do have someone I like/crush on hibiki: I suffered from one-sided love. I don’t have a boyfriend but I do like someone moca: For me- naotti: moca is amazing! (indicates she has someone or is popular) moca: No no no! I don’t have one for now but I do want to experience falling in love naotti: You want to (fall in love)? (big bro doesn’t approve! haha) Q2: (love) between members? honoka: Naah, we don’t feel that. We mostly fight with each other. Since yusuke is from Hokkaido, we occasionally went there to play at his house (all agree) Q3: Is there a member you dislike? *no one raised their hand* (my babies might fight a lot but they love each other!) everyone: so who did (raised their hand)?? yusuke: I feel that the youngest (moca: me???) would have some resentment towards the older members hibiki: I’M PRETTY SURE YUSUKE RAISED HIS HAND (savage queen xD) Q3: Among the three girls, which one you would date? yusuke: All of them have their own charms but if I have to choose, probably not honoka… not moca as well. so yeah, hibiki (REJOICE HIBISUKE FANS) emcee: Are you sure you don’t have anything going on (between yusuke and hibiki)? 😀 yusuke: of course, not! naotti: If I have to be serious… oh, not honoka for sure (yusuke: yes, not her) lol, you guys!. If I want to date, it has to be moca (asdfghjkl I’m sorry, I ship them). I do muscle training a lot and moca takes care of her diet/food so it compliments with what I do. (5:23 secs: emcee face is me) emcee: I asked the boys which among you girls they would date hibiki: Oh no, I don’t want to date either of them moca: If I were to date, that would be naotti (MY SHIP IS SAILING AHHH.) Both me and yusuke are O-blood, we love to joke around but naotti is a bit serious (stoic) so it balances hibiki: Eehhhh (she really is honest haha), I seriously don’t want both. But I guess, yusuke? (OKAY GUYS, HIBISUKE IS REAL). Same reason with moca but opposite actually. Naotti is so serious, but yusuke is opposite so I won’t get annoyed so much honoka: I seriously won’t date any of them (lol, their feelings are mutual! haha) but I guess, Yusuke bc he’s funny, nice and loves to laugh hibiki: But whatever it is, none of them are good (I seriously love hibiki here). We just choose bc there was no one else besides two of them
Q4: Where do you want to go for a date? moca: Watching movie. But that guy (naotti) would definitely want to go to the gym (hibiki: exactly). Okay then, we go to the gym and I’ll do my favourite activity there (hibiki: THAT’S NOT A DATE!) hibiki: But naotti likes *** (I’m not exactly sure what it is but its something related to night/stars) (emcee: that is so romantic!) moca: Ohhh, true! I want to watch shooting stars then! (after that emcee told about her experience on shooting stars and the girls are just amazed) The rest of the video, just emcee summarizing everything and thanks lol for coming. Note: I pretty much sums everything and obviously didn’t translate the whole thing, just core parts. There might be some wrong translation but I hope you guys know roughly what they were talking about. Feel free to correct me!
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love-lol-jpop · 6 years
lol (エルオーエル) - love & smile (short ver)
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love-lol-jpop · 6 years
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Hello, lol family~! To celebrate lol’s achievement to finally hold a concert in Zepp Diver City and our blog 2nd anniversary (this 10th June!), we’re holding a giveaway! The two winners that we will pick randomly will receive lol’s new single “Love & Smile” CD + DVD version! All of you just need to follow the rules:
• REBLOG this post. Just once and no likes • You have to follow us :) • We would like to really give this single as a present to lol family who have been supporting them so in order to make sure that you really a fan of them: » Please send us an ask/a message on who is your bias! (if you’re still trying to get to know them, just tell us who is/are the member(s) whom catch your attention!) » Why you love them! ^^ » And tell us what is your favourite song of them ♥ • The single will be shipped to you home including the tax will be paid by us too. That’s it!
The entry will be closed a week after Yusuke’s birthday, June 18th 2018! All the best~!
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
lol (エルオーエル) - ice cream (short ver)
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
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lol (エルオーエル) at PINK WANDER HALLOWEEN event | 10.28.2017
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
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Rejoice, lolfamily! Today (10/1), lol made an announcement that we all (discreetly) have been waiting for :D They’re officially reveal their actual age after two years being kept in a dark (though most of us already speculate it xD)
naoto | 1994.9.18 (23) yusuke | 1996.6.11 (21) honoka | 1996.8.26 (21) hibiki | 1997.8.3 (20) moca | 2001.2.13 (16)
Well, there you go! xx *10/1 = lol, so it’s lol day on 10/1! (do you get the pun?)
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
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honoka, hibiki & moca - GYDA
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
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26.08 ♥ happy birthday, honoka!
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
lol (エルオーエル) - hanauta (short film ver)
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
lol - perfect summer MV
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
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Happy Birthday, Sato Yūsuke! ❤ (June 11th)
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
lol will release their 1st album on August 2nd 2017 titled as 「lolol」 . There will be 3 versions:
[CD+DVD] lolol【MV DVD】
2017-08-02 AVCD-93705/B  ¥4,104 (tax included)
CD tracklist: 
01. fire!  
02. ladi dadi  
03. spank!!  
04. bye bye  
05. boyfriend  
06. girlfriend  
07. party up!!  
08. hanauta  
*there will be 10 tracks in total (two new songs (including promotion song) have yet to be announced)
DVD tracklist: 
01 fire! music video  
02. ladi dadi music video  
03. spank!! music video  
04. bye bye music video  
05. boyfriend music video  
06. girlfriend music video  
07. shake shake music video 
08 *Untitled track* music video.  
[CD+DVD] lolol【LIVE DVD】
2017-08-02 AVCD-93706/B  ¥4,104 (tax included)
CD tracklist: 
01. fire!  
02. ladi dadi  
03. spank!!  
04. bye bye  
05. boyfriend  
06. girlfriend  
07. party up!!  
08. hanauta  
*there will be 10 tracks in total (two new songs (including promotion song) have yet to be announced)
DVD tracklist: 
LIVE DIGEST (lol live tour 2016【101】). 
[CD only] lolol
2017-08-02 AVCD-93706/B  ¥3,000 (tax included)
CD tracklist: : 
01. fire!  
02. ladi dadi  
03. spank!!  
04. bye bye  
05. boyfriend  
06. girlfriend  
07. party up!!  
08. hanauta  
*there will be 13 tracks in total (five new songs (including promotion song) have yet to be announced)
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
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I want to be by your side baby can you be my girlfriend? I don’t wanna be just a friend just the two of us forever
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love-lol-jpop · 7 years
lol (エルオーエル) - girlfriend MV short version
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